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[[Category:OtherSpace Logs]]
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{{Infobox Log
{{Infobox Log
|title = Exitebike
|title = Excitebike
|summary =  
|summary = To let off some steam on [[Pyracan]], a hoverbike jousting tournament is held in the outskirts of Cinneidh.
|cast = [[Eylohta]], [[Rachael]], [[Sarenity]], [[Raicon]], [[Akamatsu]], [[Alin]], [[Everto]], [[Amanda]], [[Majors]], [[Rukais]], [[Norran]]
|cast = [[Eylohta]], [[Rachael]], [[Sarenity]], [[Raicon]], [[Akamatsu]], [[Alin]], [[Everto]], [[Amanda]], [[Majors]], [[Rukais]], [[Norran]]
|air_date = Sun May 15 11:58:52 2653
|air_date = Sun May 15 11:58:52 2653

Latest revision as of 12:54, 28 September 2011


Summary: To let off some steam on Pyracan, a hoverbike jousting tournament is held in the outskirts of Cinneidh.

Cast: Eylohta, Rachael, Sarenity, Raicon, Akamatsu, Alin, Everto, Amanda, Majors, Rukais, Norran

Air Date: Sun May 15 11:58:52 2653

Setting: Cinneidh - Pyracan

Far and away the most posh borough of Aureus, Cinneidh is filled with small and expensive specialty shops, extremely clean and aesthetically-pleasing streets (many solely for pedestrians), highly liberal and cosmopolitan opinions, and the boroughs namesake, Cinneidh Road, which runs along the edge of the cliff, passing dozens of the most expensive houses in Pyracan. Ancient trees arch over some streets, and the smell of flowers and sea spray permeates the borough. At the far west edge of the borough, the tunnel train takes passengers across the continent for a minimal fee. Seannainn College, a small, private college focused on liberal arts, sits close to the train station, and is frequented by yuppies, hippies, and bush-muzzled philosophers. Intricately-carved wood and glass shuttles take passengers down the cliff to the spaceport, as well as up to the looming gray stone borough known as Old Aureus.

Contents: Exits:
Kensai Rachael <TS> Tunnel System
<SP> Spaceport
<OA> Old Aureus Borough

The small Sivadian woman is window shopping and seeing hand-made goods. Unlike yesterday, she's all cleaned up and probably smells far better too. She also has a pair of CFF issue pistols in addition to her swords at her waist.

With a cigarette hanging from his lips, his shoulders hunched forward a bit and hands in his pockets, Eylohta comes wandering along, doing a bit of window shopping himself. Unfortunately it seems that there's not much that interests him, making his wandering a little bit aimless. This aimlessness, though, is leading him to Rachael.

Rachael is still looking through windows, though she sometimes has to dodge wandering Pyracani a bit as her height obscures her somewhat. Then she sees Eylie, "Ooo, extra tall!" she points out, stating the obvious.

Eylohta's attention is drawn by Rachael's voice, opulescent eyes shifting to regard the small woman. It takes only a few minutes to move over to her, with those extra long legs, a puppyish, bright smile being offered down. One big hand raises to pat at her head, "An' yer extra small, Pretty lady."

"Do you know how hard it is to see over Pyracani?" Rachael asks. "It's not easy. Anyway, since you're so tall that means you get to help me out. I'm looking for someone who specializes in ceremonial weaponry." though for her part she does try and look upwards.

"Dunno how hard it is t'see over anyone!" Eylie offers with a small laugh, giving a nod, "Ye want a boost up? Don' mind carryin' ya." He offers, brow raising a bit at the mention of ceremonial weaponry, "Wot sort of weapon? Make swords an' daggers m'self."

The short woman seems a bit irritated at the suggestion she be given a boost. "I don't like that plan very much." she admits. Then a pause, "Ooo, you make daggers?" she asks. Then she, very slowly so it's clear she's not aggressively drawing a Nall ceremonial dagger. "I needed a modification made, you see."

And Eylie seems a little bit oblivious to the irritation. Poor boy isn't so bright like that. He gives a bit of a nod, one hand reaching down to release one of his daggers - a black bladed, silver gilded affair - to offer over in return, his other hand seeking the ceremonial dagger to examine it, "Oh aye? Wot sorta modification you lookin' fer?"

"I need something added." Rachael explains quite happily, placing the dagger back in her robe. Then she takes out a small pouch that reveals a pair of Nall tail tips. "I need these cremated, pressurized, and the edge of the dagger coated with the resulting diamond. It'll be made of Nall humiliation!"

