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From On the Holovid, The holovid display glows, showing the ICS logo with the fanfare blasting in the background. The scene shifts to the soundstage, where the Llivori commentator says, "Welcome to the final bout of the first round of the Interverse Combat Series artifact competition! Allies of Comorro Station currently hold a 3-4 lead. Can the warriors for Zar Hideg Fekretu set up a tie before we move on to the second round or will the Comorrites enter the next phase with an advantage over the Aukami leader? We'll see soon enough!" Another scene shift, this time to a jungle world beneath a black-streaked red sky. A massive triple-tiered drilling platform hovers high above the jungle. The rings that form the progressively smaller tiers are rotating at odds to each other. The top ring goes clockwise. The middle ring goes counterclockwise. The bottom ring goes either direction in staggered increments. Below the rings hangs a rusty old rock-mining drill bit, to which the Hekayti Worthing totem has been affixed. There's a flash of blue light just before Jaswinder materializes atop the highest ring.

Toromok clops in and makes his way to an open spot with a good view of the holo-viewer, settling in to get a view of the holoviewer.

Dean enters soon after, finding a spot.

Varal seems to have a Subhan (poorly)shadowing him, ho ho.

From On the Holovid, Jaswinder blinks as where he was is suddenly not where he is, the shirtless Timonae crouching down to present a slightly smaller target until he has some idea what's going on. At the lack of visible enemies, he purses his lips - and then comments to the empty air, "You could warn a guy. I mean, I hadn't even gotten proper priestess smooches in lieu of a blessing yet."

Bri makes her way in next and hurries up to the bar, elbows resting on it, chin in hands as she settles in to watch, "Kick arse, Jazz!" she shouts, despite the fact he obviously can't hear her.

From On the Holovid, A cambot whirs up to Jaswinder and the voice of the Llivori commentator speaks: "Tell us your name and why you're fighting! What's in it for you? Do you think you've got what it takes to win?"

Kestrel watches raptly as the vid starts, looking around for a seat after a few moments. Finally, she just sidles up to Dean, and pokes him in the ribs. "'Ey. M'gonna sit in yer lap, a'ight?" Well at least she asked.

Markiel's drink is served up, and rather than getting up he quickly floats it over along the wall. Once in his hands, the Aukami's eyes turn a curious color of coppery yellow as he observes the vid and mutters "Go for it Jazz! .. Looks interesting." then takes a sip from his mug.

From On the Holovid, Jaswinder stands up then, laughing quietly at the cambot. "Oh. Right. Mechanized reporters for soundbites. All right, then." He stretches, arms above his head, catlike. "I'm called Jazz. And I felt like amusing myself endeavoring to be a pain in the Zar's ass." With a wickedly amused wink, he licks his middle finger and runs it down his stomach, and the rather vivid tattoo of a snakelike colonoscope wrapped around the planet of Aukam. As he does so, he whistles a tune that sounds...rather cheerful, really. It would probably only be a small selection of outversers that would recognize the melody of 'Only The Good Die Young'.

Dean smirks towards Kestrel, giving a nod an using a single arm to scoop her up into his lap. His eyes remain on the holovid.

Umishi ears twitch as she watches the holovid.

In a corner of the bar are a trio of unpleasant looking Hekayti in scarred combat armor, but otherwise unarmed. They look to be well on their were to a boisterous drunken state. They shout various epithets concerning Jazz's homosexuality and weakness while the Timmie speaks on the holovid.

From On the Holovid, Another flash of blue light. When it dissipates, what stands in its place is a bulky-looking human male. An older fellow, with hair gone more salt than pepper. He's wearing a blue jogging suit with silver piping. The cambot whirs toward him and the Llivori commentator says: "In a twist, the ICS is allowing an Outverser to face off against a fellow Outverser in the first round. Why don't you tell everyone who you are and why you're taking sides with Zar Hideg Fekretu?"

The human scowls into the lens of the camera and jabs a finger at it: "Stay the *fuck* out of my face or I will have your ass zapped to a Thul poke-and-prod lab. I know Gankri who might go in for that sort of shit, but no Llivori I've met so far has the stomach for it. Not for long, at least. All you fuckers need to know is I'm Colin By-God Neidermeyer, the Zar pays good fucking money, and I don't believe in underdogs. So, fuck off."

"Eee!" Kes squeaks, settling into Dean's lap and then leaning forward onto the bar. "...Ya make a real comfterble chair," she notes, glancing back at the Phyrrian. She does, however, look back in time to catch Jaswinder's gesture, and stifles a fit of uncontrollable giggling. That is, until Neidermeyer makes his appearance. At that, her jaw drops. "...Whoa. Neider-wossface weren't kiddin'."

And those while those Hekayti are obviously siding with the Zar, they don't seem pleased with the choice of Neidermeyer.

Volidana mutters "Vol's dark” as her aura glows bright purple and she fixes her gaze to the screen.

Toromok gives his tail a good swish as the competitor appears, his ears start twitching periodically as if irritated. "With a revelation such as that, I sincerely wish Mr. Jaswinder all the luck that he can emerge victorious. That individual needs to be knocked down a few of the proverbial pegs."

Markiel just observes the events as they unfold, Neidermeyer meaning nothing to him. "Kestrel!" He calls across the room, "You know that human?" All the while keeping an eye on the three Hekayti.

Umishi ears flatten, "At least the person i fought didn't talk like that..."

Subhan gently pokes Varal in the side as she comes up behind him, fingers lingering against his side as she's distracted by the rowdy Hekayti, "Oh my." She murmurs, giving herself away. Okay, so she was probably already taken note of and all.

