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Business in the Afternoon!

Summary: Just another business deal on the landing pad of Eiru, nothing out of the ordinary here, certainly not a thief.

Cast: Vessa, Alenya, Kethren, Xanya, Fritz

Air Date: 27 March 2654 CE

Setting: Eiru Landing Pad - Pyracan

Set about thirty feet above sea level, this pure white, brand new landing pad is approximately a thousand feet per side, with lime green parking tape dividing it up into landing spots, and overlooking the balmy blue-green sea of Eiru. Tiny brown feathered lizards fly about and cling to ships acrobatically, chattering amongst themselves. A small wood and glass booth near the northeastern corner sports what looks to be sensor gear on the roof, and seems to be for the pad coordinator. A broad plascrete path leads downhill towards the settlement.

Contents: Exits:
((Docking Registry)) ((Eiru Puddle Jumper)) ((Puddle Jumper Console)) ((1 Social Node)) ((Town))

The landing pad is a bit busy today, a group of Pyricani are arguing over the price of cargo with a Lotorian trading group and a small family of Tupai are chittering wildly as they gesticulate in amazement over the odd locale, yay family vacation time. And so it is here that Vessa steps from her ship the IND Selene with a small green fawn trailing beside. Giving the creature a quick pat, Vessa takes a sip of her coffee, found in one hand, and takes a glance at some paperwork in the other, a broad grin on her face as she looks about ready to do a little jig of joy, much to the disgusted amusement of the creature beside her.

Alenya is leaning up against a wall. Hardly a point of interest, she has simply appeared. One moment there was nothing, and then next, there was an impossibly vivid green-eyed, petite female. Rather unassuming, the woman seems to be waiting for something. She watches the others in the landing pad with mild interest, a pair of malachite orbs falling onto individuals as the speak or jesticulate, long enough to assess the situation before moving on. The smiling captain garners a particularly quizzical look, the tawn lips of the theif curling upward at the corners into a wry but bemused smile. Hands pinned behind her, flattened against the wall by her own butt, the rogue appears to just be observing.

Vessa sighs happily at the fawn, "Hey, this is a good thing Siren it means more room for you to run around in. Good gracious you always do think me odd don't you? Honestly, I am not the one who hunts dust devils on the beach you know." this garners an offended stiff from the Fawn to which Vessa grins and reaches into a pocket, what emerges is some meat jerky that Siren takes with great dignity, much to Vessa's amusement. Looking around she shrugs and considers, "I wonder where Keth is, I figure the client will be late but at least we should both be here when he arrives."

Alenya leans forward at the mention of a client. Perhaps this is what she was waiting for. Nonchalantly, the thief turns her head, away from the fawn and the captain, instead seemingly interested in another group across the launching pad. A swathe of deep chocolate hair clings to the femme's jaw, the motion causing the ends to curl under her chin. Tilting her head slightly, the woman keeps her attention, via listening, on the captain speaking to the deer, though verdant sights are diverted elsewhere. Lazily she sinks into a crouch, the short cutpurse sinking out of sight.

Kethren walks in tapping something into his PDA, occasionally looking around. Spotting Vessa he heads over in her direction.

Vessa sees Kethren coming along and grins with a wave, it is just moments later that a group of grouchy Aukumi come along from the same direction, eyes green on every one of them, they appear to be in a rather irritable mood. Keth has just arrive and is heading in Vessa's and Siren's direction and Alenya has faded into the shadows at the moment.

Xanya runs onto the landing platform and skids to a halt. She cleans her outfit a bit and then looks around to see who is here.

Alenya places a single hand on the ground, carefully watching the traffic of footfalls as they pass by; she does not wish her fingers to get crushed. Fanned out like the webbed toes of a frog, the rogue's hand provides stability and traction. Skittering to the side, still hunkered down against the wall, the bandit maneuvers into a vantage point, where the captain, her fawn, and her newly acquire male companion are at least all partially visible. The approaching aliens are surveyed carefully, shrewdly. A frown turns down the corners of the woman's mouth, and an appraising stare is fixed upon the Aukumi.

Kethren yawns as he finsishes up tapping some things into his pda, and looks over at Vessa "You called, boss?"

