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Enter valkyrie

Summary: 4 Ubojit Cubs are in a crate and xanya decides to feed them.

Cast: Xanya, Sadie, Kethren, Gea.

Air Date: June 25, 2654

Setting: The Field - Impiruil Baile

Grass of a cyan blue covers the ground, each blade like a tuft of hair; soft to the touch. Wildflowers, some in clumps and some singly making brave attempts at survival, shine in a variety of colors and make a stark contrast to the monotone grasses they attempt to hide within. A steady tract of flat land gives way to undulations that gradually rise into hills to the north, the furry covering of grass giving way to glimpses of magenta stone as it ascends. Waves of purple permeate from the west, as does the subtle aroma of heather. From the east and southeast, a cacophony of as yet undiscovered species of frogs, birds and insects all add their voices to the strangely familiar chorus. Eerily, no sound but the howling of wind, even stronger and more vociferous than that of the nearby mountains, comes from the northeast. A camp has been set up here. Designed to cause the least damage to the landscape possible. A med tent, a mess tent, a tent for meetings, and several tents of all different sizes are set up for people to live in. There is a fence which surrounds the perimeter with guards stationed in intervals as well as certain openings which are also guarded with towers.

Visitors to the planet please do not leave the camp without escorts from Danu. Wildlife, plant, animal, or mineral, is not to be removed without permission from the Danu Chroi government. The local wildlife is dangerous, should you not follow the rules and should you be injured or killed, Danu Chroi will not be responsible for your actions.

Contents: Exits:
{{{contents}}} {{{exits}}}

Kethren nods "I don't think Floriana dislikes you, she was just curious... Hrm. That power supply, I trust it's not harmful at all?" Keth and Gea are in the field, chatting away about stuffs.

Gea takes a moment as the power supply charges up to answer Kethren. "Oh no, it's perfectly safe. Cold fusion, no core material at all." With a smile and a vague look of triumph, the positronic turns to look at the field receivers on each tent. "Ok, we're going to cue them one by one. Tents first, then the security grid." The first structure to be brought back on-line is the mess tent. Several of the Danu members that had been milling about during the power-outage quickly flee into the interior, one of the team of engineers disappearing inside at a far more languid pace. While the resident tents are brought back online, and the laboratory and engineering tents are added in, the mess hall monitor returns, ice cream cone in hand. "Everything looks good there, ma'am."

Kethren nods as all the lights start coming back on "Ah, good good. We're all rather fond of this place, be a shame to see it get too beat up... Can't wait to get the city built, though. That's gonna be somethin special."

Xanya wakes up sitting in the field on a chair next to the crate with the Ubojit cubs. She looks around and wonders whats going on. as she sees power going on tent by tent. "what is all this noise about? I was trying to get some ...." as she speaks she hears the cubs mew. unsure if sadie is awake she grabs a bottle and tries to feed the cubs one by one. Trying to do it just like sadie would. "there there little ones, foods comming." She says softly and kindly to the cubs. Kethren and gea are in the field talking to eachother.

Once all of the tents have again been given power, the positronic frowns at the medtent, shaking her head. "We'll have to skip that for now, until it's empty. We can have all of the ill evacuated to the Cro, when a doctor's awake and can supervise." The newly erected laser projectors are addressed then, the navigator sending the engineering crew scattering to the various appliances with a wave of her hand. The power supply's remote control is hung on her hip for the time being, and she regains control of the schematic tablet. A couple of taps of its surface bring up the security array, and the construct begins to reconfigure it, as well. The process is short, and mere seconds later, a thin web of green lasers flicker into being, fully surrounding and capping the encampment. Kethren nods "Well, that looks interesting enough. What'll it do, exactly?"

Gea, chucking, turns to face Keth. "Oh, it's a closed-access laser grid. Anything that's larger than your standard butterfly that breaches it will alert the security team. Not that I disagree with Zu's roving guard patrols, but seeing as we've had unwelcomed visitors lately, I thought that full coverage at all times would be appropriate. It's not dangerous or offensive in the least. Well...I didn't fully test it on some of the planet's insects. I might have just made the universe's largest bug-zapper. We shall see, in due time."

The cub that Xanya has picked up begins to mew even louder than it was doing when it was hungry. The mews become sputtering and hissing as razor sharp claws come out to scratch at Xanya's hand and anything they can reach. All the noise wakes Sadie up, to which she immediately looks at Xanya. "Xan!" She swiftly grabs the kitten from Xanya and puts it in the crate. "I /told/ you to be careful, Xan! They don't really know you yet!" She looks to where Xanya would be scratched up, her hand most likely. She sighs as she reaches in her bag for something to clean Xanya's scratches and some gauze to wrap her hand with.

