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A Hidden Clue

Summary: As Trinsa Kahar and Jase Stormfall take their ease at The Nest in Hedgehem, they are paid an unexpected visit from the mysterious mage who has been plaguing Fastheld.

Cast: Trinsa Kahar Jase Stormfall Unknown Mage

Air Date: Sometime in the year 623 (June 2, 2011)

Setting: The Nest - Hedgehem

Founded by Ouel Zahir two years after the rise of the Aegis wall, the Nest is a fairly nefarious establishment in the heart of Hedgehem. The main room is a sinuous chamber with rough gray stone walls and amber rushes strewn across the wooden floor, with about two dozen tables and a circular bar counter next to the cylindrical stone fireplace in the middle of the room.

Vassals serve drinks and meals to patrons at all hours of the day and night. A twisting stairway leads up to the travelers' accommodations.

Contents: Exits:
{{{contents}}} {{{exits}}}

A lone figure sits in the corner of the tavern, shrouded in a muted grey cloak. Hands are clad in a similar dark leather glove and they absently pick up a mug of ale, bringing it to the shadowed face for a long pull.

From the direction of the main entrance strides Trinsa. The Kahar looks about slowly then tries to move slowly towards the bar itself.

The figure glances across the room toward Trinsa as the woman enters but returns to the ale without a word, remaining at the corner table. With a hand signal, the drink is replenished.

Trinsa Kahar slides up to the bar and taps a gloved finger on the counter top. A small sniff is given to the room in general before shaking her head slightly. "Yes.. I'll get... an ale." She finally says to the person behind the counter.

Coming down from the stairway leading to travelers' rooms, Jase stops at the bottom to stretch luxuriously before peering around the room for an empty seat. Spying one at the bar, he quickly makes his way over, taking a seat. Noting that the bartender is busy with another customer, he instead takes the chance to peer around the bar, taking note of whatever is going on.

"You seek information on the mage attacks, little girl?" The voice comes thundering into Trinsa's head at a powerfully loud level. It also speaks into Jase's though not quite as loud. "Stop searching now, or you will end up the first one dead." The voice is a deep, husky sound, though it could be marked as female.

Trinsa Kahar shudders slightly and a gauntlet goes up to the side of her helmet. A small shiver goes through the woman and she quickly spins to look across the room. "Oh hell... Right done it now Trinny. Got the mages all over your tightly sculptured arse.. Not that I can blame them. If I was all broody and dark I'd want a bit of my..." The young Kahar mumbles solftly to herself. She shakes her head clear and clears her throat. "Okay Miss Sexy Broody Voice in my head! Oh you may think you got the drop on little old me but you're wrong. Gonna keep hunting you bastards till I run you all down like dogs." She declares to the room.

Holding his head and shaking it a bit as words are spoken into it, Jase turns to peer around the room, searching for the speaker. Dismissing the loud woman yelling back at the air, he scans the crowd for anybody who looks suspicious. He spots a number of people who stick out, but none he can directly identify as the speaker. Keeping his eyes peeled after Trinsa's response, he continues to watch those few people who seemed suspicious.

The voice chuckles with dark amusement at Trinsa's words, still projecting to the entire tavern. Some people don't even seem to take notice of the invasion of their minds, but others are reacting, and reacting badly. "You are too weak to take on the Shadow, but for my amusement's sake, I will tell you this. There is a hovel in East Leg. You may find answers for what you are seeking there. Or perhaps just more questions..."

"Why geez... but aren't you the nicest damn bogeywoman around?" Trinsa declares with a deep frown. The woman eyes those around for a long moment. "Ya know, a smart person never writes off an enemy. You're just paving my way.. Give it up know there Spooky Voice Girl. Sure the church will go easy on you... Well probably not... But I'll make it quick on you." The Kahar rants. Sighing as he realizes the interloper will likely not reveal herself here, he orders a drink from the bartender, who is finally ready to take his order. After ordering an ale, he continues to scan the room, and his stance shows he's ready to move quickly if things get dicey.

How considerate of you, little girl," the voice says with no small amount of sarcasm arising. "I believe I will be about far longer than you could hope to be." There is a pause before the voice continues. "Would you like a taste of my power before I leave you to consider my advice?"

"What are you gonna do? Shoot fire out your arse? Not that impress let me tell you. Sure my ole bud Corriden can do the same thing if he bends over near a torch." Trinsa grins as she calls out once again. The woman keeps her hands at the ready. She licks her lips and looks around once more. "Come on then, show me the spookiness that is you."

Jase becomes alert as the taunts become more heavy and it seems like something might happen. Picking up his ale, he walks calmly across the room to the stairs leading up to travelers' accomodations, ready to flee should things get too intense.

The room goes dark. There is still the flickering flames from the hearth and candles that usually provide the illumination to the room, and yet everything grows darker by the moment, until each person sees nothing but the blackness. All at once, the floor is no longer there, replaced by swirling shadows and red eyes. Creatures of darkness claw their way out of the nothingness below, one heading for Trinsa, while another settles down where the staircase once stood, blocking the exit that way.

These are creatures of disfigurement and grotesqueness. Oversized razor fangs jut from the short and stub snouts, dripping red-tinted saliva. There is a loud roar in outrage, the one headed for the Kahar picking up its speed and leaping forward, the misshapen paws extending claws, ready to strike out against her.

In all of this, the voice chuckles. "Remember. East Leg. Find the hovel."

In the flash of an eye Trinsa is in action. The Kahar's eyes may seem a bit wild at the moment but she is quick on her feet. Her sword is pulled out in an istant and she tries to quickily sidestep the incoming beast and send a blow for one of its joints.

As one of the creatures appears next to him, Jase leaps away from the stairs with great agility before it even has a chance to lash out at him. Rolling across the floor and coming to his feet, he can see the noble woman nearby, drawing her sword against another of the beasts, and he moves a bit closer to her position, while staying out of range of her steel.

The sword goes straight through the creature and continues its attack toward Trinsa, bounding forward to leap, stretch and... pass through the Kahar. All at once, the tavern is as it once was, leaving behind only terrified people. The cloaked figure that had been sitting in the corner lets out a physical laugh and then disappears before the everyone's eyes.

Trinsa Kahar eyes the area around her slowly and then slides her sabre back into its scabbard. "Now that was... something." The Kahar murmurs to herself. She looks in the direction of where the figure was just seated. "5 Kahars to anyone that can describe the face of the person that was sitting right there." She booms.

Turning to the noble, Jase shakes his head. "Ya won't get that description here, m'lady. Woman kept her face covered the entire time, and if anyone says otherwise, he's probably lyin'. She was one of the one's I was watchin' when the boomin' voice started, and...she never gave opportunity to see who she was. A shame."

There is nothing there but all of a sudden, a nasty right hook connects with Trinsa's jaw and she can feel the sensation of someone spitting in her face. Shuffling of feet and then the presence of the mysterious mage is gone. A scrap of paper is left behind, however, on the floor, near the Kahar's feet.

If someone were to find the paper, it is the date and time of a rendezvous in a week. Location? East Leg.

Trinsa Kahar staggers back for a moment and blinks her eyes after the hook. The woman runs a gloved hand over her face and hisses under her breath. "Well.. shit." She grumbles.

Spying a scrap of paper left on the floor, Jase bends down to pick it up, reading it over at a glance before turning to Trinsa. "I think she left this for you." He holds the scrap out for Trinsa to take.