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Battered Arrival - Sanctuary

Summary: A damaged Phyrrian tries to find out about a calling and how to get itself repaired

Cast: Leucohyle, Rathenhope, Gwen, M9RU-9K

Air Date: 03:27 PM - Saturday 04 February - 2654 AD

Setting: Sanctuary - Flight Deck

A high, broad chamber that serves as the flight prep and launch deck for the Concordance Station colony ship. A blister module high atop the port wall, above the entrance, serves as the control tower. To starboard, a wide slit opens onto the blackness of space. The cargo bay is aft.

Contents: Exits:

Making a sputtering sound every so often, m9ru-9k hovers near the landing space of the shuttles...

Another shuttle comes in to land. A spherical robot with multiple jointed limbs, rather arachnoid in appearance, scuttles out first, followed by Leucohyle, the small, pale, humanoid, and the another spherical bot, this one about the size of a beach ball. The humanoid peeps carefully around the flight deck, motions almost mirrored by the 'bots, and then she carefully pads down the ramp. The attending robots start a radius patrol around her, metallic limbs ticktickticking against the deck plating. A sputter from m9ru-9k seems to catch her attention almost immediately, and she beelines (albeit very, very carefully) in that direction.

As the shuttle has landed, the large robot hovering near the landing pad does not seem to react in any way to it. A close observer will notice that the machine is not completely upright when it sputters, but almost immediately regains perfect balance, the correction being accompanied by a deep, humming sound. As the humanoid with it's robot approaches, the bulk of the machine seems to turn slowly, the grey domes on the top pyramid turning white...other than that, there no visible reaction to neither Leucophyle nor the other robot.

This female humanoid appears to be either in her late teens or early twenties, and seems, for lack of a better word, to be the personification of "mathematical human average." She is of average height, that being approximately five feet, five inches tall, and is somewhere in the range of one hundred and twenty pounds.
Despite her very unassuming bearing, her ivory-pale skin is smooth and blemish free, her precisely-trimmed nails are buffed to a natural shine, and her teeth are exceptionally straight and white. Her chestnut-colored hair, while strikingly short, is also well-kept, brushing against the tips of her small ears in glossy, feathery tufts. Slender, somewhat sparse eyebrows sit above clear, hazel eyes, completing her mild-mannered appearance. What is -not- average about her is a complete lack of marks upon her skin; no scars, no moles, and no hair other than her scalp and eyebrows. The delicate tracery of pale blue veins can be seen beneath this expanse of unmarked skin, along with equally delicate patterns of circuitry. A fine, Y-shaped structure of glossy black metal outlines her eyes, along her cheekbones and over her brow ridges.
Presently, she is dressed in a very sensible outfit of black trousers with a faint houndstooth pattern, a pair of nonconductive soled non-skid low boots, and a soft v-necked blouse in heather gray. Over her shoulder is a rugged-looking canvas engineer's bag, unadorned except for a screen print of an orchid on the top flap. A wide variety of tools and assorted pieces of technology poke out of pockets and holsters, and a walnut-sized, multi-limbed robot is perched upon her shoulder. Two or three more similar, albeit smaller robots scuttle to and fro between her hair, shoulders, glasses, and pockets. From a pair of glittering black ports at her temples extends a glossy black wireframe that snaps shut over the bridge of her nose like a pair of half-glasses; however, the lenses themselves are holographic.
Wrist Holoviewer <Right Wrist>
Konterbeid Datamaster Glove <Hands>
Light Force Field <Body>
Neural Interface <Implant>
Limbic Model "Iota" Conveyance Assistant <Riding>
Limbic Model "Omicron" Self-Defensive Assistant <Follower>
Limbic Model "Epsilon" Observational Assistant <Follower>

Leucohyle cants her head to and fro, observing the machine and all of its accompanying movements and noises. With the faintest of whirring noises, a pair of glossy black wires extend from the ports at her temples, folding forwards to snap into a pair of half-frames at the bridge of her nose. Holographic "lenses" hum into place, and data starts scrolling across the lenses. Omicron, the basketball-sized spider bot, and Iota, the beachball-sized spider bot, continue patrolling with little variance. "Hrm," the little humanoid says. "Hello?"

m9ru-9k shows no visible reaction to the address nor to the many activities the small humanoid triggers...again, the robot makes a sputtering noise that clearly originates from one of the domes on the lower pyramid. A close observer will notice that one of them has the smear of color on the otherwise shiny surface as if something has made contact with it and left part of their painting on the robot. All of a sudden, the domes on the top turn a shade of green and one marked with an X turns towards the humanoid, a pleasant, soft voice of a human female can be heard, perfectly modulated but without true life in it, "This unit greets the bio-unit. What is the nature of the emergency?"

