We're gonna need a bigger boat

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  • #1335

    I’m known in the real world as Wes Platt. On OtherSpace, I’m Brody. I’ve been the game’s chief developer and lead storyteller since it started in 1998.

    The game started when I was a journalist at The St. Petersburg Times, living in my native Florida. Now, 16 years later, I’m a computer game designer at Prologue Games in North Carolina, where I live with my wife and son.

    I’ve played many characters on OtherSpace since its inception, including (but not limited to): David Ransom Porter, Pobolal, Vampire, AB145Q, Eye Balthazar, Majordomo Grim, Colin Neidermeyer, Emerson Mauthus, Jacob Gettleman, Tito Aldente, Mordecai, Buteo Calabratrarios, Lazarus Blades, Stumppaw Sandwalker, Hulk’vril, Zrt’kfr, Gustav Eiger, Graeber Brenhault, Vechkov Prague, Oswald Cottington, Eduard Ocartus, Raleigh Devrees, Dimitri Volstov, Voluanfel, and Okaskatitch. I played the characters of Bob Busby, Omar Panderyn, and Tolliver Grange in the 2550 reboot.

    My Spotify playlist is currently packed with: Foo Fighters, Matchbox Twenty, The Who, U2, Fleetwood Mac, David Bowie, John Williams and Alan Silvestri movie scores, Nirvana, Heart, The Eagles, Hall and Oates, Peter Gabriel, and Oingo Bongo.

    My favorite movies include: Guardians of the Galaxy, original trilogy Star Wars, Blade Runner, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Jaws, The Godfather (Parts I and II), Apocalypse Now, Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan, Animal House, Casablanca, and Citizen Kane.

    Lately, I’ve been reading James S.A. Corey’s Expanse novels, but some of my favorite books include George R.R. Martin’s Song of Ice and Fire novels, Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings,” George Orwell’s “1984,” Ray Bradbury’s “The Martian Chronicles” and “Farenheit 451,” Frank Herbert’s “Dune,” and the Hyperion saga by Dan Simmons.

    My most used smartphone apps are Words With Friends and Angry Birds Star Wars II.

    My favorite OtherSpace story arc: Probably gotta go with Sanctuary. Taking all the players and putting them aboard an intergalactic lifeboat a la Battlestar Galactica was among our most memorable moments and the universe was inexorably changed by it.

    My unforgettable players: Usually for a good reason, but not always! Falkenberg, VanMahr, N’Sha-El, Jest’liana, Marcus, Jaxx, Teel, Yama, Jasra, Jeff Ryan, Raisa, Snowmist, Silvereye, Ritter, Acran, Santiago, Marlan, Newt, Yoseph, Pryde, Dahan, Jasra, Lebeau, Urfkgar, Fraley, Reode, Wik, Rathenhope, Blackstone, Denson, Cesca, Tixxon, Mika, Reode, Hess, Alhambra, Maxwell, Majors, Fauze, Marson, Neilson, Ebonpelt, Firemane, Quicksilver, and Sharpeye.

    The greatest thing about running a MUSH: Sharing an evolving story with people from around the world and seeing where those people take the threads and run with them.

    The worst thing about running a MUSH: Occasional bouts of behind-the-scenes drama.

    So what’s your story?

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