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Avelyn Nightveil

Avelyn Nightveil
Avelyn Nightveil of Fastheld
Species or Race Fastheldian
Gender Female
Height 5 feet 6 inches
Weight 130 lbs
Skin Color N/A
Hair Color Blond
Eye Color Blue
Biological Age 23
Date of Birth 600 ATA
Died N/A
Spouse N/A
Residence N/A
Profession N/A
Employer Freelance
Character name Avelyn

Avelyn Nightveil is a young tailor of growing reputation through Fastheld. She is notable for her refusal to settle in a single location to set up shop, but instead travels through the realm, plying her trade.


As a small child, Avelyn was known around her small community outside of Light's Reach as being a sweet child, always willing to please. With her youthful beauty and intelligence, her parents had hopes that she would rise into some position of prominence - marry into a strong and wealthy family. She followed in her older sister's footsteps on most occasions, wanting to learn and be more like her. Her sister was more of an outdoorsy person, learning to hunt and track from their father. While Avelyn wanted to also be included in this, her mother instead tried to force her into more womanly pursuits, like sewing, cooking and the arts.

When Avelyn was nine, she left the care of her family and found herself in Hedgehem, though the reasons surrounding this move are unknown. She was taken in by a couple there and grew up in a loving family who apprenticed her at a young age to a local tailor, hoping that she would make it her trade.

Teenaged Years

After finishing her apprenticeship at the age of sixteen, Avelyn had several marriage proposals from other local youths who were preparing to enter the world for themselves. She turned down each offer, declaring that she would find much more and left Hedgehem and her adoptive parents to make it on her own. Plying her trade as a traveling tailor, she was able to experience much of what Fastheld had to offer, though she kept away from Light's Reach and the surrounding areas. For the next several years, she continued in this path, starting to gather a name for herself as a reliable and skilled tailor, gathering most of her business from the nobility who appreciated her fine eye for style and attention to the most minute details.