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Specor's Hub is the primary administrative level of the city, and as such people can be seen moving about at all hours, during which the lights are kept on. Administrative offices are built into the arcology structure itself, in some cases being 'buildings' that spawn several stories in height.

       The height of the hubs is approximately 500 feet, in an attempt to make the city feel less cramped.

Chirc is sitting behind her desk in a rather large office. Her desk is rather large with a terminal on it, and the wall opposite her looks to be a set of four muted screens playing captioned news from across the universe.

Leucohyle waits patiently until the call to the office comes, making very little small talk other than a slight 'pip' of amusement and a "W-well would you look at that. Hall's landing, I I wonder if we're -related-." She peeps into the office, followed by two spheroid robots scuttling along on metallic limbs. The smaller of the two has a neatly printed sign affixed to its front that reads "Stun Aperture Disarmed For Propriety." With the tiniest of fluting little throat-clears, the little clone announces her arrival. "Good Afternoon?"

Kethren follows Leu in fairly quietly, scratching the ser on his shoulder as they go. The penguin at his side... well, he's a penguin. He's looking about. As penguins do. "Afternoon."

Maina wanders in after the two, looking about a little warily. She briefly looks amused at Leu's ponderings before giving a nod towards the woman at the desk, offering an "Afternoon," of her own.

"Good afternoon." Chirc says quietly. "I am Minister Alizee Chirc, for those of you who are not aware of me." then she pauses, looking across the group, "Do sit" then she looks over at Maina, "For those of you who sit, that is." then she smiles, "It seems that a recent declassification is of interest, I assume?"

"Leucohyle Amalia Hall," Leu pipes, before giving the chair a once-over... twice-over... then sitting carefully. "These are my colleagues, Mister-Kethren and Miss-Maina of the Danu Chroi. I am unaffiliated but I've found them to be sensible and relatively free of of shenanigans. But yes I am -quite- interested in the related sciences and technologies that appear to be presently in use; as my Father, Alastair Rhys Callum Hall has gone missing along with the entirety of Comorro..." She crinkles her nose in rabbitlike disapproval at this, and the Sivad flavor in her accent deepens ever so slightly. "...I have taken it upon myself to make other -inroads- in the er, in the community. Enlightened, scientifically minded community. As-it-were."

Kethren nods as he takes a seat "Always good to learn something new." Wark!

Maina raises a brow over at Chirc, frowning faintly. "Yes, scientific inquiries are of interest to me. Though I'm unsure as to the details."

"The files were released earlier today, as you well know." Chirc begins. "The Svajone Coalition discovered a time dilation field in one of our systems. Considering the human extinction problem we were facing at the time, the administration of the time used the opportunity to create and populate a human culture." then she smiles, "We are fully human, with lifespans at least as long as other humans, and naturally come with only one variant, which the Riftwalker may notice. In the Ancient Expanse, humans are now noted for their psi negativity than their neutrality, if only due to the population numbers."

"It is -fascinating-, ma'am, I mean I've not a lot of er interest in the time dilation aspect... well all right it's a -bit- interesting but really I'm primarily interested in the genetic engineering portion. Obviously your population is is not prone to the pitfalls of primitive, cost-cutting technologies. So. At least as long? Have you er, placed any resources into development of lifespan extension?" Leucohyle pipes, after listening intently. "Also yes, synaptic sheathing or other onboard defenses are are quite recommended for defense against irresponsible usage of psionics. I've rather found that a large quantity of native psionic users, presentcompanyexcepted, do have a er, tendency to, for some reason, to go rudely rooting around in one's psyche because human minds are -interesting-." She crinkles her nose again. "I've a few projects going on, temporarily-hiatused-due-to-my-ruddy-lab-gone-missing ahem, regarding mechanical improvements to er, human defenses."

Kethren cringes "Yes... I've met a couple of the nosier psionics. It's a lot of why we've got a supply of psi-blockers for official use."

Maina doesn't look terribly thrilled anymore, frowning at Chirc. At Leu's words, she offers, "I hate Riftwalkers, myself. I haven't met many psions that weren't Riftwalkers, though." Her hands fold behind her back, posture straightening and generally taking on a more formal air.

"Our capabilities are far superior to psionic suppression technology, but it does require training." Chirc explains. Then she looks at Leu and smiles, "Lifespan extension? We do have some capabilities in that field, but we have found it preferable to use subtle physical augmentation than genome alteration. I am not an expert on the growing of humans, merely a decendent of those who were created in such a way. We do have our history and the answers we have been given as to our nature, of course."

Leucohyle fiddles her fingers together. Her straight white teeth rake briefly across her bottom lip. "I... see." Her tone remains level, but there is a slight tinge of disappointment in her face. "Well. I mean it's a... it's a -start-, hmm? I'm er... well. Considerably augmented at the genome level. I'm not certain if your establishment has heard at all of Doctor Hall's work? I mean your work is of -course- very interesting and I'd still like to you know have a bit of a network with you and your people if you'd like... vast shortage of enterprising colleagues in Science nowadays. It's all ee-thics and diplomacy and and, 'don't make things that would put other people out of jobs,' etcetera. But I mean I really think, what with being -enterprising- enough to make appropriate usage of a temporal anomaly to, well I suppose you've kept up with current events by not missing any, yes? Ahem, apologies for the bit of a ramble, my mind sometimes generates thoughts f-faster than my body can process them. Anyways I'm very interested in what's going on. If that's all right with your people, and all. Maslow's Hierarchy does place some priority on 'belonging' and well it's a bit -exciting- to see, other... augmented, grown, native, human-sorts. Yes?"