From On the Holovid, Jaswinder raises two white eyebrows as his opponent comes into view. "Sweetheart, you could really use some therapy for that mouth, you know that?" he asks mildly. "I know this really good intimate massage artist, breasts you could happily smother yourself in. Everyone goes home happy. Y'know?" Another stretch, but this time it's fairly clear the Timonae's not showing off or trying to be annoying - just relaxing himself for whatever comes next. "Gotta put you monkeys on decaf sometimes, I swear."

Dean turns his attention twoards Neidermeyer, and then Kestrel, a hand going on her waist to steady her as he shifts his spot a little in the chair.

Bri glances over toward Kes and Dean, giggling at their antics. She does manage to catch Jazz's gesture and just about falls over laughing. Nope, she hasn't had any drinks yet. It's the appearance of Neidermeyer that has her sobering..quickly. She doesn't say anything yet, just looking over toward Kes then back to the screen. Those Hekayti in the corner do get her attention and it's then that she comes out of her shock. Standing up on her stool she sticks up above the crowd, "You arses back in the corner there shut your mouths!" she shouts in their direction. "Yeah, I'll tellya later!" Kes calls back to Markiel, nodding. Bri jumping up on the stool gets a raised brow from the Later. "'Ey kid, don' go pickin' a fight with 'em, 'ey? Looks like 'ey's had one too many deathwhistles already." She seems steady enough in Dean's lap, glancing back at him again briefly.

Varal sits with his arms crossed.

One of the Hekayti is sober enough to hear Bri. He stares for a moment, then starts laughing. A good, belly clutching laugh. He nudges his companions in the shoulder, then points at Bri. The other two are quick to join in the hilarity.

From On the Holovid, Neidermeyer rolls his eyes. "Smother *this*," he grumbles, giving his crotch a tug. Then the cambot whirs between the combatants as the Llivori commentator informs: "The opponents will have to find safe passage down the three tiers to the structure supporting the drill bit. The Hekayti Worthing totem is attached to the bit. The first combatant to reach the totem is the victor. A word of warning: The speed of the rotation on the tiers is subject to change. They may slow down. They may speed up. They may stop entirely. Maintenance hatches may slide open. Service terminals may pop up unexpectedly. And you may, on occasion, encounter drill security sentry bots. Try not to die. Good luck!" With that, the cambot whirs to a good vantage point to watch the battle begin.

Volidana sighs "Careful Jazz. He's not one for banter"..yes apparently she's one of those annoying people who talks to the holo

Dean nods a little, his eyes going towards the Heykati. He keeps an eye on them, but watches the show.

Bri looks over to Kes, "Not starting anything..." she says with a frown. "They started it. I'm just gonna finish it," she states before jumping down off her stool. "Find somethin' that's funny?" she gets out as she makes her way back toward that crowd of Heks. One brow raises slightly as she approaches at a steady, but purposful pace.

Toromok turns his head now and then to keep an eye on the three intoxicated Hekayti as well, for now just to keep an eye on them as the bout gets underway.

Kestrel slaps a hand to her forehead at Bri's response. "Fer th'love'a Irit's bitty skirt. We're gonna hafta bail 'er out, Dean. I kin -smell- it." She sighs and shakes her head, gaze trailing after the Sivadian girl for a few moments before she looks back to the screen. "Huh. Sounds like good times."

From On the Holovid, Jaswinder frowns a bit at that, looking around first for those security bots - and secondly, keeping an eye on the tier below him, judging its speed. Neidermeyer is, for the time being at least, not interesting enough - but once he's shifted his focus completely to the task at hand, he starts to smile.

"Oh, what ever is that girl doing?" Subhan asks absently with regards to Bri, and presumably to Varal, since she's standing right behind him, "I do fear she'll get hurt."

Markiel is quietly observing the heks and Sabrina. From one pocket, he pulls out three small metal bearings. Calling out, he says "Got it Kestrel, sometime later.." Then settles back and watches the holovid. He mutters to himself "Wonder if that human is agile?"

Dean sets Kes down and then moves towards Bri, "I got it." He moves to intercept Bri, hopefully picking her up by her waist with one arm and bring her back.

From On the Holovid, Neidermeyer doesn't waste his time musing on anything. "Zar ain't paying me to look pretty." He stomps off in search of a way down to the next tier.

Umishi blinks, "If the zar dosen't like outversers...why is he paying one to fight?"

The Hekayti seem to have lost interest in Bri, and are going back to the process of further inebriation. They seem studiously oblivious of any attention they might be getting.

Volidana wants to keep her eyes on the holo but can't help be drawn momentarily to the potential problem in the back of the bar " If jazz were here, he wouldn't pay those Hekayti any mind and he'd suggest you don't either miss" she says in Bri's general direction "Jazz has his honor firmly in place. Trust me" and turns back to the holo

Toromok backs up a bit with one eye on the holovid, and after a few steps, he's closer to where the three Hekayti are sitting, ears twitching in their direction a bit as his tail settles into a rather gentle swish. The holovid takes over his attention as the two competitors begin their trek to the totem.

"Put me down you over grown machine!" Bri squeeks as Dean grabs her. She struggles, legs kicking as she tries to pry his arm off of her.

From On the Holovid, Jaswinder seems first interested in investigating the bore itself, and the distance to it - or perhaps the view from as close as one might get. After all, one might possibly just shimmy down that and avoid all the rings. Absently, as he moves, he murmurs to himself - or is it singing? It may be singing. Some of the words are audible, at least. "....burning thing, and it...ring; bound by....ring of fire..."