Eylohta turns his head slightly as he exhales a cloud of smoke, cigarette plucked from his lips and left to burn at his side for a few minutes. Nodding, he seems to be considering this deeply for a good long, few minutes, "Fink i'll need to borrow some equipment, but figgur it's do-able. You one ah them who freed Comorro 'en?"

"I was stuck in there for a week and it wasn't very much fun." Rachael admits, adding a frown for effect. "Do you know what kind of disgusting things you have to eat down there? Or the time I had to disguise myself as a Lotorian for a couple days?"

"Ew, yeah." Eylie murmurs sympathetically, the tall Timmie dropping down into a crouch - mostly so he doesn't have to keep looking waaaay down to Rachael, "Ain't much good down there 'cept the booze." And even that isn't that great. His nose wrinkles for a moment, but it can't keep that puppyish grin from widening, "I bet you'da made a cute Lotorian." Awkward compliment, go!

"Well if you like the smell of filth and think that's cute then maybe you have a point, but generally it's not a very good thing to do." Rachael continues.

Eylohta chuckles, "Grew up in the undercity. I ain't terrible bothered by it, though seems a bit more pungeant now 'at i've been livin' in this universe." He cants his head a little bit, taking in another inhale of smoke before the stub is tossed aside, "Real lucky bein' small as ye are. I couldn't disguise m'self like that no matter how I tried."

"I'm short, not a midget." Rachael says, in a comically grumbling kind of way. "And besides, I'm pretty good at what I do, and it was an emergency. And I don't like the taste of weird moving things that I'm not quite sure what they're made of."

"Yer cute when ye get grumbly." Eylie offers cheerfully with a bright smile. The mention of weird moving things gives Eylie pause as he tries to picture them, "Ohh... Think ah ate 'em squirmy things before. Din' like 'em one bit."

"But the whole thing's okay, I got enough good stuff from it that I'll be able to make my new weapon, replenish, and have some fun here on a proper planet for once!" Rachael says, seeming enthusiastic again.

"Glad it all worked out for ye, Pretty." The Timonae offers with a happy grin, "You seen much of Pyracan yet?" Eylie asks, reaching into his coat to rummage around for his cigarettes, "This is the first time i've ever come 'ere."

"Nope. I don't know this place very well, myself." Rachael admits. "Lot's of interesting trinkets to look at, at least."

"Can't say much ah 'em trinkets been interesting me. 'Course, I ain't got much use fer things like that." Eylie stands back up as he finds his cigarettes, so that he won't smoke Rachael out. One is plucked, lit and inhaled of, exhale coming a moment later and once more directed off to the side a bit, "'Sides, ain't never really gone shoppin' 'er wot'ever wit'out some lady friends around."

"Oh." Rachael considers. "I hear there's a place they're letting people stay for free as a promotional thing. I have a fun plan if that works out. I need to see if they have any hovercycles I can borrow. Then we'll have extra fun here!"

"Oh yeeeah, that hotel right? Read about that." By which he means he stared at the news until he got frustrated and made his robotic mini-me read it for him. Illiteracy, yay! Eylie grins brightly at the idea of hovercycles, though, "Ooh, wot you plannin', Pretty?"

"Oh. I'm going to have fun and act like an old knight!" Rachael explains. "We're going to get long poles and hovercycles and charge at each other!" "Ooh. Did that once, though din' have hovercycles. We jus' used each other as mounts an' charged full tilt." Eylie lets out a gruff chuckle. "Not as fast!" Rachael complains. "Don't worry, I'll figure out something. I'm sure the locals will laugh at me for all of this anyway. But it's like a trainwreck." pause. "Maybe we can teach them to hoverjoust too!"

Eylohta grins widely, giving an enthusiastic nod, "We oughtter! Be a proper good time, it would." His free hand comes up to rub at his chin, a touch of rough stubble dotting the skin, "Shoul' git 'em t'make it into a regular event or somethin'."

Rachael points a finger at Eylohta. "Okay. Your new job is to find people to joust with us. I'll work on getting the equipment and a place to do it." she seems way too enthusiastic about what probably would qualify as a death sport.

"Yer wish is my command, Pretty." Eylie replies, hand raising to offer a sharp salute. Taking to the idea right away, he gestures to a passing Pyracani, "Eh. You ever jousted 'fore?" He asks the stranger.

"Don't worry, I've heard they like using spears and such so a jousting pole isn't a big difference anyway." The small Sivadian woman explains.

