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Ariod was born in the rural town of Acolar to a family that was wealthy enough to provide him with a comfortable upbringing. He wanted for very little in his youth, but he grew up humble and appreciative of all the opportunities he'd been given. When he came of age his parents paid to send him to an expensive school, where he began down the path to earning a degree in botany with a specialization in phychology. In his senior year he earned a place aboard an expeditionary vessel, intending to visit other planets to work on his thesis. When Falar came under attack from the Zar Fekretu and the Koltkamir, the vessel was rerouted to Comorro. Here, Ariod learned that his parents had died in a freak accident unrelated to the blockade. For now, he is reluctant to return to Falar and is taking an extended break from his thesis work until he can pull himself together.


Ariod is 8 feet tall, thin, and, as something of a bohemian, tends to dress outside of the trends but in a way that is still fashionable. His back is covered with coal-black feathers, and his chest is mostly white except for the feathered tarsi, which are striped black. There is a dark band across his chest up to his neck. His head is pale grey and is crowned with a handsome double crest of which he is very proud. His beak is so black as to appear purple in the right light, and he has eyes with deep red sclerae and gold irses. He wears large-rimmed spectacles. He is among those most Falari females would probably consider good-looking, and he isn't entirely unaware of this. He's fairly confident, but he isn't cocky, and he's something of a flirt, being young and on his own for the first time. Ariod, like most Falari, is highly inquisitive and gets bored easily. He is eager to help whomever may require his aid whenever he can. His voice is high and musical, and he is a fairly good singer, though he doesn't display this talent often.




Jan 2010 - present: Ryan