From OtherSpace: Encyclopedia Galactica
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The beauty, and the challenge, of OtherSpace is that it takes place in a multiverse that allows for infinite parallel realities that evolve simultaneously and independently. It is only possible to experience paradoxical incidents, such as meeting your doppelganger, by traveling through extremely rare rifts that lead to these other realities. In some cases, such as the Palisade Pocket Universe, it is impossible to travel there from another part of the multiverse.

Your character can come from any of the universe variants found on this page or you may feel free to propose your own new variant, which would then be added here for other players to consider as their own "home" universe.

Hiverspace Prime

The realm that is currently the touchstone universe for OtherSpace, the year is 2653 A.D., just a few years after the end of the millennia-long Hiver War. Refugees from the 31st and 41st centuries, fleeing temporal rift disturbances caused by the Kamir-ascended Kip Caspar losing control of his overwhelming god-like powers, have made their home in this region. Many refugees dwell aboard a sentient starship, of a spacefaring race known as the Yaralu, called Comorro.

Normalspace Prime

The classic OtherSpace universe, which takes place 1,000 years from current day (3011, as of this writing). Here, Earth was blasted by plasma bombs and rendered largely uninhabitable, although some survivors exist in undersea colonies. Ungstir was destroyed by the rampaging Phyrrians. Sivad became the first victim of Kip Caspar's "rift apocalypse" when the man carrying the ascended Kamir suffered a heart attack and died, loosing Caspar'kamir's life force energy inside Independence Dome. The resulting black hole swallowed Sivad. Most inhabitants of the colony cities on Luna suffocated in an attack by the Phyrrians during their war.

Normalspace Variant 1

This version of normalspace exists in a reality where it is the year 2651 - 640 years in our future. Earth is untouched by plasma bombs and remains the strong center of the powerful Stellar Consortium. Lord Fagin the Pirate King rules the shadowy troublemakers, privateers, and smugglers of the Fringe. And Vox Hskri Vril leads the bloodthirsty Nall and Vollistan Light Singers of the Parallax in a quest to conquer the stars with the Clawed Fist Fleet.

Palisade Pocket Universe