"Oh, really?" Eylie asks, looking back down to Rachael, the Pyracani slipping away in the Timonae's distraction.

From the shadows of one of the trees arching across one of the old roads comes a dark shrowded figure, "What is this...jousting?" a fang filled voice asks.

"It's a traditional sport about honor and chivalry!" Rachael explains with a bright smile, looking towards the figure. "It's kind of like dueling with less deadly objects!"

"Mmhm." Eylie murmurs in agreement, giving the figure a grin and a nod, "An' it's lots of fun, too."

The figure moves closer to the two, yellow eyes peeking from beneath the dark hood. At a closer look a gnarled and greying muzzle can be seen, fangs clicking together as the creature seems to think about this, "We know much about honor and pride," he gets out in a near growl. "I am not sure that your less deadly objects are a true test of honor or pride."

"Oh, losing hurts pretty bad." Rachael explains. "But this way you can get better at it even if you lose, instead of being, well, you know, dead. You don't get to get better at sports if you die on your first try."

"Right truth, that." Eylie agrees, gesturing with his cigarette, "An' after ye might 'ave some scars to show fer i', too." This coming from a pretty damn scarred up fellow.

The figure seems to consider these explanations a moment before pulling his hood back to show the extent of the mangling on his snout and his missing ear, "You have a good point there small one," he says, his voice thick with his accent. "What are the rules of this hoverjousting?" his eyes shift from the small woman to the tall Timonae.

"Well, first you get on hovercycles and someone else does the same." Rachael explains. "Then you get a big pole." then she smiles brightly, "And then you charge at each other and try to knock the other off!"

"Real simple rules, aye. An' if ye know any'un else who might be interested, ye tell 'em 'bout jousting too, eh?" Eylie offers to the Pyracani.

"This is it?" The old wolf asks. "Then the one that is knocked from this hovercycle is the loser? And what if both are knocked from their vehicles at the same time?" he asks, "Then which is the winner?"

"Well you try and figure out who fell first." Rachael explains, "But if that's not possible it's a tie. If a matter of honor was involved though, honor is deemed to be satisfied for all parties." she cranes her head up at the Pyracani. "Don't worry, I have a plan to get the stuff we need to do this so you don't need to worry about having a vehicle."

"Use one ah 'em highspeed cameras or wot if yer worried about who's fallen first or wot. Or jus' fer the epic pictures." Eylie suggests.

The old Pyracani chuffs at this, "Radiance," he swears softly, "There is no honor in your flashy cameras and byot," he states with a snarl. "There should be another way. Ties are for..." he pauses, almost as if searching for the right word, " you would say 'sissies'." He claws at the air before him, his cloak falling back over one shoulder with the motion and he comes to rest in a half crouch, his eyerideges lowering in an almost thoughtful gesture.

"Don't think we're weak just because we use technology in our traditions." Rachael says to the Pyracani. Then she gets out a small bag, opening it and pulling out two somewhat fresh Nall tail tips to show him. "Our traditions make us dangerous even if all we have are sharp blades at our side and our technology is missing."

Eylohta reaches up to scratch at his temple, opulescent eyes shifting to look down to Rachael, "I don't get wot makes a tie for sissies. Wot's wrong with acknowledgin' yer opponent's strength?"

The old wolf crouches lower and approaches the small woman, his nose twitching as he sniffs at the tails. A soft growl eminates from within his throat and backs away as if bitten, "You keep trophies.." he gets out in a snarl. "The fire did not return for those ones..." he adds, as if this is offensive to him. He doesn't address Eylie's question, his attention fully on the dead Nall tails.

Rachael looks up at the Pyracani. Sure, the small woman seems overenthusiastic, but she pauses as the Pyracani makes his observations, then brightly smiles again, seeming to have done some quick thinking. "I just got them, so I haven't finished my ritual so that I may honor those who've fallen to my strength and cunning. I prepare them so they may be a part of one of my blades so that they'll stay with me forever."

Eylohta remains so confused! Poor dumb Timonae. Sadface.

"This is another one of your human traditions then," The old wolf replies, his eyes shifting between the two. "Your faith holds different values from our own..." his expression turns somber and almost sad as he raises himself back up to a fully upright posture, "It is a sin not to send another on to the supreme one."

"Oh." Rachael says, placing her tips back. "Anyway, since no one is going to die doing this we won't have to worry about figuring out the sending rituals, but I'll find someone to send us a memo for future reference, okay?"

"Huh." Eylie murmurs, looking between Rachael and the Pyracani, still quite stuck on the point about ties being for sissies.