Kestrel sighs and puts her hands on her hips, watching Dean and shaking her head. At Jazz's singing, she turns back to the holovid, tilting her head. "'Ey, think I know 'at song," she muses, now tapping a finger thoughtfully against her chin. The other hand is still on her hip.

"Hey, come sit with us," Dean coos towards Bri, bringing her back towards where Kestrel sits at the bar and setting her down beside her. He then stands behind the two.

From On the Holovid, It might be possible to shimmy down, if you have the ability to cling to the rusty metal plates that cover the 50-foot-high rotating tier.

Neidermeyer works his way around the curve of the first arc, just in time for the ring to suddenly jolt to a stop.

One of the Hekayti notices Bri get snagged by Dean, and snickers a little.

From On the Holovid, As the tier grinds to a halt, Neidermeyer slides briefly, but then shifts his weight expertly - years of training aboard starships in combat have their benefits, even for a clone who inherits those memories.

Volidana hms "Might not be a good idea to mention fire though, one of those producer's might like the idea and start shooting flames from somewhere.”

From On the Holovid, Jaswinder pauses at the edge of the ring, eyeballing the bore. The absently sung song fades out while he considers the leap....then he takes a few steps back. A deep breath. And *bolts* forward, a running long jump onto the bore itself - only just barely making it, long flexible fingers gripping white-knuckled to the rusty plates. For a moment, it's hard to tell whether Jazz is sliding down the thing or hugging it for dear life, but one tension-aggravated audible comment can be heard. "This was *much easier* in that life I had *wings*, godsdamnit. I'm gonna need shots with all this rust." Breath shaky as he forces himself to breathe in and out, and try to find a reasonably safe and quick way *down* the bore without falling, he grumbles, "I wish to hell the gods didn't think I was so motherfucking cute. Next life, I want to be an ugly motherfucker. Like that guy over there. Ya listening, gods? Write. It. Down." ...And so the grumbled diatribe goes, as he tries to descend.

Markiel says "They already did fire and venting and the sun, I believe." to Volidana, all the while keeping an eye on the Heks, and now Toromok.

Dean then remains quiet during the show.

"Oh dear. This is far more horrid a bout than Cousin Norran was involved in." Subhan murmurs, eyes drifting away from the Hekayti and towards the screen, now that Bri'd been pulled away by Dean.

Toromok keeps an eye on the Hekayti every so often as he watches the holovid, for now keeping comments to himself, but one hand rests on his tangler pistol's grip as he settles in to watch the match.

Bri looks up at Dean, about to give in, but then the Hekayti had to go snicker at her. She stops strugglkng though, a smirk playing across her lips. Once she's set down she moves to stand on the rung of a stool and leans in toward the bartender. There's a nod and a moment later a tray of purple colored drinks are on their way back toward the group of Hekayti.

From On the Holovid, Neidermeyer turns to look around for his competition. He sees Jaswinder vanish over the edge and into the bore. "What the hell?" He stomps over to the edge of the bore, peering down to see Jaswinder on a ledge about ten feet down, plastering himself against the rusty metal plates for dear life. Neidermeyer shouts down: "What the fuck made you think *that* was a good idea?"

Volidana bites her lips as catches part of Jazz's ramblings "Focus" she mutters "and for vol's sake don't slip"

"Indeed that did not seem wise.. What could Jaswinder possibly be thinking?" Markiel mutters to himself, watching intently.

From On the Holovid, Jaswinder is really more focused on a next step, looking for a way to either continue down the bore, or get to the next lower ring without breaking anything. "Cos I just love it when rugged leathermen like yourself come and bitch me out, man," he answers, with an absent air that suggests he's not really thinking about what he's saying. "I hate planning. Besides, the rust and shit probably improves my skin tone, you know?"

Kestrel raises a brow at Bri and eyes her sidewise. "Let 'em 'lone, kid," she says quietly. And then, her eyes are glued to the screen. "...'Kari's sword, 'e's -nuts-. Crazier'n a teekay tribal."

Umishi ears twitch as she watches.

From On the Holovid, The plate currently supporting Jaswinder drops open, causing him to tumble into the dimly lit interior of the upper ring. Neidermeyer is left scowling at the plate as it rasps back into place. The former Earth military commander and supreme ruler huffs, then resumes his march around the ring, looking for his own way down.

The Hekayti take the free drinks without a word, and they're gone fairly quickly. Though, they don't seem terribly interested about who they came from. In fact, they're more interested in jeering at Jazz - hoping he falls to his untimely death.

From On the Holovid, The ring starts speeding up again. Slowly, though. Not a jerking start. The metal groans in protest, but the rotation isn't that brutal to the platform.

Toromok's tail swishes in a much more agitated fashion as he watches the contestants begin their descends. "Luck be with him..." Toromok says. "At least he has gained an early lead."

"Oh dear now. Will Jaswinder be all right inside that ring?" Markiel asks, leaning forward in concern.

From On the Holovid, Jaswinder yelps as the ground slips out from under him, and stays still until he has some idea where he is. Sitting up, he eyes the dimly lit, cramped metal corridor now before him. "Well, hells," he sighs. "Now I don't even have a grouchy manbitch to keep me company. Mechanical aids are never as good as flesh and blood." Getting up somewhat stiffly, he brushes himself off. Looking around, a hand gets put on the wall as the ring starts up again. He listens to its hum, or perhaps for sentries, and sets off down the corridor.

Volidana furrows her brow in concern "Maybe he can get all the way to the bottom from inside' she says hopefully

Umishi blinks ear flattening at all the language being used.

