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Maina Clearwater

[[Image:|none|240px|Maina Clearwater]]
Maina's preferred appearance
Species or Race Riftwalker
(Tries to pass as human)
Gender Female
Height 5'4"
Weight 121 lbs
Skin Color Dark Tan
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Blue-Grey
Biological Age Under a year. Over a lifetime.
Date of Birth Wednesday 26 October 2653 AD
Human ship docked in Comorro Station
Died N/A
Spouse N/A
Residence Comorro Station
Profession Geneticist
Employer Unemployed
Character name Maina Clearwater

This is all OOC information. Use your personal judgment as to whether you could find any of this out IC.

Personal History

Being a Riftwalker, Maina knows next to nothing about her origins before Limbo. Her personality was formed of the fractured shards of many others. In her particular case, the many consisted of a conflicting group of scientists and back-to-nature pagan types that were consumed together by a fracture in their universe. This inner conflict served to start damaging her psyche before she even began to truly suffer from the isolation that drives other Riftwalkers to manifest. The act of manifesting also served to merge the fragmented personalities.

She manifested inside a human ship. Inside the officer quarters, specifically. She explored the ship and soon left to wander Comorro Station. It was there she eventually met someone who asked her name. She felt explaining her actual situation might cause trouble for herself, so she decided to feign already knowing it. The only name she remembered from the ship was "Maina." The other person eventually pressed for a surname, assuming she was human, and she decided on "Clearwater" as the first "natural" thing she'd seen on the station.


Like many Riftwalkers, Maina has decided from her experiences that she's likely a nature spirit of some kind. It's how she explains Limbo and the rifts and her skills and her very existence. Unlike many Riftwalkers, she doesn't like to advertise this belief. She sees herself as diminished from her original capabilities. Weaker and more vulnerable than she was or should be. Acting like she's some primal spirit or force would not help her make friends. It might even bring her to an early end. As such, if she can, she'll present herself as a human, as she manifested on a human ship, and she generally looks human. She will likely not use her psionic abilities unless those present know what she is, it's necessary for some reason, or she thinks she can disguise the effect as something else.


This young woman looks like she is in her mid-teens, perhaps around sixteen years old. Her frame is small, waifish in build, standing a little under five and a half feet tall, though her flesh itself is healthy and well-exercised. Her lithe arms lead to slender hands and fingers, and her legs lead to similarly dainty feet. She appears like she would weigh somewhere around the lower end of one-hundred pounds; though not emaciated, she clearly doesn't have much meat on her bones.
Her hair would seem to be her most notable feature, initially. It's a deep, dark brown. Her hair is so dark, in fact, that it might often be mistaken for black. It's almost impossibly long, reaching down beyond her rear, taken care of impeccably. The next thing one might notice would be her eyes. They are a somewhat unusual color of grey, mixed with a bluish tint. The result is not quite stormy in coloration, but a definite sense of dark clouds can be noted from their appearance. Her nose is small, nearly button, but not quite so. Her lips are shapely, but one would almost certainly not call them plump. The entirety of her facial features give a soft impression, with gentle curves and no real angular features. Also notable is that her face is entirely bereft of makeup, relying instead on her natural appearance.
Her clothing is fairly simple, without many accessories or extra design. She wears a black dress that reaches to the floor, light and airy in material, flowing easily with each movement. Otherwise, it's unadorned. Upon her feet rest a pair of black slippers, lightly padded. Beyond this, her body is unadorned, with her face free of makeup and her ears unpierced.