The Pyracani nods in agreement with the small woman and his attention finally turns to the Timmie, "Honor and glory can only go to one. If your opponent were not a worthy one he would not still be facing you," he gets out in a soft growl, "But one must be the better."

"Okay, so I'm going to prepare everything. I'll see everyone soon!" Rachael says as she wanders off.

"Sure." Eylie offers to the Pyracani with a bit of a shrug, the Timonae still not really understanding the idea, despite that he was an arena fighter for the most of his life. Deeper matters are not for this one.

A terran enters the area as he taken by the layout and environment in which Pyracan has to offer. Raicon as curious as ever, stops between all the shops as he examines the wares. "Very interesting", he smiles at the shop keeper as he continues to move on to the next, eventually getting close to leaving towards the outskirts.

There is a small woman heading that is heading in the direction of the rural outskirts. She seems to have broken away from a small group that consisted of herself, a grey furred Pyracani and a tall Timmie. The Pyracani raises one eyeridge at the Timonae and shakes his grizzled head, "You lack a sense of pride," he mutters, one paw reaching out to give Eylie a small shove before he turns with a flourish of his cloak and acts as though he is about to head in the direction of the outskirts also.

"Ain't a lack of pride, mate. We ain't from the same place or culture. Your beliefs ain't mind, simple as that." Eylie shrugs once more, though instead of letting the Pyracan shove and run, the Timonae grabs at the fellow's wrist, "There's such a thing as /too/ much pride, too, mate." Akamatsu arrives for the first time on Pyracan and finds it a reasonably nice place. He seems to not pay much attention to most of the shops content to wander and spots Raicon. Shrugging to him self he wanders over his way to see how he is doing and says "Hello." to him upon arrival.

"Akamatsu, what's going on?" That was Raicon's way of greeting people. "I heard of some event called Hoverjousting, had to do with machinery so I decided to sign up in hopes of making a quick dollar...errr whatever the currency currently is.." He keeps walking along towards the outskirts, "Who knows if I'll get picked up, I heard it was rather safe from the fellow who signed me up but we'll see." Looking over to Akamatsu, "Is it safe?"

Not far behind Akamatsu's arrival, a fellow dressed in charcoal khakis, work boots, and a bowler hat strides into the area, glowering down at a PDA in his hands, which he occasionally tries tapping at, shaking, and even smacking against a nearby wall.

The Pyracani looks down at the long fingered hand that has grabbed his arm and then up at the Timmie that is attached to said hand. His muzzle pulls back in the beginnings of a snarl and then his clawed paw clasps Eylie's arm awkwardly, "Perhaps, but I will hope to test my strength against yours," he says with a hint of amusement.

"Just remember, mate. Losin' ain't no real shame. Losin' means you learn and get stronger instead ah stayin' stagnant. Old Glory ain't nothin' but old glory." Still, Eylie's a cheerful sort, his puppyish grin somewhat disarming, "Lookin' forward to it all the same."

Akamatsu looks to Raicon and says "To be honest I have no idea I just heard about it from you. I'll admit it sounds fun though where is ti at? Let's get there quickly."

Giving up entirely on the PDA, Alin pockets it and approaches the cluster of people speaking about hoverjousting. To Raicon, looking somewhat abashed at intruding, he queries, "Pardon me, but I've heard about the jousting too.. Er, I seem to be unable to access my directions, can you point me the right way?"

Amanda hms as she happens to catch wind of the conversation "Jousting? Here?

Raicon looks to Alin as he approaches them both, "Sure follow me and I'll lead you the grounds where this map will eventually lead us to. Hopefully I am reading this right.." He turns to Akamatsu, "Desperate times call for desperate measures, though it sounds like fun, something tells me I got myself into something dangerous.." Should the two men continue to follow him, he would lead them straight to the event grounds. As Amanda chimes in, Raicon repeats himself for the her, "Follow us, we're headed there right now."

The Pyracani smiles at this, as best an old wolf can and nods before releasing Eylie's arm and heading on in the direction of rural outskirts. Eylohta heads off after the old Pyracani. To glory!

Grassy Field - Pyracan

Just beyond the western city limits of Aureus, the homes grow further and further apart, and the pace slows. Farmers, orchardists and herders go about their business with a quiet stoicism, with small roadside stands for extremely well-made goods, meat and produce. Nestled amidst this sleepy pastoral scene is a two hundred acre swath of three foot tall grass where local children and teens come to race wheeled and hover vehicles and to play various pick-up games. As the next house in any direction is over a mile and a half away, there are few complaints for noise or late-night activity, which seems to suit the teens just fine. A country road meanders to the east, eventually turning into the stately Cinneidh Road.