Vessa nods to Kethren and grins, "Yup, thought you might like to be part of one of our transactions, being as how you are now a manager of business for the org." seeing Xanya she gives the woman a nod and a smile then her expression turns professional as the Auk group get closer, "Neruki, it is good of you to join us." The apparent leader of the group grumbles, "I don't see why we could not have met in the tavern, that is where we are staying while here." A slight tightening of the eyes is the only indication that this affects the woman before her smile ups a notch, "Here the cargo can be transferred immediately, and you have no inefficient loss of time."

Xanya sees vessa wave to her and smiles and walks over happely. but when seeing the gathering of people and vessa's look of prefesionalism on her face. Xanya tries her best to look serious as well and walks over to the group staying a bit back as not to interupt anything.

Alenya tilts her head to one side, a better view of the captain attained. A squint is given in the direction of Vessa's acknowledging nod, and Xanya is given the once-over. Deciding, for now, that the additional female is not threatening, the thief instead returns are full attention to the transaction taking place, eyes and ears trained intently upon those involved.

Kethren nods to Vessa "Probably a good idea, all in all."

The aforementioned Neruki gives Vessa an assessing look, probably for weakness and then grunts, "Lets get this over with woman, I don't have time to sit and banter on a landing pad for a backwater planet." Waving one of his lackeys forward he indicates a sheaf of papers, "I transferred the agreement to you already electronically, no idea why you feel the need for something as archaic as paper but here it is." Vessa smiles in amusement, "For the sums of credits we are talking about, I like records of the transactions that cannot be hacked thanks much, and there are some changes I want made on those agreements. I did not say that you could be silent partner, and I did not agree to a tithe fund either. You should know better then to start sneaking things like that in man, how many times are you going to try it before you give up?" This makes the man grumpier, whether at getting caught or just because he doesn't like her tone is hard to say."

Xanya folds her arms and listens intently to teh convertation between vessa and the neruki.

Alenya, the exchange of terms piquing her interest, graudally emerges from her hidden posture. As casually as possible, the human female meanders, attempting to appear bored, around the perimeter of the launch pad. Of course, her real goal is to circle around to a better vantage, a position in which she can clearly see the papers. Hands shoved into her pockets and a wistful lifting of her eyes to the sky, she plods on, foot over foot, whispering an unobtrusive count of steps. To any untrained observer, the woman may appear a mere girl, and an impatient one at that.

Kethren raises an eyebrow at the apparently snuck in changes.

"I hardly think that it is all the time," Naruki begins before clearing his throat, "I did bring some alterations, in case you did not like the ones initially given. This project was not the easiest to perform you understand, the materials alone," again trailing off, a sort of whining tone to it, which he tries to hide with gruffness. Vessa nods, "Oh I agree, the project /we/ performed for /you/, very well performed I might add, was very difficult and all you had to do was provide materials that kept my people safe. It was done in an efficient and concise manner and to be honest we should get a bonus for the speed and how very well performed it was." The papers are being held currently sideways under the arm of one of the lackeys, he doesn't seem to be paying much attention to them at the moment and only the top page will be visible.

Xanya looks interested as she tries to follow the convertations.

Alenya plays at a balancing act, walking along the edge of the platform nearest the assistant with the papers. Neck craned to one side, she lightly hums a lullaby, the breath between phrases gasped in. The playfullness is, of course, mere posturing, and the female's peridot sights are deftly fixed upon the much-debated hardcopy, which she quickly scans the top page of.

Kethren listens carefully to all the debating.

Alenya snorts a bit, a hand brought up to her nose to stiffle the noise. Turning on the edge of the platform, the childlike adult begins to slink the opposite direction, though maintaining a distance that still allows her to hear what transpires.

A stiffening of Neruki's upper lip and a stillness is Vessa's sign that this will be a battle and she seems to debate for a moment on if she should continue or not, "We were out a great deal of credits due to that so called needed equipment Miss Harden, I hardly think you need yet another influx of credits on top of what we are already paying, a very good rate at that." With a easy shrug Vessa grins, "Then don't go trying to take my org out from under me and we can stick to the original agreement." A brief flash of amusement crosses Neruki's expression, but it is very brief and he wave the lackey forward with the hard copy which is then presented to Kethren, at Vessa's gesture. "Take a look at that Keth and make sure there are no more, er clerical errors that we should see to at the moment. Once we do that Neruki, we will have our lawyers look over them as well. Standard procedure and all of that you understand." Her attention is not yet captured by the girl trying to see paperwork, her attention is on the proceedings.

Kethren takes the sheaf of papers and starts to look over them. It takes little time however for him to start scratching his head with his free hand. He then raises an eyebrow at Vessa "These words on the paper... this is in code, right?"

