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Xanya's Guide to Saga Points

In this guide I will try to explain the various ways you can obtain Saga points and why saga points can be important.

Why should I want Saga Point?

Saga Points are another way of paying for things in game. Unlike the Hekayti credits however Saga points are considered an Out Of Character(OOC) currency. Saga points are useful when you want to craft items like armor, ships, robots and more. Since most items you can craft cost Saga points to make. In order to know how many Saga points you currently have you can type the command: +sheet This will bring up your characters sheet. When you look at it you will find your Saga Points in the top right corner.

Monthly payout

Each month you(and everyone else) will get saga points based on your total amount of badge points. To see what your amount is Type the command: +sheet/badges In this screen you will see what badges you have and how many points they are worth. At the bottom you will see the total amount of all the badges and belts you have. It's this amount that will be added to your Saga Points each month. This amount can be increased by collecting badges and belts.

Getting your (Meta) badges

To know what badges you can collect you can go to the website On this site you will see a large list of the different badges you can collect and how to earn them and not to forget how much Saga points they are worth. You even have different categories for the badges, namely: Joiner, Participator, Explorer, Teacher, Publicizer and Contributor. Each of these categories have their own set of badges. When you have collected a certain amount of badges from one of those categories you can get your very own Meta badge from the Meta list at the top of the page.

Tip: You don't have to follow the list from top to bottom. You are free to go for any badge anywhere on the list. Just look at the list and pick a badge you think will be easy to obtain.

When you think you qualify for one or more badges you can send a Staff Request using the +str system. To know how to use it Type the command: +str/help This will show you with what you need to know to send a Staff request. Make sure you say why you think you qualify for the badge and add any kind of proof you can in the Request to let the Staff know how they can check you are qualified to get the badge your requesting.

For example: Let's say you just made an account on the forums and you want to get the "Forum Account" badge. With this you might want to add the name of your account on the forums so that they can check it themselves. I find this important to do so that the staff does not have to do extra work to check out if your claim for the badge is true or false.

Donations Another way to get Saga points is by Sending in donations to help out this wonderful game. For each $1 you donate you can get 100 Saga Points. You can read more on Donating at the website:

More in the series: Xanya's Guide to