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RP Log - Rift and Flood on Comorro Station

Comorro thrums into the docking hub, which is, no lie, absolutely jam-packed with refugees from Kamsho and beyond - many of them carrying the heads, hands, feet, clumps of fur of loved ones who fell during the Nall occupation of their worlds. They all seem to be gathered to see Alastair Hall, the miracle man, despite his claims that cloning doesn't necessarily bring back the one they loved so much as bringing back the body of someone who looks a lot like the dead. No, it doesn't seem like they care about that. All they know is: Someone died, and someone came back to life, and Alastair Hall did it. He must do it for them too.

Trak'Gar steps off a shuttle from MS, eyes widening at the sheer amount of people. "By the Zan..." he mutters. "Damned fool needs to make his clients sign non-disclosure agreements." he grumbles as he starts wading into the throng to cross the bay.

Akamatsu is just trying to weave his way towards the Last Orders but it seems he's having a ather hard time of it with utter mass of people. "Well at least Alastair's got a steady supply of work for the next millenium." Is about the only joke the ronin makes as he keeps at it.

DS-3633 steps off of a shuttle. If it could feel surprise, it would no doubt be surprised by all the people. As it is, it looks around, red eyes flash dimly as it calculates the best path through the crowd. It then begins to walk.

Raisa bounces off of another shuttle marked from Pyracan and stops halfway up the ramp, ignoring the annoyed shouts of people behind her. "Holy Hell..." she mutters. "This is ridiculous." She huffs a bit and after getting half-shoved, the Lunite progresses the remaining space down so her feet are on the ground. She mutters a few profanities as she glares back at the people behind her.

It was not the intention of the Opodian wanderer, Narai, to find his way into the Docking Hub - at least not one filled with refugees and people. As he steps through the entrance, he is taken aback for a moment, then decides to make his way through the crowd to see what is going on - curious, as always. His hand holding his PDA tightly, as he looks up at the various beings that are arriving, trying to pester one to stop for a moment to tell him what is going on.

Vince has passed this crown moments before. He raises an eyebrow though, with sigh as he moves back through the docking port. He is now wearing a new set of civilian attire with a duffel over his back and an electronic belt of some kind, probabky a forcefield belt, secured to his waist. He also has...quite a few pistols on his body, though one might look like some sort of grapple gun, whilst the other two are energy pistols. of some kind. Two are holstered on his belt while another his holstered in a body holster. He peers around the crowd calculating a good path which remarkably keeps changing.

It's just about this time that a soft pop might be felt in the ears of sentients who possess such organs, and a swirling portal of blue light materializes in the ceiling of the docking hub. Through it begins to spill a roaring column of water, as if someone has torn open a rift in space-time under a waterfall and linked the other end of the tube to the interior of Comorro Station. Refugees who were sitting jump to their feet, screaming, and start stampeding in the direction of the tradeport or toward whatever shuttles seem to be close at hand and ready to take on passengers. Comorro clicks and whirs: "Maintain calm," she intones, but is utterly ignored. The panicked stampede rumbles on. Everyone who's in the way...and that would be all of you...roll Dodging at -3.

There are a number of advantages to being a holographic projection, especially if you are on the short side and in a crowd. When you can choose to ignore certain laws of physics, such as gravity you can gain somewhat of an advantage over beings that are so bound to the floor. Logic pops straight up toward the ceiling when the crowd starts to stampede and just floats there.."

Trak'Gar widens his eyes at the rift which begins pouring water, but as the panic of the crowd takes hold, his head spikes raise straight up as they start barreling towards him. Getting a good stance he withstands the onrush of the water and the paniced crowd storming past him. "What madness is this..." he says, looking to the rift. "...and how do we stop it..."

Vince widens his eyes at the portal barrelling down water appears out of nowhere, but as a former SWAT officer doesn't panic in the crowd. Instead, he holds his ground as his attempt to dodge fails. "REMAIN CALM!" He yells this to the crowd, but with likely the same effect as Comorro, he anchors himself, guarding against the oncoming crowd.

