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Maiden Voyage

Summary: The crew of the Demarian Militia's newest vessel launch on their first adventure.

Cast: Grayback,Blackmane,Jigglepelt,Patchear,Silvertips

Air Date: January 18th, 2651

Setting: DMV Sharpclaw

This spacious command center offers a mix of functionality with comfort. The floor is covered with a deep plush purple carpet that has ample padding underneath to provide a comfortable walking surface. On a slightly raised dias in the center is the command chair, which looks more like an easy chair. It has deep, soft cushions of a lighter shade of purple, with control panels covered with wood highlights are mounted on the fronts of the chair arms. Before this is the main navigational console, a large arc of wood and gold trim that provides all the necessary controls to operate the vessel while maintaining a look of fine furniture in the process. Auxilliary control consoles are on the starboard and port side walls for functions such as science analysis, communications, and computer access, all sharing the same wood paneled look. The viewscreen itself on the fore wall is surrounded by an opulent gold frame, which complements the varnished wood panelling that covers the walls of the bridge. Lighting is provided by recessed lighting in the ceiling, as well as brass sconces spaced along the walls. The console chairs are cushioned much like the command chair, and each station, command chair included, has a polished round mirror mounted on a brass swing arm next to it. A single wood panelled door leads aft to the rest of the ship.

Contents: Exits:

Officer Quarters - <DMV Sharpclaw>

This room serves as housing for the ship's command officers, and they are accorded the very best in luxury housing. Individual doors lead to apartments that consist of a living area with a soft bed, a polished wooden desk with personal computer terminal, a personal holoviewer, and a small bathroom and storage closet. The captain's quarters are very much the same, although larger at the end of the compartment.

Jigglepelt's ears lie flat for a moment and he takes a wadding step back. "Eh..." He replies after a moment and produces a stick of jerky. The Demarian male scratches himself as he slowly looses attention. "Hey siss, boost the output of the sensorrrs, seems we are going to go explorrring and all that. Best be a gyro stand out there."

Patchear's whiskers twitch in agreement. "We ssshould alssso look into the sssensorrrs to trrry and get more detailed rrreadingsss," she replies. "We could prrrobably rrrig sssomething togetherrr but a long terrrm sssolution could be morrre difficult."

Tail twitching in amusement as both request better sensors Tipsy nods, "Cerrtainly, I will see if I cannot make imprrrrovements on the sensorrrrs. I might even worrrk on a new sensorrrrr system as a side prrrroject."

Grayback Nimblefoot sidles up into the conversation. "It seems that ourrrr shakedown shall have to wait. We've been given orrrrrderrrrs to launch, and investigate the Line Of Pain. We arrrre orrrrderrrred to determine the extend of recent Nall activity in the arrrrea." he says.

"Heya Tips, yourrr frrriend always blow off the big sexy beasts?" Jiggles asks before he turns to face Grayback, it is a slow thing and requires a bit of huffing, puffing and rolling rolls of fat. "Well... too late forrrr the sensorrrs now."

Patchear flicks her ears in Grayback's direction. "We can't guarrrantee all of the sssyssstems working at optimal levelsss yet, sirrrr," she replies, muzzling twitching with discontentment. "But I think we will be alrrright ssso long asss we arrren't rrrequirrred forrr anything too strrrenuous." She looks over to Silvertips with a questioning cant of her ears and ignores Jiggles entirely.

Silvertips purrs agreement, "I concurrr, I can keep the ship rrrunning well forrrr something that is not too harrrd on the systems. The mission itself will have to be ourrrr shakedown."

Grayback Nimblefoot nods. "Unforrrrtunately, the Battleclaw was quite insistent." the First Fang says. "Assume yourrrr stations, we launch immediately."

Jigglepelt pulls out a bit of jerky from the pocket of his white coat and starts to waddle towards the bridge in what is considered a fast pace for the chubby kitty.

