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There's a palpable air of tension as the Fox pulls away from Comorro, Kiku at the helm, flying the ship. Rillitan has presumably dissapeared into engineering with Bob, and Tia is currently making her way to one of the bunks within the crew room in order to deposit Asherak upon it. The Martian is muttering to herself in Latin, the girl obviously a little bit... twitchy, to say the least. @emit For her part, Rachael is much calmer on the ship. Compared to the fact that she'd just been running from a large amount of Nall. She's a bit on edge, sure, but she's sitting in one of the halls of the Fox against the wall. "Anyone here know anyone that can pressurize ashes?" she asks casually. "I'd like to have a new knife made of my Nall tail tips." For her part, Rachael is much calmer on the ship. Compared to the fact that she'd just been running from a large amount of Nall. She's a bit on edge, sure, but she's sitting in one of the halls of the Fox against the wall. "Anyone here know anyone that can pressurize ashes?" she asks casually. "I'd like to have a new knife made of my Nall tail tips." Raisa casts a glance aside at Rachael, shaking her head. "Weirdo," she says absently and goes to hunt down Tiana. One hand rests near the pulse pistol holstered on her right side. The Lunite looks agitated and seemingly more on edge now that they're off Comorro than while they were on. [OOC] Tiana Ryoleli says, "Ash - you should be waking up by now, i'm sure." [OOC] Asherak is on it. [OOC] Asherak says, "also, is this ship equiped with a grav system, or is this all kinds of zero-g" [OOC] Tiana Ryoleli says, "Gravity is standard." [OOC] Asherak says, "Its the 'law' *ba-dum tch*" ooc 50 DKP MINUS! [OOC] Rachael says, "50 DKP MINUS!" Raicon has arrived. [OOC] Raicon says, "Ok so is anyone still injured?" [OOC] Tiana Ryoleli says, "Well yes. They don't just magically dissapear." [OOC] Raicon says, "Well treated is what I was going for." Kallyn arrives from Engineering - <Olympus>. Kallyn has arrived. [OOC] Tiana Ryoleli thinks she's the only one with an injury that isn't treated, but it was a glancing blow. ooc Aka got hit too. [OOC] Rachael says, "Aka got hit too." [OOC] Raicon says, "Okay, thanks." [OOC] Tiana Ryoleli says, "Raicon tried to treat him last night, didn't he?" [OOC] Asherak is shot in the leg, and still bleeding [OOC] Raisa waits on someone to pooooose. [OOC] Kallyn says, "I field medd'd that yesterday, Ash, didn't I?" [OOC] Tiana Ryoleli says, "Yes, you did." [OOC] Raicon says, "Yup, he was nervous and couldn't so anything for that during the first attempt." [OOC] Asherak says, "didnt know if we ever /finished/" [OOC] Raicon says, "do*" [OOC] Asherak says, "cause, you know...lots of nall" @chan/gag pub=no You will now hear messages on channel <Public>. <Public> Lyiri Perch Redmask says, "Aikani of the Lyiri." [OOC] Raisa gets out the cattle prod. I will quite happily use this thing. +pub Did someone say Warrior Spirit! <Public> Take me seriously, please? Rachael says, "Did someone say Warrior Spirit!" [OOC] Tiana Ryoleli was waiting on Ash to pose, so. [OOC] Kallyn says, "Only takes a round to stabilize someone." <Public> My Redmask beats everything! Aikani snuzzles! [OOC] Akamatsu is back. @chan/gag pub You will no longer hear messages on channel <Public>. [OOC] Akamatsu says, "Speaking of my wound though Raicon I think you owe me." [OOC] Tiana Ryoleli says, "Guys." [OOC] Asherak says, "oh, im not sure how to come in, so" [OOC] Tiana Ryoleli says, "Less talk ooc." [OOC] Asherak gets to work [OOC] Tiana Ryoleli points to Olympus chan. [OOC] Tiana Ryoleli says, "Offically making it three pose now." Tension is quite present on the Fox. Ash has just been laid to rest upon a bunk by Tia, Rachael's asking if anyone knows where to get ash pressurised and Raisa is walking menacingly towards Ti. Other people - the occassional background crew memeber - mill about as well.

       Asherak grumbled in her unconcious state, dried blood on her mouth, neck, and the white 'beater' shirt under Majors' BDU top, her face bore a nice shiner from where she was....'put to sleep' Tear streaks marked her face, clean trails through the blood and dirt, this girl had had it rough, and it seemed, she was coming to. And when she does, she whimpers, rolls over, and vomits, holding her head like a wino coming of a bender.

Akamatsu looks reasonably fine for somebody who spent his day killing a grand total of 5 Nall except for a burn on his leg. He sits in the hall across Rachael and says "You are insane aren't you?" He smirks a bit and says pointing to his wounded leg "And that's coming from the guy who jumped in front of an energy pistol blast."

