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Flash: Dead Found Walking!

Posted By: Loki Article: MAR10-1 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Comorro Reported At: Mon Mar 01 00:35:38 3010

Several beings of various races were found in a locked room on Hekayt Prime. There was no explanation as to how they got there beyond the ones offered by them. All claimed to have been dead previous to their appearance. Further investigation is being done to find out how it was the beings came to be in the locked room and to get to the bottom of their claims. More as it comes in.

Toveil leaders deny walking dead claim

Posted By: Brody Article: MAR10-2 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Hekayt Reported At: Mon Mar 01 00:39:12 3010

KJERNKOR, HEKAYT PRIME - Leaders of the Toveil caste on Hekayt Prime deny that they have managed to resurrect the dead in the dark matter-gathering facility 10 miles below the surface of the planet."We can confirm that several individuals materialized in our facility after we began gathering dark matter," said the text of an official news release from the facility's management. "However, they appear to be quite alive and healthy. They are resting comfortably and should be free to depart within just a few days."The containment system appears to be working properly, they added.

Ex-Zar stole dark matter

Posted By: Brody Article: MAR10-3 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Hekayt Reported At: Fri Mar 05 21:14:01 3010

KJERNKOR, HEKAYT PRIME - Sources in the facility below Kjernkor are reporting tonight that Hideg Fekretu, the ex-Zar of the Koltkamir, successfully teleported into and out of a storage facility - escaping with a container full of volatile dark matter.Facility managers shared this image from their security cameras: *Holovid image shows Hideg Fekretu's face through the visor of a containment suit*It is believed that Fekretu accomplished this heist with the aid of Thul-owned Kamir artifacts capable of teleporting individuals to and from specific locations.

Svajone invites recent "walking dead"

Posted By: Brody Article: MAR10-4 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Comorro Reported At: Fri Mar 05 21:23:50 3010

In a brief statement read earlier today, the Svajone expressed interest in those on Hekayt Prime who claimed to be dead. "Mr. Mikage, while skeptical of unfounded claims that a group of the formerly deceased are living once more, would like the opportunity to meet these alleged former dead on the Svajone in the near future." When asked if Mikage believed the claims, the spokesman said, "While he is skeptical of any claims of returning to life, he is aware of a number of similar events occuring."

Remembrance Roll stalls Grandmoot proceedings

Posted By: Brody Article: MAR10-5 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Hekayt Reported At: Fri Mar 05 21:45:45 3010

KJERNKOR, HEKAYT PRIME - Shortly after Ledelkrig representatives on the Hekayt Grandmoot introduced a proposal to indefinitely detain intruders discovered in the dark matter-gathering facility far below the planet's surface, Toveil members called on their Konterbeid colleagues for a Remembrance Roll.This ceremonial procedure, usually reserved for special holiday gatherings, may be invoked once every 30 days as a tactical measure to delay possible action on a pending issue.It takes about four hours for the Konterbeid bookkeeper to chant the entire list of Hekayti who have served on the Grandmoot in the past 500 years.

Lotorian colony attacked by pirates

Posted By: Brody Article: MAR10-6 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Hekayt Reported At: Sat Mar 13 12:17:18 3010

The Last Star, a Lotorian Colony ship, was viciously attacked by Medlidikke pirates on the edge of Hekayti-patrolled space yesterday around noon. According to station officials the attack was unprovoked.Several levels have sustained heavy damage. Bodies are still being recovered.According to initial reports only one hostage has been taken, but as of yet no ransom has been demanded for the Lotorian pilot Itrit Fraral.

Svajone introduces Keant Station plans

Posted By: Brody Article: MAR10-7 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Comorro Reported At: Sun Mar 14 11:58:26 3010

SVAJONE - Earlier today Svajone engineers unveiled a virtual tour of what is currently being called the Keant Class space station."The designs are similar to the Svajone, but simplified to serve as a residential deep space colony rather than a mineral processing facility." the tour guide explained.When asked about the Last Star Lotorian colony, a Svajone spokesman said, "We welcome the Lotorians to enter into negotiations to acquire a station as it is completed and make sure it is to their required specifications."

Svajone Prepares Exploration Prizes

Posted By: Loki Article: MAR10-8 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Comorro Reported At: Mon Mar 15 00:00:37 3010

Svajone - A short time after unveiling plans for the Keant class civilian station, the Svajone also revealed the existance of a crash program to augment Outverser exploration efforts.The spokesman went on to say that there was a minimum reward of 200,000 credits for "Unclaimed worlds which meet Outverser habitability standards."The spokesman declined comment when asked how much money was budgeted for the program, but sources within Svajone Command indicate the amount is at approximately 1.5-2 million credits.

Last Star refuses to die

Posted By: Brody Article: MAR10-9 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Comorro Reported At: Mon Mar 15 10:38:05 3010

Lotorians on board their station, Last Star, have begun the scheduled repairs.Representatives from the station have said that they are in contact with various relief organizations but have yet to name any. "We are grateful for the azzistance offered to uz," Spokeswoman Rezza told interviewers today in the middle of their landing bay, as it was undergoing repairs.In response to Svajone's new plans for the Keant class station Rezza shook her head and told interviewers: "Our familiez have been living on Lazt Ztar for many yearz now, we are not leaving her in her time of need."Rumors have been leaked that the station may be beyond repair, and will eventually fall apart. Spokeswoman Rezza refused to comment on this.

