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Spectrum of Insanity

Summary: Ladek and his small crew go on their first cargo run, but not everything goes according to plan.

Cast: Ladek, Aliyah, Koneku, Kane

Air Date: 23 July, 2654

Setting: IND Cyberglider

Contents: Exits:
(MB) Main Bay

Ladek moves along to a newly black-painted ship called the IND Cyberglider with Aliyah and begins to work on opening the shuttle for entrance, waiting.

Koneku sprints as fast as she can on her cat legs to get to the landing pad. When she finally arrives, she seems a little dissheveled, panting as she leans down on her legs, her ears perking up alertly. "L-Ladek!" she calls out tiredly as she sees him, "I'm glad I wasn't too late..."

Aliyah sighs as she catches sight of the cat-person, and shakes her head, sending wisps of red-orange hair everywhere. "Wolf people, aliens, now cat people," she says to herself, "What's next? Spiderman?" She leans her weight on one leg, and wiggles her fingers in way of greeting. "You must be the Koneku that one keeps going on about."

Ladek looks over to Koneku and smiles softly, ruffling her hair in a playful manner, "You made it in time, Koneku this is Aliyah the guard, Aliyah, this is Koneku the pilot," he adds.

Koneku's ears twitch a little and she looks over to Aliyah. "Oh..." she says, a little nervously, "hi...I-I'm...K-Koneku, as he said..." She extends a hand, but drops her gaze, avoiding eye contact.

"Koneku, yes. I mentioned her name myself. No need to assume I'm stupid just because I'm a guard," Aliyah says. She purses her lips and shakes Koneku's hand with a firm grip, strength evident in her grasp. She turns to Ladek. "Is there any tasks that need to be done?"

Ladek lifts brow gently, "I was politely introducing," he says and smiles, "We can board the ship," and walks aboard with them.

Koneku nods to Aliyah, saying meekly, "A pleasure...." before jumping up into the ship spryly, knowing her way around rather quickly. "So...where are we going today, Ladek...? I've heard we were gonna do a job. Are we gonna get paid? I'm afraid I'm not gonna be able to rely on charity much doesn't feel very good."

Aliyah follows Ladek onto the ship, her feet still bare. She's still a bit moist from the ocean, and her damp hair shows it, being a bit tangled and out of sorts. As soon as she's in, she finds a place to sit, and begins trying to work out the knots. "We're getting paid," she says, "Or I wouldn't be here right now."

Ladek gets the PDA from his holster and transfers some funds to Koneku with a smile, before holstering it, and motioning them to the cockpit, "Let us get the coordinates ready," he says to them, becoming skilled at the using of one hand.

Koneku nods at Ladek and starts to move toward the cockpit, moving as quickly as she can on her short but powerful legs. "What're we doing, exactly?" she asks inquisitively, mostly ignoring Aliyah for fear of an awkward situation. She sits down in the pilot's chair, starting to flip some switches

Aliyah does nothing but glance up as Koneku passes. She fiddles with her hair a bit more before giving up, muttering something about a comb. She turns instead to her boots, fishing the socks out and pulling them on before slipping into the black leather footwear. She ties them up neatly, her fingers displaying a quick dexterity to them, and finally stands, brushing her stubborn hair aside. She moves close to the cockpit, but seems hesitant to enter.

Ladek moves to gently sit beside Koneku, turning some tunes on and smiling, kicking feet onto the machinery, BECAUSE IT'S COOL, and turns on the comms, happy to copilot, "Eiru, this is the Cyberglider asking for permission to enter the FTL direction towards B'hira," he gives a gentle smile to Koneku and motions for Aliyah to come in, from the door, "Cargo and a meeting," he says.

Koneku nods over at Ladek and dons her headset: a special comms device made to accomodate her ears, wrapping around the back of her head instead of over the top. When she hears the ok, she starts powering up the engines, nodding over at the both of them and asking, softly, "Uhmm...are you both ready to go?"

