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Image of Demaria

Universe Normalspace Variant 1
Galaxy The Milky Way
System Demar (binary system)
Coordinates X: 150
Y: 217
Satellites Nine moons; the "Nightstrand"
Climate Desert
Terrain Desert, Mountains
Population 25,000,000 Demarian
160,000 others
Government and Economy
Government Demarian Senate
Currency Credit
Gross World Product (GWP)


  • 2086 CE: The Battle of Opposing Suns. The greatest of Demarian heroes, Altheor, self-destructs his flagship Honor Bound in the heart of an invading Nall fleet. The Nall are so impressed by his sacrifice that they call off the attack on Demaria.
  • 2346 CE: Demaria joins the Stellar Consortium.
  • 2348 CE: Ambassador Tuftear Footlander is killed by the Zangali Uboth Yolbrom on Mars, touching off the Demarian-Zangali War.
  • 2364 CE: The Demarian-Zangali War ends with the signing of the Treaty of Torricelli on Ganymede.



Home to over fifteen million Demarians, the sprawling capital of Alhira is the main occupied city on the planet. It is situated among the Brakithira Hot Springs, in the shadow of the Stubtooth Mountains. As the heart of modern Demarian society, it boasts the world's largest spaceport, along with the Great Houses, the Temple, and Consortium embassies.

Sand Mother

The name given to the massive desert which spans much of the main continent. While dotted with small settlements and oases, it is mostly a barren wasteland of beasts and raiders.

Stubtooth Mountains

The mountain range which acts as a barrier between Alhira and the Sand Mother. Snow exists on the northernmost peaks, while volcanic activity has been recorded in the south. It is home to a number of small mining communities.


Demaria is a harsh, hot desert world with little rainfall and scorching summertime temperatures.



  • Bihar: Only the gentlest may handle the Bihar flower of Demaria, for it bruises easily. It makes a lovely sight when floated gently on a setting of water, but getting it inside is tricky. One hand must cradle it gently, not bruising it itself while the other must shield it from outside damages. Red is the more normal color, but on rare occasions, the plant will produce a blossom of almost the color of gold. No one knows why. The golden blossoms bruise more easily than even the red.
  • Mykir: A flowering plant that is the source of a deadly poison called mykiritox. The scent of the blooms themselves are thought to have a strong aphrodisiac effect on Demarians, however.


  • Dribgib: A large, meaty bird that is native to Demaria's coastal regions. Resembling a Terran ostrich, this long-necked feathered beast that can reach up to eight feet tall has short, stubby wings that render it incapable of flight. Not to be thought of as slow, however, as it has been known to achieve running speeds upwards of fifty kilometers per hour. Dribgib is frequently sold at local Demarian restaurants and food stands, most often fried.
  • Grithu: On average, the chameleon-like grithu lizard of Demaria runs about eight inches in length. It is prized for its tusks, which are used in Demarian costume jewelry.
  • Jestleahna: A small desert rodent found throughout the world.
  • Padraki desert bumblers: Shaggy brown-furred bovine creature of Demaria with six legs and a whip-like tail, standing about six feet tall and four feet wide. Females are fairly docile until their offspring are threatened, then they turn themselves into furry battering rams. Males are typically mean-tempered anyway, and will find any excuse to try to trample a Demarian bumblekeep. Bumblers are a common source of meat for Demarians.
  • Sand dancer: About six inches long, this sandy brown desert menace of Demaria has eight legs, four frontal claws, a tough exoskeleton and a twin-barbed tail tipped with poison.
  • Sand eel: Found in pits throughout the Sand Mother, these deadly creatures are worm-like animals who trap their prey - be it sentient or otherwise - in the pit by puffing up sand until the victim is within gnashing distance. Then, the eel uses its poisoned barbs to subdue and, ultimately, kill the quarry. Demarian nobles often make the capture of a sand eel for their own home (considered a sign of good luck) a trial for their family. They then use the eels for entertainment, sending underclassers into the pits to try to steal the barbs.


Detailed information regarding Demarian society and culture can be found on the racial page.