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Tradeport - Comorro Station

        Built within one of the larger fissures of her digestive system, this common tradeport has rib-like structures with gray-green webs of matter stretched between them to protect Comorro's winding intestinal conduits from damage. Luminescent symbiotes, floating orbs of green and yellow, provide illumination for the cartilagenous nodes that serve as shops and merchant stalls.
        The docking hub can be found at the starboard end of the bazaar, while a levimodule at the port end carries visitors to other levels of the Yaralu vessel.

Off to the side from the Tradeport's usual hustle and bustle, the young human woman known as Marisa is leaned against whatever counts as a wall inside a space whale. Her cloak is closed, although in its tattered state it doesn't offer much protection, and the hood is up enough to hide her hairline but not her face. A few blonde locks escape the hood around her neck, and her pale green eyes watch traffic absently as the girl finishes off a bowl of what looks to be some kind of... space soup.

The girl seems to be wearing brand new clothes, a too-long blue tee shirt covering her small form loosely. Dark blue jeans are held up by a sturdy black belt, and leather boots offer decent protection for the young woman's feet. A black cotton cloak is draped over all of this, tattered in comparison but present nonetheless.

Umishi pads into the tradeport streaching her arms over her head yawning with her ears swiviling in diffrent directions.

A levimodule's doors open with a sharp whooshing sound, and releases its passengers. Among these, and doing his best to blend into the crowd is a Lyiri. Tall for his race, Grey stands out among Lyiri, but blends in rather well among Hekayti. His greatcoat rides the small breeze from the ventilation ducts, accompanied by the sway of his tail as he moves deeper into the tradeport.

Dean ventures into the tradeport from the docking hub with a single glance behind him, making his way towards one of the many stalls scattered about. His eyes scan the wares, quite literally, before looking around the area a bit.

Two Gankri crouch in a currently unopened merchant stall, under the cover of a wrinkly black plastic tarpaulin. One peers through a gap in the tarp while the other whispers: "Can you see anything? Any sign of the target?"

The girl on the wall-membrane takes note of each of the newcomers, looking from Umishi to Grey to Dean and between a number of others without so much as a blink. Marisa downs the rest of her space soup and detaches herself from her leaning position, slipping over to one of the stalls to deposit the bowl for cleaning.

Umishi ears stop swiviling around and she starts and odd routine of streaching in place.

The presence of another Lyiri among the crowds catches Grey's attention, he takes a few sniffs of the air before glancing in Umishi's direction. After a moment the Lyiri pulls the collar of his great coat higher about his neck and heads in Umishi's direction, attempting to establish a telepathic link between them.

"Need help with anything?" The vendor asks Dean.

"No, thank you, just browsing." The Overmind responds, giving another brief glance, but not really interested.

The Gankri peering through the tarp turns to regard his companion, who holds up a slowly rotating holographic image of a female human. Shrugging, he starts assembling three small organic pipes into a longer instrument.

And Marisa is gleefully unaware of any Gankri plotting. Okay, maybe not gleefully so much as just plain unaware. The girl heads over for the stall Dean is at and regards the wares as well, offering a light greeting nod to botht he vendor and Dean. "Anehtin' good?" she asks lightly.

Umishi stands upright from her streaching and blinks at the other approaching Lyiri, ~Oh hello.~

Grey inclines his head towards Umishi as he walks over. ~Greetings.~ He replies, coming to a stop and resting his paws on his hips, regarding the Lyiri. ~Someone was just telling me, how little they see Lyiri about the station.~

Grey and Umishi are speaking somewhere near the middle of the tradeport, Dean and Marisa are near a stall selling goods somewhere to the side of it.

Once the three pipes are assembled, the Gankri plucks a black-feathered silver dart and pokes the dart into the tube. He peers through the gap in the tarp again. His gaze settles on Marisa before shifting back to the image in the holovid. "All look same," he whispers, then moves back to his position, raising the blow tube to aim at Marisa.

"Not really, but don't tell him that," Dean says with a grin towards Marisa, jerking a thumb back towards the vendor. His eyes go towards Grey for a moment, then back at Marisa.

Marisa chuckles, nodding, "Fair 'nough, eye. Anehtin' ye's recc'mend 'n aneh o' de ud'r stalls, den?" She puts her ahnds in her pockets and continues looking over the wares.

Umishi blinks, ~I never really took a count~ tilts her head a moment at Grey..~You're tall..~

Grey nods once. ~Yes, it helps with the air pressure.~ He reassures, with a faint smirk lighting his muzzle. ~You're blue.~ He counters.

The second Gankri - the one who doesn't have a blow gun to shoot soon - pockets his holographic imager and ducks out the back of the stall. He brushes himself off, then clops with big floppy feet as he makes his way around to the main floor of the tradeport.