TDF begins construction on new vessel

Posted By: Brody Article: MAR10-10 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Comorro Reported At: Wed Mar 17 15:49:48 3010

KJERNKOR, HEKAYT PRIME - The Trade Defense Fleet, led by the Demarian, Razorback Cliffwalker, has begun construction of its first new vessel. The construction is to be overseen by engineer Dement Herrbich in the starship fabrication facilities on Hekayt Prime. This will be the third acquisition for the TDF, which has been working to escort more trade vessels and prevent attacks such as the one on the Last Star."Thiss rrregion must be made ssafe forrr Outverrrsserrrs alike," Cliffwalker told reporters, "We arrre fascing a sslow sstarrrt, but hope to gain morrre cooperrration frrrom the ssurrrrrrounding goverrrnmentss. The Medlidikke will not be allowed to continue theirrr activities, norrr will any of ssimilarrr bent."

What's missing?

Posted By: Brody Article: MAR10-11 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Comorro Reported At: Sat Mar 20 17:50:19 3010

COMORRO (CNB) -- The mixed group of Outversers and Lotorians that had been at work with homebrewed equipment in one corner of Comorro Station's massive landing bay are still there. But the equipment -- and whatever they had been using to build it -- is gone.What happened?An Outverser was using Comorro Station real estate as part of an improvised drydock, fabricating and selling budget air- and spacecraft, according to three Lotorians who worked in the crew. Comorro News Bureau spoke to each Lotorian independently; because they had signed confidentiality agreements to work on the crew, all three requested and were given anonymity. The leader of the team, identified by our sources as Joshua Nicholas MacNamara, is an Outverser who previously made headlines last year by materializing in, and largely destroying, a clothing shop in Comorro's tradeport hub. Law enforcement sources aboard Comorro say MacNamara managed to cross over to this universe from an Outverser universe thanks to a transdimensional gateway of his own devising -- but the device did not work as intended, and MacNamara spent the early part of his time in this universe in a coma.Are there similar safety concerns with the spacecraft made under his supervision, on a salvage-grade drydock in Comorro? Advanced techniques in miniaturization, robotics and computing from the 31st- and 41st-century Orion Arm give us quality control and reliability far ahead of what's otherwise available here," MacNamara told CNB in a prepared statement. "There is no uniform set of regulations in this universe for starship manufacturing and safety standards, and the people who are suffering from that are the customers of other shipwrights. I wouldn't sell a ship I wouldn't fly in myself." But between the statement to the press and the release of this article, MacNamara's shop was dismantled. The Lotorians we spoke to said the Outverser took core components, such as computers and key robotics servos, and left the rest to his former crew as part of their compensation. Where did it go? The Outverser declined to comment, and our sources couldn't say. -- Kreznik Klamtakk, CNB

Svajone: Outversers Have Right to Prosperity

Posted By: Loki Article: MAR10-12 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Comorro Reported At: Thu Mar 25 00:31:08 3010

Svajone - Mr. Mikage, the leader of the Svajone, gave a prepared speech via holoviewer as the anniversary of the Svajone's founding approaches."Outversers, like any sentient being, have the right to self determination and prosperity." Mikage began, before speaking about the long term objectives of Svajone Command, the government on board the station. Some of the listed objectives included a, "Definitive homeland so that Outversers may flourish culturally, Initiation of a program to restore advanced cultural and scientific knowledge as well as an education endowment as the Outverser population increases.Mikage also made reference to the progress made in the past year, thanking the citizens of the station. He finished with a call to unity, "Those who share the core values of our culture are welcome to join us in our efforts to create a prosperous future."

Aukami pirates terrorize space stations

Posted By: Brody Article: MAR10-13 Reported To: VOA Reported On: Aukam Reported At: Sun Mar 28 11:29:54 3010

More than 200 merchants are reported dead after recent attacks by a gang of Aukami pirates.Sources report that the pirates, under the command of scientist Yanos Kraa, are armed with a deadly Kamir artifact.In other news, Captain Riata says that three Medlidikke pirate ships responsible for attacking the Last Star were destroyed. Details are unavailable at this time.

Scandal on Ye Olde Trade Street

Posted By: Brody Article: MAR10-14 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Comorro Reported At: Tue Mar 30 22:21:00 3010

Newsfeed #25966: :: Local Station 7 :: --==Linking Feed... Successful==-BROADCAST 70-=Reporter: Rose=-Scandal On Ye Olde Trade Street!A grey Llivori vessel launched from the docking hub of Comorro today at 1530, carrying what is believed to be a criminal passenger. Mr. Beltaro Siln, a Lotorian trader, is suspected to have caused nine counts of mild food poisoning, and is assumed to have fled Comorro. Comorro Security forces are now investigating as to whether it was Mr Beltaro's food that caused the incidents, if so he may be accountable for over 20000 credits in compensation.It is now known that the Lotorian Trader is wanted on two colony ships, and the planet of B'hira on counts of smuggling and fraud. So far the vendors who bought and sold his food have refused to comment. One of the victims of the out of date food claimed to see Mr Beltaro selling his wares to several vendors in the Tradeport of Comorro last Thursday evening. "He was real shady lookin', always slinking about, I thought he was gonna shoot someone." Elair Y'viri, one of the victims, told reporters. Reporter Rose saw the Lotorian trader enter an unmarked black Llivori shuttle at 1530 today. There is a small bounty from the B'hira office on Mr Beltaro's head, any information leading to his capture will no doubt result in a reward. More as it happens.-=::FEED LOST::=-

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