Aliyah walks cautiously into the cockpit. Her body is tense, and her eyes darken, darting about the cockpit nervously. "If I wanted to fly, I would've joined the damn Air Force," she says. She remains standing, her hand a deathgrip on Koneku's pilot seat. Beads of sweat form on her forehead, and she wipes them away, asking, "So... How often do bad things happen in space?"

Ladek looks up a little thoughtfully, "Ah, kind of like a car, depends on traffic, that stuff, shuttles are safer, mostly because of the routing system but ya dont get paid being on them," he chuckles, "I was rifted to this Universe while in a shuttle and Earth was being destroyed, so I should be glad they did experiments on me," it might be a form of news to Koneku as well this part of his history, "Ah I'm ready," he says, leaning into Koneku, a little moody from the discussion and something on his mind apparently.

Koneku seems much more comfortable with herself 'behind the wheel' so to speak, and smiles softly, nodding to the two. "Nothing bad will happen while I pilot this ship, Miss Aliyah..." she says, and an instant later the ship starts raising into the air. "You may want to take a seat, however...this ship does not have artifical gravity or inertial dampeners strong enough to resist the pull of this planet. Once we have breached the atmosphere we will be fine, but please fasten your seatbelt until then."

"It'd better not." She glances about the cockpit. "There isn't another seat," she says nervously, "I'll be in the back until we exit the atmosphere." She releases the seat and hurries to the extra seats, buckling herself in. She closes her eyes, breathing deeply to try and calm her racing heart. Damn, she hated space so much.

Ladek moves hand to the music dial and goes to some rock from the 2000's, yelling to the woman, "Might cheer ya up!" And air guitars with one hand if that is poasible, and switches on the comm with his foot, transmitting to the ship the music.

Koneku nods around to the both of them, saying cautioningly, "Hold on." before powering up the engines completely, aiming the nose of the ship upward. She turns the afterburners on and the ship speeds into the sky, becoming a speck to anyone on the ground in a matter of seconds.

Aliyah oblidges to the statement, holding onto the chair tightly. "Grrk." An odd, almost strangled noise comes from her as the G's of the acceleration push her back against her seat, pinning her down. She's not breathing through the entire ordeal, and soon begins to feel lightheaded. Her hair's thrown back and messed up further, though that's the least of her concerns.

Ladek raises the arm and whoops, happy for acceleration, used to it by now, the takeoff just a little unconventional but okay, and waits until they get by the atmosphere and when he can announces back to her, "It gets better in the FTL travel," he says.

Koneku switches on the artificial gravity and inertial dampeners as they reach Low Pyracan Orbit, looking back to the main bay. "Are you alright...? It sounds as if you've never flown in space before...would you like to see the planet?" The glowing atmosphere only slightly conceals a bright green expanse of land, dotted with lakes and an ocean, some cloud cover flowing over it. Unlike Earth, there's not a whole lot of artifical light shining from the part not quite illuminated by the sun, the population being significantly less. The sun is on the other side of the view, shining huge and bright.

Aliyah sits in her chair, dazed and beyond words. Her usually well kept hair is a mess, stubborn strands sticking out every which way. She finally releases the breath of air she's been holding, and begins breathing again. She undoes her belt with shaking hands, letting the belt clatter off before she rises on uncertain legs. "I've... never flown in a plane before, even," she says, her voice but a whisper. She makes her way up to the cockpit, patting down the beast her hair has become, and attempts to regain her composure. Her eyes open wide as she sees the beautiful view, mouthing out a "Wow."

Ladek shifts gently and gets up from the seat to look to the window, smiling, "Well it's fun," he says as the holographic display of the ship shows readings and coordinates, and place a gentle hand on Koneku's shoulder, "Great takeoff," he says to her approvingly hoping she accepts the compliment.

Koneku smiles and nods over to Aliyah, saying, "It is indeed, is it not?" She then types a few things into a keypad, showing a few numbers and the word 'coordinates'. "Are you ready?" she asks as she looks over to Aliyah, "We are about to enter speeds faster than the speed of light...don't worry, though, the inertial dampeners will make it so that you only feel a small lurching."

Aliyah frowns. "Is it going to be as bad as that acceleration?" Her hand is still fiddling with her hair. She grumbles when she's unable to do much with it, and gives up. "Do either of you have a hair band of some sort?" she asks, "I left mine in another universe a couple hundred years ago."