Volidana walks in the tradeport and takes notice of Grey and Dean, both familiar faces. It's dean for whom she chooses to head with a smile and a polite "good evening"

"Depends on what your looking for, I suppose," The Phyrrian responds to Marisa with a slight shrug. He gives a wave towards Volidana, "Evening to you as well."

"Nae a clue," Marisa admits, "Jes' sumtin' te catch de eye, aye?" She shrugs and considers the next stall, before shaking her head, "Meh, nae e'en sure why I's bein' out 'ere. Nae anehtin' in'res'in' goin' on, y'know?"

"Ms. Ryoleli?" the second Gankri says as he approaches Marisa, tapping her on the shoulder. The other waits, blow gun readied.

Umishi huffs and her furr seems to puff up a bit, ~There is nothing wrong with being blue..I am just not used to seeing tall Lyiri~

Grey's ears fold against his head, which he inclines, ~I did not mean to imply that there was.~ He communicates telepathically, a reassuring smile across his muzzle, tail swaying softly behind him. The Lyiri uses a paw to brush dust from his greatcoat. ~I am used to be called out for my height. Does it disturb? I am Grey, by the way. It is a pleasure.~

Volidana continues her conversation with Dean 'it's been some time since i've seen you last. I hope all is well with you"

"It is," Dean says, "And yourself?" He asks Volidana. Turning to reply to Marisa, he is interupted by the Gankri, who he turns towards as well.

"Whut? Nae, meh name's nae Ryoleli," Marisa says, quirking an eyebrow at the Gankri, "Whut's be makin' ye's t'ink I's dat noseh wom'n, eh?"

FIP! With Marisa distracted by his partner, the other Gankri fires the blowdart at the woman's back.

The dart zips harmlessly past Marisa, Dean, and the other Gankri - striking the leg of a nearby stall table instead.

Umishi shakes her head ~No just odd, I am Umishi~ ears pin back and she says outloud "What was that?"

Ears perk and Grey looks around, then returns his glance back to Umishi, ~Sorry...? I didn't hear anything.~ The Lyiri explains, tail curling and uncurling by his side.

The Gankri under the stall winces as his dart totally misses the target - and nearly strikes his partner. He plucks another dart from a sleeve affixed to his arm, slides it into the tube, and prepares for a second shot. Meanwhile, his partner addresses Marisa: "You sound very much like her. Perhaps I was misinformed." He takes out his holoimager, taps a button, and shows the visual of Tiana Ryoleli. "Not you?"

Volidana grins at Marissa "if you knew tiana, you wouldn't be mistaking anyone for her' she remarks to the gankri,before answering dean 'i'm with artemis now. been hunting for work

A thoroughly oblivious Marisa is missed only by the luck that she shifted feet in her stance, the blonde shaking her head at the Gankri in front of her. "No," she repeats, voice dropped to the most clear accent she can muster without so much as a twitch, "I'm not that woman. My name is Marisa Greening - but I have met her. Just for curiosity's sake, why are you looking for her?"

Umishi blinks, ~Thought i heard something...I could be paranoid that Hekatyi Wildcat i picked up from a shelter is about to pounce on me again ~ starts to look towards the Docking hub for a brief moment.

Another soft FIP! The dart strikes Marisa in the lower back, stinging as it delivers a toxic payload that immediately starts making her feel dizzy. "My mistake," the Gankri says, switching off the holoimager and returning it to his pocket. "On my way, then." He turns and starts in the direction of the levimodule.

Grey follows her glance, ~Have you somewhere you need to be? I will stop bothering you.~ He transmits, a frown forming across his muzzle. The Lyiri gives a small bow and turns to head away.

"OW!" Marisa barks, the girl wobbling a little as her eyelids get unusually heavy. The girl reaches around and pulls the dart from her back, examining it tiredly. "Oh... shit," she mutters, shaking out her head and dropping the weapon, "... 'T ne'er ends..." The girl moves, trying to run and hide before whatever poison is in her system inhibits her further.

The Gankri with the holoimager slips onto the lift, which carries him on to another level of the station. The one under the tarp, meanwhile, begins disassembling the blowgun in preparation for his own escape. Marisa, meanwhile, is able to keep moving for a little longer despite the effects of the toxin.

Volidana peers at the dart and the girl "Not good" she say scanning the area

Umishi shakes her head ~NO! its okay, no where to be at the moment.~ she says to Grey then her ears flatten to the side and she looks in Marisa's direction ~Oh thats no good..~ one ear suddenly darts to a stall with a black tarp, saying as she heads over "Oh now that time i did hear something.."