Leucohyle blinkblinkblinks. "Errrm, n-no, I am at present experiencing no manner of emergencies," she says, in her little fluting voice, fiddling her fingers together. "I er. Well. Not to to be -forward-, but I noticed that either your stabilizers or or your propulsion unit is f-functioning under ideal operational-capacity." She leans back a little bit, as though she's said something that might be potentially offensive.

Rathenhope has arrived.

With a violent sputtering and an ear-splitting howl, the tip of the large robot suddenly leans to one side but with a metallic screech, the faces of the lower pyramids suddenly open op, massive leg-like structures flick out and with a groan of metal, the machine rests on 4 spider-like legs. The humming and sputtering subsides and the robot stands firmly on the ground...

With a soft, electronic whine and a vocalized, startled 'pip!' noise, Leu hops a distance backwards, a fairer distance than her 'desk jockey' physique should be able to produce. The large amount of loud mechanical sounds has apparently spooked the little humanoid. Chestnut hair frizzing, she peeps out from behind a bench, her robo-escorts scuttling with a clatter in front of her. She, and the pyramidal-robotty thing that's making all the racket, are over by the shuttle landing/waiting area.

Rathenhope strolls into the flight deck, still apparently getting used to the layout of the station as he spends several moments looking around before starting off towards a pile of crates. At the noise from the robot, however, the Martian tips his head, looking towards the pair and moving towards them with a frown.

As Leucophyle takes cover behind the bench, the robot turns again and moves quite agile a slight bit closer, pauses for a few seconds and then the pleasant, female voice can be heard again, "The analysis of the bio-unit is mostly correct. One of this unit's gravitic drives has been damaged." Again, there is a pause, then it adds, "The bio-unit can emerge again. It was never in danger, this unit's capability of coping with a power loss only resulted in a minute chance of any damage to nearby other units." A thin filament emerges from the center bulge of the machine and after it moves to and fro for a few seconds, the voice can be heard again, "This unit also cannot detect danger. What is the reason of the bio-unit to analyse this unit's damages?"

Leucohyle clears her throat. "Errr... a-apologies, I have genetically and cybernetically enhanced senses which s-sometimes results in a nonproportional reaction to external-stimuli." She pads back around the bench, smoothing her jacket and completely failing to smooth down her frizzing hair. "I'm er, 5824553, verbal-designation Leucohyle Hall. And er. Well? My primary motivational function is the creation, repair, and proper maintenance of mechanical units, including but not limited to appliances, vehicles, manufacturing machinery, AI-controlled robotics, remotely controlled robotics, sapient robotics, and Phyrrians." She trails off, looking around shyly. "It's what I I do." "Is everything okay over here?" Rathenhope asks Leucohyle carefully, a look being shot up towards the Phyrrian. He doesn't appear to have heard the previous conversation towards the two. "Does this unit belong to you?" he asks the woman.

This human is approximately 5 foot 8 inches tall. His skin is tanned to a light brown with many freckles dotting it, though his Caucasian heritage is still evident. His features are smoothly set into his face, giving an appearance of youthfulness. His brown eyes look out from under a pair of thin black eyebrows. His jet-black hair is of medium length, slowly growing out.
He is wearing a black flak jacket with long sleeves covering his arms all the way to his wrists, and visible just at the top of the jacket is the collar of a black shirt, folded over. A pair of dark brown trousers are on his lower half, encircled by a lighter brown belt, with various pouches attached to it. He is also wearing a pair of grey boots, which are laced up to his ankles.

m9ru-9k emits a slight, whirring sound and the domes on the top pyramids turn into a shade of blue as Leucophyle speaks. The machine does not make any move until the other humanoid comes closer, now it becomes clear that the "X" on the domes marks the front of the robot as it turns to Rathenhope, not waiting for Leucohyle to respond to him, the soft female voice sounding strange as it emits from the bulk of the machine, "This unit is subject to the overmind only, bio-unit." Turning back to Leucohyle, the robot adds, "This unit computes a very low chance of the bio-unit creating subjects of the overmind...but a higher chance of repairing them. This unit's designation is m9ru-9k. Primary rescue and extracion unit." The domes on the top pyramid turn grey and the machine falls silent.