DS-3633 tries to flight the fleeing crowd, tries to maneuver it's way through, but it fails. ""Please remain calm," it broadcasts loudly in all known languages. But DS is overwhelmed and its voice cuts off, knocked over and trampled by the crowd. Its metal skin offers it some protection from damage, but not full.

"Son of a bi-" Raisa mutters when the water comes rushing into Comorro's docking hub. The Lunite seems unable to completely get away from the crowds of panicked people or rushing water but finds a spot and hangs on, fighting the oncoming swarms. "Why do I ever leave home...?" she questions of herself.

Akamatsu just looks up at the rift dumbfounded for about a fraction of a second before those ronin instincts kick in and he fights the crowd, somehow managing to stay up. The ronin doesn't seem to have an good technique for fighting water at the moment so he just stays standing holding his ground.

From his vantage somewhat above the crowd Logic spins around taking in the chaos then focuses on the spot where DS was before it toppled over. The 'holokid' reaches out in that direction and makes a grabbing motion and his expression changes to one of concentration - although that detail may go un-noticed in the general panic.

Trying to get the attention of anyone to explain what is happening is futile, especially when mass panic strikes the crowd. Narai jumps up, trying to see what is going on, but is far to small compared to those around him. Without warning, the crowd starts to move violently, and the short Opodian is pushed to the ground, taking several kicks on the floor. "Please help! Stop running!" He shouts, hoping that someone will help him from the ground before being trampled to death.

The danger to Narai and the others isn't just trampling - it's drowing in the briny, frothing water of his native land that's now pouring through the rift in the ceiling overhead. At that moment, the prow of a fishing boat with Opodian markings jabs through the rift and seems to become - jammed? - there for just a moment, until it crumples into itself in a strange explosion and the wreckage spills like so much wooden and metal shrapnel into the docking hub, raining down on the occupants. (OOC: Roll Dodging at -4 to avoid the boat grenade blast - but give yourself a +2 bonus for Raisa and, yes, cards can be used.)]

Trak'Gar sees the ship squeeze through the rift... only to explode and send shards of metal his way. His head spikes shoot straight up and he kicks in his reflexes to jump up into an aerial backup to avoid it, landing in the water with a splash. "This is intolerable!" he snarls.

Vince didnt notice the boat getting jammed because he had hear Narai's cry. At least not until he heard the explosion. His insinct was to dive for cover, and how unforthnate it might be, that the panicing crowd makes the best cover. After several shards made there way past him, he gets up and goes with the crowd at least, to find Narai. He hmmms at an idea, and pulls out his grapple gun.

Still on the ground, DS manages to lift its head in time to see the incoming shrapnel. It manages to shift to the left just in time to avoid getting a large piece of boat lodged in its chest. Then it tries to get to its feet.

At the sight of the making it through the rift, Raisa just gives a little panicked laugh. "Really? Really?! They're throwing a /boat/ at us?" She whimpers and goes sloshing through water and people to avoid getting hit by the exploding shrapnel. "When am I going to learn to never come to Comorro?"

Akamatsu happens to jump nearby Raisa when he avoids the shrapenal coming his way and replies to her "Never if we don't figure out a way to plug that leak." After a second he notes "Don't suppose you'd have any idea of what shotting a rift would do?" The ronin makes a grab for that rifle he carries and starts to cock it to test out the theory.

Whatever Logic was trying to do doesn't seem to work and the holokid stomps his foot in frustration, in mid air. He then looks back to the rift just in time to see the ship come through and then start to explode. His eyes go wide, almost comically so, and his hair stands straight out from his head for just a moment before he dimms down dropping his resolution untill he's clearly just 'light' and very translucent letting the shrapnel simply pass right through him.

