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Owner of the Bull and Hawk Tavern.
Species or Race Fastheldian
Gender Female
Height 5 feet
Weight 115 lbs
Skin Color N/A
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Biological Age 25
Date of Birth 606 ATA
Died N/A
Spouse Adaer Vozhd-Kahar (divorced)

Likan Hammersfeld (deceased) Thomas Majors

Residence Bull and Hawk Tavern
Profession Entrepreneur
Employer Self-Employed
Character name Katrin

Over the years, she has been known by many names, but is best remembered in Fastheld as the infamous Viscountess Dianna Lomasa. In Hiverspace, she goes by the name Katrin, very rarely offering a surname at introduction. She is the owner of the Bull and Hawk Tavern on Eiru and in the process of expanding her business.


The story of Dianna Lomasa expands over a series of years, with ups and downs and leaving both physical and emotional scars. Married by seventeen to a man she barely knew, by the time she was eighteen, she was accused of infidelity and of being Shadow Touched. She was forced to go into hiding while pregnant with her first child. During this, she went by the alias Katrin Ebonwood. Months later, she reappeared at Fastheld Keep to beg the Emperor a pardon but instead was thrown into the dungeons. Time continued on and she was finally released after another admitted to the Shadow and claimed responsibility to the problems that occurred in Dianna's life.

She was returned to her family but in a moment of admitted foolishness, returned to Vozhdya, the place she had learned to call home for some time. Misfortune occurred when she went into labor. The Vozhd-Kahar family, infuriated by making them look the fool months earlier, take her to Fastheld Keep afterward and she is banished from Fastheld, condemned to the Shadow District under the name of Dianna Stone - stripped of land and title. The Emperor rescinds this order after some time but Dianna finds it difficult to readjust to life in normal society after the horrors she has seen and the fact that her husband, Likan, has been killed.

Eventually, she manages to regain some semblance of her life with the aid and love of her eldest brother, Arturo, and enters into an agreement with Tor Vozhd-Kahar. The two agree to wed in hopes of ending the strife between the two families. Tor was killed shortly after while serving in the Blades.

After this, she meets and falls in love with a young Freelander courier by the name of Wilesly Sprigg. Dianna is given the ultimatum: Wilesly or your nobility. She chooses Wilesly and becomes Dianna Ebonwood. At this same time, her friend and mentor, Sahna Nillu, offers her ownership of the Hawk and Dove Tavern in the Market District to help her become more self sufficient. For a time, she fades into obscurity and then just up and disappears after she has a falling out with Sprigg.

Dianna eventually returns to prominence and becomes the full time head of the Hawk and Dove. She also acquires the Castle of the Hours as a gift from her brother, Arturo. With her business booming, she also acquires the Thirsty Trout tavern in Hawk's Aerie, a township she has always loved. She is more confident and happy in her life, settling into the life of an independent businesswoman, still a rarity for the times. She is known through Fastheld for her establishments, good food, entertainment and her ability to throw a fantastic party.

Rifting to Hiverspace

One evening, Dianna is passing through on her way back home when she, along with many of her fellow citizens, are sucked through a rift that drops them at different times to Comorro Station. Completely unprepared for what is in store for her, she panicked but several other Rifters manage to calm her and offer a place to stay. She eventually meets Thomas Majors of the Devil May Care and he offers her a place on his ship though it does not take long for them to end up having a one night stand. Shortly after this, she disappears and no one has any idea where she has disappeared to.

Return to Comorro

Almost two years later, Dianna returned to the public eye on Svajone station to apply as the manager of Caral Irit's restaurant. No one can really say what she has been doing in this gap of time missing but she now went under the name Katrin. When pressed for a surname, she will provide Lomasa but for the most part omits it when introducing herself.

Much more confident in herself, Katrin takes the restaurant under her guiding hand and helps increase their business revenue. In this time, she also remeets Thomas Majors and the two embark in a relationship. After a few months, he makes plans to move to Eiru, Pyracan and Katrin chooses to follow him, opening her own establishment, the Bull and Hawk Tavern and Inn, a subtle recreation of the past and blending it with the present. The place is an immediate success with her trying to incorporate several cuisine styles to her menus.

Quickly, Katrin began to build herself up as a prominent businesswoman of Eiru, making money and assisting where possible.

DMC Enterprises

With the success of the Bull and Hawk, Katrin began to have desires of expanding her business, both on the planet also into the stars. Calling in a debt against Majors, she takes control of his ship, the Devil May Care, and begins to re-outfit it for exploration.

Remembering how she felt upon first arriving in Hiverspace, she goes out of her way to offer assistance to Rifters in helping them find a place, whether it be hire them for one of her businesses, or help set up a business of their own, which is how the DMC Shipyard came into existence. All of these businesses are under the parent company of DMC Enterprises, which Katrin remains the owner of.

Caryas Empire

Under the mantle of DMC Enterprises, the crew of the Devil May Care discovered the location of a planet to be named Tavros in honor of Katrin's background. After difficulties starting, her organization moved from their base of operations on Pyracan to the planet full time. During this exploration time, she married her former flame, Thomas Majors, and the two work together for the advancement of both the organization and planet.

The first colony of Riverturn has been built and is growing as Katrin herself works tirelessly to build connections and alliances with both other businesses and governments.