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Participants: Narai, Grey, DS-3633

Tradeport - Comorro Station - <Comorro Station>

DS-3633 walks through the tradeport, pausing at various merchant stalls, but not purchasing anything. It is presently looking at a stall boasting cheap electronic equipment.

Why he went back to the Docking Hub after what happened the other night, not even Narai knows. Perhaps he went back to do what he had first intended to do, or just to see how the repairs were goin. After spending time in the Docking Hub, the small Opodian slowly walks into the Tradeport, limping as he walks. On his lower right leg, a large bandage can be seen from where he was hit from the explosion. His slow pace annoys passers by, who push their way past the bear-like creature. "Hey!" Narai shouts in protests, as he is nearly knocked over... again.

DS-3633 turns its head as Narai exclaims. It watches the Opodian for a moment, its red eyes flashing dimly as it processes. "Were you injured during the rift incident in the docking hub?" it asks the creature, then adds, "Do you require assistance at this time?"

Grey arrives from Docking Hub - Comorro Station.

Grey has arrived.

After being pushed around abit more, the Opodian stands his ground. His focus shifts to the mechanical being that is 'speaking' to him. Narai simply looks at the mechanical creation, somewhat in awe of the technological knowledge required to build such a device, and partially in confusion. "I was there, yes." Narai says, motioning towards the bandage. "I am glad I was not more severely injured. Were you there?" He asks, not entirely sure of who, or what, was there anymore.

DS-3633 nods its head, a jerky up and down motion. "Affirmative. This unit was present during the incident. I suffered damage as well." After a pause of a second or so it says, "I am Phyrrian Tasker Unit DS-3633. Greetings Opodian male." Its voice is metallic, with no emotion present.

"How big are we talking? B'hiri big?" Grey is talking into an ear mounted commlink as he pads in from the direction of the landing pads. "Have you got the security teams in place?" There's a slight pause as he listens for a response, weaving between the other races as they push past him. "Look, I want results. Get. Me. A. Security team, or I'll find someone who can." His left paw gesticulates angrily in the air in front of him, whilst his right strokes the hilt of a dagger tucked into his waist idly.

"Opodian male? This Opodian male has a name. Narai." The Opodian wanderer replies, chuckling at the mechanical being. "And what exactly does a 'Tasker Unit' do, might I ask? And I am sorry to hear you were.. well, um.. injured as well." Narai feels awkward using the term 'injured' in conjunction with a device, but he goes with it. As he finishes his sentence, he can hear Grey talking into his commlink loudly, "Mister Grey, over here." He shouts, gesturing for Grey to come to him.

DS-3633 looks at Narai for a few moments before responding, "Greetings Narai. This unit has assigned your name to your facial structure. My facial recognition software has limited experience with your species, however I believe I will be able to recognize you in the future with a 93.63% accuracy." After another pause it says, "A Tasker Unit is a mechanical being that performs one or more specific tasks assigned by the Phyrrian Overmind. They possess varying degrees of sapience and individuality."

Grey's feline ears perk up at the sound of his name and his sharp green eyes glance across in Narai's direction. "I'll call you back." The Lyiri tells his commlink before switching it off with a sharp gesture. His scruffy tail flicks gently behind him to compliment the amused expression which pulls at the felinoid's face. "Greetings Narai, talking to a robot are you?" Turning his attention to DS, Grey's tone becomes a touch more aggressive. "You're not with those phyrrian's are ya? Look, you can tell Dean he can shove his repairs team up his rusty metalic -" Thankfully the rest of that sentence is never finished, Grey is interrupted by the ringing of his commlink. "One mo." He mutters, switching it off.

Never having met a being like this, Narai is taken aback. "93.63% you say? I guess that's better then nothing." He says, chuckling. "And I must ask, what's a piece of equipment like you cost these days?" Whether Narai is oblivious or jerking the mechanical droids chain is yet to be seen. "Good evening, Mister Grey. I trust the light of Opodi finds you well? I am looking forward to discussing future business ventures with you soon."