Kethren nods with a slight smirk "Ah, good. Yeah, I'd rather not have any further such visitors, certainly not unannounced. Keep an eye on the bug zapper though... if it does end up working that way, I think everyone would appreciate some minor tweaks there." Gea nods to Kethren's comment "Oh, yes. The frequency can, of course, be lowered. I'm just not positive what that would do to the effectiveness of the laser grid in relation to the increased level of hydrogen in atmosphere. It might render some of the longer distance projections inaccurate." A shrug is given, and again the holoimage begins to tap at the tablet. "Now I just need to set up security, so that they can't be deactivated on a whim. And Vessa is certainly not getting her hands on the code." With shifty eyes, the positronic makes sure that her voice-with that statement-doesn't carry too far.

Kethren laughs "She'll definitely want it though. But yeah, we can't have her running off like that. No matter /how/ good the results may've been this time. Incidently, could you get some guys to take a look through the areas she zipped off to? I think a few pieces of her armor got left behind... I'd rather like to have any that're found delivered to the Gizmo so I can do any necessary repairs for her."

Gea smiles with self-satisfaction, all sectors of the security grid blinking bright blue upon the tablet; a sign that they are active and secured. "Excellent." A brow is quirked at Kethren, though, and the construct purses her lips before asking the questions that are on her mind. "What's that? How did she lose her armor? I can download her tracking signal from last night and we'll retrace her steps. Is she alright?" Kethren shakes his head "Oh, she didn't lose much of it. She just lost a few bits on the jaunt that resulted in her coming back with Nari. She may well have had them retrieved already, I'd just like to be sure of the details so I can make sure she's properly protected when she runs off, or goes hunting, or whatever else she gets up to. Last I saw she was fine."

Kethren smirks "I take it that's a yes, then?" Keth and Gea are inside the mess tent, and Floriana has just leaped over to Gea's shoulder for a change.

Xanya sighs a bit sadly as she is being scratched. "sorry, I was just trying to help out."

Gea laughs more and shakes her head. "No, no. That is no acceptable disciplinary action!" As another unruly member of the land-crew is thrown out of the tent, the positronic's hardlight from quickly cycles through transparency, and back to corporeality. "Though present it to the council as a whole. Perhaps the regulations need to be amended."

Kethren snickers "I wasn't intending the idea as disciplinary so much as just getting the tent a little quieter. Zu would probably be fine with the idea, but I rather doubt I could get it past the rest. Ah well."

Sadie nods to Xanya. "I know you were! I just want you to be safe. You have to take it slow with them. They /are/ more used to you than anyone else, but they are still pretty wild." She takes Thor out and feeds him. As Thor starts to fall asleep, she pets him slowly. "Ok, now, slowly pet his back, not his head." She smiles up at Xanya.

Xanya nods and gently pets thors back. "so that was it? there back is the right spot? now wonder. I was petting there heads. My cats back home loved it when I pet there heads." she says as she gently keeps petting the thor cub.

Gea nods in appreciation of this revelation. "I've noticed that Zu does like extreme measures. I'm sure he would approve. I, on the other hand, like to treat all sentient beings as such...rather than animals."

Kethren nods "Oh, I tend to agree. I doubt Floriana there would've chosen me if I didn't. But I won't deny it's a satisfying thing to daydream about sometimes." About when her name's mentioned, Floriana nods vigorously before leaping back to Keth and scurries around his neck a couple times. Sadie nods and smiles as she watches Xanya and Thor carefully, looking for any signs of distress in the cub. "They're wild, you have to take it really slow."

Xanya nods as she gently keeps petting thor's back. "I must have over looked the them being wild part." She says and keeps looking to thor for the cubs reactions.

Gea gently pats Kethren on the shoulder and smiles a bit sadly at him. "It's too bad more people don't take that position. I've got to go, though. I need to adjust the inventory on the cro, and reports are pouring in because of the power-outage. Take care." With that, the positronic walks back into the field.

Kethren waves to Gea "So long, enjoy the day, et cetera." Floriana waves as well, then Keth finally gets to seeing about collecting a cup of coffee.

Sadie smiles as Thor begins to purr loudly. She moves Thor into Xanya's arms. "There you go, nice and easy." She grins as she looks at the two.

Xanya smiles as she gets thor in her arms and gives the little guy her full atention. "he there big guy. My name is Xanya. are you enjoying yourself a bit there?" she says as she keeps petting his back.

Kethren yawns a little as he exits the mess tent, coffee in hand, and looks around the field to see if anything interesting's going on.

Sadie grins and yawns slightly as she watches Xanya. "See? You got him now." She giggles softly.

Xanya nods as she keeps petting thors back. "seems like it alright. I wonder if it will stay like this as he grows up. and how the others might react to me. I want to help you raise them as best as I can."

Kethren sees the pair kittysitting, but stays well out of the way, drinking his coffee.

Sadie smiles as she looks at Thor. "I-I think I really want to keep him. Maybe a female too if I can manage to tame one like Thor." She picks out the smallest female and sets her in her own lap, feeding her slowly. She looks up at Xanya, smiling.

Xanya smiles looking to Sadie feeding an other cub. "You want to keep two for yourself he? that leaves two more. what will be there faith?"

Kethren goes back into the med tent just long enough to drop off his coffee cup and comes back out tapping away on his pda.

Sadie shrugs as the female begins to purr. "I'm not sure. I was hoping to release at least two back into the wild. Maybe they can start their own pack or something." She smiles softly.