Leucohyle just blinks between the two other conversants, and then musters up an awkward, wobbly smile for Rathenhope. "Eryes, what sh-she said. The er extension of her manual stabilizers made a bit of of a -noise- and it startled me but there's no need to be concerned, really. I-startle-easily." Her own robots, spherical arachnoids of varying sizes, impassively follow the flow of conversation with many polycarbonate lenses. She nods to m9ru. "Yes'm," she replies. "I I er have repaired Phyrrians and am under the appropriate nondisclosures as to their mechanical design. As is polite, of of course. And I I did recently assist in the reconstruction of my friend the diplomatic-scientific unit. It it was -delightful-." After a few small hops on the balls of her feet, she dips her head to Rathenhope. "Er, s-sorry. I'm, I'm Leucohyle Hall. I er. Well I sort of -work- here, although primarily I am supplying the assistive robotics for the security." Pause. "It's a bit -large- here, isn't it?"

Rathenhope smiles at that, offering a nod to both of them. "A Phyrrian. I apologise, I can't always tell on sight." He tilts his head towards Leucohyle. "Ahh, yes. Thomas Rathenhope, XO," he introduces himself to the both of them. "It is certainly large. I still find myself getting lost," he adds with a smile to Leucohyle. "Is there anything I can assist either of you with?"

Again, a slight whirr is heard as the two humanoids speak, the robot extending a stubby, antenna-like item from the central bulge of it's body, then withdraws it again and the large bulk turns to Leucohyle again, "This unit cannot reach any subject of the overmind here, unit Leucohyle Hall. I have no way to verify if you are qualified or authorized to assist this unit." After a short pause, the large robot turns to Rathenhope, the female voice wavering sometimes as it speaks, "This unit is in need of materials to repair it's damaged systems. Since this unit cannot procure them itself, it will be in need of assistance, bio-unit Thomas Rathenhope, XO."

Rathenhope takes the hand and shakes it gently. "A pleasure to meet you, Ms. Hall. I look forwards to working with you. Though I suspect we won't be working together that much, as you're far more intelligent than I am," he remarks with a grin. m9ru-9k gets a slight nod. "What materials do you need? We may have them on board, though at the moment we are only just spinning up operations."

Gwen has arrived.

[Skill System] m9ru-9k tests its Engineering + Repair at a modifier of 0. The result is 5.

As Leucohyle sticks out her hand to Rathenhope, m9ru-9k once more produces some form of sensoric appendage from the central bulge and whirrs slightly as it points it to the conglomerate of flesh and circuits. As it is addressed by Rathenhope, the domes on the top turn slightly red and the soft female voice is heard again, this time dropping in pitch by several levels before reaching the normal tone again, "This unit has not completed the analysis of the damage. There is a high probabiltiy of a damaged or destroyed gravitic emitter, bio-unit Thomas Rathenhope, XO." Falling silent, it all of a sudden turns with a clanking sound to Leucohyle and adds, "Does the bio-unit Leucohyle Hall know a unit designated as DS-X?"

Leucohyle perks up. "Wh-why -yes-, yes I do, ma'am," she replies to the large robot that she, Rathenhope, and her own small robotic entourage are standing near. "DS-X, verbal designation 'Darius' is the er, Phyrrian unit that I I assisted in the reconstruction of after the the Minerva failed to return from its mission in the time specified in the parameters left behind by unit DS-3633." She fiddles her fingers together, rapidly. "I-fix-things."

Across the deck strides a woman with two people trailing along behind her, each carrying a tablet and taking notes as she speaks. She gestures off to the different hangers and their points of origin, nodding as she listens to the responses and continuing onward. They're making a slow circle which eventually brings them up on the small group. "G-g-good afternoon," she greets politely, looking each person or robot over with critical blue eyes.