After taking a couple of kicks from the stampeding crowd, Narai pushes himself just far enough to keep is face out of the water flooding the deck. Forcing himself up, he doesn`t see the fishing boat in the rift. The sound of the explosion is only noticable for a split second to the Opodian, that is until he is struck by a piece of shrapnal. As he is hit, the small creature lets out a scream in pain. As he starts to scream, he feels something wrap around his waist - the grappling end of Vince's gun grabs the injured Opodian, and begins to pull him to apparent safety.

Maina comes hurrying down to the docking area at the sound of all the troubles. She finally makes her way through the crowds just in time to see a boat come through a rift. This, of course, has her go a bit bug-eyed, and she's still stunned at the sight when the explosion hits. A chunk of shrapnel flies through her, damaging her manifestation only temporarily, but the pain in her eyes and the way she half hunches over indicate that the pain is less temporary for her. The people in trouble, though, force her to straighten up and be more alert, looking for a way to help.

The refugees aren't as lucky, including one who's running past DS-3633 just as that chunk of ship whistles past and buries itself in her back. She falls, lifeless, into the splashing water that's growing deeper with each passing moment - filling the big Yaralu's interior and threatening to drown everyone. Comorro can't seem to control the panic yet, but she does what she can to eliminate its cause. Firing dorsal attitude jets, the ship drops along the Y axis by a few degrees, lowering away from the precise location of the rift. This has the desired effect of breaking the connection between ends of the rift and stopping the flood. Good news for people who might have been in danger of drowning, but it does nothing for the many refugees whose blood is darkening the water that remains. Trak'Gar looks around, steels himself, and begins to wade through the carnage looking for any possible survivors and assisting others in getting to higher ground until the water is dealt with.

As Vince drags Narai away from the stampede, he brings him to rest against one of the walls. Vince ignored the blood for now. He looked over Narai. "We need to get you to a doctor." He looks around the bay, "ANYONE A DOCTOR AROUND HERE?"

DS-3633 manages to make it to its feet, pushing itself off the ground. It looks around, taking in the damage and destruction. But while it is not a violent robot, it does not feel sadness at the death and injured. As the water problem seems to be solved, its own survival is no longer at risk. "This unit is not trained in medicine. These biological life forms require medical assistance in order to continue living."

"Not funny, Aka," Raisa replies, shaking her head. "You'd probably manage to blow something else up if you shot into the rift." She sighs as the water seems to stop flowing in. The Lunite takes a few moments to look around the carnage and mayhem. "Shit," she swears softly before slapping the ronin lightly on the arm. "Come on, dude, time to play hero." She raises her voice. "Get those bleeding up out of the water before they bleed out," she shouts.

Akamatsu shrugs and uncocks the round without firing it before holstering the weapon once more. To Raisa he says "Right. Mop up. Somebody get me a count on the dead. I'll be making my Zarist kill quota higher for each one." The ronin is a strange mixture between grim and attempting to be funny while he says this and goes about getting wounded out of the water.

Now that the rift seems to have broken and the water and everything else has stopped coming through Logic drifts back toward the floor working back up to full resolution as he does. "Um." He looks around, a little sure just what to do, perhaps and then he starts gathering together children if there are any present and leading them over toward the IND Logic Shortage. "Over this way. It'll be easier for grownups to find you if you're all in one spot." The holokid says in a friendly tone.

Dragged across the deck, beaten and bloodied, the Opodian Narai is dazed and confused... And in a great deal of pain. The shrapnal still in him, and blood dripping down his body, he looks around as he comes to a stop near Vince. Moaning and groaning, hearing shouts for a doctor, Narai has no idea who pulled in to safety, but lets out a faint and painful, "Thank you.".

Maina looks horrified at the carnage. More than a little horrified. Easily the worst thing she's experienced so far. Still, the call for a doctor seems to get her attention. First she goes to the female refugee who got nailed in the back, checking. When it's clear that one is dead, she spots the Opodian and the person calling for a doctor for the bear-thing. She steps up on top of the water, walking along the surface to get to the injured bear-thing more quickly. "I'm a doctor! I think!" When she gets there, "Do you, um... have any... bandages or medicines? I don't have any yet..." She kneels down, checking the injuries.