Kethren blinks a few times at Leu's epic rambling, but continues to listen, as he idly scratches the calico on his shoulder.

Maina seems entirely unsurprised by the rambling, raising a brow, "You'd think people wouldn't mind so much if they didn't have to work anymore. Work is dull. I'd make more things that put people out of jobs, I think, if I knew how to go about it." Yes, that's what she picked to comment on.

"The practical problem is not about employment." Chric answers to Maina. "It is about economics and wealth distribution. We were given access to most of the history of humanity as we developed. It has been noted in previous governments that an overall increase in wealth can be quite disasterous to some and cause disorder within the population." a pause, "Of course, we were able to learn from such things when implementing new technologies." then she looks at Leu. "It would seem some of your augmentations are imperfect. I understand it takes time to perfect the process. Our name even suggests it. Nodina is an ancient word from an early language of ours that means 'second child.' So we know that the first time was less than fully satisfactory."

Leucohyle fiddles her fingers together again. "Oh, th-that likely wouldn't have happened if Father's project had gone er, untampered-with. Long story, already taken-care-of-hmm? And and I'm just -peachy- on the er, on the neural-net and am presently capable of communicating in five languages, including Binary, given the appropriate channels. So the occasional ramble, and all, is is well within acceptable parameters. I've also been told, well, take it with the proverbial grain of salt as this did come from a -marketing- person, but that the vocal inflections make me seem more -relatable- to other sapients. Perfection is a societally evocative condition, after-all. Anyways. So. Have you er, facilities? Are you..." Her nose wriggles, briefly. "...propagating biologically or do you have additional production capabilities? If that's not too personal to ask of course."

Kethren nods to Leu "Perfection can be worth looking towards, as long as obsession doesn't set in. When that happens the results are... never perfect." Wark.

Maina wrinkles her nose and gives a shrug, "Perfection is boring." She adds nothing more, mostly listening for now.

"What you lack, and what the original generations lacked, was time for experiences." Chirc says. "You were created to be a daughter to a man, yes?" then another pause as she looks slightly upward, "We were created to be an entire species of children for a man. We were told once we were old enough to understand as a species that it was our duty to save humanity from the extinction crisis it would face."

"I am eight hundred forty-eight days, six hours, eleven minutes, and and five-six-seven-eight seconds old. I have accompanied the crew of the VES Minerva and assisted in the reverse-engineering of the Rift Drive, I have acquired considerable financial holdings, won the most recent Technological Expo, and and have been featured in several engineering magazines. I have assisted in local and large-scale defenses, repaired large quantities of Sanctuary Station, made solid diplomatic relations with Phyrrian representatives, engineered affordable psionic dampening technology, provided investigating forces with evidence analysis, and am presently working on establishing a planetary settlement," Leucohyle rattles off, straight-faced. "And and that's just what I could include in one breath. I I think I've done quite well for experiences, a-anyways. I am Alastair Hall's genetic offspring, yes. But my purpose is my own. Father's rather... insistent that self-awareness requires free will. So I'm well I'm not saving a -species- because I I really haven't one. I'm not entirely human. I'm... well I'm a Hall." She musters up a wobbly smile; the pride is genuine, even if the gesture itself took a bit of work. "Is it... I mean... having a -purpose-. Do you find it to be freeing or confining? All rather fascinating, really..."

Kethren nods "Well, having a purpose can be helpful. If I didn't have other purposes, I don't know what I'd have done after growing Eriacre." Chitter.

Maina purses her lips, remaining silent with a pensive expression.

"Do not misunderstand, each of us have our own desires." Chirc says. "We can fulfill our collective obligation through living our own lives." then a pause, "Actually, one of the reasons the file remained classified so long was the project name. It was named by our creator, and we have little idea why it would be named as such. I studied human religious traditions during my education, but there is nothing about the name that suggests replenishing a species." then she shrugs, "We were told it is one of the final mysteries we would have to solve, however. So says the file. It says something along the lines of, 'The project name brings with it another responsibility.' Of course, that is how we were taught, through mysteries to solve and locations to infiltrate when we were old enough to do so."

Leucohyle listens intently, pale brow furrowing. A line of text skitters across the lower left corner of her holospectacles. "...So there's a -mystery-, then? You've not solved it yet? Have you? I mean if you haven't, and are looking to... well." She fiddles her fingers together. "I rather like a good puzzle."

Kethren grins "Oh, yes. Puzzles are always fun. I think I missed the news feed though. If it was even mentioned there. What was the name in question? I was probably reading more contracts from insane clients at the time. Those're quite distracting. Maybe Aina's right, and we should be rid of them in favor of clients that aren't forever looking for new and exciting ways to not pay us." The calico on his shoulder chitters in a very snickery fashion at the somewhat derailed rambling of the person she rides on.