Ladek frowns softly and sighs as the two talk and goes to look out the window, observing the planet before they get ready to go, seeming to have something on his mind.

Koneku nods to both of them and smiles, saying, "Just hold on for a moment. She engages the FTL drive and the ship lurches forward quickly, the inertial dampeners not working at these kinds of speeds, pressing Ladek and Kone back into their seats momentarily and causing Aliyah to have to hold on to the seat if she doesn't want to get thrown around. After a few seconds, the inertia fades, and they're all back to normal.

Aliyah swears violently at the sudden acceleration, her hands flying out to grab ahold of something. She finds the Koneku's chair, holding tight and bracing with her legs. Her unkempt hair flies everhwere, but she manages to hold on, and breathes a sigh of relief as it passes. "You said that wasn't going to be as bad." She rubs at her neck, and flings hair away from her face before turning to where Ladek was standing. "Sir, I--" Aliyah's emerald eyes open wide as she spots Ladek unconcious on the floor. "Shit."

As Ladek is currently unconscious there is a crash at the back of the ship and electrical sound, if checked there are chemicals spilling onto the wiring, possibly damaging the ship if it is not taken care of before too long.

Koneku stands up quickly and runs off back toward the back, saying authoritatively, "Take care of him!" She kneels down to inspect what's going on. "Dammit." she murmurs, and starts working on the problem, deft hands unscrewing a pannel and reaching up inside the wiring. No time for gloves - she'll have to rely on luck!

Aliyah swears 'neath her breath again, thinking fast. She hops about on one foot, undoing her boots and peeling off her socks as fast as she can. She sprints over to the spill site, using the socks as mops to clean the wiring off the wires Koneku is handling, and drops them quickly into the boots as a rudimentary containment system. She chews on her lower lip, and shakes her head. "Damnit!" she yells, and reaches down, her fingers clutching at the edges of her shirt. She peels it off, revealing a dark green sports bra beneath, and drops down, using the quick-drying naterial of the shirt to stem the chemical tide, before

The spill is gently cleaned more by Aliyah and Koneku might hurt her hands if she spends too much time but should otherwise be okay. Ladek remains unconscious. And now what it got of the wiring has caused a bit of damage to the ship causing it to slightly veer from course, FTL emergency shifting them back into the regular travel, towards space debris.]

Koneku draws her hands out of the wiring, her hands covered with the liquids. She runs over to the chemical cleaning sink that they happen to have near the back of the main bay and sprays her hands off clean, venting the tainted water out of the ship. She then rushes back to the cockpit and vaults over and into her seat, typing a few things on the display to get them back on course. "Of course they didn't tell me what we were transporting.." she mutters frustratedly as she gets back up to go help Aliyah.

Aliyah finishes cleaning the corrosive material as best as she can, and dumps all of the contaminated material into the sink, and shrugs helplessly at Koneku. "I have no idea how to work this," she admits, before walking up to the cockpit. Sweat rolls down her cheeks, and she makes a move to wipe them away, crouching down to inspect Ladek. She cradles his head gently with one hand, inspecting for injuries. "I think he's fine," she says, but shrugs, "But I'm not a medic, I can't be sure."

Ladek groans and gently wakes up, having heard, "If ya didnt give it such a push," he coughs as he wakes up, he looks to the main bay and to the group, "Ah some of that was mine such a forceful FTL pushed it into the walls," he moves gently to stand, and takes wrench in one hand going to repair it, "Some of them are for some well paying customers," he says groggily and tries to work with one arm on it.

The ship moves on course with Koneku's maneuvering and the damage is fully repaired as FTL goes back, most damage on the aesthetics.

Koneku looks back to Ladek as he gets up. "Why the hell didn't you tell me we were transporting dangerous chemicals?" she asks, rather annoyedly, something not generally seen in her. "We could have died out here! If that had kept eating our wires, we could've lost all our systems.”