From On the Holovid, A hovering sentry bot whirs around the curve of the corridor, approaching Jaswinder as it blares in Hekayan: "Halt, intruder! Present clearance documents for scanning!" If Hekayan isn't understood, perhaps the bristling selection of weapons (some bladed, some needled, some possibly electrified) poking out the orb-shaped sentry will send the right message.

From On the Holovid, Neidermeyer, back on top of the tier, isn't troubled by bots. He does find a maintenance hatch sliding open, creating a gap that he's got to jump across. Looking left and then right along the length of it, he grumbles, "Reminds me of that hooker back on Tomin Kora. Right down to the rust in the grooves." He shakes his head, then turns, walks back a dozen paces, then runs to give his best effort at spanning the chasm.

From On the Holovid, Jaswinder pauses, smiling even as he eyes the weaponry, his posture shifting, getting ready to duck if needed. In halting Hekayan he says, "A human stole my documents and dropped me down this pit. How may I proceed?"

From On the Holovid, Back on the roof of the tier, Neidermeyer comes down on solid footing after clearing the gap.

Bri settles in next to Kes and watches the match. "I'm leavin' 'em alone," she says with a self satisfied little smile. And she waits...just watching the viewer....and waiting.

From On the Holovid, "You may not proceed," the sentry replies. After a series of beeps and clicks, the hatch that allowed Jaswinder to get swallowed from the ledge drops open again. "Depart the premises or be neutralized. Lethal force is authorized by the management."

"I don' b'lieve you fer a second, kid," Kes asides to Bri, raising a brow and eyeing the Sivadian girl dubiously. "Yer up ta somethin', an' it smells a whole lot like no good." She tilts her head at the holoviewer, grimacing slightly. "Now 'at don' look like a happy customer, no sir."

Volidana doesn't understand a word of hekayan but she gets somewhat the gist of the encounter as jazz atempts to converse with the bot

Umishi ears twitch as she watches.

From On the Holovid, Jaswinder sighs. "You know, my friend, if I were a smart man, I'd probably think about doing that. But if I were a smart man, I'd be someone else. Probably in a cubicle in what's now a black hole somewhere. Aaaanyway. If you won't listen to reason, I'm afraid I have no time for this. It wouldn't be the first time I've died in a lightless pit." And he ducks in, aiming a kick at the security bot - apparently to jam or disable the weapons if he can.

Markiel mutters "Surely there is one of those boxes.." He calls out to Umishi "What were those things that helped you out called? The little boxes holding stuff?"

Toromok turns to take another glance at the Hekayti after they've downed the drinks, satisfied for the moment they're not going to do anything stupid, and he returns his gaze back to the holoviewer, leaning forward a bit with a swish of his tail as he watches Jaswinder take action against the sentry bot. "Let us hope that is enough to disable it." he comments, fists balling up as he waits to see what will happen.

From On the Holovid, Jamming or disabling one weapon wouldn't stop the bot from spinning to unleash another weapon on Jaswinder. However, the Timonae's kick does manage to hit a crucial point on the surface of the orb: The sensor cluster. Blinded, the sentry can do little more than start shooting and jabbing and zapping randomly as it spins frantically.

Umishi blinks a moment, "Oh they were little crates with an ICS logo on them..have items in them."

"KILL THE DAMN OUTVERSER!" and other such shouts comes from the Zar-section of the bar. A glass even goes hurtling through the air to sail harmlessly through the holovid.

From On the Holovid, Back on the roof of the tier, Neidermeyer reaches a spot where a chain dangles from a metal post. The chain clanks and rattles in the wind. It stretches down the face of the tier, banging out the occasional tone, until it ends in a curved hook about 20 feet below the bottom of the top tier. Below that: Empty air and thick misty jungle. "Fuck."

Bri smirks in Kes' direction, "Me?" she asks, "Up to know good?" she tries to put on her most innocent face.

From On the Holovid, Jaswinder plays possibly the fastest game of One Man Whack-a-Mole he's played in a long time - with himself as the mole. The narrow corridor is not the best place for creative dodging, but he manages to avoid being shot, sucks in his gut far enough to avoid being stabbed, and....there's a burning smell and a visible smoke as the blaster goes off, and a yelped "shit!" from Jazz. Catching his breath, he pulls his braid across....and the burnt strands of singed hair make him scowl. "you BURNED my HAIR," he growls. "If I had time you would so be a TOASTER!" But - he doesn't. While the sentry's disabled, or at least disoriented, the Timonae legs it down the corridor, looking for a way down. And trying to stop his hair from smoking.

Kestrel chuckles. "I didn't have no boxes," she notes to Markiel. "Ain't nothin' guaranteein' Jazz will." As the Hekayti yell, she stifles laughter. "'Ey's BOTH Outversers, genius!" she hollers back. The Later waves the bartender over, sliding him some credits, and is rewarded with a tall glass of... something.

From On the Holovid, A short trek around the ring brings Jaswinder to a point where another plate in the bulkhead slides open, this time on the outer face of the ring. Here, he gets a view of what appears to be a metal chain dangling past this part of the platform.

Well, here's a sight for not necessarily sore eyes, as one tall, scarred Timonae wanders in wearing a /nurse's/ outfit and armed to the teeth. Ho ho.

From On the Holovid, Jaswinder shakes his head, and looks for an alternate route. "Damnit. Ran too far. Need inside, not outside." The idea's catchy, at least to the more suicidal parts of his mind; he hums the melody for 'Shooting Star' as he heads along the passageways.