       It has been hellish for the past hour as they barely managed to escape the horrors he had come to learn as Nall. with so many questions storming his mind, there was still the injured among them as he scans the area. First thing was first, to treat the man who had saved his life, if anyone else needed patching up, they could come to him when he would announce it. "After I'm done with this one, I will be glad to patch anybody up." He approaches Akamatsu, looking at the wound on his leg, "Lets look at this before you bleed to death..." Opening his kit, if he allows it, will start to work on his leg once more trying to stop the bleeding.

[OOC] Raicon says, "Sorry that was my pose" @emit "Insane? Not really." Rachael says with a bit of a shrug. "I was a bit desperate to divert a platoon of Nall from all of you trying to make your beachhead. A bit unfortunate, really." then a bright smile, "But everything worked out okay!" "Insane? Not really." Rachael says with a bit of a shrug. "I was a bit desperate to divert a platoon of Nall from all of you trying to make your beachhead. A bit unfortunate, really." then a bright smile, "But everything worked out okay!" Elsewhere, Kallyn awakens as well. Somewhere in the commotion she took a strike to the head. The redhead mutters, squirms, and then rises slowly, one hand on her skull. "And so the world spins," the Aukami grumbles to herself, eyes a brilliant, bright violet as she looks around in a daze. "Hey," she calls to the area at large, "What'd I miss?" [Skill System] Raicon tests his Medicine + First Aid at a modifier of 0. The result is 4. Tiana Ryoleli clenches her jaw as Asherak pukes, a gentle growl rising in the girl's throat. Without looking to Rachael she shrugs, "No idea." A chuff as she balefully continues to watch Ashera, breakdown still quite teetering on the edge of temporarily removing all traces of sanity Tia has left at the moment - there aren't very many. Her hands clench and unclench tightly at her side, one slowly beginning to reach out towards the Psion as though she'd start choking the other woman again. Raisa's approach is unnoticed. Volidana has left RP mode. Volidana has left. Altor has left RP mode. Altor has left. "Tia," Raisa says quietly on her approach of the Martian, remaining a few paces back until she's acknowledged. There is a careful patience when dealing with Tiana, as well as a subtle tenderness that is completely lacking in her dealings with anyone else on the ship. Akamatsu allows Raicon to patch up his wound saying "Thanks." While he is being patched he turns to Rachael and says "I suppose so. That said I rather wish you didn't have to resort to threatening to kill the girl."

       After she emptied what little food she had eaten onto the floor, Asherak couldnt do much but curle up and hold her head and cry, she was clearly in pain, the scary part, was it seemed to rival the pain in her leg from being shot.

@emit "Same." Rachael admits. "And I do enjoy an intellectual conversation, but in the bowels of enemy infested ships under dire threat is not the time for them and I had to make it quick. Thankfully the robot was able to contact Comorro and no one had to die." "Same." Rachael admits. "And I do enjoy an intellectual conversation, but in the bowels of enemy infested ships under dire threat is not the time for them and I had to make it quick. Thankfully the robot was able to contact Comorro and no one had to die." Raicon works diligently as he begins to put some sort of makeshift dressing on the man's leg. "Please tell me they still serve normal food, and have hot showers in this era.." He nears the ending of the patching up as he tightly wraps some tape around the dressing, "That should hold you up for now. Should we find a working medical bay, I could do more for you there if your leg doesn't show improvement." "Raisa." Tia responds in a low voice, teeth grinding together for just a moment, that reaching hand pulling back. She half turns to offer Raisa a bit of a manic smile, though it's a hollow expression. The redhead Auk, ignored in favor of other matters, gets to her feet and grips a nearby rail to steady herself. Kallyn continues to look around, noting all of the people present and their visible injuries as she fights back the aftermath of her own. Eventually she catches sight of Asherak and heads that way. She makes a point of sidestepping around Tiana and Raisa, to give them room and avoid that crazy look the former is wearing. Akamatsu looks back to Raicon and says "What era are you from anyway? Also yes they do have food and showers still. If you couldn't tell I'm from 14th century Japan. My name is Akamatsu but you can call me Aka most other people do." After receiving her acknowledgement, Raisa steps in and rests a hand on Tiana's shoulder, squeezing with enough of a sting to demand attention. "Right here, Ti," she says quietly. She casts her gaze over to Asherak and there's a sort of loathing etched on the Lunite's face. "Oh, grow a pair you whiny little brat," she growls. "Getting punched doesn't hurt that badly. Down some pills and move on or at least shut up so the rest of us can hear our own thoughts over your mindless prattling about yourself." @emit "Two things I fully intend to use once I'm off this vessel." Rachael adds. Then she puts a hand in her robe, pulls something silghtly out, then puts it back. It looks like a military ration. "Ooo, it seems I still have this." she says cheerfully. "A week in the forgotten quarter avoiding patrols and I managed to find enough to eat that I get to keep my ration! I'll have to show Newt." "Two things I fully intend to use once I'm off this vessel." Rachael adds. Then she puts a hand in her robe, pulls something silghtly out, then puts it back. It looks like a military ration. "Ooo, it seems I still have this." she says cheerfully. "A week in the forgotten quarter avoiding patrols and I managed to find enough to eat that I get to keep my ration! I'll have to show Newt." "Asherak isn't crying about getting hit," Kallyn remarks to Raisa flatly, too woozy still to put real emotion into her voice, "She was someone's experiment. Her implants are hurting her." She digs through her satchel for something to help the girl's pain. "I told you you couldn't handle this," she remarks to Asherak with a sigh, "Never again, do you hear me? No more playing at hero."

