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Participants: Riata, Narai

Science Bay - IND Enlightenment

The room, once shared has been taken over. Yes, taken over by one opodian who is on a mission. Crew from all over the ship have been pressed into service in order to catalog and organize the finds from the temple. Riata, PDA in hand and with a stern expression, is like a maestro conducting an orchestra, directing here, chastising there, all while examining the finds and the data from them.

The door to the science opens with a *swooosh*, standing behind it is the explorer Narai. His arm in a sling, and a patch on the wound from beind shot clearly visible, he steps into the Science Bay. The door closing behind him, Narai steps further into the Bay, looking at all the items spawled out on all the tables and consoles. He doesn't touch though - he leaves that for Riata. Even though he has previous experience in this sort of stuff, the explorer leaves the glory of finding some new artifact or information to his crew - they deserve the glory. He steps over to Riata, not knowing if he has been seen and says, "All is progressing well, I trust?"

Riata looks up just as one of the younger members of the crew, looking down at a very fragile artifact is about to slam right into Narai, "Stop!" resounds throughout the room and all activity ceases. Pointing one clawed finger to the youngster she them points to an empty spot prepared for the artifact, her face one of irritation, "People, how many times do I have to remind you to watch where you are going and use the utmost care?" finally she lets out a sigh and waves to them all, "Take a break," she says wearily and waves them all out, well except for Narai, "Out, out, out, the lot of you."

Simply watching the goings on with some amusement, Narai waits for the last crew member to leave. He looks back as the door to the Bay closes, then turns to Riata. "It is going well, I see?" He says, chuckling and hoping that it doesn't annoy his chief scientist. "I have sent a press release to the Comorro Media. Hopefully we can report on some exciting findings in the coming days. Is there anything you need from me?"

Riata sighs again and waves a paw, "I have had to pull from everywhere Narai, even the janitors are in here and not a single one of them realizes the importance or at least the potential importance of these findings." she then begins to smile, a light of excitement coming into her eyes, "But the things we are finding, they are incredible, well what is whole enough to gather any data on anyway. Come look," she waves him over.

Nodding, Narai understands the lack of 'experience' professionals. He has been able to attract more adventure seekers and militaristic types - which isn't all bad, otherwise they'd be dead from their recent encounter on Drakon. He follows Riata along, "I will put out a request for scientists. Increase the budget I suppose. I'm sure it will pay off in the end." Spoken more like a businessman then an explorer. But Narai is both, and a scientist and politician wrapped into one. The biggest reason he felt the need to search the starts for a new home. "What have you found?"

Riata she nods at his words but it is obvious she has completely forgotten that she made the complaint in the first place, so wrapped up is she in the discoveries. Indicating some data tablets that are currently being downloaded with some rather advanced machinery, "These for example, they are in such an old language, but so similar to what we speak at home. Oh, they will take a long time to translate but, more and more information about that temple and the teachings there. It is amazing, even the culture was rather different it seems."

"Indeed. Indications from Irinnar suggested that the Opodian civilization that colonized the system was a break-away group from our own people." Narai says, leaning over to look at one of the objects, but not touch it. "It would be reasonable to assume that the language may have changed slightly. As for the teachings, that would be intersting to see how they observed religious ceremonies." He nods, impressed. "I am sad though I cannot be help with regards to assistance from our homeworld. I am not in favor there. I am sure things would progress quickly if we had access to the ancient archives there. For all we know there is some hidden documents there that would shed light on this colony."

Riata waves an unconcerned paw, "Pish dear, I wouldn't trust half of the things they would say from home. They would be far happier to take the information and then pat our heads kindly for doing the work for them so that they can cover it all up that much more quickly. Don't worry about it, I am sure that we will muddle along in our own way." she beams down at the two datapads with an almost paternal pride then flaps her hands at Narai and herds him to her next big surprise, "And this, look at these tablets. They seem to be mostly decorative but look at the seemingly primitive form of expression and yet the artistry is astounding."

"Impressive. It is all exciting." Narai says, walking across the bay to another table. Looking down at it, he idly says, "I have been giving thought to what comes next. The Solidarity needs to setup a governing body soon. I have released some information to the media to suggest something big is coming. We need all of our things in order when we officially go public." Turning, Narai carefully leans against a console. "I am not in favor of a theocratic government like we have at home. I want to push away from that. I have been thinking.. Aristocratic. I have always wanted to be a Baron." He says, chuckling. "I am sure we can come up with something. I have put in a requisition request for a Cruiser and materials for an orbital station. We need protection." Riata is just about to expound on her next big find when Narai begins speaking, her mouth shuts with an audible clack and she blinks rapidly as she changes mental gears, "I see," she seems to consider this a moment then nods, "I agree with the lack of a theocratic government and aristocratic can certainly work out rather well. I would happily work to build that so long as we put in place a few ground rules to keep the government safe in future generations, you know how these things always go. Someone, or a few someones, get greedy and the whole thing goes to pot."

"Ideally we should only have a few in the 'high command' of whatever ruling body we choose." Narai says, hinting that he has given this some thought. "A few running the Solidarity, with some mid-level commanders.. Military, a few other areas." He sighs. "So much planning to do. We need to sit down soon and seriously discuss this."

Riata nods thoughtfully, "That sounds like a very good idea. I agree, we should not have many who rule but certainly enough to get things done." she nods crisply at that.

"Give it some thought, we can meet in a few days to flesh out the plan. But it shouldn't wait too long. I would ideally like to have the media brought to Irinnar to show it off and announce the official formation of the Solidarity." Narai says, leaning over again as he sees something of interest. "How is the wound?"

Riata blinks rapidly again at this next total shift in conversation and once again makes the mental shift, looking down she shrugs, "It is clean and healing. How is yours?"

"It will take some time, but it is fine." Narai says. He looks around the science bay again, at the enormous amount of work that Riata has. "I should let you get back to it. I have some meetings to attend on Comorro. Contact me if you need anything." He nods, smiling and then running out the door.