In the grassy field, several Outversers and more than a few Pyracani have come out to see what the fuss is all about. It seems Rachael has secured four hoverbikes, and some Pyracani sized staves in the short amount of time she's had to work with. Off to the side there's been a couple mismatching cameras prepared to watch the action and a nearby screen to make the action easier to see should the vehicles get too far away. There's also a series of commlinks set up on high volume to transmit an announcer's commentary. Rachael, for her part, is riding a fifth hoverbike holding a staff in front of it at speeds probably a bit too fast to be considered 'safe', seeming to be having quite a bit of fun trying the bikes out.

Alin offers Raicon a relieved smile. "Ah, thanks, good sir. I'm obliged to you." The Fastheldian fellow trots along happily, looking inordinately pleased as he regards the field, loosening the tight collar of his oxford shirt.

Someone, somewhere, mentioned jousting. And that was all that Everto needed to catch a shuttle to Pyracan. The massive red Hekayti (yes, red, not green) strides along as part of one of the crowds, scratching a spot just behind one of his horns as he grins brightly. "Okay, this is ricidulous," he muses as he regards Rachael's setup, "Anyone know where to sign up?"

Akamatsu follows Raicon to the feilds as well saying as he goes "I have a feeling this won't be the safest of sports but It'll be one of the most fun I've ever tried."

Eylohta moves along, the Timonae heading over towards the idle bikes and in Rachael's general direction, one big hand raising to wave at the small woman.

Amanda sighs "Congratulations. You've escape the Nall. Celebrate by trying to kill yourself" but she is both laughing and interested, perhaps in the same fashion as rubberneckers at the sight of an accident

As they enter the grassy fields, a calmness falls over Raicon. At least until he sees Rachael speeding on a bike with a staff. "Shit..." He looks over to Akamatsu, "Jousting as in Jousting with hover vehicles at high speed." The beautiful green scenery now turns into a field of death as Raicon gives a nervous smile to those around him, "They did this in Europe with horses, and the inpact could kill a man, now I can only imagine with how fast these things go." Trying to recall his history he tries to explain how this might work, "I'm pretty sure you have to lower your weapon and aim for the chest to knock your opponent off of the bike as you two pass each other going head on.."

Akamatsu just laughs and says looking to Raicon "Don't worry. I doubt the Pyracani would be letting her put all this together if they weren't sure it was safe." He looks down to his jug of sake and adds "That being said I have a feeling I shouldn't be touching this stuff until we are done. Now where do I sign up?"

The old Pyracani enters the area at a gentle loping stride. He comes up beside Raicon, "The rules seemed much simpler than that," he says with a soft growl, "There was no mention of where you had to contact, simply that you knock your opponent from their vehicle." His eyes too watch the crazy woman as she speeds around on her bike.

Alin brightens at the mention of horses. To Raicon, he comments, "Not just Europe. We did it all the time too in Fastheld.. There's pale fess, sinistral fess.. Six places to hit the opponent's shield in all. And sometimes there were fatalities, sure, usually a lance splintering under armor or a visor, or a bad fall." He regards the hoverbikes with some considerable worry. "Are those difficult to use?"

And then Rachael speeds up, then suddenly slows down near the 'central' commlink linked up to all the others so everyone can hear her after she stops and hops off. "Good evening everyone!" the small woman's voice carries. "We're here to practice a fine tradition this evening, jousting! I'd like to thank everyone who provided supplies or helped in some way. Especially Nu Auberge for helping me get all this stuff so we can do this! The object is to knock your opponent off. No psionics or other interference or other funny business!" then she walks over to a table that's just been finished getting set up and puts down a datapad, "Sign up here!"

Akamatsu looks over to the table the datapad has been placed on and states to the folks around him "I'll be right back." He then walks off to go sign up.

Everto gets in line to sign up! "There going to be any body protection?" he asks lightly, "Knights in full-plate used to die doing this, you know, I wouldn't want to accidentally kill someone." No worry about his own health, it seems.

"Well there you go." He heads off for the table to double check to see if his name made it to the roster, "Yep here I am." He moves out of the way to allow Akamatsu and the others sign up. Looking At Alin, "Ah so you are a rifter from the middle ages, well the best way I can explain it is you control the machine, it does not have a mind of its own like a living breathing horse. Other than that, I do not know much as in my time we didn't have hover vehicles."