Vince nods to Narai, "You are going to be alright," he says, even if he is unsure. From what he does know, he rips off one of his sleeves and wraps it around tge piece of shrapnel, nice and firm. He lloks to the person to answer his call. "In SWAT our medic was never without supplies...and already taken care of." He sighs and undoes the grapple cable and retracts it back into the gun, holstering it.

Akamatsu manages to find a Llivori with a nice big piece a shrapenel placed about a centemeter shy of nuetering the poor guy. He carries him over to where the 'doctor' happens to be and sets him down gently enough next to the Opodian she's currently looking at.

The Opodians head flails around, as the blood drips from his wound. As Vince applies his makeshift bandage to him, Narai cringes, letting out a faint painful moan. "What happened?" He says faintly, his body feeling extremely weak, probably from the beating he took then the shrapnal hit.

With a few children gathered together near the IND Logic Shortage the Holokid vanishes for a moment and then the outer airlock cycles open and he walks out with an armload of blankets and a first aid kit. Logic leaves some of the blankets with the children then runs over to the 'Doctor' with the others and the first aid kit. "Will these help?

Maina kneels down beside the Opodian, trying to get a peek at the wound. "Oooh... we should probably get that out of there, don't you think?" She looks to Vince, "I'm not a medic. I'm a doctor. I didn't exactly expect to walk into some kind of attack." She smiles over at the first aid kit, "Oh! This should help, I think." She opens it up and stares kind of dumbly at the contents before finally getting the gist of what things are for. "You ready to get patched up, little bear person?"

Vince nods. "Alright, get it out of him, but if he dies..." He gives Maina an not so pleasant look. He looks to the Opedian, and nods "Prepare for pain," he says with a little pride...appears to be a peronal motto of some kind.

Still abit out of it, Narai looks to Maina and nods. "Do what you must." He says faintly, moaning more over the pain again. He closes his eyes, as he waits for the shrapnal to be removed. Akamatsu raises an eyebrow at the motto but merely goes back to his gathering of the wounded. The ronin goes about it silently now. He doesn't seem in a very talkative mood at the moment.

As to what happened," Logic says standing nearby Narai and the two heelping, "that was a rift. I wasn't able to scan data from it. Too much temporal disruption. I seemed similar to others I've seen though." He looks down at his feet for a moment then projects a holoimage of the current news reports. "I'd suggest this was the other end."

Maina takes a deep breath, removing the torn cloth and keeping it on hand. She also gets whatever passes for closing wounds in the first aid kit (needle and thread unless there's some replacement). She doesn't actually seem to ever breathe it back out, but she speaks to the teddy bear, "This might hurt, okay?" And then she yanks it out, giving no more warning than that. She dabs the blood with the 'bandage', checks for further injury, cleans the wound, and seals it. "Most of the bruises are really just going to take time. I think there's painkiller in here until then..." She looks around, noting Akamatsu and his tending of the wounded. "Anyone else in danger of dying?"

Vince nods and watches the doctor do her work. He seems to slip off somewhere.

The outer airlock on the IND Logic Shortage cycles closed and Logic finally looks away. "I'm going to go and do some calculations. Good luck." That said the holokid fades out with a wave. "Byeee..."

As the shrapnal is removed from him, Narai lets out a deep scream of pain. Blood trickles down from the wound, but is quickly closed up by Maina. After a moment of just sitting there, doing nothing, the Opodian looks to Maina, nodding in approval. "Thank you. I will be fine." He forces himself up, wobbling abit at first. "You should attend to the others."

Maina gives an awkward nod. Her expression is ragged, but her appearance is just as perfect as when she arrived. She moves to the other survivors, trying to identify who needs the help the most, who can be saved, who can't, and she gets to work.