Aliyah gives a huff as Ladek bypasses her without acknowledging her. "Of course he cares more about the ship," she mutters to herself. She leans against the cool plastic that makes up the ship. "Ladek, sir," she calls out, arms crossed, "You owe me a new shirt and a pair of socks." She points to the soaked cloths still present at the chemical sink.

Ladek looks up from the wiring and peers about, "Ya gotta admit it's a little more comfortable in here right?" he asks, "And I apologize to you Koneku and I doubt things would go that badly but cargo can be anything these days, if Nyad didnt get all nosy with the crates," he replaces a blanket on the chemicals and sighs, "Figured that all of the blanketing would assist," he says and gently looks to the two as he comes into the cockpit, "Are you two okay?" he asks softly in concern, "I will add it to your pay," he adds to Aliyah.

Koneku shushes the both of them as they drop out of FTL, looking at their coordinates.. "Something's not right." she says as she looks out the 'windshield' of the ship. "Where are we?" The world is mostly black all around the ship, except for the myriad of stars that twinkle in the distance.

Aliyah shifts uncomfortably, turning around to look at the Lyiri. "Please don't tell me we're lost," she says, genuine terror in her tone. "And what do mean it's more comfortable in here, sir? We have corrosive chemicals everywhere, a third of our cargo is spilled across the floor, and we're in space." She huffs. "It's not the slightest bit more comfortable in here. _And_ I lost half my clothing to that stupid crate."

Ladek waves his hand for them to be quiet for the moment and taps on the computer to check for any sort of signal that might give him information on location or anything nearby, teching on it with one hand.

Koneku nods over to Aliyah, removing her own blouse and throwing it over to her. Underneath the Lyiri's blouse was a bodice of hardened red leather, looking strong enough to turn a blade if it was swung at it. It ends right below her breasts, which are covered with a thin band around her chest. Built into the bodice is a long, thick sheathe containing a grizzly looking combat knife on the left side. "You can take my shirt...but we need to find out where we--" before she can finish the sentence, an impact can be heard slamming against the shield, the ship shaking. "Well, that's not good." she murmurs, manning the controls and typing a few things into the display to make them suddenly zoom forward. There's a little bit of a pull back, but the inertial dampeners kick in pretty quickly, so that it's not too bad this time.

Aliyah catches the blouse, and stares at it like a foreign object of alien origins. She's never worn anything remotely nice, but does her best to put it on, struggling with it. She nearly manages to rip the cloth before taking it off, and folds it neatly before handing it back. "I don't think I'm your size," she says bluntly, indicating her broad shoulders. "Thanks, though." She sets it on the co-pilot seat. As the impact registers, Aliyah swears loudly again. "Can this damn flight get any worse?!"

Ladek draws one of his blades with his hand and grumbles softly to himself, "Got that right," he says to Aliyah. Normally the blouse thing would have gotten a stare but instead he focuses on the main bay, "Koneku, look out the window by now whatever it is should be in sight," he says.

Koneku growls a little as three more bolts impact the shield, a few more blue blasts flying past the field of vision in the front. The Lyiri takes evasive maneuvers with the rather non-maneuverable ship, trying to dive into a roll, but the other ship is faster, and keeps up very well. "Why doesn't this ship have any defenses?" she asks frustratedly as she mashes buttons here and there, trying to find weapons or anything to help.

Aliyah grits her teeth, watching the readouts and viewscreen intently despite not knowing what a damn thing means. "Can we lose them?" she asks, "Is there anything I can do?" She unclips her pistols, ready to use them in case of a boarding.

Ladek stares at the woman as he looks to her, "Those bullets hit a window and we all might not have to worry about what's attacking," he says seriously and looks to Koneku, "If you can't maneuver by them then slow the ship, we shouldn't risk more damage and they will be less wary maybe, this ship is kind of built for scouting and simple uses," and looks to the bay.

Koneku shakes her head and says, boldly, "I have another idea. Hold on. Again." She suddenly turns the thrusters off and blasts the reverse thrusters at full strength, causing the ship to stop dead in its tracks. The other ship zooms by, and one could see that it was some sort of interceptor, though it seems to be assembled from the parts of a few different ships. She turns the shuttle around quick and starts off in the other direction, but they only get a few hundred feet before everything suddenly shuts off.