       "21st Century... And I plan on getting back somehow." Raicon puts all his tools back into his kit before standing to properly introduce himself. With a slight bow, "I am Raicon Williams, more of a pilot than anything else, but lost more importantly.." He grins to Akamatsu, "So do you consider yourself a ninja or a samurai?" It was probably a dumb question, but he failed world history in high school as he doesn't know much about his era.

The squeeze Raisa delivers has the desired effect and Tia focuses on the Lunite for a moment, at least, "Experiment?" She inquires before she just bursts out laughing, her voice wavering with all sorts of emotion, "So? She ain't t'only one wot's been an experiment." Certainly, the Martian's had experimentation done on her as well. A few more, dying titters before she turns and wanders away from Raisa, eyes trailing towards Rachael.

       Asherah tried to muffle her crying, holding her head and rolling over slightly, she couldnt do much but cry and ocasionally mutter 'dont wanna go back'. She didnt know how to handle everything that happened, so she broke down.

Akamatsu stands as well his leg patched up feels reasonably ok and he extends his hand to Raicon saying "Good to meet you sir." He then smirks before answering "I am neither a ninja nor a samurai. You see I am a former samurai called a ronin. If you'd like the full story come down to the mess hall with me and I'll tell it over some food." [OOC] Tiana Ryoleli says, "Fox doesn't have a mess hall." [OOC] Tiana Ryoleli says, "It's integrated into the crew room." [OOC] Akamatsu says, "Ok close enough for me." Raisa shrugs, "My ancestors were born from test tubes to be slaves for another race," she replies to Kallyn. "Don't you think we've been experimented on to no end? Not to mention tortured, ridiculed and put down for the entirety of our existence?" She eyes Kallyn with more than a little distain. "Keep her quiet, or I swear I'll gag her until we can toss her off this ship." The Lunite's attention returns to Tiana and she keeps a close eye on the wandering Martian. "Play nicely," she warns. @emit "He's not bad with a gun either." Rachael adds on Akamatsu's behalf. Then she picks up one of the plasma pistols she picked up along the way, "These are pretty nasty pieces of work. At least this insanity wasn't a complete loss for me." "He's not bad with a gun either." Rachael adds on Akamatsu's behalf. Then she picks up one of the plasma pistols she picked up along the way, "These are pretty nasty pieces of work. At least this insanity wasn't a complete loss for me." "So, I bet you had times like this, too, didn't you?" Kallyn replies to Tiana and Raisa calmly, "Everyone's entitled to their moments of weakness." She tries a local sort of painkiller first, and adds the simple phrase of, "Try it," to the Lunite. <Sivad> Loki has connected.

       Hearing the threats upon her, Ash just covers her mouth with her hands, muffeling her crying, unable to stop, but was mostly quiet now.

The mention of food perks Raicon right up, "I can eat a whole horse right now, it has been days since I had any kind of meal." He holds his arm out, "Lead the way!" His stomach starts to growl fiercely as he cracks a forced smile towards the group, "I see women haven't lost their right to be evil, after thousands of years you still don't want to be caught up in a pack of them." Raicon laughs for the first time since arriving on the world. "Touch m'sister an' yer both dead." Tiana offers coldly back to Kallyn as she moves past Rachael and to the Fox's kitchenette to brew a cup of tea. Raicon's comment garners him a threatening look that speaks clearly that he'll suffer the same fate as Ash and Kal if he's not careful. Tea in hand, she changes course and wanders towards Rachael. Akamatsu leads the way to the closest thing to a mess hall the ship has and says to Raicon as he walks "I'm not sure how great the food here is but if you're as hungry as you say then I don't suspect you'll care much." [OOC] Tiana Ryoleli says, "It's a kitchenette. You make your own food." [OOC] Akamatsu says, "Ok then. We'll say he meant the ingredients for said food then. There bologna in the kitchen?" @emit "Sorry I don't have any medication for you!" Rachael says as Tiana approaches, "I spent all my emergency supplies during the week in the quarter." then another pause, "Want to buy a gun?" "Sorry I don't have any medication for you!" Rachael says as Tiana approaches, "I spent all my emergency supplies during the week in the quarter." then another pause, "Want to buy a gun?" [OOC] Tiana Ryoleli says, "Haha." Raisa narrows her eyes in Kallyn's direction. "I don't need to drug myself up to get by," she replies and turns her back on both the redhead and Asherak. She stays reasonably close to Tiana, especially as she heads toward Rachael, once again keeping a hand near the holstered gun at her side. [OOC] Akamatsu was serious. [OOC] Asherak says, "whats a samurai know of bologna?" [OOC] Asherak giggles "Tad anachronistic, no?" "Your sister does," Kallyn remarks lightly, "Or at least that's what I'd say by her present mental state." She continues fussing over Asherak without looking up. "Hm. Local isn't helping. You want me to just sedate you, Ash? Less brain activity should mean less pain."