The small Sivadian looks over at the newest arrival and waves a hand in his direction, "Eylie! Come sit with us!" she calls and pats the seat beside her. She turns her attention back to the viewer then, "You can do it, Jazz!" she calls to the screen, "Just keep usin' your head!"

From On the Holovid, As Jaswinder disappears around the corner, he just misses the descent-in-progress of Colin Neidermeyer, who stops to scowl suspiciously at the open hatch. Then a new noise catches his attention - the sentry bot, proclaiming "Eliminate the intruder!" in Hekayan. It wobbles into view, spraying energy blasts and electricity, along with occasional steel darts, as it follows the path taken by Jaswinder. "Oh, fuck that noise," Neidermeyer grunts, continuing the descent.

Umishi laughs to herself at the secruity bot.

"'Allo lil' lady." Nurse Eylie calls back with a wave, the big man lumbering in the wee Sivadian's direction, "'Ey Kes." He greets as he comes up to his two other favourite little wimmen(his favourite being Naoi, of course! Gosh she'd be mad if he had a different favourite), "What's goin' on?"

From On the Holovid, Jaswinder sighs and falls silent as the grating threats of the securitybot echo down the corridors. "Right. No good deed. Chaos, Maza, thy most incompetent son is going to fucking sparkle for you." Taking a deep breath, he breaks into a *run*, making his course toward the bore as far as a skilled navigator can define such a course.

"Come on Mr. Jaswinder, defeat the traitor." Toromok says with an agitated swish of his tail.

From On the Holovid, Another hatch slides open. This time, it's with a view into the bore of the drilling platform. Meanwhile, the spazzing sentry bot is blasting and zapping and fipping darts all over the place as it closes the distance. One of the darts whistles past Jaswinder's head as the wind whips the Timonae's hair.

Razorback steps quietly through the doors of the tavern, whiskers twitching irritably. His senses sweep the room before he allows his eyes to settle on the holovid. He steps up beside Tomorok, his tail flicking erratically about. "How is he doing?" He asks the centauroid.

"Go Jazz go!" Markiel shouts in spite of himself, then tries to take a drink. Finding no liquid, he eyes the inside then gets up, snatching the balls in the process and heads toward the bar.

From On the Holovid, Below the upper tier, Neidermeyer is trying to swing his way onto the surface of the second tier. His first attempt doesn't go so well. He swings toward the tier, but his foot just doesn't manage to gain purchase. "Sonuvamonkeyhumpingpiechomper," he mutters to himself as the chain carries him back to even with the face of the upper tier.

From On the Holovid, Jaswinder turns as the hatch opens, his grin wide and utterly insane. "Well, Lady? Will I live or die?" he asks, his tone light and laughing - and dives for the hatch without hesitation, letting the sentrybot spaz behind him.

Kestrel grins at Eylie. "Nurse Dave!" she says, getting up to glomp onto the Timonae. She turns back at Jazz's inquiry though, eyes wide. "...Crazier'n a teekay tribal," she mutters again.

Toromok looks to Razorback and offers a nod as he walks up. "So far so good. He has a slight lead, and has managed to defeat at least one obstacle." he says, with a motion to the sentry bot that is malfunctioning and firing everywhere. "Luck has been with him, I hope it continues to do so for it seems a traitorous outverser is assisting the Zar in this contest."

Wheeeeeee! Eylie spins Kes as she glomps him, the Timonae laughing heartily, "Anyone in need of a check-up, Sabby?" His grin is a touch feral, and well, there's a faint smell of alcohol to his breath. The battle loving Timmie might just be /looking/ for a fight while wearing this rediculous getup.

Bri takes the moment of Kes' distraction to glance over at the Hekayti from before. She eyes them for a brief moment before looking back to the viewer, "You should see this guy, Eylie. Lin's gotta be watching over him," she says in awe as she indicates the contest.

At the bar, Markiel asks "It does seem luck favors him... Although I must wonder if his mind has.. what did he call it? Cracked?"

Umishi tilts her head to the side but continues watching.

Razorback nods in response to Tomorok. A moment or two later, he catches a glimpse of Jaswinder's opponent and his ears fold back into his mane. "Colin Neidermeyer..." he growls, his teeth bared by a vicious snarl.

From On the Holovid, This time, Neidermeyer manages to swing himself far enough to the interior below the upper ring that he lands with a thump on the second tier's top surface. He turns slowly, getting used to the new rotation and looking up at the bottom surface of the top tier. Then he peers around the current elevation. He doesn't see Jaswinder. "Maybe that fucking bot chewed his face up. Good goddamned riddance," he mutters.

"...Was some horses over inna corner, but seems like 'ey quieted down," Kes observes to Eylie, shrugging. She grins wolfishly. "I'll take a checkup. 'R I would if'n it wouldn't make Miss Cloth mad, 'at is." The Later winks, and clings. "Wanna sit in yer lap, Nurse Dave. I was sittin' in Dean's lap but 'e put me down an' I think 'e left." While she may be talking to the Timmie, she's definitely -watching- the holovid.

Oh, 'ey left? 'At's too bad." Obligingly, Eylie sits himself down on a stool, then sets Kes in his lap, "Hrm. I wonder if anyone can see my junk... Went commando today." He leans forward as he ponders, but with a Later on his lap, he can't lean forward far enough to check. After a moment he shrugs, leaning back again, "Ah well."

From On the Holovid, Jaswinder dives through the hatch, and finds himself....on the ledge on the bore where he was before. ", but a step..." he peers down, looking for the next step - be it climbing down along the bore, or whatever else might offer a safe descent. "In what direction?" He laughs, evidently enjoying the game now.

Umishi watches intently.