Bridge - <DMV Sharpclaw>

This spacious command center offers a mix of functionality with comfort. The floor is covered with a deep plush purple carpet that has ample padding underneath to provide a comfortable walking surface. On a slightly raised dias in the center is the command chair, which looks more like an easy chair. It has deep, soft cushions of a lighter shade of purple, with control panels covered with wood highlights are mounted on the fronts of the chair arms. Before this is the main navigational console, a large arc of wood and gold trim that provides all the necessary controls to operate the vessel while maintaining a look of fine furniture in the process. Auxilliary control consoles are on the starboard and port side walls for functions such as science analysis, communications, and computer access, all sharing the same wood paneled look. The viewscreen itself on the fore wall is surrounded by an opulent gold frame, which complements the varnished wood panelling that covers the walls of the bridge. Lighting is provided by recessed lighting in the ceiling, as well as brass sconces spaced along the walls. The console chairs are cushioned much like the command chair, and each station, command chair included, has a polished round mirror mounted on a brass swing arm next to it. A single wood panelled door leads aft to the rest of the ship.

Grayback Nimblefoot settles himself into the command chair. "Rrrready or not, this vessel is taking herrrrr maiden flight." he says. "Posts."

Patchear strides onto the bridge and takes her position at the navigation console, purring as she settles herself into her seat. "Powerrr coming online, sir," she says.

Silvertips settles into the Engineering station, "Active and awaiting orrrrders Sirr."

Jigglepelt is the last one in and if cats could sweat he'd be drenched at the moment. The Demarian puffs at the enterance for a moment and starts to waddle towards the science--y station. With the scope thingie Spock rocked.

"Take us up. Once we achieve orrrrbit, set courrrrse for coordinates 200,257." Grayback says, looking back to Silvertips. "Keep a close eye on those systems. I'd prrrreferrr few surrrprrrises on this mission."

"Yess, sirrr," Patchear chirps as her paws move against the controls with precision and skill. There is a rumble as she ship's engines fire up and they accelerate into the sky. Her tail moves back and forth with her excitement.

Silvertips keeps her eyes glued to the display, "Yes Sirrr," she purrs as she keeps herself ready to fix problems! Paws poised.

Jigglepelt watches his display with only passive interest.

"Engage Otherrrrrspace drrrrive." Grayback says, bringing up some information on his chair console. "It has been many yearrrrs since the Nalls have seen fit to come that close to the borrrderrrr." he says, his ears giving an idle twitch. "That station's arrrrival seems to be of grrrreat concerrrrn to them."

As Patchear enters the coordinates, her muzzle twitches. "Do we have any information on thisss ssstation? Isss it a dangerrr to usss?" A pause. "Engaging Otherrrssspace drrrive now."

With a lurch and a flash of white light the ship accelerates to FTL speed.

With a lurch the ship's FTL drive slows to sublight and the viewscreen displays the starry void of space once again as the ship's computer reports the destination has been reached.

Jigglepelt eyes the scanner lazily but he seems to be focused on his reflection in the mirror at the moment. He is a pretty pretty kitty after all. Everyone else is at their stations doing stationly things. Grayback bossing, Patchear flying and Silvertips engineering.

"Keep alerrrt." Grayback says, leaning forward in his chair as the ship emerges from Otherspace. He glances to Jigglepelt. "Full sensorrr scans. Look forrrr signs of any rrrrecent ship activity beyond the line." he says, looking to Patchear. "Keep a firrrm hand on the helm. If therrrre is trrrrrouble, we'rrrre not likely to get backup. Prrrrreparrre to 'pourrrr it on' as the humans would say."

The door to the corridor opens, and behind it is the Second Fang of the ship - Blackmane. His hands behind his back, he steps through the door allowing it to close behind him with a *swoosh*. He takes a few steps forward towards Nimblefoot, offering a nod, "Engineering is under control, figured you'd want me up here, sir." He says to his superior. "Where do you need me?" He looks at the rest of the crew at their stations, waiting for his orders from the First Fang.

Patchear's ears flip toward Blackmane as he enters, but her attention remains focused on the viewscreen in front of her and the controls beneath her paws.