       Asherak just shakes her head and pulls into her self more, biting down on her lip, untill she finally stopped making noise, a spot of blood running from her lip where she bit it to gain self controll.

Raicon soon follows as he stay a few feet behind Akamatsu, "Do you know how to cook? Because all I can make is Spagetti and tacos and of course make sandwiches." He wondered what kind of food was available to them on the ship as they closed upon the kitchen. Akamatsu arrives in the kitchenette and simply pulls out some lunch meat that shall remain nameless a few condiments and some bread. He hands some bread to Raicon and says "It looks like sandwiches win today." He goes about making his own sandwich and once finished eating it.

Tiana Ryoleli barely begins to respond to Rachael when Kallyn's words hit her, her expression draining to a blank, harsh state, "All 'cause ah people like /you/ and /her/." She growls, hand reaching for her plasma pistol as she turns, the gun levelled at Kallyn, "S'very entitled, you psions!" Another manic laugh follows, "T'think ye c'n just invade a person's mind an' fuck about. It must be wonderful bloody fun!" She cants her head slightly, "'Ave ye ever seen yer own innards pulled out? 'Ad a probe stuck in yer 'ead, voices whisperin' t'ye constantly? 'Course not. No, ah 'course ye 'aven't! Yer one ah /them/." Her manic laughter continues until it abrubtly just dies, something in the Martian's expression changing suddenly to a calmer mein. @emit "Psionists are not bad people on their own." Rachael says to Tiana, calmly and perhaps notably unironically. "Psionists are not bad people on their own." Rachael says to Tiana, calmly and perhaps notably unironically. Kallyn turns slowly, facing Tiana with unafraid calm. "Asherak was made into one of 'us' by people doing things exactly like that to her," she says to the Martian, "She's more like you than you'll ever know. If you're going to shoot me, then do so. I died once, I don't fear returning home. But remember - I'm not the one who did those horrible things to you. And if I had a choice in the matter, I would be normal like you." Raisa winces, "Oh, shit, now you did it," she mutters, casting a dark look at Kallyn before she steps directly in front of the woman, and therefore into Tiana's line of sight. "Tiana," she says sharply, her voice rising. "Put the damn gun away. Just kick them the fuck out when we get to our destination but damn it, don't shoot either of them here and now."

       Asherak just whimpered, claping her hands over her ears, and rocking rapidly.

(New BB message (12/70) posted to 'Randomizations' by Mikage: A New Marketing Pitch) "Whatever." Raicon storms the bread and places the meat inside the slices as he hungrily demolishes the sandwich. "Onomnom." It was now obvious to those around him that he had not eaten in days. He moves to make another sandwich, "This is the best meal ever!" [OOC] Kallyn laughs Akamatsu raises an eyebrow at him and shrugs finishing his sandwich. Once the sandwich is gone he looks to the man stuffing his face again and says "I'm glad you like it. Care for something to wash it down with? Don't drink it all though you'll be more drunk than you'd ever care to be and I'd hit you on top of it." He holds out his jug of sake to the man. "Like me? What t'ell d'ye know about me? Don't ye dare compare me t'/that/." Tia replies lowly, the miniscule calm struggling to remain on her features as though there's some inner struggle going on, "Such high words! Favoured weapon ah them wot don' know shit." Once more she begins to laugh, though it's hiccoughing and unsteady. The tea cup in her hand wavers, splashing a bit of hot tea onto her hand. The mug is dropped and it shatters, liquid spreading at Ti's feet. Again, abrubtly, she seems to calm down a bit, jade eyes shifting to Raisa and just staring, gun remaining levelled. @emit "I'll turn off their abilities for a while if that would make you feel better." Rachael says, standing now. "But there is no point in hurting them." she doesn't draw her weapons, but takes a couple steps to place herself between the pistol and the psionists. "I'll turn off their abilities for a while if that would make you feel better." Rachael says, standing now. "But there is no point in hurting them." she doesn't draw her weapons, but takes a couple steps to place herself between the pistol and the psionists. [OOC] Asherak says, "the blocker is already on." [OOC] Asherak says, "if it wasnt, ash would be curled up on the ceiling, with things like forks stuck to her :p" [OOC] Raisa is already standing between pistol and psionists, RAch. ooc :smirks at Raisa, "But it's /symbolic/, dammit! Well, there's space next to Raisa, right? [OOC] Tiana Ryoleli totes never turned off the blocker, yeah. Ha. [OOC] Rachael smirks at Raisa, "But it's /symbolic/, dammit! Well, there's space next to Raisa, right? [OOC] Raisa says, "Sure, I guess."

       "Water!?" He slowly grabs the jug from Akamatsu and then begins to down the liquor with haste. The taste of liquid was so bittersweet, the bitter part coming once his taste buds realize it's not water. "GAHHHH!" The rice alcohol nearly makes him gag, as his mouth tastes like he was sucking on some rubber. "Is this...warm sake?" He had hated the modern versions he had tasted while our a tour in Japan, this though was alot cruder. "Water!" He looks around to wash the taste and regain proper hydration.

