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Shok is a Pyracani armor smith who lives and works on the Olympus Trade Vessel.


Species or Race Pyracani
Gender Male
Height 6'2"
Weight N/A
Skin Color N/A
Hair Color Silver
Eye Color Blue/Green
Biological Age N/A
Date of Birth N/A
Died N/A
Spouse N/A
Residence The Olympus
Profession N/A
Employer Self-Employed
Character name Shok

Who He Is

Quintessential Description

You are looking at a relatively young Pyracani. He has sleek, smooth, and well kept silver fur. This fur lightens to white on his stomach and throat. His eyes are a bright shade of blue in the middle that tapper out to a light green. He stands at about 6'2 so relatively normal in that department. On his fingers are fixed pronounced claws which are kept trimmed but still sharp to avoid them curling inward. These same claws are on his feet also very well trimmed but still sharp as the ones on the fingers. In the mouth there are many sharp teeth making him look more like an Earth wolf.

In terms of clothing he doesn't have much. On his upper body he wheres nothing but his fur and a strap from a sheath on his back designed for large weapons. On his lower body he does wear shorts but no shoes unless it is very cold. On his waist he does have a belt which is for holding any weapons he might have on him at the time.


Early History

Shok was raised by a relatively normal Pyracani family with three siblings, two female, one male. Like most young male (and recently female) Pyracani he dreamed of one day being in the military since it was considered a high honor. He also enjoyed very much using his hands to make crafts and such his favorite type being items that could be used. His childhood continued in this fashion until he reached puberty at the age of 16.

Like most Pyracani he left home at this point to find a mate. When he found one he liked he did what is normal for his race and challenged her father for the right to court her. He managed to win but got a nice cut across his chest which as now invisible under his fur. After receiving his college education, which he centered on military tactics, he went to join the Pyracani military. His skills in tactics earned him quick rising through the ranks to be a 1st Lieutenant.

During the Hiver War he found himself in command of very few troops against a large number of raiders while defending a colony while all his other troops had been on patrol. He decided to hold off the raiders for as long as possible while letting the civilians evacuate and then retreat. When his performance was next reviewed he was criticized heavily for this decision. When trying to argue his case his superiors simply wouldn't listen and stripped him of his rank and sent him to Comorro so he quote, "Couldn't do any more damage." It was just recently that this punishment was carried out because it wasn't high on their list of priorities and it takes time to get the arrangements.


His future goals are rather simple he wants to prove the his Pyracani superiors wrong by rising through the ranks of another organization to prove he was better than they made him out to be. This has since changed as those superiors were brought in for corruption and he now simply wants to continue being an armorsmith.



These logs feature Shok in them...



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