Grey quirks an eyeridge at Umishi, his tail twitches again, this time with possible excitement. ~Was it something interesting perhaps?~ The Lyiri pauses, frown disappearing to be replaced by a toothy smile. ~So long as you're in the area, shall I buy you a drink?~ This is emitted to the back of Umishi's head though, as she moves over, Grey rolls his eyes and makes to follow.

"Bloodeh...," the girl murmurs, shaking her head out again and seeking a nice shadowy or crowded area to disappear into to make her movements harder to follow. At least that's the idea, but Marisa's focus is pretty well gone. She tucks herself into a convenient corner, back against it as she pulls a dagger out of her cleavage and holds it as tightly as she can manage. "Stay 'wake," she tells herself softly, pincing the skin of her forearm as hard as she can.

Marisa is still hanging on. The Gankri leaves the parts of the blow gun on the floor, then shoves his way out from under the tarp behind the stall where he was hiding. Without looking back, he starts loping on big floppy feet toward the levimodule.

Volidana sends in Grey's direction < stay with her. She's been poisoned. i'm going for a doctor"

Grey's ears perk as he receives Volidana's message. The Lyiri covers a shiver by pulling the folds of his greatcoat tighter around him, looking around for the subject of the message, and walking in the direction of it.

The blowgun Gankri slips aboard the levimodule, which carries him away from the tradeport.

The blonde's eyes search the crowds blearily, the girl seeking signs of further hostility. The movements blur together, Marisa blinking and shaking her head once more and even going so far as to open a shallow cut on her left hand in a desperate attempt to stay alert. "I's nae goin' out like dis," she whispers, a trace of fear shaking behind her voice, "Nae... nae quiet like dis..." She wills herself to stand and try to keep moving, but her focus is so far gone by this point that she can't even figure out what direction she's moving in. She ends up just... wobbling in place.

The scent of the Gankri is lost amidst the other smells of the tradeport.

Umishi makes a growl and starts to wander over to Marisa "We need to get you to the Free hospital"

Grey's feline eyes close in on Marisa, darting from the hooded face of the human to the dagger she holds in her arms. His tail twitches nervously behind him as he comes to a stand before her, blocking her path. "What is you name?" He asks, followed by. "You are injured, and must remain still."

"B-back... back off," Marisa mutters, dagger held forward shakily as she leans against the nearest sturdy something for support, "M'nae lettin' ye's... I's nae... ye's nae gon' git meh dat... dat easeh..." Her left hand clenches into a fist, fingers digging into her wound and squeezing thick red blood out to drip to the floor, "Whut ye's be wantin' from meh...? Whut... whut'd I..." Her head sags, wiggling slowly this time rather than shaking, "Why...?"

Umishi trys to make a calming purr as she talks "Calm down, Just calm down we want to help." looks to grey, "Do you know any first aid?"

Grey tilts his head as he looks at Marisa. "You're not going to get any better thinking like that. Someone wants you alive, and I aim to make sure that you stay that way." He says, stepping forward. He pauses and looks to Umishi, "Only what I learnt on the field. It's no use trying to get a diagnostic now, she's unstable." The Lyiri raises a paw and attempts to calm Marisa psionically.

Grey hits a mental brick wall, the poisoned woman showing an incredible level of mental fortitude in spite of her state. "Prove 't," Marisa hisses, "I's nae... nae be trustin' ye's... 'ow's I be knowin' ye's nae de 'uns whut... prove 't, o' I's be swearin' by de Ligh' I's'll be takin' ye's wit meh 'n li'l bloodeh ribbons..." She scoots, not letting herself turn away from the pair as she tries to get her bearings to find that hospital that was mentioned.

Umishi moves very slowly and trys to wrench the dagger away from Marisa

Grey watches, moving quickly to intercept the human in her search for a hospital. ~Umishi.~ He sends her way, ~Knock her down.~ The Lyiri folds his arms across his chest, looking at Marisa, "How can I prove it if you keep turning your back from me. And if I meant to hurt you, why would I be standing here? If you want to take me to your pitiful afterlife, go on then, give me your best shot." The Lyiri holds his arms out to either side of him.

"Nae-," Marisa jerks away from Umishi, and it looks as if she's going to keep her dagger but the Lyiri manages to claim it from her grasp. She growls and pulls an arrow from her quiver, waving the feathered end at them, "B-back!" It takes the woman a moment to realize she's holding it backwards, but she does eventually flip it so the pointy end is the one she's threatening them with. Not that she seems in any condition to actually hurt anyone, as her gaze keeps shifting around a much largerarea than it needs to. "Too maneh... I's 'avin' been ou'numb'r'd afore and I's'll make 't fine 'gain... de six o' ye's kinnae... kinnae take meh..."