Alenya can't help but smirk a little, turning to scratch her mouth on her shoulder in order to obfuscate the laugh. The apparent incompetance of the assistant to the captain amuses her. Still, she wonders what the organization was doing, and begins to formulate a plan. Again, her balancing path takes her back toward the bickering group, though this time she edges nearer the ramp that leads up to the captain's ship (?). If no one overtly spots her, she will take the opportunity to sneak aboard.

Neruki smirks at Kethren and looks at Vessa with an upraised eyebrow of amusement. Vessa sighs and waves a hand for the papers, "We can go over these later Keth and I will walk you through them." She shrugs at Neruki, "He is new to the position and still learning, that is why he is here." She goes over the papers herself and nods." I think this will do for now. When will I hear from you about that other matter?" The Auk turns a bit more serious and nods, "In the coming week I believe." His eyes turning red slowly, like a rising tide, his demeanor that of quiet anger. Vessa just nods in understanding.

Kethren nods to Vessa "I'd appreciate that."

Alenya takes a step back, not wishing to tempt fate. Subtly, the woman slips off to the other end of the launching pad, again eyeing people as descretely as possible. There is no need to alert anyone to her least not yet. Now from afar, the thief carefully watches the remainder of the exchange.

Finishing her look over of the papers Vessa nods and tucks the papers under her arm, "Alright, I do believe this concludes," and it is about now that gunfire erupts. Lackey one and two get it, and a bullet hole appears beside Alenya in the wall but doesn't hit her. Vessa and Keth are fine and Neruki and lackey three make it out. "Get cover," he calls and makes a call on his comm. For now there is panic as and the gunfire follows the Auks as they take cover.

Kethren quickly looks around to see where the shots were coming from. "Trio of gunmen, right over there!" he then points off in the distance "Um, you should probably do something about em, boss. I don't think the sticky bullets I'm packing will do much." and quickly dashes over to a spot by the ship that seems safer.

Alenya wastes no time, these mooks almost hit her. FOllowing the shouts of the male she was previously spying upon, the thief quickly locates the snipers and starting into a run, produces a pair of counter-curved daggers from seemingly nowhere. In a flare of acid green light, the rogue disappears from her current spot, hopefully reapparing behind the nearest of the three snipers.

Running out of the way of the bullets Vessa tosses a dart gun to Kethren, "Here, take out one if you can." and uses the second to try and get a bead on the non Alenya'ed Mook. "What the hell Neruki?" she tosses over her shoulder and squeezes off a shot at the guy. The remaining two Auks have taken cover and the rest of the landing pad is cleared, people running in all directions. The snipers are aiming to take another shot at anyone they can see and a couple are taken at Keth and Vessa as Alenya seems to have disappeared.

Kethren crouches in the safest looking spot he can find while taking aim at the most visible of the mooks with the dart gun he was just tossed.

Alenya steps foward, her target sniper totally unaware of her presence. Revenge is swift, and comes on steel wings. Held parallel and at shoulder-width, the blades are quickly applied to the front curvature of the sniper's shoulders. Depsite copious amounts of blood, the now neutralized target should survive. The goal is, of course, to render the being unable to use its arms. Once the task is complete, the thief cartwheels and backflips over to the nearest remaining shooter.

Another rain of shots is fired upon the two below, neither remaining shooter aware that they are one man down. They take aim but are too concerned with keeping an eye on things to really get a good sight and both miss their shots. Vessa takes aim at Mook 2 again and squeezes off another shot, the blood of her previous hit beginning to trail along the arm of her jacket.

Alenya arrives at the side of the second sniper just as he is felled, the third one too far away to make an attempt for. The issue, it seems, is resolved very quickly. Several zippers, buttons, snaps, and the pulling of two strings later, and the daggers are safely tucked away, apparently without a trace. Rather than teleport herself again, the human female walks to the edge of the roof from where the snipers had roosted, and simply, causally walks down the wall to the ground. A nod is given to the other two survivors before the woman begins to take her leave of the situation. Lawenforcement, or dealing with members of, is not her forte.

With a quick motion Vessa heads into her ship and comes back soon sans papers. She immediately goes to the Auk's to check on if they are okay, a dripping trail of blood following in her wake. She gives Alenya an odd look but nods, seemingly having seen such a trick in the past. "Thanks for the help." is all she really has a chance to say before law enforcement descends. The roofs are relieved of their snoozing, and in one case bleeding, occupant and Vessa and Kethren are separated and questioned. Vessa does not point out the helpful wall walker in the process. The Auk group are separated as well, with two carted off to the hospital.

