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Ladek Dall

For what it is worth to him, Ladek Dall was born in a variant of Normalspace where certain event took a different route. The events of being a Military Engineer and Tech member of Earth for the Stellar Consortium resulted in him seeking a resolution that was more peaceful and found himself expermimented on to test new anti-psionic capabilities. The war with the Psionic Specialists attempt against the GELT treaty of their Universe resulted in Earth being blasted by weapons in an attempt to win during the year 2528. Though for him this would be about the time he was going to a base for training the new experimentation, he found himself to be in a rift which brought him to the Ancient Expanse.

Upon arrival during a mission of Narai's, Ladek took the new incident as a technology experiment but learned that the men he had met during the finding of Iso were kinder than the others hw had been dealing with. Soon he retook the position that he had as an Engineer and Tech for his new life.

Ladek's mission's brought the man to many a situation ranging from meeting a rifted Demarian who shot him and later was speared while attemping to harm him later. He found himself in the plottings of The Corps eventually which led him to be involved with an attempt to fight Eigar Gustav on Mars, though his knowledge on the situation is limited.

Eventually he met the man that is known as Stovall, whom shared conscious with Wilhelm. Ladek was met with force on the offer when he assisted on the Mission to Time Neutral Zero, and once again he got himself wounded during combat, and survived by a rifting to Comorro.