Aliyah slams her fist down onto the control board, her knuckles white. "I knew I shouldn't have signed up for this." She paces about, frustration getting the better of her, her hands on her hips and her emerald eyes dark and angry. "If I have to die, I want to go fighting, not decompressing and freezing in space."

Ladek sighs and gently sheaths the blade before drawing the pistol with one hand, careful of keeping it at the ready, "Ya might get that chance," he says with the one arm wielding a pistol and he waits, "Didnt think that the job description of guard would mean we actually needed one," he adds, tapping a few of the buttons on the console with his knuckles as he holds the pistol in same hand, "The ship is okay, it will take a while to start back up though," he enters sequencing and gets ready as he moves into the main bay urging the others to follow, and gets near the seats, "Dont be near the window, in case," he says. Koneku shakes her head slowly, saying, "The window will be fine, it's reinforced...but we don't have any shield left. I think these guys are slavers." She paces quickly, a hand on her knife...

After quite a few moments, a loud clanging can be heard against the side of the ship with the airlock on it. "Yes, they're slavers..." Kone sighs, falling into a fighting stance. She, strangely, looks more comfortable now than she does in any social situation.

Aliyah looks to Koneku. "Do you have a weapon besides the knife?" she asks. She draws both MP443 pistols, taking a position with as much cover as she can find. She takes a deep breath, her heart slowing, much more comfortable in a combat situation than being helpless on the ship.

Ladek slips gently to cover and waits, more intent on stealth for the moment behind the seats, watching the airlock from cover, the one pistol is ready.

Koneku stands back with her knife readied in a reverse grip in her right hand, pressing against the wall close to the airlock. "This is the only weapon I need." says Kone, her finger running down the razor sharp edge of her knife.

The airlock slowly hisses as new air's let into the compartment between the two ships, and someone steps through on the other side. "Here they come..." Kone says, her facial features revealing her trepidation.

Aliyah nods, and aims her two pistols down at the airlock. "They can't dodge my rounds this clse," she says, gritting her teeth. A strand of hair falls over her eye, but she makes no move to remove it. "Bring on the thunder."

There is a tense moment of silence, a moment of complete stillness. The calm before the storm. Finally, though, the airlock opens, but instead of slavers, a large quantity of thick smoke pours out, and a few bolts from stun rifles speed past Aliyah's face. Koneku grunts and holds position as the bolts speed out, calling out to Aliyah, "Get down! They're smarter than we thought!" She holds her position, crouching a bit to make her less noticable when they do eventually come out.

Aliyah ducks her head further under the crate, her eyeline the only thing above the crate. Her arms point out, and she yells, furiously unloading both her weapons into the smoky narrow airlock.

Ladek growls softly and waits for the smoke to clear before taking any shots, knowing the enemy is trying to smoke them so that they can gain more ground in the small space, he rolls to get to cover that is closer his one hand still on his pistol, and still using the chairs for cover.

The smoke starts to spread throughout the bay, but thins just enough that you can see the forms of the slavers burst out of the airlock, the black figures hard to make out and hard to discern from one another. One might be able to make a good shot, but it'd be hard, without a doubt. Koneku waits for a few of the black figures to pass her, and then she jumps out, swinging her knife at its stomach as she hisses loudly, the knife striking in a wide arc, hoping to stab the man behind her in the back, too.

Aliyah drops one of her pistols, reloading quickly. She yanks Adamas from its sheath, holding it at the ready, and rises from her crate, firing round after round at the closest assailants.

Ladek slips up from the chairs and points to a slaver that is pretty close and the figures outline obvious from the fog, and pulls on thr trigger, launching a round in him, before slipping back to cover.

Koneku's opponent gets a deep gash in his stomach as she slashes at it but stays standing, growling menacingly, while two of the three in front of him go down. One of the slavers grips a shot in his stomach, but still takes his aim at Aliyah, shooting a few bolts of energy at her, coughing up blood in the process. The other is down for good, a large hole in his head and a pool of blood forming underneath him. The one in front of Koneku goes for a wide, arcing punch, which she tries to duck under, stabbing at his stomach again. The third slaver starts shooting in the direction of Ladek

Aliyah swears as her body locks up, the stun rounds preventing her from moving. She struggles against it in vain, her pistol clattering to the ground.