Kethren goes with the law personnel and calmly answers all of their questions, occasionally punctuating something with a gesture to the rooftop, and a few stray bullet holes in the ground, but makes no mention of the wall-walking person.

It doesn't take long for things to get wrapped up and Vessa is happy to see that no one noticed, at least that she can tell, when she made a quick visit to the ship when she was released from questions. Soon the crowd disperses and Vessa is left sitting on her ramp, Siren also deposited into the ship when all the shooting began for safety. Neruki sits nearby and looks all manner of out of sorts, the lackey went along with her companions to make sure they are okay. "I cannot tell you everything you realize, you already know more then is safe." Vessa eyes the Auk man and makes a rather indelicate snort, "Dude, myself and my employee were just shot at and we don't know shit. Spill." Keth is probably finishing up his own questioning about now.

Xanya walks onto the landing pad and looks around to see what is going on.

Having finished up his share of the questioning Kethren heads back to where Vessa is and finds a spot on the ramp to sit down on. "Must say I'm rather curious what the hell that was about, myself."

Looking rather like he has been told to suck on a Calzonite's hooves, Neruki says, "Your employer has some of this information, my," he pauses, eyes white, "my daughter was stolen by pirates and they are asking for a ransom I cannot afford. The task I hired your organization to accomplish is in the hopes that these people could be found and my daughter returned. As it is, they were a different group who knew of the kidnappers but not well enough, or so they said, to lead them to us. After that job was done, I was informed that an item my group has been developing was the new price, and that they would be coming to take it, that my girl was no longer a piece. This might be because she was rescued, or dead, or," and about now he is fighting with his control, holding on barely. Vessa nods and looks at the man with sympathy, waiting for him to go on.

Xanya looks around at all the comotion and walks towards kethren and vessa. She is about to ask what happend but waits as she seesn there busy talking.

Kethren nods in greeting to Xan, but stays quiet for the rest of the story.

Also nodding to Xanya, Vessa then indicates that Xan can have a seat if she wants. Neruki nods and continues, "And so, as it now stands I have them attacking me at every opportunity in order to find this item. I need help getting rid of them and finding my daughter. I have no idea what is going on and that is worrisome, but I have taken up too much of your time and put you all into danger. I really should collect my people and go."

Xanya takes a seat down and looks questiongly. "wait...sorry if I interrupt but ... this item they want, is that something you can fill us in on?" she asks to neruki "because I would love to know what item could be so important it's worth doing all this and even kindnap a child."

Kethren nods in Xan's direction "A fair question, really."

Here Neruki closes up and begins to stand, "As I have said, I have taken up too much of your time." Vessa raises a surprised eyebrow at this and frowns, "It is a valid question and our being shot," a very brief pause, "at, does kind of make it something you owe us to tell." Neruki's look doesn't really change, full Auk emotional wall in place. With a sigh Vessa nods, "I will keep an ear to the ground to see if we can find the kid yeah?" The Auk man nods and is about to turn away to leave.

Xanya stands up also and nods to neruki.

Kethren nods quietly and hands the borrowed dart gun back to Vessa. They're sitting on the ramp, and Xan is standing close by.

Neruki nods once and leaves. Vessa takes back the dart gun, which disappears under her jacket with a fluid, well practiced motion, and she nods as well. "Huh, that was not a normal business meeting, freakin hell what if we had met somewhere more populated?"

Alenya casually saunters back in. Her wardrobe has changed somewhat. Rather than a pants and a jacket of the exact same make, a long hooded coat now obscures the rogue's form. Flapped open at the trench's front, the suit has morphed into a tight pair of shorts beneath its voluminous overhang. Long sleeves meet a fitted back that oddly forgoes a collar and simply oozes upward into a loose hood. The coat is belted at the waist, a dull, blackened carbon look to the buckle. The figure edges around the perimeter of the launching pad, sticking close to the walls.

Xanya nods to Vessa. "what happened anyway? I heard a commotion and sirens and such? you guys alright?"

Kethren nods at a nearby rooftop "Some guys up there tried to kill us. I'm fine, but I think the boss here got a little dinged up."