Umishi frowns, "This is gonna hurt..." charges at Marisa hoping to either knock her down or Somnolence her out.

~That's right.~ Grey encourages, taking a step back as Umishi charges. The Lyiri cracks a muscle in his neck, before rolling up the sleeves of his greatcoat, tail swaying behind him. "This is for your own good." He says soothingly, though not sure of how much of it is heard after Umishi's attack.

Marisa wobbles more heavily, dropped the arrow before passing out and collapsing with a dull -whumph-. She doesn't even manage to mutter anything.

Umishi tries to at least catch Marisa "okay now we can get her to the hospital...maybe.."

~I don't think we should move her. She went down far too easy. Likely she isn't in a stable condition.~ Grey comments telepathically, he kneels down beside Marisa, sweeping his greatcoat aside he pulls at the shirt by her throat, making sure she has plenty of room to breath before checking pupils, attempting field diagnosis, despite being dramatically under qualified. "Someone send for a doctor!" he shouts.

Marisa sleeps.

"She should be stable enough to transfer to the medical facility," informs a glowing green orb that hovers a few feet above and behind Grey. "She does not have long, though."

Umishi blinks "well if we keep her here she will expire before the doctor gets here so we should want to carry her or should i try?"

Grey looks up at the orb. "Very well." He replies, and almost laughs at Umishi's question. Almost. The Lyiri pulls down the sleeves of his greatcoat. ~You take her. I will follow, and make sure the path is clear.~ He instructs, tail flicking by his side.

Marisa is still asleep!

Umishi nods and tries to postion Marisa piggyback style on her back and moves towards the Levimodule.

Grey rises and moves to follow, jogging to catch up and stay by Umishi's side. "Coming through. Soon to be deceased woman. Make way."

A short while later...

Lobby - Comorro Station Free Hospital

A few potted plants sit around this small room, which is otherwise unadorned. The walls are plain white, as is the floor. In the center of the lobby, a receptionist sits behind a circular desk, and a few chairs are placed between the desk and the entrance. A frosted glass door to one side of the room is labeled 'Clinic' in Hekayan and Terran Standard, while a sign over the opening in the wall opposite the clinic door is labeled 'Emergency Care'.

Umishi is yelling about posioned woman and other things to get attention from whoevers working.

Marisa starts to drool in her sleep.

Grey jogs ahead of Umishi, who is burdened with asleep Marisa. The Lyiri approaches the receptionist, a little out of breath, and pulls the collar of his jacket down so that he doesn't overheat. "Yes... now where were we... ah yes! I think it's poison. This woman here, needs medical attention." This is accompanied by a jerk of his thumb in Marisa and Umishi's direction. "Now!" This is snapped at the receptionist.

The receptionist just sort of gawks at the Lyiri as they bust into the lobby, yelling. But the doctors on call move quickly to place Marisa on a gurney so that she can be moved to emergency care for stabilization. As they're doing so, one doctor takes the quiver of arrows off her back and then looks toward the Lyiri. "Did she hurt herself with these?"

Umishi shakes her head, "No it was a blow dart to the back of the neck..She was a bit delirous i had to take a dagger from her and use Somnolace on her before she could use those." tries to get drool off her shoulder.

Marisa's hand is still bleeding, and she's still drooling.

The Lyiri peers at the receptionist. "You got lucky this time." He cautions before turning back to the doctors. "No idea. All I know is that she was out of her mind when we found her, to the point where she was nearly hostile." Grey now pulls his collar back up around his neck, apparently feeling a little chilled by the hospital environment.

"A dart? Toxin?" the doctor inquires. He's a Lotorian, oddly enough, with tufts of white fur popping from within his angular ears. He wears a long blue coat over white scrubs. "You have this dart? Useful for analysis and antitoxin development."

Umishi blinks "No The blow gun is still in the Tradeport in a tarped stall though."

"That's right!" Grey snaps his fingers, "Because when I go rushing people off to the hospital I like to pick up all of their belongings as I go!" Sarcasm drips from his voice, and he shakes his head before turning feline eyes to Umishi. ~Will you be alright to take care of this? I'd rather not get any further involved with the people here.~

"Perhaps we should relocate the hospital," the Lotorian quips, but then raises his paw, palm out. "Never mind. We will stabilize her. Inducing a coma seems little trouble. If that fails, well, there's always a pillow..." His voice trails off and then he moves to follow the patient to the emergency care ward.

Umishi ears seems to drop at the doctor's last comment, ~I should be fine.~

Grey nods, watching as the doctor moves Marisa into the emergency care ward. ~I hate hospitals.~ He comments simply, adjusts his greatcoat and turns to walk out of the doors he came in. Giving the receptionist one last peer for good measure.