From OtherSpace: Encyclopedia Galactica
Revision as of 18:33, 3 January 2010 by Comorro (Talk | contribs)

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Alternate Reality.......................1000 RP Reward Points
Some phenomenon or mishap shifts the character to an alternate version of Hiverspace reality.

Bounty Hunt.............................100 RP Reward Points
The character is hired to hunt down a target for profit.

Chef's Choice...........................100 RP Reward Points
The staffer overseeing this event is given the freedom to choose their own plot idea.

Cloak and Dagger........................500 RP Reward Points
The character gets caught up in a web of mystery and intrigue involving corporate or political espionage.

Contagion...............................600 RP Reward Points
A deadly disease threatens an outbreak and the character must help avert disaster.

Diplomatic Visit........................300 RP Reward Points
The character is witness to the arrival of an important diplomat.

Disaster Movie..........................300 RP Reward Points
The character (and his or her friends) find themselves in the midst of a catastrophic circumstance that they must survive.

Exploration.............................1000 RP Reward Points
The character is enlisted to help with an exploration mission for profit.

FTL and Furious.........................100 RP Reward Points
The character participates in a starship drag race in some dangerous sector of space.

Ghost Story.............................200 RP Reward Points
The character witnesses a haunting or poltergeist-style incident.

Hitman..................................600 RP Reward Points
Someone has taken out a contract on the character's life.

Hostage.................................400 RP Reward Points
The character is taken hostage by an individual or a group. Must find way to resolve crisis or escape.

Invention...............................400 RP Reward Points
The character participates in the process of creating some new technology or item.

Kamir Artifact..........................1000 RP Reward Points
The character learns about a Kamir artifact that can be tracked down.

Kidnapped...............................600 RP Reward Points
The character is kidnapped by nefarious villains with an agenda.

Mad Bomber..............................300 RP Reward Points
A bomb has gone off! The bombings will continue unless they can be disarmed or the bomber is found and stopped.

Mistaken Identity.......................400 RP Reward Points
The character is mistaken as someone else by people with a perilous agenda.

Monster of the Week.....................200 RP Reward Points
The character must contend with some new and malevolent creature that hunts them.

Murder Mystery..........................200 RP Reward Points
The character is caught up in a whodunit.

Nick of Time............................300 RP Reward Points
The character is given a certain, short span of time in which to resolve a crisis, defuse a bomb, or otherwise save the day.

OtherFlash..............................800 RP Reward Points
The player gets to experience an event from the history of OtherSpace.

Safari..................................200 RP Reward Points
The character pays for a chance to go to a dangerous place to hunt wild animals.

Salvage Run.............................100 RP Reward Points
The character is enlisted to help with a salvage run for profit.

Stranded................................500 RP Reward Points
The character is stuck in a ship or on a desolate world. Must find a way off or achieve rescue.

Switcheroo..............................1000 RP Reward Points
Some phenomenon or mishap leads to a body-mind switch between two characters. (Must be with the consent of both players.)

Trade Run...............................100 RP Reward Points
The character is enlisted to help with a trade mission for profit.

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