Vessa eyes Keth, "M'fine." and tries to be convincing of that, "Anyway, Keth are you okay? We had a bit of trouble you see Xan, some idiots with guns opened fire on a landing pad full of people." she doesn't see Alenya's return, or more doesn't think to notice.

Alenya continues to slip around the launch pad, drawing nearer to Vessa. Having heard the captain's slurred speech, she presumes the captain to be the easiest to avoid. The goal isn't to hurt the woman. That is not typically Aleyna's motivation. At least, not without money. This is simply information gathering, and at the least likely risk, at that.

Xanya shakes her head a bit. "well I am glad to see your not hurt."

Kethren nods to Vessa "Yeah, I'm fine. Little shaken I suppose, but nothing hit me that I can see."

Vessa sighs in relief as Keth says he is okay, "Good, I hope there isn't too much fall out from this." Carefully and with the attempt to look natural, Vessa moves her arm to rest in her lap where she sits. Good thing about black, it doesn't show blood well.

Alenya props her vertical form up against the hold of the ship, right next to Vess. Reaching into a pocket, these actually visible on the outside of the coat, the female produces an apple, which she crunches down into noisily.

Xanya stands up and nods to vessa and kethren. "well I am going to get some sleep. I've been rather bussy myself today." She waves to them and walks of the landing pad towards town.

Kethren waves to Xan "Nite." then looks back to Vessa "Yeah... I'd rather not have more such occurrences during what should be a simple business transaction. Incidentally, sounds like someone's eating something crunchy pretty close to you."

Vessa tilts her head back and looks at the woman, "Yo," is her greeting with a small wave, with her good arm. "Er, you weren't hurt by the hubub earlier were you? I don't know who was here or if any civilians got hit." she begins to look concerned and starts to get up to turn and take a better look.

Alenya waves Vessa off. "No, I'm fine." The voice that issues forth over the tawny lips is light and measured, and very well enunciated. An accent is present, though indiscernable through the minimal oration from the woman. She takes another bite of the apple, looking up into Vessa's face. Alenya's own visage is plain, and mostly unremarkable. She would be completely forgetable were it not for the blaze of green that comprises her eyes.

Kethren scoots over to get a better look at this other person, and just raises an eyebrow.

Vessa nods with a relieved look and oops begins swaying as she sits, yeah looking a bit pale too. Seems that her attempt to stanch the blood has failed as it starts dripping again like a leaky faucet, unnoticed by the woman doing the bleeding. "Good, good," she nods sighing then blinks seeming to try and gather her wits, "Oh uh, can I help you?"

Alenya moves nearly instantly as Vessa sways, the apple tossed haphazardly over her shoulder, the thief extends both hands to catch the teetering captain before she falls down. Careful to avoid both the stream of blood and the area of the wound from which it seeps, the rogue attempts to guide the mastermind of the attacked organization back into a seated position. "You asked if I was alright, it seems it is you that needs attention." The statement is concise, almost robotic, the mysterious female's tone lacking a level of normal inflection.

Kethren nods to Alenya "Thanks for catching her. She's not going to like this, but we best get her to the hospital."

Vessa frowns at that, "Hospital? Haven't I spent enough time there? Thanks." she flashes a smile at Alenya though it is a bit dazed about now, "I might as well show you that it is fine Keth," and tries to stand, not succeeding very well either she thumps right back down again. Vessa is sitting and bleeding from a gunshot wound to her arm, Alenya has just helped keep her from tilting sideways and Keth is sitting nearby.

Hospital schmospital. Who needs that when at such a convienient moment a wild German doctor appears? Expression a bit lacking beyond his usual mild demeanour, Fritz doesn't entirely seem to be in a great mood, but he also doesn't seem to be vitrolicly angered or anything like that. Just a meh day it would seem as he meanders out onto the plascrete, hands in pockets.

Alenya pulls Vessa closer to her, nodding at Kethren's thanks. "Hospital? Where is there a hospital here?" It would appear as if the captain will have no choice in getting herself stitched up. Expectantly, the cutpurse eyes Kethren, one brow piqued high upon her forehead. Already, the woman has begun to move in a direction of higher population, dragging Vessa along if necessary...or Kethren could choose to help carry her.

Kethren glares at Vessa "Well, unless a doctor wanders by, I think your choices are to go to the hospital now, or wait till you pass out from blood loss and wake up there, anyway." and nods to Alenya "Downtown, I believe. Been meaning to take a look at the place, anyway." and stands up. ...and stands up to help carry Vessa along.

