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Participants: Narai, Maina, Wormhole

Docking Hub - Comorro Station - <Comorro Station> The Docking Hub has cleaned up nicely since being drowned in water just a few nights ago, but as much should be expected from such a popular port of call. One of the 'victims' of the rifts destruction, the Opodian Narai, stands on a metal crate. In one hand he waves a piece of paper with some hand written notes on it, several people have come to him, listening to his ramblings. "My friends! The Rift is only the beginning! Opodi has abandoned us in our time of need. We have fallen from grace! Beware of destruction rained down from the heavens!" Narai shouts. A few of the onlookers chuckle, passing him off as a crazy religous zealot, others listen attentively.

Maina steps out of the shuttle, frowning when she realizes what the shouting is. She starts through the crowd towards Narai, looking up at him. She recognizes him, at least, as one of the people she helped during the attack.

"My friends! Opodi, the one Opodians hold in the highest regard, has left! We have been worshiping a false god for many years!" Narai shouts, as he seems to be getting attention from even more people. He looks down at his sheet of paper. "The Kamir, the ones we have worshipped, have long since left. The Opodians, and all who worship the Kamir must move on! We look to the past for answers, for salvation. We must forge our own future." The Opodian continues shouting, trying to stir up some emotion from the crowd, especially from any other Opodians. He has not seen Maina yet.

Maina raises a brow at this turn, folding her arms under her chest and shifting her weight to listen.

Wormhole has arrived.

A few of the crowd depart, others start shouting at the Opodian, while several (although not many) shout in support. Narai continues ranting, "I call for Opodians, aliens, anyone who worship the Kamir as false prophets to throw down the chains which have bound you for so many years and take back your destiny. The Rift is only the beginning!" The Opodian finishes, only because the crowd begins to get restless. Jumping off of the crate, Narai scurries across the Docking Hub as some of the more rowdy listeners are pushed out by automated security drones.

Maina gives a wave to Narai, "Hello! Good speech!" She smiles, but she only half expects to be acknowledged at all.

The shuttle lands and the ramp opens, permitting its passengers to disembark. Among this crowd is Wormhole, who is wearing his armor and only aemed with a sword. He heads towards the Tradeport before stopping, hearing the outcry of others, seeming excited by something. He steps towards the commotion to see what is up.

The Opodian takes a moment to calm himself, after becoming very aggitated from his speech. As he hears Maina, he turns and offers a nod. "Thank you. I am glad you enjoyed it. But do you agree, is the important question?" Narai asks. "You look familiar..." His eyes narrow as he tries to place Maina, not realizing she was present at the Rift crisis the other evening. Maina has her smile lessened by not being recognized. "I was at the attack. I removed the debris from your wound." She frowns a little at the question itself. "I do not think the Kamir deserve to be worshipped. From what I understand, they were terrible. So in that respect, I suppose, I agree."

Wormhole had not realized who had been causing the commotion, up until he looked where they were looking. Catching a glimpse of Narai jump from his makeshift pedastool. He pushes his way through the crowd. "Greetings. How is the wound?" He seems unconcerned about the recent activity for now.

"Ah yes, now I remember." Narai says, nodding to Maina. "I never got the chance to properly thank you for aiding me. It was those events that begun my holy quest into seeking the truth of Opodi and our Kamir 'gods'." He shakes his head, thinking about it and tries to to become aggitated again. "But I glad you agree. The Kamir were terrible, Opodi is no exception. Except that my people decided to use Opodi as the central figure in our religious beliefs." As Narai finishes his sentence, he hears Wormhole speak, and turns to him, nodding. "Good evening, good sir. And yes, the wound is healing nicely, thanks to..." He looks to Maina, motioning at her, "I do not believe I got your name?"

Maina gives a smile of recognition to Wormhole, but she keeps her attention on Narai. "I'm glad you don't believe like the rest of your species does. That makes me glad." She tilts her head at the request for her name. "Oh, how terribly rude. I'm Maina Clearwater. I'm actually more of a geneticist or biologist or whatever, but I know enough medicine to help out."

Wormhole nods, having eyed the wound dressing on his approach, "I do hope it gets well...shrapnel? How did flooding cause that sort of wound?" He looks to Maina and offers a smile. "Hello!"

"Well I thank you again, Maina Clearwater." Narai says, his voice calm and appreciative. "The fact is the Kamir have long since left, yet their legacy remains, A legacy which I hope the Opodians can break. But it will take much more then a few speeches to do that." The bear-like creature lets a sigh out, "It will take much work, but I am prepared to do what I must to break the chains the Kamir still have on us. Unfortunately I suspect it will be difficult to find people to help me in this." Turning his attention to Wormhole to answer his question. "Indeed shrapnel. A boat was pushed through and exploded. The debris killed and injured many, myself included. I am lucky to have survived."

Maina fidgets a bit, "I helped who I could. I fear it wasn't enough. From what I heard, about half of the refugees present died. A little ironic in that they came to have loved ones resurrected, I suppose, but still sad." She looks to Narai, "And I'm glad I could help at least one person... I wonder why the boat exploded."

Wormhole nods and frowns a bit. There is a brief pause of silence as he considers something. "I see...many dead is not a good that is what the ruckess was about?"

"Technology, why else would it have exploded? But I suppose it matters not anymore." Narai says, thinking about that evening and shaking his head. "As for the ruckess, good sir, I assume you mean what was going on here? I was addressing the new comers on the plight of the Kamir. How our races must free ourselves from their grip. Opodians worship a Kamir known as Opodi. It is time to create our own destiny, but it will take much work. The Kamir are long gone, we must move on."

Maina gives a little nod towards Narai, "I would tend to agree. They're gone, now. They were mortal beings. That's nothing worth worshipping. Especially with the destruction they've caused."

Wormhole nods with a smile, clasping his hands as he relaxes a bit. "Change is good. It provides insight into furthering ones self. Otherwise you could be stuck in a limbo." He nods, and considers the boat theory. "Well, I do not know how a rift could cause something to explode...spacecrafts are rifted all the time, I believe. However, if an overwhelming crushing pressure was applied...that could very well cause it to explode." He looks to Maina, and nods. "Right place at the wrong time...or even wrong place, depending."

"My people have wandered. They are stuck in the past. My people are capable of so much more." Narai says, saddened by the words, and his peoples oppression by Masters long since past. "But enough about this, the topic is depressing as nothing can be done about it." The Opodian forces out abit of a chuckle. "The pressure idea you have would make sense. But I am no expert." The Opodian chuckles again.

Maina shrugs a little, "I suppose it doesn't matter. It happened." She smiles towards Narai, "But I admire your desire to bring change for the better. I wish you the best in that endeavor. You've healed well, then?"

Wormhole nods. "Well, best of luck to you both. I have other business to attend to." He turns for the Tradeport to make his leave.

Motioning for where the bandage is applied, Narai nods to Maina. "Indeed, it is. It will take some time to be fully healed, but I am glad that I was not more seriously injured. I was luckier then many who were here." Lowering his head in respect, Narai pauses for a moment. "As for my endeavor... Thank you. I have much research to do, and try and organize like-minded individuals together to try and affect change." The Opodian turns to Wormhole, and offers a nod as he departs. "I must take my leave as well, I have a meeting that I must get to." He nods to Maina, "We shall speak again soon, I am sure." He nods again, then departs.

Maina looks between them both. First, she waves to Wormhole, then to Narai. "Please be sure to have it checked on regularly until it's fully healed? Just to be safe. Be well, both of you."

Wormhole smiles at the words as they make thekr way to his 'ears'. Though, no further reply is given as he leaves.