Grayback Nimblefoot looks to Blackmane. "Ahhh, glad you could join us, Second Fang." he says, settling back into his chair. "Command has orrrrderrred us to investigate the Nall activity nearrr the Line. We have just enterrred sensorrr rrrange. If you would, assist ourrrr Engineerrrr in keeping an eye on ourrrr systems. Such a rrrrrushed mission, we have not had time to fully test them." he says, motioning to Silvertips.

Jigglepelt looks over at Grayback and gives him a small nod once he is able to tear himself away from his own image. The Demarian's tail flicks and his ear cocks up. "Well.. the Nall have been arrround, lucky we missed them. Severrral ships werrre about not too long ago. They jumped back to Parallax space. Otherrr than that.. nothing.. no taco stands, no gyro carts no active rrrrips in time and space." He sighs wistfully.

Silvertips is paying minimal attention to the coversation behind her, her eyes locked on the display, "Sirrrr, prrroblem. Therrrrre are severrral outages acrrross the boarrrd. We arrre losing systems, nothing crrrritical yet but it might get that way soon. I am trrrrying to stop the prrrogresssion now beforrrre it hits sensorrrs."

"By your command." Blackmane replies, offering another nod and walking toward auxilliary control station from which he can monitor the engineering systems from. He sits down at the station chair, inputing his access codes and bringing the console to life. His ears perk up as the goes over the display and the various readings on it. "Hmmmm..." He says to himself, or more of a response to SIlvertips' announcement. "Perhaps we should isolate the affected systems?" He suggests. "Run a non-invasive diagnotic on each of them, see if something comes up. In the mean time I will re-route power from non-essential systems to offset the outages."

Grayback Nimblefoot looks to Patchear. "All stop." he says, standing from his chair and heading to the Engineering console. "Altheorrr's teeth." he says in a snarl. "Do whateverrr is necessarrry to effect rrrrepairrrs. Someone at the shipyarrrrrd is going to be strrrrung from the rrrafterrrs by his tail."

"All ssstop," Patchear confirms as the ship lurches to a stop. She flicks an ear in Silvertips' direction. "Ssshould we ssset a courrrse back to Demarrria, ssssir?" she asks. "It doesss usss no good to sssit out herrre if we arrre losssing sssystemsss left and rrright."

Silvertips gets busy doing what repairs she can, after several moments of soft growling intersperced with a purr or two she sighs, "I am unable to rrrepairr all systems at this time howeverrrr I have made enough rrrepairs to the crrritical systems to halt the prrrogress of destrrruction." Jigglepelt starts to do a sweep of the various sensor bands and twitches his whiskers as well as his tail. "Well... therrre is nothing sending signals I can find." He states as he pulls out some jerky and begins munching away.

Talking to himself as he taps away at the console. After a few beeps, the Second Fang hisses at the display, as he gets on his knees and opens up the panel. As he reaches in, pulling out several datachips and other pieces, he quickly rearranged them, and changes the location of several optical power cables. As he inserts the last one, the console above him chirps in agreement, and Blackmane returns to his chair, inputting several more commands. "Sir, power transfer to non-critical systems underway thanks to Silvertips quick work. We need to probably shut down, ideally at a drydock and see what's wrong." He sighs, "But that's probably not going to happen, sir, hmm? I'll keep it running as long as I can, and prepare engineering crews to get to work. Your orders?"

"We have no guarrrantees we can make it back in this condition." Grayback says. "We'll hold position until the engineerrrrs have time to stabilize ourrr systems and ensurrrre that we can rrrreturn without incident." he says, returning to his chair. "Keep sensorrrrs on maximum. This close to the borrrderrr is likely to drrrraw attention."

Patchear's tail lashes back and forth with unease but she nods, "Yesss, sirrrr," she says, turning her attention back to the console, inputting a few more commands. "I will assssissst frrrom herrre in rrrepairrs if posssible," she adds.

Silvertips is in the zone, she is tapa tapping away at the console's commands trying to isolate problems for repair and muttering orders to members of the Engineering crew.