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Plan of Action

Summary: Faith and Iseul sit down to discuss their current situation.

Cast: Faith Iseul

Air Date: January 22, 2651

Setting: Tomin Kora

The Motherlode - Freewheeling - <Tomin Kora>

Shadows cloak much of this tavern's interior, perhaps by design. Through the stinging cig smoke, you can make out the vague shapes - if not the specific features - of sentient beings of most every stripe from humanoid to reptiloid to insectoid, huddled around tables or hunched over the bar counter. Some sit alone, contemplating the darkness. Others talk business in urgent and occasionally panicked tones. The voices are muted beneath the wail of the jukebox.

Contents: Exits:
{{{contents}}} {{{exits}}}

Faith is in a corner, back to the walls, exits in her field of view, and attention split between the PDA and her surroundings. Her usual unconcerned demeanor has been tainted with paranoia..

Iseul strides into the Motherlode. Weapons are openly displayed and an expression seems to be daring someone to pick a fight with her. So far, no one has wanted to press their luck with the gun-toting woman. She slides into a seat next to Faith. "You see that article on our friend?" she asks quietly.

"Mhm," Faith replies, "Too convenient. Probably a trap, or at least an escape. I want to see the scene, but circumstances obviously prevent that." She smirks, "Have you caught up on what we've missed? He called me hot. For some reason that amuses me."

"Oh, I doubt very much that he is deceased," Iseul replies. "He is probably trying to avoid answering for his crimes after Captain Porter called him out." She frowns and looks around. "For now, we remain guests of Lord Fagin, but I have hopes that we will be able to get back to Earth soon. Even if he's gone, there are still plenty of others that wouldn't mind us dead in a TK back alley."

"It should be noted that he probably realizes we have something to do with that," Faith remarks, "Or else some other guinea pig of his. How else would a man from a space-time rift know to call him out?" The brunette taps a few spots on her PDA and adds, "Which is why I said trap. Natural response, wanting to investigate his convenient disappearance. Perfect way to draw us in."

"We can't hide out on this rock forever," Iseul mutters. "Devrees needs to know that we're alive. I say we give Porter another day or two to see what he has up his sleeve and to see what Fagin wants with us and then I'd try and get an encrypted message out to him."

"How would you like to tell him? It might be a bit of a shock, and easing such things isn't really my cup of tea," Faith replies, "We've even had a memorial service."

Iseul chuckles and nods, "Alright," she replies. "We'll give it a few days to see what's going to happen here and then try to get ourselves off of here and back to civilization."

"Whatever works," Faith replies. She thinks for a while. "What's the plan if Fagin wants work from his 'guests'? I may have criminal skills, but I refuse to use them for the likes of him."

"If we have to, we make a run for it," Iseul says very quietly. "I am a police detective and I refuse to be a pawn for Fagin. I would rather die than betray what I am."

"I'm glad we're in agreement," Faith nods, "Although it's worth noting that death is probably not the worst he can come up with."

Iseul shakes her head, "No, it isn't," she replies. "I've seen reports of things that have come out of TK. I'm just doing what I can to not think about those things at the moment."

"Ah. Sorry for bringing it up then. I sometimes forget that most people aren't as detached as I can get," Faith replies, "Intimidation doesn't come easily to me most of the time."

Iseul smiles grimly, "I'm only human," she replies. "I can put it out of my head if it gets to be too much but while we're just sitting around, there's a healthy dose of fear."

"As am I, despite popular belief," Faith replies, "Most people mistake me for a very cleverly designed Phyrrian." She smirks a little. "We'll be fine, Iz. We've come too far to let a little thing like the Pirate King get in out way."

Iseul chuckles, "I have no doubt," she replies. "It's the boatload of civilians Porter dumped us with that I'm more concerned about," she mumbles. "If it were just the three of us, I would have no issues."

"We should have gont to Antimone," Faith remarks, "Tomin Kora is one of the worst places we could have landed."

"I think it was a matter of proximity from where we rifted through," Iseul grumbles. "I would have preferred any other location as well, but we have to deal with what we got dealt."

"Porter knew where we were going to come out before we popped through," Faith points out, "We may have been able to find a more conveniently placed rift, if we had been willing to take the time to search."

Iseul sighs. "I don't think people were completely convinced that this would actually work," she muses. "We'll make it work, Faith. I have no intention of letting Fagin hurt anyone here."

"You know as well as I do that the only way to follow through on that promise is cooperate," Faith remarks, "It's a handful against essentially a planet." She checks her PDA, "Mph. I should have been asleep hours ago. Anxiety is a bitch."

Iseul smiles grimly. "We'll finish this discussion later. Get some sleep, Faith. I'm gonna need your brain at full capacity."

"I will try, but i can't make any promises," Faith nods, rising from her seat, "Take care, Iz."

"You too," Iseul replies, staying put for the time being and offering a patient smile.