Vessa erks at being dragged along, too out of it to put up much of a fight, "Unnessisa unnes, not needed really thanks." she murmurs in a half hearted attempt at disagreement, "M'fine really," and tries to stand or at least walk with or something. Not sure where Keth's hand is to help carry but at this point Vessa isn't overly aware of too terribly much except that she is moving and not under her own power, for now this is puzzle enough to keep her occupied.

Like the call of a siren the mention of Doctor brings Fritz's attention which is solidified upon spotting the two people carrying Vessa along. He moves to intercept them, throat cleared as pale eyes peer down towards Vessa over the rim of his glasses, "Excuse me. You are in need of ein doktor?"

Alenya looks toward the heavily german-flavored voice as it intrudes upon her thoughts. As soon as malachite falls upon blue-gray, the rogue freezes. Opening her mouth to speak, it would appear the thief has lost her voice. Instead, she nudges Kethren in the ribs with an elbow and thrusts her chin in the direction of the second man and his offer.

Kethren raises an eyebrow at Alenya and loooks toward the person claiming to be a doctor "Well, the boss here is. You qualified? She's got a slight case of being shot."

Vessa blinks at the fact that she is no longer moving under her own power or otherwise and then looks for the source of German accent, "Eh? Doctors? For what? Someone hurt? Lemme help." and tries to move to help this hurt person.

The stare that begins with Ketheren is mild, however by the time it's levelled on Vessa it's with an unforgiving look of 'you're not fooling anyone, quit diverting'. Fritz wrinkles his nose, adjusting his glasses as he orders firmly, "Sit down so zhat I can examine zie vound properly." His hand reaches out to clamp down on Vessa's shoulder as well, notably on the side that doesn't seem to have been shot, "Sie are bleeding out, zie more you fuss, zie more you vill bleed until sie faint."

Alenya does not relinquish her hold on Vessa, instead the theif sits where she is at, carefully drawing the nearly incapacitated captain down to the ground, cradling the other woman's head in her lap. A sideways glance is given to Kethren, an intense and hard, wide-eyed stare that signals both doubt and danger. The gaze shifts to a glare, as do the irises of the bandit, the seemingly glowing orbs now appearing to undulate like miniature globes of Aurora Borealis. Looking from Keth to Fritz, the glower emanating from the femme is rife with warning.

Kethren lets go of Vessa so she can be lowered safely, and has a seat next to her looking worried, but nods reassuringly to Alenya, then keeps a close eye on the doc.

Vessa makes a sort of attempt to get up and looks in the direction of Fritz, "Eh, but someone is hurt an gotta help em or they could get hurt worse n then I will feel bad cause I didn help em n," yeah her ever so coherent argument kind of falters about now and she looks a bit dizzily at the woman holding her head in her lap, "Uh hello I am Vessa, do I know you? Why are you upside down?"

"My name is Doktor Fritz Von Wulfenbach, here is my identification." A small holo-card to prove he's medically lisenced is offered to Ketheren, "Vhat has happened?" Even as he asks this he leans closer to Vessa, a hand peeling back the blood soaked fabric around the gunshot wound, "Ah." He stands again, moving around to the other side for a better vantage point then kneels back down, "It looks very clean. She vill still need zie hospital as I have very limited supplies on me at zie moment, und a blood transfusion vill be in order."

Alenya smiles slightly, nervously, her bottom lip twitching on the outer curve as she strokes Vessa's hair. "We shall do proper introductions later. I will need a female liason to meet your gentleman friend, after all." With this, indication is given to Kethren. Again, the verdant sights plaster upon the doctor, and the heister nods to him. Not able to brute force Vessa back to a more mobile position, the thief instead gives up her fortifying hold on the other woman and allows to two males to shuttle her to a hospital. She will, for now, be content to follow.

Kethren nods at the holo-ID "Alright, that's good enough for me. The boss here would probably recognize you if she were coherant, but I'm not so familiar with the local medics." and sighs just a little "Really hoped I wouldn't have to see her wake up in another hospital bed though. Anyway, let's get her there so she can be treated properly and get well again."

Vessa blinks up at Alenya looking even more dizzy, "Kaaaay," she blearily states and then it seems is bodily picked up by the two men, "Oh pillow went away, where did it go? Did it get dropped, I'll get it er if I can find it." and half twists to try and find the wayward pillow that had so recently been under her head as she is carried off. To the hospital we shall go......again.