Rathenhope nods to the Phyrrian. "Feel free to call me Tom. Thomas Rathenhope is my full name, XO is my role aboard Sanctuary," he explains agreeably. "We will do what we can to supply you with the materials you need. Ah, Ms. Risoli. How are you settling in?" he asks curiously.

This slender, willowy figure tops out an inch or two shy of five and a half feet. When left unbound, dirty blond hair streaked with locks the shade of honey fall to the middle of her back. Her skin is pale, though maintains a healthy glow, with a small dotting of freckles across her small nose. Stormy blue eyes set themselves into the heart-shaped face, blending a slate grey and ice blue together for a unique shade. Inquisitive brows and expressive lips finish her appearance. She is a woman of activity and possible athletic nature, marked by the muscled curves of her frame and wear along the palms of her hands.
A black business suit hangs off of her frame in a loose fashion. The pants are a bit baggy, the jacket straight cut, white blouse buttoned high on her neck. Black flats cover her feet. Aside from a simple silver chain that always hangs around her neck, hidden beneath clothing, she wears no jewelry. A pair of rectangular, wire rimmed glasses perch on her nose. Her long blond hair is pulled back into a utilitarian french twist.

The arrival of another humanoid does not seem to cause any reaction in the robot, the "marked" dome still fixed on Leucohyle. If that dome is a special sensor or if the machine only emulates "looking at someone" can only be guessed. After a few seconds of silence, the now high-pitched voice of a human female can be heard again, "Acknowledged, bio-unit Leucohyle Hall. If you meet with the DS-X unit again, you can transport the message that this unit has understood the call but is unable to compute why they should meet." Turning to Rathenhope, it adds, this time in a husky, almost sexy voice, "Positive, Tom. This unit can offer compensation in from of assitance in dangerous environments or emergencies in return for a gravitic unit." Finally, it seems to acknowledge the new arrival by turning it's "eye" to her, not speaking though.

"Mr. R-r-rathenhope," Gwen replies with a nod in greeting. "This ship is m-m-much larger than stories always led me t-to believe," she says with a gesture around her. "I have b-b-been enjoying learning about the vessel." Pushing back her golden hair she looks to Leu and extends a hand. "Gwen Risoli. O-operations Liaison for Sanctuary," she introduces. The Phyrrian just gets a look before her attention is back to the other woman before her.

Rathenhope tilts his head upon noticing the expression on Leu's face. He offers her a light smile and turns back to the Phyrrian. "Well, certainly. In that case, Ms. Hall here is without a doubt the best person to work with you to source the materials for your repair. She works for Sanctuary and comes highly recommended." The smile stretches as he nods. "Looking at her existing work, I think you'll agree there is likely no one better on Sanctuary to see to your needs."

As Leucohyle waves, m9ru-9k turns it's attention to her once more, the soft, female voice almost whispering, "This unit will be compensating the bio-unit Leucohyle Hall for this service. Furthermore, this unit informs the bio-unit that marking it with a gender because of it's voice is not needed. The effort was noted regardless." Then the machine focuses Rathenthope again, the voice whining as it moves from bass to soprano, "Unfortunately, this unit is a subject of the overmind and as such, any units attempting repairs on this unit must be authorised to do so. The damage is not great from what my analysis reports indicate, so with a proper replacement part, this unit will be able to repair most of the damage." Pausing a bit, it then adds, "Should the bio-unit Leucohyle Hall's authorization be positive, this unit will fall back to her, since some parts cannot be properly repaired by this unit alone." A whirring sound is heard as the robot moves slightly to balance, then it adds, "What will be the proper compensation for a gravitic unit in this location, bio-unit Tom?" The other humanoid is still properly ignored, for whatever reasons.

"Leucohyle Hall," Leu replies to Gwen, shaking the offered hand with a small, pale, circuit-traced hand of her own. Her handshake is feather light and rabbit quick. "I er, I I build robots for Miss-Reilly and am not entirely certain if if I require an official title or anything." After a brief, wide-eyed pause, she blurts, "And and I'm not making light of your speech-patterns I er, well. I th-think faster than I can properly articulate so sometimes I will repeat or pause or stutter etcetera and that's probably needless information I do apologize there are an awful lot of -new- people and yes your assessment that this station is -larger- than advertised is very, very correct." Rathy gets another wobbly, appreciative smile, but it's drowning somewhat in all of the awkward. "Th-thank you, XO Rathenhope, for your endorsement; errr, however, I I may not be acquainted with this unit's Overmind so er well it will complicate the repair process."