[OOC] Raisa says, "How far off was Tia from Kallyn?" [OOC] Tiana Ryoleli says, "About halfway across the room, I guess." [OOC] Raicon says, "My pose" With hands lifted up away from her weapons, Raisa slowly advances on Tiana. "Tia, put the gun down," she says in a quiet, coaxing voice. "We'll dump 'em in a hold until we hit planetside. That'll keep em away from you." She continues her pace, slow and steady, always keeping herself between the weapon and the intended targets. "You were both experiments," Kallyn remarks to Tiana, "Both tormented, physically and psychologically." She crosses her arms, "I will never come close to understanding what you've been through, and I honestly hope I never do. I imagine wouldn't be able to take it half as well as you do. I'm sorry for your trauma, and I'm sorry that it makes you feel so strongly against everyone remotely like those who hurt you. But what, exactly, did I myself do to you?" Akamatsu smirks at Raicon and says "Sorry I should've said it wasn't water." He grabs a large glass of it for him and hands it over. The he hears the conversation going on between everybody else and mutters so only Raicon might hear him "I swear if I have to draw a sowrd to stop a fight nobody involved will be happy...including myself." Clankritich has arrived. "You're being weird." Tia says to Akari, small step taken back from Raisa, eyes widening subtly, "You're acting weird, Akari. This isn't 'ow you act. Why are ye bein' so nice?" The last few words wind down into a small whine, eyes shifting back to Raisa, then to Kallyn and back. She doesn't say anything more for the moment, and she still won't lower her gun, either.

Raicon and Akamatsu are in the kitchenette having a bite to eat and watching the tension, while Raisa, who is nearing Tia, and Rachael are positioned between the gun weilding Martian and the pair of Kallyn and Asherak. All on the Fox [OOC] Raisa says, "YES! I DON'T HAVE TO GO BACK INTO WORK." [OOC] Tiana Ryoleli says, "WOOOOOO" "Shut /up/, already," Raisa growls back at Kallyn, though her eyes never leave Tiana. She's closing the space now, less than half the distance to be nose to nose with the Martian covered. "Tia, put the gun down." She casts a quick look around, clearing her throat. "Japanese dude and other rifter, please escort Red and her friend to one of the cargo bays where they are to remain until we land." @emit "Of course I'm nice!" Rachael says with a bright smile. "Just because I spent a week hiding from lizards shorter than I am and carry swords and knives and sometimes have to work part time as an exorcist doesn't mean I have to be mean!" "Of course I'm nice!" Rachael says with a bright smile. "Just because I spent a week hiding from lizards shorter than I am and carry swords and knives and sometimes have to work part time as an exorcist doesn't mean I have to be mean!" Crash smash rattle screech. Clank arrives and makes his way towards the kitchenette where Raicon and Akamatsu are at. The car-sized spider hunches down and fixes his two main eyes on the pair. "GIVE ME SOME MEAT." He vocalizes loudly, and then adds as an afterthought. "PLEASE." His secondary eyes are keeping a watch on Tiana and the others, but the pirate seems to consider the standoff business as usual. [OOC] Tiana Ryoleli says, "<3 Clank." "I refuse to be a prisoner just because of your irrational hatred," Kallyn replies firmly, "I came along to /help/, as did Asherak, and we don't deserve to be treated like vermin just because other psionicists we have nothing to do with hurt you. I will not go to cargo. Asherak is staying in the bunk, and I am staying at her side."

       "I know what they need." Raicon pauses as doesn't finish his sentence, "I'm sure it will work itself out eventually. Besides, you shouldn't be straining yourself with that wound." As Raisa calls them to escort them out, Raicon looks over at Akamatsu, "Japanese dude.. I like that." As Clank approaches, it scares the living day light out of Raicon as he toss the meat towards Clank, "Gawd damn what is that?"

