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{{Infobox Log |title = Distress Call |summary = DMC returns to Tavros to check on the natives after having had no word from them in some time. They find themselves in competition for the rights to the planet. |cast = Vessa Majors Katrin |air_date = February 9, 2654 |location = Tavros |setting = Eiru Landing Pad - <Eiru, Pyracan>

Set about thirty feet above sea level, this pure white, brand new landing pad is approximately a thousand feet per side, with lime green parking tape dividing it up into landing spots, and overlooking the balmy blue-green sea of Eiru. Tiny brown feathered lizards fly about and cling to ships acrobatically, chattering amongst themselves. A small wood and glass booth near the northeastern corner sports what looks to be sensor gear on the roof, and seems to be for the pad coordinator. A broad plascrete path leads downhill towards the settlement.

Katrin strides onto the landing pad as she checks her equipment and series of knives that she keeps on her person. She looks about, eyes narrowed slightly.

Majors is already sitting on the DMC's ramp smoking away on a cigarette, the Sivadian is currently clad in his big fancy smartsuit.

Katrin nods in greeting to Majors and gestures towards the ship. "Are you ready, my love?" she asks with a thin smile.

Majors rises to his feet and gives the woman a nod. The Cigarette is flicked away and he thinks the hatch open. "Onward and upwards." He says.

"Then away we shall go." Katrin steps up onto the ramp and heads inside.

Landing Clearing - Tavros - <Tavros>

A clearing appears in the otherwise heavy brush and jungle-like environment of Tavros. Spread about fifty feet in each direction, it is a flat area with a rich soil underfoot. Perhaps a testament of previous visitors to the planet, or a natural anomaly, the clearing is a perfectly spherical location and the soil untouched by plant life.

Right on the edges of this peculiar spot, the wildlife springs up thick and wild. Several foreign strains of plants grow unhindered, creating almost an unbroken barrier to try and force a way through. A small game trail does exist, leading further into the forests. Off in the distance, rising high above the already massive trees are a range of mountains, ascending so far up that the peaks disappear into the misty sky.

As the group comes to land in the clearing, there is a different sense in the air. It is far too quiet. Nothing moves. And there is no sign of the natives.

Katrin makes her way down the ship, looking around with a frown. "We should attempt to make contact with Hadi and see what the problem has been. We had for their settlement. Majors, take the lead. You've actually been there."

"Hmmm.. not a single bird chirping." Majors muses as he stalks out of the ship. The Sivadian glances around for a moment and gives a faint not. The Sivadian starts to

Vessa nods and moves to follow behind Katrin to bring up the rear.

Deep Jungle - Tavros - <Tavros>

The trees grow tall, some soaring over seventy-five feet into the air with their trunks thick. Gnarled roots emerge from the ground, speaking of the age of the planet and jungle. Vines and branches hang down, making walking a somewhat dangerous task. The wide leaves of the higher trees make a kaleidoscope effect, shining light down to the floor in broken increments. As such it seems no surprise that the plant life along the ground is somewhat sparse with very few small plants growing.

Whispers and shadows dance through the branches higher up, or behind the fauna that has managed to survive on the surface. The occasional flash of color from a native animal is sometimes seen, though it is hard to identify what the full shape of each would be. In the distance, the sound of water can be heard, the soft crash of a waterfall. In the opposite direction, the jungle seems to be lessening, becoming more sparse before opening to fields.

As the group progresses through the jungles, still nothing. No movement that would indicate the presence of life. Until a stray Renkitch goes skitters across the path the group is using. She pauses as she sees the group and then heads of in the opposite direction as full tilt.

"Odd," Katrin murmurs, her own Renkitch, Nightslider, flicking her ears in response but staying close to the Fastheldian woman. The animal seems to sense more in the air than the humans and she's frightened, huddling in to her human companion.