"P-p-pleasure, Miss Hall," Gwen replies with a nod. She turns back to her previously forgotten companions. "C-c-continue the rounds without me and provide m-me with your notes when I r-r-return," she says before looking back to Leu and Rathenhope. "H-h-how long will you b-b-be on Sanctuary, Miss H-hall?" she asks curiously. A pause as she thinks. "A-a-are you the same Miss Hall f-f-from the news?"

Rathenhope nods to the Phyrrian. "Of course. However, I still believe that Ms. Hall is the best person to assist you for the time being. She is the most qualified to locate a suitable gravitic unit for your needs." He pauses as he considers the question. "No compensation is required. We would not charge for an organic's medical treatment - within reason." He looks towards Gwen. "I hope you agree with me on this, Ms. Risoli?"

A soft clanking sound is heard as the machine shifts it's weight a few times, apparently in a pattern that will prevent it's weight from causing damage to the surface the spiderlike legs rest on. As Rathenhope falls silent, the quivering voice immediately replies, "This unit is no organic. If no compensation is required, this unit will accept this." Pausing again, it then adds, "Locating the gravitic unit is not subject to special authorization, only the repair. This unit shall communicate with the bio-unit Leucohyle Hall about the aquisition and thanks the bio-unit Tom for the assistance." With that, the robot falls silent and turns, focusing Leucohyle again, but not addressing her, the sensor-dome turning blue as it appears to observe and listen.

Leucohyle fiddles her fingers together. "Oh er, probably no more than two to three hours, I I traveled here today to er, better assess the appropriate number of Observational Limbic teams to er, assist your 'SanSec' division with mapping, patrols, and and surveillance." Her eyes go out of focus behind her holo-spectacles, and a walnut-sized robot scuttles out from one of her pockets. "Er this would be an an Observational Limbic, I I realized just now that not everyone may have read the er, whitepapers provided to Miss-Reilly." She pauses to show the 'bot in cupped hands, and then glances sideways, somewhat shyly. "Er yes that that was me on the news. I'm er, terribly sorry it it had to come to that but well the people, as defined, at er Vortek were causing trouble and I I rather have little tolerance for shenanigans."

[Item System] Leucohyle shows you her Limbic Model "Epsilon" Observational Assistant:
Limbic Model "Epsilon" Observational Assistant - Observational Limbic
This spherical robot is approximately the size of a walnut. Its underbelly is studded with tiny polycarbonate lenses, and it scuttles along on eight jointed metallic limbs. On occasion, it will utter an electronic chirp. (Grants +2 to refereed Photography taskrolls, and +2 to Sight taskrolls if the user has a Neural Interface.)

"Yes," Gwen replies with a nod to Rathenhope. "I-i-if Miss Hall has n-no objections." She leans in to get a better look at the bot, her eyes narrowed ever so slightly. "M-m-most intriguing she muses with a smile. "I would l-l-like the opportunity to speak w-w-with you regarding your work at some point. It is all v-very fascinating." She looks back to the Phyrrian and Rathenhope. "I-i-if we are going to require Miss Hall's skills in the r-repair then make sure to invoice her time in the needed manner."

"Of course," Rathenhope responds to Gwen with a small smile. He looks back to the Phyrrian. "Indeed. That was my point. We wouldn't charge for medical treatment for an organic, why should we charge for repair to a non-organic?" His attention is then drawn by the Limbic. "Very impressive, Ms. Hall."

