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Summary: With the help of the native known as Amina, Majors makes his escape.

Cast: Majors

Air Date: January 6, 2654

Setting: Tavros

Underground Caves - Tavros - <Tavros>

After a descent down into darkness, it eventually leads to a winding labyrinth of underground caves. All are man made, leading to niches that clearly once were a location of some form of civilization. The further down into the caves one goes, the more intricate the natural and unnatural architecture is. Grand arches and vaulted ceilings mark many of these rooms, some adorned with altars of some sort. Other caves lead to side rooms that look like they could have once been homes for a blossoming family with space to live and interact.

Contents: Exits:
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Majors is currently in his little room doing sit ups. Seeing as he can't leave just yet and his ereader is gone along with his PDA, there isn't much else to do.

There is a scuffle outside and then silence. Amina staggers inside, collapsing onto her knees just inside the door. Bruises mar her skin and there is pain etched across her features. In one hand, she clutches a psi-blocker. Majors' psi-blocker, in fact.

At the sound of the scuffle the Sivadian rolls to crouch and scurries close to the wall, never know how the natives will react. At the sight of the woman, Majors slides over towards her and crouches down and tries to scoop her up, as he does so he glances up and down the enterance.

Nothing there. "Quiet," Amina, murmurs, holding up the psi-blocker. "Is this what it means to be an individual then?" she asks softly. "They're going to kill you, Thomas Owen Conrad-Majors III."

Majors moves to deposit the woman on the bed and take back the psi-blocker. "Over a piece of equipment? How daft." The Sivadian murmurs absently as the tries to get a quick account of the woman's injuries. "And what the bloody hell happened luv? And.. thank you for letting me know."

"For being a nuisance," Amina replies with a weak smile. "If we move quickly, we might be able to avoid them." She hesitates. "Will you help me?"

"For being a nuisance. Well that is completely understandable and well within their right." Majors says with a weak smile of his own. "But lets see about not complying with that." The Sivadian eyes the woman. "I can not turn down a request from a beautiful woman."

Amina manages to stagger to her feet, clutching her psi-blocker more tightly. "They cannot hear me and I cannot hear them so long as I remain in range of this device," she murmurs. "Quickly now. There is a hidden passage that will take us to the surface."

Majors nods his head slightly and tires to help steady the woman. "Lead on luv." Considering the nature of their position, he does the heroic thing and doesn't even try to cop a feel.

A hand rests on Majors' arm as she creeps deeper into the small residence, taking time to look about before she searches for a panel in the wall. Once found, it opens up to a passage that leads upwards, towards the surface. She moves quickly, though her motions are jerky, lacking her usual fluid grace.

Majors trails after the woman like a good little Sivadian on the lam.

Despite Majors being less than subtle in their movement upward, the passageway is abandoned and therefore it matters little. Amina, however, gives an amused look. "You lack the good skill of silence in movement, Thomas Owen Conrad-Majors III," she says quietly.

"I am merely distracted by the looks of my coconspirator. I shall endeavor to do better." The Sivadian replies as he tries to do just that.

Amina rolls her eyes, "You are confident in your effect on women," she notes. "Is this common for your males?"

"I am far from common." Majors replies with a small chuckle. "And if I were not confident then what would I be? I would not make a good meek person."

Cave - Tavros

Hidden away behind one of the waterfalls is a manmade cave. The walls are all smooth, with no imperfections in the stone. It goes back about twenty feet before there is a large hole there it opens into blackness. No light shines from below to indicate what could be down there.

The secret passage leads them up to the mouth of a cave, different from its usual entrance and exit. Amina pauses to get her bearings and look back, perhaps with some level of regret. "They always have some spread through the caves and in the jungles," she murmurs. "I do not know where they are, however."

Majors nods his head slightly as he crouches down and looks toward the opening. "We will just have to silent and quick. Are you any good at moving without drawing attention luv?" The Sivadian asks as he himself creeps along and tries to remain in the darker nooks.

"I was able to trail you as you first visited here," Amina points out. "Without you being aware until I wished you to be aware." "Yes but you are a bit.. under the weather now." Majors points out as he glances over at the woman. "Can you lead me back to the ship luv?" He asks

Amina nods. "I... think so," she says. "But if it comes to a fight, I don't know how valuable I will be. I hurt." She creeps her way toward the lagoon. "Stay low."

"If it comes to a fight.. Well do let me do it and run to the ship. Tell the Conderacy of Dunces whats going on." Majors replies as he does indeed crouch and follows the woman.

"They do not like to be called that," Amina notes almost absently. She moves more swiftly, her skin coloring helping her blend into the faded surroundings.

Lagoon - Tavros - <Tavros>

Hidden deep within the twisting paths of the jungle is a serene lagoon with a cascading waterfall. The water is a deep emerald green, only faintly tinged with blue. Small variants of fish can be seen in the water. At its deepest, it seems about twenty feet deep. In the shallower ends, it is smooth rock at the bottom which slants and leads up to an equally smooth rock shore. Trees and other exotic flora exists along the edges of the water. Flowers of vibrant blues and rich violets cluster together.

Along one ledge that leads up in the direction of the mountains are multiple waterfalls, each one cascading down into the lagoon below. The water runs white, hiding the cliffs behind. One, however, looks like there could be open space behind it.This also appears to be the local hangout for some wildlife. Various mammals come to the edges of the water to drink on occasion when it is quiet enough.

"They do not? Hmm.. well that is far too bad." Majors murmurs as he creeps after the woman. "A good taser would do wonders." He says under his breath.

Amina smiles briefly but for now remains silent, staying in the brush as they inch around the lagoon, and headed in the general direction of the ship. "It is a bit of a hike. Do try to keep up," she whispers, touching Majors briefly and then disappearing from sight, her foot steps barely making a noise.

Majors nods his head and remains silent as he follows. He pauses for a moment as the woman moves ahead and he takes off after, the Sivadian trying his best to remain silent, stepping between bushes rather than through them, avoiding branches on the ground and so on.

Concluded in Finding the Lost Sheep