Ladek umfs as the round hits him to the ground by the arm and stuns him momentarily, gripping hard on the pistol but struggling to be able to move sighing and calming himself, as he relaxes to let it resolve in a while. Koneku's stab slices into the slaver, but not enough to kill him, as he forces her back. He still stumbles back himself, however, clasping at the bleeding wounds in his stomach and falling into the entrance, blocking the two behind him. The slaver that Aliyah shot has bled out by now, but the one still standing looks over to Kone and fires a few shots off, while the one she just stabbed follows suit, his own hand slightly shakier. She's caught in between 2 lines of fire, and she tries to move out of the way before it's too late

Ladek groans and gently gets to his feet, one hand using the wrist to brace on the chair, and shoots at the one that is not shaky that shot her, the one likely that is further in the ship, and if all the smoke is clearing up he should have better aim as he shakes the rest of the shot and takes his own, at the slaver.

Aliyah never stops struggling against the stun. Her body quivers in response, sweat dripping down her forehead. Her muscles strain and her veins bulge, but to no avail.

The slaver still standing takes a shot to the shoulder, clasping it for a moment, but turning around and shooting back at him with a vengeful growl. "I wish I could kill you, ass." says a vaguely London accent...the voice is female, too, surprisingly. The other one has bled out, his wounds overcoming him as the two behind him push his body out. Koneku tries to stand up...she tries with all her might, but can't, her body 'not responding' worse than a Windows 98. "Don't...kill...her..." she manages to force out, clearly talking about the woman slaver, "Take...her...down...don't...kill..." Every

Aliyah makes one more herculean effort, straining with all her will against the stun round. "Rrraaaagghh!" she screams, sitting up suddenly. She snatches up her pistol with a smooth motion, spinning around and snapping off a shot at the assailant, her hair falling messily over half her face.

Ladek rushes towards the entrance ignoring the female slaver if Koneku might notice he is heeding her request, and drops the gun on his way taking the initiative to draw a blade and slice any that are

The slavers finally push through the dead one at the entrance as the woman goes down, holding both her shoulders. The peon who comes out first dodges the blow and tries to go for a palm-heel strike to Ladek's chin, seeming much more skilled at close combat. He's also drawing a shock baton from behind him as he does this. His face, if Ladek is close enough to see it, is battle scarred and worn, and his expression is hardened from decades of slaving. Kone still can't move, her body a little more repsonsive as she can move her fingertips a little more

Aliyah lines up a shot carefully, resting her hand on the crate in order to steady herself. She draws in a deep breath, then squeezes the trigger, angled in such a way that the round has little chance of hittinh Ladek. The gunfire is deafening in these close quarters, the noise reverberating through the room.

Ladek get knocked a little and moves backwards trying to catch his balance with a yelp as it hits, and coughs, he drops sword and quick-draw's his second pistol for a shot at the slaver that hit him, "Sorry bout this," he says as he tries to shoot while regaining his balance, and the shot kind of gently glances the man distracting him.

The slaver grunts as the bullet grazes his arm, growling over at Aliyah, but then grunts and falls to his knee as Ladek's bullet hits him directly in the thigh. He raises his gun and fires off ten rounds at Ladek, his eyes burning beneath the mask. Koneku FINALLY gets up, most of her body's control returning as she runs at the slaver, slashing at his face.

Aliyah lines up another shot, cursing at the ineffeciveness of her previous attack. She blinks through the smoke, and inhales, letting loose another bullet. "Eat shit and die!"

Ladek gets hit and knocked on the ground stunned again, and struggles.