"Hmmm... A shame she is a little too fast to catch. Need proper stock for a kennel." Majors replies as he watches the Vessa Fawn run away. "Katrin my luv, shall we start taking bets on someone else discovering this planet and deciding to purge the wildlife?" He asks idly.

Vessa follows behind silently,Siren acting much as Nightslider, Vessa herself is keeping her eyes and ears open, not paying much attention to Majors.

"I will defend my planet as necessary," Katrin says with a frown. "If that is the case then we need to find Hadi to ensure that his people are alright and then take whatever action is necessary to protect our claim."

"Hmm I did say we should have armed some of Hadi's group." Majors says in his best I-told-you-so voice, what else are trophy husbands for? The Sivadian tracks a path through the brush and keeps his head and eyes on the move.

Vessa remains silent and continues keeping her eyes and ears open, looking around, hand ready if needed to pull a weapon or two

Lagoon - Tavros - <Tavros>

Hidden deep within the twisting paths of the jungle is a serene lagoon with a cascading waterfall. The water is a deep emerald green, only faintly tinged with blue. Small variants of fish can be seen in the water. At its deepest, it seems about twenty feet deep. In the shallower ends, it is smooth rock at the bottom which slants and leads up to an equally smooth rock shore. Trees and other exotic flora exists along the edges of the water. Flowers of vibrant blues and rich violets cluster together.

Along one ledge that leads up in the direction of the mountains are multiple waterfalls, each one cascading down into the lagoon below. The water runs white, hiding the cliffs behind. One, however, looks like there could be open space behind it.This also appears to be the local hangout for some wildlife. Various mammals come to the edges of the water to drink on occasion when it is quiet enough.

The area around the lagoon is far different than everywhere else in the jungle. The water runs a light pink from the decomposing corpses that were once the natives. At least ten bodies are in various locations all around this normally beautiful area, some in the water, others on shore. Again, there is no sign of wildlife.

As Katrin sees the horror of the bodies, she can't help but let out a small yelp in distress. She moves forward, brushing past Majors as she runs in the direction of the caverns that lead down into the underground passages.

Majors lifts a brow as the Fastheldian runs and lets out a small growl. "You had best get your sweet arse back here before I tan it!" He calls out to the woman and takes a few quick steps towards the bodies. Nothing to really get a rise out of the Sivadian. He leans down and tries to flip one over with a boot, maybe prod a bit with his gun, all in a quest to see if there is any signs to why they are dead in the river and not frolicing naked and whatnot.

Vessa reaches forward as she sees Kat about to run off and grabs the back of her shirt, "Not so fast, that is a quick way to potentially end up like these." She too looks at them but shakes her head at Majors, "We want to make this look quick, Kat had the right idea on speed, but we need to be smart about it."

The bodies have all been shot. They are precision shots, using a bullet that would go directly through them. Not your average hunters that spooked the natives.

"These people," Katrin whispers. "They..." Her lips press together. "We shouldn't have left. Not until we knew that they were going to be alright." She shakes her head and keeps a distance from the dead bodies.

"Hmmm.. my we do have a professional to worry about it would seem." Majors traces a gloved finger along one of the entry wounds. "Very clean.. not a proper huntsman, would have taken a trophy or at the very least not have left them were they fell." The Sivadian says as he nods towards the ridge and caves. "Follow behind me luvs, lets see if anyone is home... unless you care to turn back Katrin my dear."

Vessa moves behind Katrin and shakes her head, "Not a good idea Majors, between the two of us we should be able to keep us all safe, besides she has skills of her own. We need to move."

"No, we can keep moving forward," Katrin says. She tears her gaze away from the bloated corpse. "We need to keep going. Lead the way, Majors."

Cave - Tavros

Hidden away behind one of the waterfalls is a manmade cave. The walls are all smooth, with no imperfections in the stone. It goes back about twenty feet before there is a large hole there it opens into blackness. No light shines from below to indicate what could be down there.

