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Pumping the Geek

Summary: Kallyn and Newt seek answers about the stone tablet found in Wasteland Survival from someone on the Keant.

Cast: Kallyn, Newt

Air Date: May 25, 2652

Setting: Keant Station

On the Keant, there's a small 'lab' that's set up to work with various artifacts. Right now there's only one person, a slightly large male human, and the stone tablet.

Contents: Exits:
none none

On the Keant, there's a small 'lab' that's set up to work with various artifacts. Right now there's only one person, a slightly large male human, and the stone tablet.

And now there's two, because Kallyn has slipped into the room without announcing herself. The Aukami's arms are crossed and she simply stands there, attempting to look over the man's shoulder while waiting to be noticed.

Newt follows up soon after, keeping away from Kallyn and standing on the other side of the guy, also silently, looking at him work.

The man starts walking towards the other end, giving him a chance to realize he's gained a couple tails. "I'm trying to work!" he insists. "What is it that you want?"

"What's the deal with the rock?" Kallyn asks bluntly, arms still crossed and eyes tinged a very dull reddish grey.

Newt nods, looking up, "Yeah. What is it?"

"What is it you want to know about the rock?" he asks. "I used to be able to tell people to read the goddamned journal when it was properly peer reviewed." he grumbles, but he starts walking towards the stone tablet anyway. "We sent them down a while ago. We aged them at about 1500 years, but that doesn't mean much until we collect and analyze some of the others we sent down."

"The team that dropped it off - what were their orders?" Kallyn continues simply, even gaze betrayed by a slight and brief added vibrancy to that reddish tinge.

Newt asks as his gaze follows the guy towards the tablet, "How long ago did you guys send it down?"

"The Svajone clock says we deposited it a week ago, roughly." he answers. Then he moves a microscope like device over the upper right corner, "We also etched in the coordinates we deposited it at. We were trying to test how this time bubble is working, and if there was any migration taking place."

"The tribe interacted with the group that dropped off the rock," Kallyn remarks, moving right along, "Was it purposeful or accidental?"

Newt stays silent for a bit and then asks, "Did the group make it back?"

"Didn't hear rumors of casualties." he says, starting to focus the microscope over the corner and put the result up on a screen. "I just look at the artifacts, I don't receive all the details. Though it seems the group migrated south after receiving it, if the coordinates are to be believed."

"Mm," Kallyn falls silent, drifting off in thought for a bit before asking, "Is that significant? Their migration pattern, that is."

Newt asks, looking at the screen, "Who can we ask if they made it back?"

"We're too early to know much about what the migration patterns mean." he admits. As for Newt's question, "Someone higher up who planned the operations than I."

"Anyone specific? Or should we go start with the guy who set us on our way?" Kallyn asks lightly.

Newt nods slightly and repeats, "Uhuh. Anyone specific?"

"Probably a Command level decision." he says. "I'm pretty sure they aren't native to the planet, either. You didn't see signs of anything like Homo habilis, right?"

"Of course they're not native," Kallyn remarks, "Humans aren't even from this universe and the chances of two separate realities developing the exact same species like that is astronomically tiny..." She thinks for a moment, "Um... no, but we weren't exactly looking."

Newt asks, "Homo what?" He looks at Kallun, "If they're alternate realities they could be but I reckon they're the decendants of the team."

"There is something you could do if you're on the list to make another visit." he says. "You'd just need to get some equipment and get blood samples and see about the genetic diversity. If it's very slim you might be onto something."

"So the hands-off approach is officially out the window?" Kallyn asks, "Seeing as how the team that dropped off the rock was in the tribe's lore, and we were unfortunate enough to be spotted and all." She pulls out her scanner and eyes the information, "I took some scans - it's not a blood test of course, but they do seem to be biologically similar to other humans." She frowns thoughtfully at that, before shaking her head, "Anyway, I'd like go talk to whoever's in charge about the missions in a bit more depth. Anything else worth telling on this end?"

Newt makes a thanks at the mention of a blood test, "No thanks."

"Might have to talk to the administrator of the station, pretty busy, though, we're trying to operate this place with as few people as possible, so good luck." the man says.