The small robot that is shown around seems to make the Phyrrian curious as well, the machine extending a flexible sensor once more, pointing it at the mechanical marvel in Leucohyle's hand. A slight whirr is heard and the sensor withdraws, the female voice heard again, "This micro-unit seems advanced. Are you it's creator, bio-unit Leucohyle?" The curiosity in the voice is surely a coincidence as it adds, "This unit was not aware that a bio-unit could construct such intricate units without help."#

"So er, if if you see them around the er, structure, they're, well. On your 'team', as-it-were," Leu murmurs, spreading her fingers so that the little bot can 'walk' up and down them. "I I should probably see about getting the teams here imprinted with a sort of logo or er, 'uniform', as-it-were..." A couple of images scroll across her holo-specs as she sinks into thought, and then snaps out of her reverie with a few puzzled blinks. "Invoice? Er. Well, I really do not tend to place a monetary value upon my time, seeing as with increasing advances in genetic technology my lifespan is is t-technically limitless, but I have no objections with helping someone in need of repair because I I like fixing things... so..." She turns to m9ru-9k. "Oh yes, I've constructed this series, and er the Self Defensive System... and the Conveyance Assistant... and also some Personal Care assistants, they're even smaller... I like to build things." The other robots come scuttling forward as they are named, metallic limbs going tickticktick against the deck plating.

[Item System] Leucohyle shows you her Limbic Model "Omicron" Self-Defensive Assistant:
Limbic Model "Omicron" Self-Defensive Assistant - Medium Orb Combat Robot
This spherical robot is approximately the size of a basketball, standing about a foot and a half on eight jointed metallic limbs. The faint glow of a repulsorlift is visible from its ::underside, and its front is studded with multiple polycarbonate lenses. Below these lenses is a round aperture, sealed with a spiraling shutter. Behind the shutter is an Electro-::Muscular Disruption deployment appendage with the option to dispense extended range cartridges. (Stats: one energy weapon appendage (Base Skill 7) and one melee appendage (Base ::Skill 7))
[Item System] Leucohyle shows you her Limbic Model "Iota" Conveyance Assistant:
Limbic Model "Iota" Conveyance Assistant - Rocket Sled
This spherical robot is approximately three feet in diameter, featuring a front studded with polycarbonate lenses and a sturdily-clasped set of double doors on its back. It also has ::retractable wings on its sides, and a pair of rocket nozzles on its back. It scuttles along, always remaining within a certain radius of its mistress, multiple jointed limbs ::ticktickticking as it moves. (This item gives a +2 bonus to Jumping and Dodging when in use during a scene. It may only be crafted by players who received the Rocket Sled Schematics in ::December 2011.)

"V-v-very impressive," Gwen murmurs as she studies the other projects put forward. "Mr. R-r-rathenhope, when you have a moment, I have a few things I n-need to discuss with you," she adds.

"Certainly, Ms. Risoli. I think now might be a good time?" Rathenhope suggests lightly, smiling to the Phyrrian and Leu. "If the two of you do not mind us leaving?" he asks.

m9ru-9k turns it's sensoric dome to Rathenhope and replies with a high pitched voice, "This unit has no reason to consume more time slices of the bio-unit Tom. Thank you for your assistance." With that, it turns to Leucohyle, adding, "This unit has to recalculate it's assessment of the bio-unit Leucohyle Hall's skills in repair. It appears that if the bio-unit is authorized, it would be most beneficial for the repairs of this unit's damages." A short pause later, it gives a whirr and squeaks, "This unit will now go into a diagnostic routine which will impair it's ability to communicate." Having said this, it falls silent, the sensoric domes turning grey again and it stops any motion, although still focused on Leucohyle.

Leucohyle pauses in the display of nerdity to look at Mister Rathenhope and Miss Risoli with some puzzlement. "Errr... well. I I don't know where anything is kept here, yet... are there repair facilities? I I mean we've only just met I wouldn't ask m9ru-9k to just er, well, come back to my laboratory I I think that's a bit -forward-, and all." She fiddles her fingers together again, a fluttering gesture. "But I I er obviously won't keep anyone from their proper business."

"F-f-for now you may make use of the Civilian Hanger," Gwen replies to Leu. "W-w-we do not have m-many people coming into Sanctuary yet and y-y-you should be able to find tools that you may need." She looks over to Rathenhope. "U-unless the XO has a b-b-better thought?" Rathenhope laughs quietly. "I actually am still learning my way around, so that sounds like as good an idea as any. There should be a map further into the station, but it is very easy to get lost here."

// unit deactivates for diagnostic routines //