From On the Holovid, The hatch slides back into place just as the sentry orb is passing by within the utility corridor. Jazz can hear the weaponry pang-zap-clonging off the plate as the bot wobbles past. One of the dart tips punctures the plate, jabbing just to the left of his head. There's a drop of about forty feet to reach the upper surface of the second tier. Ninety feet down, the top of the third tier but probably certain death.

From On the Holovid, "What is it with you and my *hair*?" he calls back at the hatch. "I mean really? Is it envy or what?

From On the Holovid, Meanwhile, down on the second tier, Neidermeyer doesn't take his current leader position for granted. He starts hunting for the post with the chain attached that will take him down to the third tier and closer to victory.

From On the Holovid, "What is it with you and my *hair*?" he calls back at the hatch. "I mean really? Is it envy or what?" Shaking his head, he eyes that long drop....and laughs again, with that touch of madness. "Oh, why the hell not. Flying never hurt anyone, it's the landings that bite." And with that he dives for the second tier, angling to roll - probably repeatedly - with the impact that will come.

From On the Holovid, It doesn't take Neidermeyer long to find the post with the chain attached. Like the one before, this one hangs down the face of the outer surface of the tier and dangles past the lower hull. He'll have to use it to swing onto the bottom tier.

"What is with those two and their fancastication with hair?" Markiel asks nobody in particular as he waits for a refill.

Kestrel nods at Eylie. "Either 'ey left 'r 'ey got quiet," she offers, shrugging. "Can't tell one horse from 'nother so I couldn't tellya." She blinks blankly at the holoscreen as Jazz takes the forty-foot drop, shaking her head slowly.

Bri glances around again, face falling when she notices that the Hekayti apparently left without any warning, "Damn..." she mutters softly. She turns her attention back toward the viewer, a low whistle given at the jumping Timmie. "Bloody hell..."

From On the Holovid, Jaswinder doesn't 'land' on the second tier so much as accomplish a rolling impact. A repeatedly rolling impact, accompanied by several audible 'oofs' and 'ow' and 'crap!' exclamations from the colorful blur that Jazz's curled body becomes. When he finally comes to a stop, he uncurls onto his back, in a position classic to anyone who's been really drunk or horribly hung over - gripping the ground to stop it from spinning. "G...uess you love my perky cute ass after all, huh Lady?" he asks, somewhere between dazed and dizzy. "That I think."

Taking a deep breath he sits up, visibly swaying for a bit until he orients enough to get to his feet. When he opens his mouth, he's singing again - wry, and self-deprecating, as he tries for momentum to find a way further down. The words can be heard as he goes, this time he's almost musically laughing at himself. "Are they trying to tell you something? You're missing that one final screw. You're simply not in the pink my dear, to be honest you haven't got a clue...."

From On the Holovid, The gray-haired human is just beginning his descent down the face of the second tier when he hears the thump-CLANG! of Jaswinder's unlikely landing. Neidermeyer's mouth drops open in astonishment. "You're fucking *crazy*! Goddamned loopy-assed Timonae." He shakes his head, then apparently decides he'd better make better time. If Jaswinder is willing to take insane risks, Neidermeyer recognizes that he's possibly running out of time. Or about to get all the time in the world.

"Too bad. I coulda done with a good row..." This really isn't what someone who's part of the Outverser watch should be saying, but this is Eylie we're talking about. Thinking things through really can't be said to be a forte.

Toromok pumps a fist slightly as Jaswinder makes the jump successfully.. a bit ungracefully, but successfully. "His prospects remain good, if he can keep up this pace, but I can only hope his body can take the strain." he says with a swish of his tail.

Umishi says, "they might be in trouble if that bot finds them."

Markiel chuckles, and now being nearby, pats Umishi. "Last I saw, it was blind." he says, finally getting a sip from his drink.

From On the Holovid, Madness is not without its price - Jazz definitely got a solid full-body rattle from that impact, with a topping of brainrattler. The fact that he's still moving might be attributable to luck, or simply that he really is insane enough not to stay down when he ought to - but for all the random staggers and the wobble to his route, he's clearly having the time of his life. And singing full voice, as he looks for a chute or other way down to the first tier. "I'm one card short of a full deck, I'm not quite the shilling. One wave short of a shipwreck; I'm not at my usual top billing ..."

"Yeah," Kes says, wrinkling her nose. She snickers, pointing at the holovid. "'E's -nuts-. Dave, 'r all Timmies nuts?" She cants her head back at the Timonae and raises a brow.

From On the Holovid, The way down the bore is much like what was seen up above: One ledge ringing the interior, with the rest a straight drop toward the lowest tier. Down the outer surface? That'd be the chain that's taking Neidermeyer in relative safety toward the Hekayti Worthing totem.

Bri shakes her head in disbelief, "Gonna have to have a talk with him when he gets back," she mutters softly before looking at Eylie, waiting for his answer also.

"You been hangin' about wit' me fer how long, and yer askin' that question?" Eylie queries of Kes, opalescent eyes glancing to the holovid, "Yer sittin' on my lap and i'm wearin' a girl's nurse outfit." He points out with a chuckle, "If it's fun, most ah us are inclined to do i', an' our definition ah fun is crazy by human standards, lil' Sabby."

From On the Holovid, Jaswinder uses his momentum to make a running leap for the ledge on the bore, laughing as he lands cleanly this time. "Woohoo!" he cries. "One more to go, man." He eyes the wall of the ledge. "Maybe....?"