Koneku grins widely in battle lust as her opponent goes down, clawing at his now bleeding eyes and crying out as the smoke fills them. Apparently it's not kind on open wounds. There is a long, tense moment of silence as Koneku looks around, searching for any more enemies. Finding none, she rushes back over to Ladek. But then, suddenly, the smoke clears up and a tall, suave looking man with a gas mask and full tux comes walking into the compartment from the airlock, clapping his hands sophisticatedly, a cane hanging over his left arm. "Congratulations!" he says, cordially, "You seem to have defeated my men. However, I wouldn't be so sure about me. I might have to get this suit a little bloody unfortunate. It's my best suit, you see. But enough talk, let's fight!" He cackles madly and swings the cane up into his hands, a hole opening at the bottom and a trigger appearing at the

Aliyah takes the brief lull to finally brush the hair out of her eyes with a sigh of relief. "First thing I buy, it's going to be a hairband, -then- a shirt," she muses. It seems she relaxed too soon as the man with the tux walks out. She blinks as he delivers his little speech, then takes aim. "It's all going to be your blood, asshole!." She snaps off a shot at the man.

Ladek groans and gently struggles to try and get up, coughing, "They are, my," he coughs, "Got to protect," and continues struggling

The man takes a small step to the left, evading Ali's bullet by an inch before raising his cane and saying, smiling pleasantly behind the clear visor of the mask, "Oh, forgive me, my manners seem to be fleeting. My name is Mister Kane. You can address me as 'my lord' from now on." He flips a switch on the cane and pulls the trigger, causing a huge blue beam to blast out of it, going straight for Ali. If it hits her, she's certainly going to be in a lot of pain, if not dead. Koneku takes a long moment to register exactly what's happening, but when she does, she runs at the man, not hesitating to deliver a slashing strike to his throat, bearing her teeth menacingly

Aliyah twists to the side, moving as fast as she can to get out of the way of the beam. She's mostly successful, but the blue light tears across her shoulder, and she screams. The acrid stench of burning flesh fills the air, and Aliyah suddenly can no longer control her body.

The man moves back from Kone's slice, the cut leaving a very shallow scratch around his neck area. He runs two fingers over the slightly blooded area and grins a little, saying as he plants the cane on the floor, "Well, aren't you the sweetest little thing." He then brings the cane up again, aiming to slam it into Kone's stomach. She gasps and tries to block the hit with her knife. If she's successful, she also spins around the cane and attempts to stab the man on the eyes with her knife

Aliyah squeezes her eyes shut, pain numbing her body. Try as she might, she can't get herself to move, but this time, she's almost content to lie there with the pain, to rest just a little longer. The glancing blow still burned at her skin, causing ugly boils to form upon her shoulder, and managed to incinerate the strap of her sports bra.

Ladek groans as the bullet does not get Kane and growls as he attempts to harm the Lyiri, Ladek bringing up the weapon to shoot again, launching a round, and moving closer as he continues firing in his weaker

Kane grins a little more as Koneku dodges and goes for his eyes, but he brings his cane up into both hands and easily parries the strike. This distracts him, however, and allows the bullet from Ladek's gun to graze his arm, ripping his suit a little and causing a gash. "You seem to have damaged my suit..." he says, a little lower than usual. He pushes Kone out of the way with a strong arm and pulls the cane up for a shot at Ladek, switching that same switch again and firing off a huge green blast of plasma. "I do not appreciate that very much!" says the man, a bit more angrily than usual. Koneku springs back up as she sees the blast, jumping at him with a yell, her knife outstretched.

Aliyah grits her teeth, feeling the strength returning to her muscles with a rush of heat and tingling. She hops back onto her feet, ignoring the empty pistol next to her, and vaults over the crate. She charges right at Kane, Adamas outstretched towards his chest.

Ladek catches eyes with Koneku for a moment, and looks over to Aliyah, and then when the human's eyes meet Koneku's again he simply smiles as if it could be all he can ever give anyone again, she might not quite notice what with attacking unless she glances and the looks are thrown in the span of time that Kane discusses his suit, and as he raises the weapon and fires a deep growl sounding from him as he does and might have possibly met with Ali's eyes as she attacked Kane as well, and as all the shots charge towards Kane, the plasma bolt hits Ladek in the abdomen searing into flesh and cauterizing the wound as it enters, singing insides and cauterizing them as well as he falls back to the ground eyes wide, alive for all meaning of the word but in extremely bad condition likely from the wound, missing vital organs, and such, but still putting the human into an unconscious state.

