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Shadows and Blood, Part I

Summary: Shadow-Touched conspirators gather to begin plotting an act of violence against the heads of the noble houses of Fastheld.

Cast: Conspirator1, Conspirator7, Conspirator9

Air Date: 622 ATA

Setting: Conspirator Cavern - Fastheld - Palisade

A spacious cavern illuminated by rings of pitch-topped torches, with fang-like stalactites dangling from the high ceiling. In the middle of the chamber sits a table carved from the natural gray stone, surrounded by similarly crafted stone benches. A single entrance leads back to the surface. It is flanked by hooded guards armed with pikes.

Contents: Exits:
none none

Conspirator One steps into the cavern from the main passage, walking between the hooded guards who spare a glance down that twisting corridor while the newcomer makes his way to the head of the table. It's a small group tonight, but from such little seeds do bigger things grow. The conspirators have been brought together, blindfolded, from throughout the districts of Fastheld. Their eyes were uncovered only after they reached the entrance to the cavern on the fringe of a lush green forest.

Conspirator Seven takes the chance to look about the cavern, steepling gloved fingertips as he or she does so. Light footsteps nearly soundless on the stone of the cavern floor, the petite figure makes way for one of the benches, checking to make sure that the cloth tied over his or her lower face to muffle the voice is still in place. Content that it is, Seven takes a seat on one of the stone benches, neither the furthest or the closest to the figure at the head.

Conspirator Nine moves through, skirting the chiaroscuro that the flickering torches create against the cavern's walls and floors. It is evident that he is a he, there is not much one could do to disguise such a fact, as the light catches the lower half of his face. A sneer shows itself as he passes a guard, gathering at the table and managing a low mutter, "Such melodramatic measures are hardly needed." He opines.

"Perhaps," the figure at the head of the table replies, "but it is best that we know as little as possible about each other and where we are at. We cannot afford for loose thoughts or loose words to betray us." He rests the tips of gloved fingers on the top of the stone table. "It will become even more vital as this effort grows. For now, we gather to establish just one thing: Why we must act and what we can bring to bear on behalf of this effort when the time comes." He looks toward Conspirator Seven. "You may begin. How have the leaders of the noble houses offended you? Do you stand ready to do what must be done? And you possess that might prove beneficial in this cause?"

The voice, muffled, is definitely female, and with tutored elocution. Seven draws herself up, unflinchingly. "Fastheld is stagnant. Us and ours have had one fate and one fate only since the Aegis went up and the exile. I actually only care about the death of one of them, but the others are a most acceptable collateral damage. I bring fire and ice, and I stand ready to do what must be done without wavering."

Conspirator One nods, hood bobbing up and down, and then looks toward Conspirator Nine.

Nine leans back, hooded robe gazing in silence at Seven for an extended period after she has finished talking. A throat is cleared and a black glove raises to cover Nine's mouth before he turns to Conspirator One. "Yes." His voice tells of false confidence and then a light, scornful tone, "Where to begin? It is hard to see the corruption through the pure ignorance our Duchy have displayed in their time. Eben Nillu is a candle-waster, he is a drunkard and a fool and he is shaming his house. Mullis is cutting through the Seamel treasury as though it were cultivated in the fields. The Zahir lord murdered his own father for his position and another sits in his place in prison." Nine pauses, pulling his robe to one side as he gathers a breath and pulls out a small letter. The seal of the envelope has been removed. "My informants are sure Orvus has been taking ever younger servants, and it is common knowledge how violent and raunchy he is." He lets that one rest for a moment, "Lennek is slovenly at worst, which only makes it strangely ironic that they are the cleanest of our house leaders." The robe rolls down at Nine looks down at his parchment, "Ah. And Hobet. Hobet has been on a witch hunt since his brother was killed, accusing every second man he meets of being shadow-touched. Three are dead, four lessened. When does this stop? These people are old. They are corrupt. They are out of touch. It pains me to be brought here with these /abominations/ but something must be done. The throne is blind." The last part seemed directed at Seven.

The lead conspirator considers, then laces his fingers together. "So it is agreed that change must come. How far are you both willing to go to effect this change?"

Seven regards Nine at some length as well, and although the hood and face-cloth make it impossible to discern any expression, there's a smile evident in her voice as her muffled voice lifts again. "I did not know of the witch-hunter. He absolutely must go; as for the throne, I misdoubt there would be legal recourse or reason for the emperor to interfere in any but the case of the kinslayer.. Perhaps not even then, if proof was not forthcoming. And against a Zahir Duke, it probably isn't."

She turns to One again, squaring back her shoulders. "I wish I could say that I would go to any length, but I am alive and not being hunted. This is sadly, for now, the best any of us can expect. Am I willing to kill? Absolutely. I accept the chance that I will be run through with a spear or suffer other mishap during the operation. However, when you ask 'how far', I think it only fair to say I am not willing to purposely compromise my identity, murder non-Lessened 'Touched, or children of extremely young age."

Seven pauses, and adds, "We all must be prepared for the fact that this will bring attention, investigations, and possibly more witch hunting. It isn't just in hopes of getting better leaders to the houses that I would risk those of our number who might fall prey to the backlash. The situation for us, as those gifted by shadow, cannot eternally and perpetually remain that of the helpless hunted who never fight back, who rot away in salt mines in a condition where we would be better off dead."

"And it has been my conclusion that they must be removed by force for some time." Nine adds, hood still aimed at Seven as he speaks, "My assistance, however, will remain in gathering the information you need to proceed."

"Very well," the lead conspirator says, letting his hands fall to his sides. "In the coming days, I want you to identify individuals with useful talents who might be recruited to our cause. Leave information about them in the usual locations. We will meet one more time to determine if we have the numbers necessary to launch a successful effort against the heads of the noble houses. Should we grow in strength, we will test that strength for operational efficiency. When our force has proven successful, we will seek our opportunity and strike. You will be blindfolded and driven back to your townships. Stay strong and resolute."

"We're missing one thing. You have asked these questions of us, but what of you?" Seven queries of One, gloved hands folded in her lap now. "It may seem impertenent, but there is a certain intimacy to conspiring to murder six men. So I ask of you, why are you in it? How far are you willing to go?"

"A fair question," One replies. "I am in it because Faeyd and the Luminary have mastered the art of passivity in the name of peace and harmony, and I am of the belief that we have these gifts and we should use them to proper benefit. The powers that guide us can be used to hurt and to help. Sometimes, they do both simultaneously. We deserve to be respected. We deserve to be feared. We can use this to great advantage. Violence is unavoidable. It is, in fact, mandatory. People do not understand small messages. They do understand bold statements. I intend that we make the boldest possible."

Nine falls to silence at this, folding his letter in his black gloves and placing it back between a gap in his robes.

With a bow of her head to One, Seven nods. "Thank you for sharing that. Being good little citizens only turns us into self-hating beings with families that will turn us over. If this works, I would like to suggest that we do something about the salt mines next. They are the biggest and most obvious symbol of our opression... And the souls within ought to be freed." She stands, hood turned in Nine's direction once again as she watches him. "Your information is good. As you are so expert at gathering it, I hope you will remain utterly incurious about my identity."

Conspirator One remains silent, waiting with his guards while the others begin the process of filtering out of the cave.