DS-3633 looks between Grey and Narai. Then it responds to Narai first. "Phyrrian Tasker units are not available for purchase. We are considered individuals afford all the rights and privileges as other species." It does not sound offended, merely stating fact. Looking back to Grey it says, "I am not aware of any negotiations between you and Overmind Dean. I am affiliated with the New Phyrrian Enclave, but this unit operates independently."

"Yes, of course." Grey replies to Narai, the light from Comorro's light orbs reflecting off of his fangs as he grins. "We may just need to blow the bloody station to hell if we can't find anyone brave enough to step on a few spiders. Honestly, you'd think it were a big ask." He shifts his eyes back to DS-3633, head tilting slightly. "An independent operator? Good! Too many of those bloody piles of ju- I mean... it's simply good to see one of your operating outside of the overmind's shadow. Must rub him the wrong way, ey? You lookin' for employment?"

The injured Opodian listens to the Tasker Unit, showing signs of disappointment when he hears one is not available for purchase. None the less, he offers a smiles, or what would look like a smile from his small bear-like muzzle. "That is too bad. I could always use the assistance, and a being like yourself would work perfectly!" Narai exclaims. He turns to Grey momentarily. "Indeed. But we should discuss soon. I am very interested to become active within your Corporation. Whatever you need, I'm your Opodian."

DS-3633 shakes its head to Grey. The gesture is even more awkward than when it nods. "This unit is currently employed aboard the VES Minerva as an engineer." After a moment, it adds, "There are other units that possess individuality. It is possible you may be able to employ one of them."

"Rather then employ one," Narai pipes up, "How about I purchase a non-sentient one?" The Opodian is immensely fascinated by the machine. "Credits is not an issue, Mister... err.. Mister Tasker?" He adds. Whether or not they even care about credits is another story, but the Opodian tries anyway.

"Well if I meet one, I'll offer it a job. Better that then Dean ey?" Grey replies, folding his arms across his furry chest, whiskers twitching. "As for you, Opodian, we have a station full of psionic spiders that try to eat any repair team we send its way. They've got some sort of ... queen. What we need at the moment is a security team to escort our computer engineers to the AI core of the station. Once we have that core, we'll have access to enough of the ship to fumigate the little bastards."

DS-3633 turns to Narai and shakes its head again, "It is unlikely that the Overmind will allow you to purchase a tasker unit. Overmind Dean's goal is for Phyrrians to be viewed as equals, not pieces of equipment." It turns to Grey, "If you contact Commander Rynn Savoy of the VES Minerva, he may be willing to contract the crew for your purposes. We possess security forces and computer engineers."

Nodding, understanding what DS-3633 is saying, the Opodian gives up. "Very well. I guess I will need to find a mechanical servant elsewhere." Narai says, chuckles. "Mister Grey, if time permits in the next few days I do need to speak with you on other matters unreleated to our previous discussion. Everything shall be clear, in time, good sir."

"The VES Minerva?" Grey scratches his chin thoughtfully with a paw. "Yes, that much is well. If you see the commander before my message gets to him, you may inform that I wish to speak to him." Tucking both paws into the pockets of his jacket, the Lyiri then looks back to Narai. "Yes? Ah, we should meet in The Last Orders some time. No better place to find a fine drink. Better then this outverser muck, they force down everyone's throats these days." He shakes his head. "I'll contact you soon with a time and date. Until then, Ancestors know peace, Opodian." There's a slight pause as Grey considers DS-3633. "And... Phyrrian."

"This unit will inform the commander of your request Lyiri Grey." DS nods once at both of them, then says, "Farewell. This conversation appears to have been beneficial."

The Opodian is generally pleased with Grey's response, offering a nod. "May Opodi guide you on your path to eternal enlightenment, Mister Grey. I look forward to our meeting." Narai says, smiling. He looks to DS, "And to you, Mister Tasker. I bid you good night. I trust we shall speak again." He nods one last time, before scurrying off into the crowd.