<Sivad> Sarenity has connected. Akamatsu looks to Raisa before saying "Look. I have no intention of getting involved in this. The only thing I'll do is protect anybody about to be killed. If it doesn't come to that well work it out yourselves." Upon Clank's arrival he jumps a bit and says "Really? This guy hasn't eaten in days." He quickly makes another sandwich and hands it to Raicon and answers "To be honest I'm not sure what he is." "Ye ain't nice! Ye ain't nice at all!" Tia denies to Rachael, another small step taken away from Raisa, "Ye whipped m'until 'ere were 'ardly any unbroken skin left on m'back. Ye're bein' weird." Bump! She finds herself backed up against Clank, with nowhere left to go. Again she doesn't lower the gun. "I'M HUNGRY." Clankritch seems to consider that a satisfactory answer to the existential question. He snatches up the food with a mechanical claw, and sinks his fangs into it, slurping it down. As the B'hiri eats, he notices Tiana bumping against him, and turns around to focus his main eyes on her. pose looks over at Kallyn quickly, smiling a little and moving her hands to suggest she go ahead and go to the bunks. Then back to Tiana, "It's really not that nice to tell lies about people." she points out. "But anyway, do we have some sedatives to give you? Sometimes after I get done with work and I'm too nervous to sleep or anything I take a sedative and take a nap and then I'll feel better. Maybe it'll do that for you too!" Rachael looks over at Kallyn quickly, smiling a little and moving her hands to suggest she go ahead and go to the bunks. Then back to Tiana, "It's really not that nice to tell lies about people." she points out. "But anyway, do we have some sedatives to give you? Sometimes after I get done with work and I'm too nervous to sleep or anything I take a sedative and take a nap and then I'll feel better. Maybe it'll do that for you too!" Raisa sighs, "I try to be good and nice and helpful and what does it get me," she muses to herself. There is a flicker of something that goes through her eyes before she does a 180, holstered weapon coming up in her hand and she points it right at Asherak. "Now, I will very politely remind the two of you that you are /guests/ on this ship, and if you would like to remain breathing and in reasonably good spirits, you will get your sorry asses down to our cargo bay before I decide that it will be more fun to just shoot you and let your corpses float through space. Your presence is upsetting my sister-" She tilts her head in Tiana's direction. "And therefore you are upsetting me. Since she is the Captain of this ship and can do whatever she damn well wants, I suggest you take the more peaceful route and get out of her sight." [Skill System] Kallyn tests her Quick-Draw. The level is 1. [Skill System] Kallyn tests her Bodyguard. The level is 1. [OOC] Kallyn finds that a useful way of saying 'i have these gifts' [OOC] Clankritich :D [OOC] Asherak says, "heh, ash is in her own little world right now, shes frightened, helpless, and hurt. :p" As the gun is pointed at Asherak, Kallyn's tome is brought forth and activated, the redhead putting herself and the energy shield between Raisa and the girl. "This is how you treat 'guests'? I told you once: if you wish to harm her, you have to go through me," she says coldly, "I will not just allow you to treat us in this manner. Shoot if you must, but know that I will retaliate and I don't need psionics to do so." [OOC] Kallyn says, "I have to walk the dog. x.x back in maybe 30 min, depends on if the dog wants to poop."

       There was a shriek, "STOPIT!" Asherak cried suddenly, moving weakly, trying to sit up. "Ill go....." she whimpered, "I.." she moved to try to stand, "I..j..just...just dont hurt anyone....." she turned to look to Tia, "Im sorry sorry that im broken......."

"Aww shit." As things get worse, he looks to Akamatsu, "Somebody is going to die if this continues." Moving wide to avoid the robot, Raicon now stands on the side of conflict wondering what to do. "Umm ladies, can't we all just get along?" Something he picked up from watching TV in the 21st century. [OOC] Asherak grins, "20th century" [OOC] Asherak says, "right up there with 'Stop the Insanity'" "Ah ain't lyin'!" Tia cries out in protest, "Rill an' Rish an' Sarenity an' Diri know i' too. You ain't you. You ain't, you ain't, you bloody ain't." A minor glance is sent back up to Clank, and then she looks over to Raisa, gun hand shaking a bit with the increase of stress after all this time.

"We're almost to Pyracon, da? Be about ten minutes to landing." Kiku annouces over the comm system. [OOC] Raicon says, "Ahh yes ty" Raisa smiles grimly at the announcement. "Well, ladies, this appears to be your stop. I recommend going down to the airlock so you can disembark as soon as we land." Her hand remains calm and steady as it holds the pistol. "Stay clear of the Olympus and I'm sure we'll all be just fine. Come near my sister and cause her even a sliver of unease and I'll kill you both." @emit "You two are with me!" Rachael says to Kallyn and Asherak. "Don't worry, we'll have fun on Pyracan, okay?" her enthusiasm unabated with all the threats being given. "You two are with me!" Rachael says to Kallyn and Asherak. "Don't worry, we'll have fun on Pyracan, okay?" her enthusiasm unabated with all the threats being given. Akamatsu begins looking dark and puts his hand on the hilt of his blades in case things goe far enough south to hit Space Mexico. For now though he just keeps watching keeping quiet.

       Asherak nodded, "But Olympys is where i live..With Thomas..." she whimpered, "How am i .." she sighed weakly, clearly afraid of, well, everyone on the ship.

Clankritich finishes his snack with a smacking sound, and lowers his head to stare closely at Tiana. The huge B'hiri raises a mechanical arm with a hydraulic hiss, and shoots it forward to grab at the gun in Tiana's hand. [OOC] Raisa says, "Majors doesn't live on the Olympus, Ash." [OOC] Tiana Ryoleli says, "Oh snap Clank." [OOC] Asherak says, "His ship is there presently." [OOC] Tiana Ryoleli says, "His ship is there, though." [OOC] Asherak says, "and its there...often :p" [OOC] Tiana Ryoleli says, "This is the first time it's been there." Rillitan has connected. [OOC] Raisa says, "He's spent some time on Svajone lately, but usually he's on Comorro." [OOC] Clankritich is sure it's been there before. [OOC] Clankritich says, "Also, you want a roll or sommat, Tia?" [OOC] Tiana Ryoleli says, "Nah." [OOC] Tiana Ryoleli isn't looking at you and you're behind her. :D There's a bit of pandemonium in the crew lounge on the Fox, which is just coming up to Pyracan to drop a few people off. Tia's had a bit of a breakdown, you see, and she and Raisa are pointing guns at Kallyn and Ash, as well as Rachael who's standing between them. Clank has just made a move to snatch the gun from Tia, though. A gun he snatches easily.