Mister Kane smiles disturbingly when Ladek goes down, but stumbles a little himself as he realizes he's been shot in the abdomen as well. He grasps Ali's blade with one hand, causing blood to leak onto it, and throws her back into the airlock. This causes him not to notice Kone's leap, however, which cuts a deep gash in his chest. "Well, I believe I've had enough." he says with an annoyed smile, "Bravo, my new friends. You've beaten Mister Kane. Though, not without a few casualties of your own." She looks down to Ladek and smirks, despite all the blood dripping from his wounds and seeping into his shirt. With the press of a hidden button, the smoke machine starts up again. "Tata!" Kane says, cackling madly as he walks back into the fog of war, swinging his cane with his strides. "One day, we -will- be reunited, sweetling." says a menacing voice in Ali's ear, the bearer of the voice entirely indiscernable in the thick, choking smoke. Then, the door to the other ship opens and closes, and the smoke disappates. The sound of the other ship disengaging can be heard throughout the ship, and through the glass of the airlock doors the slaver ship can be seen retreating into FTL travel. "That was so odd..." says Koneku, softly. She then asks over her shoulder, not having looked back yet, "Ladek, are you okay?"

Aliyah smacks hard against the chair, grunting as the wind gets knocked out of her. Dazed, she mutters, "Get back here, I'll..." She freezes as the voice whispers in her ear, tendrils of horror clutching at her body. She manages to rise anyway, shaking her head. "You just imagined it," she tells herself, then catches sight of Ladek. "Oh, -shit-."

Ladek is coughing and sputtering alot, blood dripping from the mouth his one arm is laid along the floor from his body clutching and grasping, the human is in an immense amount of pain, switching between consciousness as the pain wracks, "K-Kon," he gasps and gently coughs with more blood dripping along his clothes, spared death by the cauterization of the wound because of plasma.

Koneku blinks a few times at Ali's muttered words and asks, curiously, "What? What's 'oh shit'? I don't like 'oh shit'." She then hears Ladek's word - if you could call it that - and finally looks back, gasping heavily at the sight before her. She seems to be paralyzed with fright for quite a few moments before she rushes up to him, clasping his one hand in both of hers. "Ladek! Stay with us, okay? We'll get help!"

Aliyah leaps towards the nearest first aid kit, finding whatever stimulants she can grab, and hurries back to Ladek. She unhooks a folding knife from her pants, quickly cutting a strip from Ladek's ruined garments. She ties it over his arm, and jams a needle of adrenaline into his arm. "Stay with us," she says, "I know you want to, but DO NOT sleep. Come on, you can do this." She turns to Koneku. "Get us to the closest medical facility. Hurry!" She continues to look in the kit in hopes of finding other supplies.

Ladek coughs and gently splutters a little more blood squeezing tightly on Koneku's hand and looking to Ali as the pain is beginning to send him into shock, he does some of his best to try and fight the pain and continue on, the adrenaline assisting, "L-love," another cough of blood, "Y-You," he says to the Lyiri and does not say much else as he fights the pain.

Koneku nods slowly to Ladek, saying as she looks into his eyes, "Then stay alive for me..." She leans down and kisses him on the lips softly, ignoring the blood that then covers her lips. She sits back up and nods to Ali, saying, "Don't let him die while I fly." She then stands up and jumps over Ladek's prone form, vaulting over the seat and pressing in the coords for B'hira. "Hold on, time for FTL!" she says, giving them 20 second's warning before engaging the drive.

Aliyah nods, finding some liquid atropine, jamming that in as well. "He won't die. Not on my watch." She unwraps a roll of sterile gauze, and lifts Ladek just enough to wrap him, but not before swabbing the area with iodine. "This is going to hurt, but bear with me," she mutters, and sticks another needle of adrenaline directly into his heart.

Ladek will likely be spending the next few ours in a struggle for life, the soft kiss and the medication causing his body to survive longer, the initial shock is starting to pass and it will be a long night.