From On the Holovid, First time's the charm for Neidermeyer this go-round. He swings on the chain and comes down with a satisfying thump on the plates that make up the surface of the final tier. He's close to securing a tie for Zar Hideg Fekretu. Not taking it for granted, though. He looks up the bore, unsurprised to see Jaswinder on the ledge. "Do it! I really need to take a fucking piss, but it'd be nice to have a target to splash."

Markiel is just watching, a puzzled dark orange coloring his eyes.

Umishi ears flatten to the side as she watches.

From On the Holovid, Jaswinder shrugs, as Neider calls out to him. "I knew you loved me, sweetheart," he calls back, and tries to repeat his previous stunt. This time, however, the Lady seems to find it more amusing to see something different; instead of a long, drawn out tumble on the tier, Jazz *oofs* solidly into the corner, and only very quick and panicked scrabbling lets him hang on to the ledge. Dangling. Highly battered. And out of breath. Even so, the strained, gut-punched, '....crap,' can be heard. After a few careful breaths, he adds, "Hey, leatherbitch? If you're gonna go all piss-kinky on me, I think you need to get on with it. I've had worse than a golden shower, but I've never gone out on one before."

Toromok widens his eyes a bit at Jaswinder's acrobatics. "He is either incredibly brave or incredibly insane... I suspect a bit of both at this point." he comments.

Kestrel -grins- at Eylie. "Y'all're crazier'n -I- am," she says, nodding emphatically. She blinks at the screen and tilts her head. "...Uh. 'Ere's worse things'n bein' pissed on? Well, I guess bein' shot's worse, thinkin' onnit."

From On the Holovid, "Check your pants, sister," the human snickers, walking toward the inner edge of the ring. "Chances are, you're the one doing the pissing right about now." The ICS cambot whirs in a slow orbit around Neidermeyer as his boots get close to Jaswinder's edge-gripping fingers. "Yield the totem. One chance, yes or no. Yield and I help you." He smiles tautly. "Persist, and I stomp your fucking fingers to pulp."

Bri bites at her lip as Jazz tries the same stunt again, "Come on..." she says, practically holding her breath until he lands. There's a woosh as she breaths in relief, "Damn it're not allowed to kill yourself..."

Razorback's jaw hangs slightly agape at the series of leaps and he nods in agreement with Tomorok. "Indeed," he says, "I had no idea Timonae werrre capable of such featss of agility." His jaws snap shut, however, at the present turn of events. "I do hope he does not take him up on that offerrr," he growls suspiciously, "That man is not to be trrrussted, underrr any scirrrcumsstansces."

"One would think if he stomps his fingers that falls into the attempting to kill clause.." Markiel ponders, now completely engrossed in the holovid.

From On the Holovid, Jaswinder tilts his head back and smiles up at Neidermeyer. "No," he says, in the strained voice of someone hanging on for dear life. "I have no fear of death, any more than you do. While I live I'll keep trying to win. Same as you, sweetheart. You can defeat me. But I'm not going to surrender. I chose to come here. I chose to play the game. I don't do anything half-assed. Would you?" Teeth gritted through that smile, he tries - however fruitlessly - to pull himself onto the ledge.

From On the Holovid, "No," Neidermeyer agrees. "I don't suppose I would." He brings a boot down hard toward Jaswinder's right hand.

"'Ey!" Kes snarls at the viewscreen, half-standing out of Eylie's lap with her feet on a rung of the barstool. "'At ain't 'lowed! Ain't 'lowed ta kill 'im!"

Umishi ears flatten back on her head.

Markiel's eyes slowly burn an angry red "I swear if he kills Jaswinder and they do not stop it I will hunt this human to the ends of the universe."

A low growl sounds from the Demarian near the back of the room. "He does not carrre," he says, "He is depending on his employerrr to prrrotect him. He always has." His teeth are fully bared now, his fangs making an impressive showing. The observant might also note that his claws have come out.

Eylohta peers over towards Razorback, "You fuckin' shittin' me? Did you hang out with many Timonae?" He looks down to Kestrel, "Is he for real?"

From On the Holovid, It's a close call, but Jazz manages to let go, move his hand, and get another grip, avoiding that boot. "Good...try," he grunts, taking a deep breath. "I appreciate....your great respect for me. But this hanging around shit....just has to go. Not doing...either of us any favors." And with that, the Timonae releases his grip, letting himself fall.

Bri pokes at Eylie, "Think he means that Neidermeyer guy, luv," she says. "But it's not's a clone," she announces before looking back at the viewer, "Come on, Jazz, you're better than that. You can do it," she says optimistically.

From On the Holovid, "Good fucking day, sir," Neidermeyer chuckles. He turns and stalks off in search of the post with the chain attached to it. Not too much real estate to cover, really, on this lowest tier. In the blood-hued daylight, the Zar's minion takes hold of the chain and begins his descent toward the drill bit and the Hekayti Worthing totem.

Kestrel starts to answer Eylie, but then Jazz just... -lets go- and drops. The Later's jaw also drops. "...If'n 'e don't die s'only cause Lady 'Kari thinks 'e's too crazy ta take with 'er..."

"I have," Razorback calls back, "You, ssirrr, arrre an exscept...." Jaswinder's action cuts him off in a heartbeat. His jaws snap shut audibly and his ears flatten tightly. His foot-claws flex, digging into the floor with a faint nails-on-the-blackboard sound.

Markiel gasps and watches the epic drop. "Oh dear," he says, swallowing the contents of his mug whole.