A startled yelp emits from the Martian as her gun is taken, the girl whirling around to face Clank - you'd think she'd go off on him, too, for being psionic, but he's a /giant robotic spider/; this is where the fear takes over. [OOC] Kallyn says, "back"

       "Thank god..." Raicon sighs as the message is welcomed to his ears. Perhaps now there will be peace and quiet on the ship without anyone trying to blow each others heads off. Looking over to Raisa, he raises a brow, "You seem to be into that Russian guy, ya know your boyfriend? Perhaps you could tell me a little more about you two and your fiesty sister when ya aint' busy."

Raisa tilts her head, searching through her memory and then chuckles. "Majors? Man's got a bit more kink to him than I would have thought if he's shacking up with some crazy like you," she says with a full on laugh. "Right now, however, you're going for a little vacation. We'll be sure to let him know where you went so he can come get you if he wants."

       Asherak simply moved further from everyone, till she finds a nice..'corner' to sit in, and does so, rocking softly, the socket on the back of her neck glints in the light. After a moment, she goes silent.

Clankritich flips the gun around in his hand, then scoops Tiana up with his other arm, and sits her down on his back. A mechanical claw pats her on the head. Then the giant spider marches over and places himself between Raisa and the other two, turning so his main eyes are towards Raisa, and hunching down. "There ain't half a hell load o' noise comin' from ye' all." comes a brusque and meaty voice from the forward hall before a familar Timonae steps through into the crew Lounge, "Whut in m' sweet an' purdy breasts is goin' on?" Akamatsu keeps watching but exhales a bit once Tiana is releived of her gun. That said he keeps a very tight grip on his hilts leaning over to Raicon to say "This place isn't usually this crazy I promise. You showed up at abad time." [OOC] Kallyn says, "Slow down, god, I'm trying to catch up. :P" [OOC] Tiana Ryoleli says, "Sweet and purdy breasts." [OOC] Raisa says, "..." @emit "Some more people are going on vacation with me on Pyracan!" Rachael announces to Rillitan quite happily. In a way it seems like she might be missing the point, here. "Some more people are going on vacation with me on Pyracan!" Rachael announces to Rillitan quite happily. In a way it seems like she might be missing the point, here. [OOC] Raisa headpats Rachael. [OOC] Raisa says, "Hah! First time /ever/ I've had a character taller than yours. :D" "Pyracan is acceptable," Kallyn says, "And I'd never have stepped foot aboard the Olympus in the first place if it weren't for the Nall. I'll be glad to avoid it if it's populated with so many nutjobs." She simply stays near Asherak with her shield aloft, eyes firmly on Raisa. "You sicken me. We're innocent people who've done nothing wrong - even tried to help - and this is how we're treated. I have news for you, woman - your sister's the one in the wrong here. Her trauma doesn't excuse her." Everyone has been given 6 Saga Points! WOO! Newbie! points brought to you by: Brody! "I don't know if it will matter since I haven't decided who's pulling the strings around here, I need to find that Russian guy and hear his offer before I leave this ship, unless he is apart of it." He shakes his head as he would get off on Pyracan too, but he has no place to go and this is the only shot he has at getting something feasible until he can figure out a way to get back home. "Are you a part of this crew?" His words are directed to Akamatsu. [OOC] Rillitan says, "You gotta start putting your name in your poses Raicon." For all her sass and balls, apparently Raisa has a slight problem with spiders. Especially of the larger than she is, cybernetically enhanced variety. Her hand wavers and she retreats a few steps, looking as if she's trying to hold back a girly scream and running in the opposite direction. Green eyes pin themselves on Kallyn however, even as she lowers her weapon. "I'll point out, bitch, that you're the one that decided to be crass and take a cheap shot at Tiana, especially when you're on her fucking ship. I don't know where you people came from but in our universe, you don't insult the captain and then refuse to follow orders on a location WHERE YOU HAVE NO FUCKING AUTHORITY TO BEGIN WITH." She intakes a slow breath and clears her throat. "You. New rifter. I can give you some insight on Vadim if you sit your ass down and let us get these asses off the ship first." [OOC] Raicon says, "That was a mistake" [OOC] Raicon says, "Sorry" [OOC] Rillitan pats. [OOC] Raisa apologizes for the bad language. [OOC] Rillitan says, "I'm sure we're all almost grown ups." [OOC] Asherak says, "hey, wtf did ash do. Shes not an ass" [OOC] Raisa says, "I just don't like using it usually, especially with newbies around. :)" [OOC] Asherak says, "shes a victime of circumstance" [OOC] Akamatsu says, "With me being the only exception and I promise I don't care." [OOC] Raisa covers Aka's eyes. [OOC] Tiana Ryoleli says, "Raisa was yelling at Kallyn, Ash." [OOC] Rillitan says, "We all view you as years beyond your age, Aka ;D" [OOC] Asherak says, "but she said 'these asses' collectivly :p" [OOC] Akamatsu says, "Thanks Rill." [OOC] Rillitan says, "Ash, let the RP happen :P" [OOC] Asherak giggles [OOC] Rillitan says, "Raisa isn't having a go at you OOCly :P" [OOC] Raisa says, "One day, Kallyn! One day one of my alts will like you. :)" Volidana has arrived. Volidana enters RP mode. [OOC] Kallyn says, "Nobody likes Kallyn, lol" [OOC] Asherak says, "i do :p" [OOC] Clankritich likes Kallyn. She looks /delicious/. *slaver* [OOC] Kallyn laughs [OOC] Tiana Ryoleli says, "'Shera /sorta/ likes Kallyn. <_<" [OOC] Akamatsu says, "Jesus this scene is getting as big as last nights." [OOC] Kallyn says, "Seriously, though, Kal is just a character who inspires 'grr' reactions in people" "I wouldn't have felt the need to bitch at you people had you had any INKLING of trying to be /fucking decent people/ to us," Kallyn snaps back, "Asherak hurt herself trying to help you, and what did you do? You yelled at her to shut up without even the slightest clue of how much pain she was left in, thinking that your own trauma means that you have ANY RIGHT to treat other people's problems as lesser. To the Shadows with both of you cunts." [OOC] Kallyn says, "And reactions like that are typically why" Latest Breaking News: Comorro liberated! - MAY11-14 Everyone has been given 3 Saga Points! Extra! Extra! points brought to you by: Brody! Clankritich's posture relaxes slightly, and the spider skitters forward towards Raisa. "there there, dearie." The voice is suddenly softer and gentler, as the now-female spider raises a mechanical arm and pats the lunite on the shoulder. "why don't we just calm down. no need to go acting all male now, is there?" Volidana has left RP mode. Volidana has left. "Fantastic thank you." That is all Raicon wanted to hear as he does just that, takes a seat and waits patiently as he closes his eyes and tries to wish his way back to the 21st century. "Akamatsu, what do you do for a living?" He tries to make small talk with the man while all the drama unfolds in the background, eyes still closed. Akamatsu turns to the man and says "I work for the Orion Confederacy. It's run in part by Vadim but I'm a soldier so I usually answer to Captain Garviel." "OI! SETTLE DOWN." Rillitan raises his voice, having been confronted by such forceful tension in such a jovial mood seems to have stirred up a storm. His cobalt eyes narrow on Clank's focus of nurture and his shout becomes a bellow, "SHUT UP. T' next one o' you who says somethin' that AIN'T EXPLAININ' WHY M' WIFE IS CURLED UP AN' WIMPERIN will find a new point o' pain t sulk about." Finding herself lifted and placed upon Clank's back, Tia grasps two handfuls of the stiff hairs that all spiders seem to have upon their abdomens. Her forehead presses against the robo-spider-pirate, the girl doing hardly more than mumbling and whimpering to herself.