Having taken Vessa in his arms solely, Fritz carries her in through the main enterance and right past reception to a 'room' in the patient's area, "Vi need ein scanner, und medigel." FRitz calls out as he lays Vessa upon one of the cots.

Alenya follows, a bit like a guard dog, in Fritz's wake. Instinctively, Alenya reaches out to take the hand of the unharmed arm of Vessa and looks over her shoulder for Kethren.

Kethren follows everyone into the hospital, keeping a close eye on Vessa the whole time.

Vessa is most definitely dizzy about now and tries to look at Fritz, "Doctor Footz, the room is spinning and I don like it much makeitstoppleasethanx." feeling a hand gripping hers she smiles a bit and gives the hand a bit of a squeeze, "M'alrigh, I thnkle er think,"

Scanner comes, Vessa gets scaned and her blood type determined. This is followed by a demand of blood of that type and for a transfusion to be prepared. Medigel comes and is handed off to FRitz, who sends the nurse back with an order for painkillers, "Yes, of course, Frau." The way he speaks is indicative that he's not really paying much attention to what she's saying, instead taking hold of her wrist and repositioning it to be out from her body a bit before he twists off the medigel tub's cap and dips his fingers in to dig out a big glob. Time to slather it on!

Alenya stares unabashedly at the doctor as he operates on Vessa. Every few seconds, a glance is thrown toward Kethren, a coffee-colored brow piqued in silent question: does he want to take Vessa's hand, instead? With her free hand, Alenya gestures to her and Vessa's clasped hands, an expectant gaze falling upon the male.

Kethren nods slightly at Alenya and moves over take Vessa's hand.

Vessa is fine up until painkillers are called for and some instinctual reaction causes her to make the /attempt/ to move away, "Not goin under nope, not again, been how many times, gods be damned room stop spinning!" the hand that is being held is shaken at the room in irritation and she doesn't seem to realize that she isn't really going anywhere with people holding onto her but she makes a damn good go of it.

Fritz stares at Vessa mildly, "It is not ein /sedative/, it is ein /painkiller/. Sie vill not 'go under' as it vere. /Settle down./" Fritz demands, setting the tub of gel down, his other hand still sporting a glob on the tips of his fingers, to press his newly freed hand to Vessa's chest just below the collar, and just above the cleavage in an attempt to hold her a little bit more still.

Alenya gently hands Kethren Vessa's hand and steps aside, the petite woman pressing herself against the nearest wall. Her vigil of carefully observing the doctor is not abandoned. Though she knows nothing of medical procedure, she feels compelled to ensure that he is not harming Vessa in any way.

Kethren takes Vessa's hand carefully and smiles down at her "You really need to stop winding up in these places, you know. But try to hold still so the doc can work first."

Vessa pauses, "No under? Kay," and seems content enough to stay still at that, blinking at Keth now holding her hand, not noticing the transition she blink, "Ending up what now huh?"

For a moment, while Fritz applies the medical gel to the entry point of Vessa's wound, he looks up to find Alenya /observing/ him. An owlish blink follows and as he looks back to the arm, satisfied with the coverage, he inquires, "Is zere some reason sie are staring at me so, Frau?" Another glob of goo is dug out of the tub and lifting his other hand off Vessa's chest, he uses it to lift her arm to enable slathering the exit wound. While he's doing this the nurses return with a small machine for transfusion and the aformentioned painkillers. Time for a needle!

Alenya Blinks, the peridot gaze shifting from the doctor's actions to his face. The wire rim glasses are squinted at, as are the eyes behind it. "Simply interested." intones the flat but feminine voice in response to the doctor. Swiftly, the undulating green optics are returned to the doctor's actions, rather than his visage.

Kethren chuckles at Vessa "Ending up in the hospital. You need to stop that." He's holding Vessa's hand, and Alyena's against a wall, watching the doctor, who's treating Vessa.

Vessa blinks rather owlishly at Keth as realization dawns about where she is and she looks about ready to just up and cry, that is till she sees the needle and then her gaze is fixed, a solid stare of suspicion on that needle, doesn't care if it is blood or painkillers or some horrid concoction that will send her to lala land, her gaze is hawk like in it's intensity, sharply focused, oh look shiny. Okay maybe she is really staring at the button of the nurse bringing the needle, close counts right? RIGHT?