From On the Holovid, Jaswinder drops....onto the drill bit itself. Unfortunately, he lands on the *top* of the drill bit, with no practical way to get to the *bottom* of it, where the totem is. But Neider's now gone from the ledge, so Jazz sets himself to trying to climb out of the pit again. A long jump, another painful fingertip dangle....but Neider's not being in the way now, so with a set face and a hell of a lot of effort, Jazz pulls himself up onto the platform like an exhausted, waterlogged swimmer sludging out of a pool at closing time.

From On the Holovid, Neidermeyer gets to the end of the chain, only to realize that both the lower tier and the drill bit are rotating in fits and starts - sometimes in tandem, but sometimes in direct opposition. Occasionally, he gets glimpses of the totem. Other times, it's out of view. He tries to work out the timing, then gives a swing.

Umishi blinks.

From On the Holovid, The human's outstretched hand makes contact with the surface of the Hekayti Worthing totem as the cambot whirs around to get a confirming view. It's a victory for Zar Hideg Fekretu. Four Koltkamir opponents will face four Outversers in the second round.

Bri blinkblinks in silence as Jazz falls...and with his at least safe landing she shakes her head, "Bloody hell...crazier than a loon.."

Markiel growls and slams his mug down on the counter. "How could he have won? He was right above..." the Aukami grouches, then shakes his head, blinking. He sighs, then begins to make way for the exit.

From On the Holovid, Jaswinder blows out a breath, still panting rather heavily, and gets to his feet. Though it's likely Neidermeyer can't see it, he offers a bow from the waist in the human's direction. "Well played, man. If you get everything you're doin' all this for, I hope you actually find it worth it. Me, I think I'm gonna get a beer."

Umishi blinks again.

Kestrel claps a hand to her forehead. "Aw, sonuva halfwit bumbler," she groans. "...Well. Least 'e's alive. M'glad fer 'at, yessir. Boy's got steel ones, I'll give 'im 'at." Blink. "Hullsteel, even." Razorback growls irritably, shaking his head. He looks over to Tomorok, who appears to have somehow left without the Demarian noticing. The Cliffwalker glances about in confusion before turning to eye the screen angrily. "He sshould have been dissqualified..." he hisses out quietly.

From On the Holovid, Flashes of blue light engulf both competitors with the conclusion of the bout. The view switches back to the soundstage with the Llivori commentator. "And there you have it," he says. "Despite a spirited - and some might say mad - effort by the Timonae, the human in service of Zar Hideg Fekretu successfully touched the Hekayti Worthing totem first. Colin Neidermeyer moves on to the second round on behalf of the Koltkamir. A dark night for the allies of Comorro, perhaps. We'll soon see what surprises the second round might hold." The image goes dark.

Umishi keeps blinking tilting her head to the side slowly.

Bri nods in agreement with Kes, "Crazycrazy..." she says with a shake of her head. "Damn..."

"Yeah..." The Later sighs and shakes her head. Kes purses her lips. "...Wonder who m'gonna hafta fight," she says then, frowning just a bit. "Hope not 'at H'kayti. Ech." A sigh, and she hugs Eylie before wriggling out of his lap. "Show's over. M'gonna head back. Gonna git some sleep, yessir."

Umishi orders a drink still thinking on what just happend in the fight.

Razorback, not having any idea what Umishi is thinking in the slightest, moves towards where Eylohta is sitting, offering those gathered nearby a quiet nod. His ears are still flattened irritably, but he makes his greeting polite enough. "Good evening," he says.

Bri hops down off her barstool, "Have a good night Kes. Hope you get a good opponent," she says moving toward the Later to give her a little hug if she'll let her. With Razor's approach she offers him a polite smile, "Hello," she greets.

Kestrel grins and rubs her hands together. "I wanna fight -Neidermeyer," she proclaims, nodding slowly. "'En I could go tell t'-other- Neidermeyer inna fergotten wossface 'at I did." The Later winks, and hugs Bri tightly. "Oh yeah. Got somethin' ta show ya, kid. Don' lemme fergit. S'back onna ship though, 'ey?" with a wink, the Later starts for the door, waving vaguely at Razor on the way.

Umishi sips her drink blinking.

Umishi puts some credits on the bar top and walks toward the exit.

"Good luck," Razorback calls after Kestrel before turning his attention back to Bri, "I ssuppose we sshould be glad that he ssurrrvived the orrrdeal." He sighs quietly, shaking his head, "I was rrretiscent to join in the eventss mysself. I was thinking they would be ... ssomething differrrent."

Bri gives a wave toward Kes, "Tomorrow?" she calls after her. Her head turns back toward Razor, "Aye, wasn't sure what to expect," she agrees. "Was a good competition though."

"Had I known what was to take plasce," the Cliffwalker says with a toothy grin, "I might have reconssiderrred. I ssimply had no desirrre to fight in death matches. I have had my fill of them."

"Sure!" Kes calls back, waving at Bri. She grins, turns on her heel, and darts right by of a very surprised Lotorian as she heads for the exit.

Bri hops up at the bar again and pats the seat beside her, "Aye. Don't think anybody was sure what to expect. Been some good competition though." she pauses a moment before looking Razor up and down, "You drink, Mr. Kitty?" she asks curiously.

"In moderrration," Razorback replies, taking the indicated seat. He winces a bit at the nickname, but seems to have bigger things on his mind as he ignores it. "Like many things, alcohol can be quite beneficial in the rrright amountss."

Bri smiles and nods, "My thought exactly," she says with a giggle. "Ever had a B'hiri brain bender?" she signals for the bartender then. "You got any plans for the night?" she asks casually.

"Not to my knowledge," the big Cliffwalker replies, tilting his head curiously, "On eitherrr count. Yourrr quesstion of courrrse begs one frrrom me: Why do you assk?"