And, from the way the ship moves and slows, it would seem that they're finally being brought to a landing upon Pyracan's landing pad. Altor has arrived. Altor enters RP mode. @emit And with the ship landing, Rachael heads on her way out. "Bye everyone!" she says cheerfully enough. And with the ship landing, Rachael heads on her way out. "Bye everyone!" she says cheerfully enough. Raisa whimpers a little. "Tiana... there is a giant spider touching me and talking," she says in a strained voice. "Have I finally cracked?" Her hands waver and she holsters the gun before accidentally shooting anything, like herself. Rillitan's dulcet tones give a little life back to the Lunite and she clears her throat, backing away from Clank as she lifts a hand and points it at Kallyn and Asherak. "Redhead made a smart ass remark about Tia which sent her over the edge. Bitches refused to leave when I very nicely asked them to step into a cargo bay until we got to Pyracan where they will now be disembarking." [OOC] Rillitan says, "..." [OOC] Raisa says, "Yes, Rill?"

       Asherak sat there, rocking softly, waiting, knowing her time was almost up. Slowly, she turned around and looked to the others. " cant leave me alone..theyll find me....." she whimpered "I..I dont wanna go back, I..I dont wanna ..." she pleaded, tears streaked her face again, "Please..I dont mean to be bad, I was made this way..I jj..j..j.just w..wwanted to help" she whimpered

"My smartass remark was brought on by Tiana and her sister's blatantly assholish treatment of Asherak's condition," Kallyn explains flatly, keeping her shield up, "As for 'nicely', the bitch simply made demands to have us locked up in the cargo hold even though we had done nothing, and she turned her gun on Ash, who is in no condition to do anything, much less dodge a bullet." She rolls her eyes, then, "But seeing as you're Tiana's husband, I'm guessing you'll just take their side and treat us like filth as well. We'll be off now." She crouches to help Asherak up so they can head for the airlock. The shield stays up. "You won't be alone, Ash," she says softly, "I'll stay with you until Majors can come pick us up."