Maina raises a brow slightly, "Yes, what is the name?" She glances towards Kethren, "People aren't paying us? Who hasn't paid us?"

"Longinus." Chirc answers. "We know the word, we have even asked some riftees what it means. What confuses us is what the name means in relation to being created. If we were named for a weapon, you would think that we would be larger and better suited to combat. Most of our people work with information at desks, if you believe the economic reports."

Leucohyle's eyes drift out of focus for a moment. "Earth... history..." she murmurs, as images and text start running, rapid-fire, across both lenses of her holospectacles. "Gaius Cassius Longinus, usually known as Cassius, one of the assassins of Julius Caesar, Longinus, a Greek literary critic who may have lived in the 1st century, author of On the Sublime, Cassius Longinus, a Roman jurist and nephew of Gaius Cassius Longinus, Cnaeus Pompeius Longinus, a Roman general, Longinus, a possible Roman governor of Britain, Cassius Longinus, a Greek rhetorician, critic and chief counselor to Zenobia of Palmyra, Saint Longinus, the name ascribed to the Roman soldier who pierced the side of Jesus Christ on the cross, Saint Longinus, a companion of St. Victor of Marseilles, Longinus, brother of Eastern Roman Emperor Zeno, Longinus of Cardala, Isaurian leader during the Isaurian War, Longinus of Selinus, Isaurian leader during the Isaurian War, Longinus, the Roman Pretorian prefect of Italy from 569 to 574, Bishop Longinus, a Christian missionary working in Alodia during Emperor Justinian I's reign, Johannes Longinus, Latin name of Jan Dlugosz, a medieval Polish historian." She pauses for breath. "Casca Rufio Longinus, a fictional character based on Saint Longinus in the Casca novels, Longinus, a twentieth century Japanese short directed by Ryuhei Kitamura, Longinus battle armor from the Battletech universe." There is a momentary, eye-watering pause, as she comes back into focus. "Oh and the er yes mythical spear of Judeo-Christian human mythos."

Kethren nods to Leu "Well, that's a few more than popped to my mind. Sounds like it was a popular name." And chuckles a bit before turning his attention back to Maina "Oh, it's just some weird little company out in the middle of nowhere. They've never actually succeeded in not paying us. I think it just amuses them to try."

Maina smirks a bit towards Kethren before giving a nod, "Good." Then she raises a brow over at Leu's antics.

"Impressive list. Normally I have to allow my memory implant to access that level of information that quickly." the minister admits. "That and there is a great deal more information to go off of. We lack a great deal of historical records. We replicate what information we can find, but it is impossible to corroborate any historical knowledge that is not our own. That leaves us with an assassin, writers, philosophers, government officials, and armaments. I suppose it is useful to at least know that the search is broader than we originally understood it. If we could be any of those things, well, it is even more trouble than we originally had."

Leucohyle blinks a few more times. "Oh er, yes. I remember -everything-. From moment one. Except for twelve hours, six minutes, and and forty seconds of fragmentation due to mnemonic tampering. Those... bits are a little -foggy- but everything else is, is all there. I I do a lot of -reading- in my er, unallocated leisure time." She sinks into thought, albeit not as far as previously. "You know, ma'am, if we had er... well, access to perhaps some Orion Arm representatives or or historical information. I mean they've got... humans. Of a fashion at least." She crinkles her nose, and shakes one hand a tiny bit, like a cat who's stepped in something icky. "Although I've heard that genetic engineering is is outlawed on that end. Honestly."

Kethren nods "Yeah, I can believe it. The Earth I came from was downright paranoid about that sort of thing. Which was rather odd, since given the technology of the time, genetic engineering was little more than the fever dream of a madman." Warkwark.

Maina gives a little shrug, "I wouldn't know." She goes back to silence.

"It is one reason we did not disclose the project. We know some react poorly to genetic engineering of any kind, even when it is put to excellent use." Chirc says. Then she adds, "Certainly I can give you access to some of our facilities and staff if you believe you can assist us in this matter."

Leucohyle makes a prim, dismissive gesture. "Oh don't listen to them th-they're just -primitive-," she pipes, and then perks up. "I am -most- certainly inclined to assist you in this matter... Especially if if you've got facilities. My gracious I mean I am simply -bereft-, right now, without the er, labs. It would be r-refreshing to get into a good bit of Science. Hm. I'd I'd have my assistant make arrangements but well he's also gone missing so I suppose we'll have to do this the old-fashioned way." With an unhesitating motion, she unholsters her PDA and calls up the calendar. Here are my er, contact details, feel free to select any open slots, two business days notice please, and and well I er. I suppose I can arrange for any additional minds that would be of use to... inquire as appropriate? I er don't keep company with anyone who has objections to genetic progress. For... obvious reasons." Sniff.

Kethren nods to Chirc "I know you have my contact details already. I can't say any time is particularly free these days, situations being what they are. But so long as I have some warning I can shuffle my other obligations around for the sake of getting some science in. Diplomatic meetings aside, of course. Dignitaries tend to get cranky when you rearrange their visits."