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Huge asteroid threatens Kamsho

Reported To: LIN
Reported On: Kamsho
Time Reported: Thu Jan 20 19:06:53 3011 (Comorro Mean Time)

VOR, KAMSHO - Scientists at Vor Technological Institute tonight announced that they've discovered an asteroid, approximately 30 miles across, on a collision course with the planet Kamsho.

"We don't know how it escaped our notice before," said Dr. Obas Famtel. "It showed up on our long-range orbital satellites this afternoon. At its current speed and trajectory, the asteroid will strike just above the equatorial line near the Opodian coastal city of Hemmas sometime within the next 72 hours. However, a strike by an asteroid of this magnitude wouldn't destroy just Hemmas. It would pose the very real possibility of an extinction-level event for all life on Kamsho."

Officials are recommending that citizens begin planet-wide evacuations.

Temple leaders call for Opodians to remain

Reported To: ONS
Reported On: Kamsho
Time Reported: Thu Jan 20 21:04:47 3011 (Comorro Mean Time)

OPE'MOT, KAMSHO - Patrons of the Great Temple of Opodi are urged not to evacuate the planet Kamsho to escape an approaching planet-killer asteroid.

In an official statement issued by temple authorities, Opodians are told that the asteroid is nothing short of a test of absolute faith in the goddess Opodi.

"If we are deemed worthy by our goddess, then we shall survive by her hand," the statement says.

Asteroid gone!

Reported To: CNB
Reported On: Kamsho
Time Reported: Sun Jan 23 14:13:51 3011 (Comorro Mean Time)

VOR, KAMSHO - The planet-killer asteroid that had been bearing down on Kamsho disappeared in a burst of blue energy last night, apparently powered by a rift drive, as the entire combined thermonuclear arsenal of the Llivori and Opodians shot into space.

Authorities in the city of Vor expressed appreciation to the Orion Confederacy for its assistance in defending the Llivori from obliteration.

Goddess saves planet!

Reported To: ONS
Reported On: Kamsho
Time Reported: Sun Jan 23 14:16:05 3011 (Comorro Mean Time)

OPE'MOT, KAMSHO - Authorities in the Great Temple are crediting the Kamir goddess Opodi with the sudden disappearance of the asteroid that threatened to destroy Kamsho.

They indicated that interference from the Orion Confederacy, obviously in collusion with the Llivori government, was most unwelcome. It will be some time, they say, before the Confederacy can be trusted to recognize their sacred ground.

Kamsho demands restitution

Reported To: LIN
Reported On: Kamsho
Time Reported: Sat Jan 29 11:49:03 3011 (Comorro Mean Time)

VOR, KAMSHO - The Llivori and Opodians finally found common ground today: They want the Lotorians within the runaway asteroid to pay for Kamsho's expenses in the wake of last week's near disaster.

The governments on Kamsho unleashed their entire thermonuclear arsenals into orbit, only to render the missiles inert after the asteroid's internal rift drive activated.

The lost missiles, along with emergency response costs during the crisis, are estimated to have cost the governments a total of $3-billion Hekayti credits.

True Culprit Found!

Reported To: CNB
Reported On: Comorro
Time Reported: Sun Jan 30 15:20:09 3011 (Comorro Mean Time)

NEW RESILIENCE, MATERI SYNA - The Orion Confederacy has announced the true culprit behind the disaster at Kamsho: Zar Hideg Fekretu. His body was discovered on the asteroid by the Confederacy's investigation team.

"We apologize for taking so long to announce our findings," stated Vladimir Itsov, a spokesperson for the Confederacy, "The body was in bad shape, our scientists had to confirm that it was the former Zar."

Itsov asked Kamsho to consider striking a deal with the Confederacy due to the fact that the true culprit behind their misfortune is dead.

Itsov also stressed that the planet is now defenseless, "They used their entire thermonuclear arsenal in one go, their orbital defenses are severely crippled. That could leave them open to attack from a nation less forgiving than we are. We simply want to help."