"As you vish." Fritz murmurs to Vessa, keeping her arm aloft as he reaches into his pocket for a fresh roll of linen wrappings to wrap around the gelled area of her arm. The nurses get about their business of somewhat rudely hustling Kethren out of the way so they can get the IV port in and the drugs administered.

Alenya tenses from her reclined position against the wall, spine straightening rigidly to bring her up to her full height. The petite femme dances this way, then that way around the nurses, attempting to maintain as little of an obstructed view as possible. A fervent look is shot toward Keth, a desperate glance that encourages him to watch Vessa, and particularly the doctor, closely.

Kethren stays as close to Vessa as the meddling staff will allow, keeping a close eye on them and her.

Vessa doesn't even wince as the IV goes in, but it does cause her eyes to train back on the needle, "Wish? I am so confused, why is there a needle, what is," she trails off and looks around, "Uh am I back in the hospital?" she then looks at her arm that is getting wrapped, "Uh sorry, who are you again?" Still looking rather dizzy and not all there, she at least seems less spacey, yay for returning blood!

"Doctor Fritz Von Wulfenbach." Fritz replies mildly, securing the wrappings and setting Vessa's arm back down. The nurses finish their work and get on their way, drugs administered, blood flowing back into Vessa, "You vill need to stay for overnight observation." The German adds.

Alenya again eyes Keth, sidling up to the companion of Vessa before leaning over and whispering in his ear "Are you going to stay here with her?"

Kethren nods to Alenya then takes Vessa's hand again, now that the nurses have gotten out of the way.

Vessa gives a thoroughly confused look to Fritz, "Uh Doc Fritz dude, why am I staying to be observed? I feel much better thanks," it is about now that she notices her hand is being held and follows the appendage up the other persons arm to view Keth in confusion and just all around doesn't really seem to get what is going on, a what the fuck expression clearly on her face, "What happened exactly? I remember sitting on the boarding ramp then boom I am here. Why am I here?"

"You've resisted zie whole endeavour in favour of bleeding out. You may protest all you vish, you are /staying/. It is proceedure and it is /final/." Fritz intones, thereafter levelling his stare upon Kethryn and Alenya, "Und I expect zie both of /you/ to make sure she does not do such /stupid/ zhings tonight, und in future."

Alenya looks a bit taken aback, the thief giving the captain a nervous glance. Looking to Keth, she herms for a moment in consternation. "Food first. You take first watch." And, without waiting for confirmation, departs to find out if the hospital has a cafeteria.

Kethren nods to the doc "I've no intention of letting her sneak off until she's better." then smiles down at Vessa "Well, the short of is that we got attacked while conducting that business transaction. You took a bullet through the arm. So, much as I know you hate it here, try and relax anyway."

Vessa notices Alenya, "Oh uh hi, sorry I didn't see you there. I seem to recall you upside down for some reason." she looks between all three with a raised eyebrow then sighs, "So long as no one decides to make with the sedatives then I will be a much happier bunny. So long as it is /only/ the night, I have work to do. There is far too much that needs getting done to be stuck here for more then that. I have meetings scheduled first thing tomorrow and the last thing I need to tell them is that I would very much like to come do that multi-million credit plan of theirs but they won't let me out of the hospital."

Kethren uses his free hand to drag over a chair so he can sit down next to Vessa "Just don't try sneaking out tonight, that would only make them keep you here, and on hospital food, even longer."

Vessa smirks before sighing and running a hand through her hair, "Never fails, I swear. How many times do I get tossed into this place before the universe is happy?" she grumps, "I am not going to try and sneak anywhere. Honestly, what would be the point? Tomorrow however, I will be out of here."

Kethren grins "True, we don't have an observation deck to sneak off to here, nor do we have an amorous couple to flee from."

Vessa laughs softly before shaking her head, "Not going to be here long enough to have to bother. Er, Keth don't go telling any of the rest about the injury please. Last thing I need is for this whole thing to get blown out of proportion."

Kethren smiles "Of course not. Anyone asks, I spent the night working on plans for the apartment complex."

Fritz hovers in the background, doing this and that even though he hasn't got a scheduled shift here tonight. Sometimes if you're scheduled or not, the help is needed.

Vessa nods with an appreciative look, "Thanks man." and with that there is a yawn, looks like the blood loss is hitting her with the drowsies. "Mmm hokay well better to spend the time unconscious er, by choice anyway." she mumbles as she begins to fall asleep."

Kethren smiles "Sleep well, friend."