Xanya nods. "sounds like a good idea." She says sounding slightly sad but only for a few seconds as thor gets her atention agian. "you hear that big guy. Sadie likes you enough to try and keep you. so you better learn to like her and protect her you hear me?"

Kethren stretches a bit and sits down next to the med tent door, out of the way, and gets back to tapping on his PDA. He hates to interrupt.

Sadie looks down at the cub in her arms and gasps. "Oh! This one has it's eyes kind of open!" She giggles as she holds the cub up to Xanya, to which the cub sniffs in Xanya's direction and mews softly. "I think she wants you to hold her!" She squeals.

Xanya smiles and nods then gently tries to hand thor to Sadie and take the female cub from sadie. "oke thor don't move to much now. I'm handing you to sadie. you know the one you and I like so much?" She says with a giggle.

Kethren sighs a bit. Tired of looking at his PDA's screen, he hits a few things to pull up the holo-plans and starts fine tuning the fountain manually. Sadie giggles as she takes Thor and hands over the slit-eyed female to Xanya. The female sniffs Xanya and immediately begins purring. "Huh.." Sadie chuckles. "That's interesting." She smiles.

Xanya smiles at the purring and gently starts to pet the slit-eyed female cub on her back. "hello there little ladie. My name is Xanya. What is your name? or should what should we call you?" She says smiling.

Kethren makes the holo-fountain a little bigger so he can get a better look at the fine details as he works.

Sadie shrugs as she smiles to Xanya. "Do you have any ideas? I haven't spend much time with any other cubs but Thor." The cub purrs louder as Xanya speaks to her and pets her.

Xanya raises her shoulders. "I got no real idea's. Well I had two cats back home one male which Was named Tijger and a female named Two-face. But the last was only named such because her left side was grayish and her right side of her face was redish. I don't think that fits this black beauty here." She says as she keeps petting the female cub and keeps thinking.

Kethren mutters a bit and gets up from his spot by the med tent, and walks over a ways, about halfway to the Gizmo, where there seems to be better light. There he sits and resumes work on the city.

Sadie shrugs. "I dunno, I think she liked when you called her Lady. I think it's up to you, though. She's pretty attached to you it looks like." She grins and nods as she beings to pet Thor's head and he purrs. She looks over and watches Kethren as she smiles.

Xanya snaps her fingers... or would have if she wasn't bussy petting the female cub. "lady sounds nice yes... but not sure if it fits her properly. I just thought of the name 'valkyrie'." She says and looks down to the female cub. "what do you think little girl. Do you like to be called 'Lady' or 'Valkyrie'?" She asks the female Ubojit cub.

Kethren nods briefly at Sadie before getting back to work on the holo-plans for the excitingly wooden fountain for the town center.

Sadie looks back at Xanya and nods. "I like that one, I wonder if she.." Before she finishes, the female nudges Xanya's hand. Sadie begins to laugh and nods. "I think that she likes that too."

Xanya smiles with a giggle and nudges the female back gently. "alright then, valkyrie it is." She says softly and then continues to gently pet valkyrie Smiling brightly to the Ubojit cub.

Kethren yawns a bit as he nudges the holo-roots around to make a more pleasing aesthetic.

Sadie laughs and nods. "So I'm guessing Thor and Valkyrie are staying with us? Can you build an enclosure for them at our house?" She grins at Xanya.

Xanya nods. "of course I can. I was already thinking of building a.... pasture I believe it's called. it a large grass area for horses to run around in. or walk if they prefere. I think I can easely adapt that for these two Ubojit to use. that or I make a compleetly seperate room for them and leave the pasture for the horse. that is if you want to bring any over here that is." She says all this as she keeps petting valkyrie.

Kethren taps his chin thoughtfully, and just stares at the holo-plans for a bit.

Sadie beams and nods. "Yes, I still want Ara here! But I think any horses will have to be separate from Thor and Valk. They'll always be wild animals, and I wouldn't want Ara to get killed." She nods slowly, thinking about her words.

Xanya nods agreeing. "I thought you would say that. I'll add the Ubojit encloser to the list of musthaves for our house.

Kethren sighs and crumples the hologram up into a tiny ball before shoving it back into the pda.

Sadie nods to Xanya. "Yay!" She giggles as she looks into the crate. "I guess you two will be making a pack of your own. Good thing one of you is a boy and the other is a girl." She giggles.

Xanya giggles and begins to yawn a bit but keeps petting valkyrie. "you hear that valkyrie? your going to have a home one of these days. isn't that great?"

Kethren stretches a bit "Yeah, yeah, I know, I need to get the city plans ready for construction..."

Xanya yawns some more and then gently puts valkyrie back into the crate with the two other ubojit cubs. "sweet dreams valkyrie. I will see you again tomorrow. and don't worry i won't go far. I prepared some things so I can sleep out here right next to you." She says speaking to valkyrie and then takes out some stuff from a back and goes to make a camping bed to ly on for the night along with a blanket and a pillow to keep her warm.