Vessa follows in behind Katrin continuing to keep watch, hands ready

The cave begins to narrow and constrict, forcing the group to walk in a single line the further back they go. They trip over a few bodies that had made it this far down. The smell is awful.

Katrin follows along in the group, her face pale but she continues on her way. One hand keeps a steady hold of a knife, ready to throw.

"Hmm.. this is only going to end in tears." Majors comments idly as he checks his weapon once and flips on the infrared on his helmet's HUD

Vessa turns the infrared on her on HUD on and stays silent, the smell doesn't seem to bother her, must have smelled something like that before.

Underground Caves - Tavros - <Tavros>

After a descent down into darkness, it eventually leads to a winding labyrinth of underground caves. All are man made, leading to niches that clearly once were a location of some form of civilization. The further down into the caves one goes, the more intricate the natural and unnatural architecture is. Grand arches and vaulted ceilings mark many of these rooms, some adorned with altars of some sort. Other caves lead to side rooms that look like they could have once been homes for a blossoming family with space to live and interact.

As the group makes its way further and further down, there is less sign of a struggle. Before they make it too far, however, there is a shout and spear clattering down at Majors feet, almost taking off a toe. "Go no further."

Once again, Katrin slips forward, raising her voice. "We have come to help. We need to speak with Hadi. Please. You know us. We have done what we could to offer you your freedom."

"Hello mate." Majors says as he glances down at the spear. "Mine letting us know where the butchers are?" He asks as he turns to glance back towards the entrance.

Vessa keeps an eye on Katrin and gets ready to pull her back or slip in front of her if need be. She figures Kat at least can keep the natives from trying to kill them, even with the inherent Majors negative modifier.

Silence is their answer until Hadi appears before them. He is haggard and tired. "They have taken many voices," he says gravely. "Forced us back under ground. Go now before you are killed. We can tell you nothing.

Katrin shakes her head, "We can help you. Do you know who these people are? Why they're here?"

"Hmmm.. We are hard to kill." Majors replies with a small frown. "Hmm.. think we can get the ship closer?"

Vessa just continues standing prepared to do whatever she needs to

"If you want to help us then ensure these people never come back," Hadi says simply. "They have made sport of killing our voices and the other beings of this planet." He shakes his head and turns away. He stops and looks back. "Go, quickly. My scouts tell me that they are returning. They will find your ship and then you will be trapped here as well."

Katrin steps forward long enough to nod. "We will help you," she promises. "Let's get back. We can't do anything from this side. We need to identify who these people are and how to stop them."

Majors nods his head slightly and pulls out a pistol from his belt and offers it to Hadi. "Should still have a full charge, last you a good long while mate" He states. Vessa just continues being all prepared, she does say, "I should probably take point. At the least I can give you two time to move if need be."

Hadi takes the pistol but doesn't seem to know what to do with it. He just shrugs and returns to the fold, leaving the small group on their own again.

Katrin nods. "Let's get back as quickly as possible," she says quietly. "Move along."

Landing Clearing - Tavros - <Tavros>

A clearing appears in the otherwise heavy brush and jungle-like environment of Tavros. Spread about fifty feet in each direction, it is a flat area with a rich soil underfoot. Perhaps a testament of previous visitors to the planet, or a natural anomaly, the clearing is a perfectly spherical location and the soil untouched by plant life.

Right on the edges of this peculiar spot, the wildlife springs up thick and wild. Several foreign strains of plants grow unhindered, creating almost an unbroken barrier to try and force a way through. A small game trail does exist, leading further into the forests. Off in the distance, rising high above the already massive trees are a range of mountains, ascending so far up that the peaks disappear into the misty sky.

Vessa looks out from the trees first to see if anything is amiss before stepping out, if she doesn't see or hear anything.

Majors follows suit. The Sivadian squints out into the area and frowns deeply. As the group returns to the landing clearing, a large ship can be seen parked next to the Devil May Care with a few heavily armed and armored men milling around the area, keeping an eye on the smaller ship.

