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  • look [<object>]
  • look <person>'s <object>
  • look/outside

Displays the description of <object>, or the room you're in if you don't name a specific object. You can specify object as <name> or #<dbref> or 'me' or 'here'. On some MUSHes, 'read' may work the same as 'look'. The second form of this command allows you to look at objects held by other people, if the person is not OPAQUE.

Look can take one switch, "outside". look/outside allows you to look at objects outside your current location, as long as your immediate location is not a room, and is not OPAQUE.

If you look at an object that is not set OPAQUE, you will see any non-DARK items in its inventory. You can look at DARK items in your location if you know what their name is by typing 'look <object>', but they will not show up in the list of contents.

When you type 'look' alone, you look at your current location. For a room, this normally shows you the room's description, the list of contents, and any obvious exits from the room. For an object, it only shows you the interior description (@idescribe).

If a room is set DARK, when you look you will not see any of the exits or contents of the room, unless they are set LIGHT.

'look' may be abbreviated 'l'.

See also: OPAQUE, FLAGS, @describe, @adescribe, @odescribe, DARK, LIGHT