Katrin scowls. "I count about five people there," she says quietly. "We need to be able to get back on the ship. Suggestions?"

Vessa speaks equally quietly, "I have my rifle and can pop off at least one. The rest we can take with guerrilla tactics. We have a keen advantage that they have not seen us yet and need to come to us. So we make them."

"Hmm.. We can take two out hopefully if Vessa and I time our shots at the same time." Majors crouches down and pulls out his long gun. "Hmmm.. the others.. well we urge them back towards the jungle and shoot them in the back if we can."

Katrin nods, "Do it," she says. "Aim to wound, not kill. We don't need additional blood on our hands, especially if we get forced into litigations and politics over this planet."

Vessa frowns but nods and removes her Rifle from her shoulder, "If you say so." She sets up for the shot, taking her time to try and make sure it is a good one.

Majors looks down his sights and frowns deeply. "Never before been asked not to kill a man with my shot." He muses over towards Vessa.

Katrin stays out of the way, and just shakes her head.

Vessa smirks at Majors, "Yeah, makes things a lot more complicated." More attention to the shot then the conversation, "Ready and on three, one, two, three."

Majors looks down his sights and pulls the trigger and growls deeply. "Bugger." He grumbles deeply.

The two shots ring through the quiet jungle and one strikes with true precision, taking the guard off his feet. The other just barely misses as he twitches and bends to check a shoe lace. But with that, everyone knows that someone is in the woods and the remaining four guards come running toward them."

Katrin pulls one of the many knives she keeps on her person from a sheath and as soon as a guard comes in close enough, she sends it flying through the air before ducking behind a tree.

Vessa drops her rifle to pull a couple of pistols from their holsters to take a couple of shots at one.

Majors frowns deeply and keeps with his rifle. The Sivadian keeps firing away at the one he missed.

Three have been incapacitated but two more are still rushing at the group, firing into the jungle. Katrin and Vessa are both able to avoid being hit but Majors is struck in the armor in the upper shoulder. It doesn't break through, just damages it a bit.

Katrin gives Majors a concerned look as she slinks back down behind her tree but focuses on drawing another knife and throwing it at one of the incoming guards.

Vessa aims at another of the goons, sparing a very brief look to make sure Majors didn't die, before squeezing off another couple of shots.

"Oi you wanker.. I just this bloody thing detailed." Majors grumbles as he rolls his shoulder and fires off once more aiming to hit the man in the exact same spot.

One last guard is coming at them, continuing to shoot off his rifle in a wide pattern to try and catch someone off guard at the very least, but each person manages to avoid the shots.

Katrin growls as she's pushed back down and throws yet another knife in this one's direction. "They're really starting to annoy me," she mutters.

Vessa takes careful aim at the final flailing guard and squeezes off the shots.

Majors stands and lets out a small sigh and as he sees the last man go down. "I do not think I got a single one." He frowns. "Shall I check the ship?"

"Yes, with security and the people who were left behind, there shouldn't be a problem," Katrin says as she takes a few steps forward and into the clearing. "Get Jane on the comm and tell her to fire up the engines. We should leave before any more come back."

Vessa picks up her rifle and makes sure her pistols are re holstered but loose, "I will get my own ship fired up. Meet back on Pyracan then?"

"Hmm.. at the very least lets take one of these blokes with us and I can make him sing a pretty song for us." Majors grabs one of the injured men and starts to drag him towards the DMC.

As the group move into the clearing and toward the Devil May Care, a single shot rings out from somewhere in the jungle. It's a loud sound, cutting through the otherwise silence of the night. And then Katrin crumples and she's bleeding from a wound in her back.

Vessa runs to Katrin, lifts her and runs into the DMC.

Majors looks over at the fallen woman and a dark growl escapes him. He drags the man he is carrying but not without unslinging his pistol and making short work of the three other injured men.