Alin works his way towards the table, shrugging with a rusty tenor laugh. "Well, I guess I'll find out. Another rifter, eh? When are you from, if it isn't rude to ask? You know, if they're too hard to figure out, I bet I never get off the ground or crash before I even get close to the other fella." It doesn't seem to bother him, all that much, as he scrawls 'Alin Mikin' in nearly caligraphic script across one line of the signup sheet. "Good luck to ye."

Amanda finds herself a seat on the grass well out of the way of combat

Eylohta lingers a bit on the sign up, the Timonae making sure he's last in line so that it's not blazingly, blatantly obvious how illiterate he is. Sure, someone's taught him to write his own name, but still! Reading and writing is hard, okay!

Akamatsu signs his name on the pad as well though it's with the handwriting of a doctor and steps aside to find himself a seat on the grass while waiting for the event to start.

"I couldn't get plate mail, but I got some nice modern armor and helmets for our contestants!" Rachael says over the comms, quite enthusiastic. "So we got five..." then a pause, "Well, if no one else wants in I'll be number six so everyone can have fun, okay?" she says, seeming to ponder a bracket setup, having looked over those that signed up.

"I'm from the year 2011, the only thing we have that hovers off the ground is a F-22 Raptor, an aircraft. Costs about two horses to keep it in the air for a couple of minutes." Raicon smiles back to Alin as he finds humor in his translation of the worth of jet fuel in his time. "You're welcome to come sit with Akamatsu and I." He points to the grassy area where Akamatsu has claimed to sit.

"Aircraft, eh? It sounds interesting.. At least you know what a horse is, some of the visitors that come to the ranch on Fortrain haven't even heard of them before. Oh! Thank you, much obliged.." Alin lifts his bowler hat and bows deeply at the waist, gladly tagging along, offering a polite smile to Akamatsu. "Pleasure to meet you both then, I'm Alin Mikin."

The Big Red Hek rubs his hands together and steps aside, looking over the other competitors lightly. The grin remains on Everto's face as he does so, the man practically hopping with excitement. But he's too manly to actually hop.

Akamatsu nods back to Alin and says "Akamatsu. You may call me Aka if you like most others do." He stands at this and wanders over to Rachael saying to the other two "I'll grab some armor for you two as well."

Into the scene comes a small Sivadian. In one hand she holds a silver cigarette case, in the other a silver lighter which she clutches at tightly. She makes her way along through the crowds to find a place to sit in the stands. And with such a place found Sarenity faces the field of contest. Her eyes narrow as she spies the small woman that's apparently running this event and a short sharp breath is taken in, "By all that's holy.." she mutters and the cigarette case is opened.

The old Pyracani makes his way to sign up and then he takes his place among the other competitors, his ears perked atop his head as he waits eagerly.

Rachael looks down as she realizes one more name ended up on her list. "Oh, I guess that's fine." she says, then she starts scribbling. It takes her about a minute, but then she beams, "We have brackets!" then she looks down, "First round is... Eylohta and Raicon! Get on your bikes and get to the marked starting areas!"

First taking a moment to suit up, Eylie then heads on over to pass Raicon a pat on the back before moving to his chosen bike and the starting area. Ever the showman, the Timonae takes a moment to wave to the crowd, kisses blown to the ladies before he calls over to Raicon, "Let's 'ave a good time, eh mate!"

"Good luck, Rai, go get 'em!" Alin calls in his gravelly tenor, settling down on the grass and nodding to Akamatsu. "Thank you, Aka, that would be appriciated." He leans back on his arms, legs stretched out in the grass, eyes alight with an almost boylike delight.

'eep!' Raicon slowly stands and walks over to Akamatsu, "Give me something light." As he grabs the armor from him, he slowly makes his way to one of the bikes as he plops down on it and tries to figure out how to start it, let alone make it work. The bike jerks forward as he slams on the throttle and then the brakes, "I got it, I got it..." He sighs as he reaches over for a staff. Piloting this bike is going to be a bitch while holding a staff.. He nods to his opponent he as slowly settles in his seat, waiting for them to call for a joust.

Akamatsu grabs the armor for himself Raicon and Alin. When Raicon's name is mentioned he let's him grab the armor and yells "Good luck." Once back to Alin he hands him his armor as well and begins putting his own on saying "This will be an interesting day."

[Skill System] Raicon tests his Agility + Reaction at a modifier of 0. The result is 6.

[Skill System] Eylohta tests his Agility + Reaction at a modifier of 0. The result is 6.

So far so good, as Raicon hits the throttle hard. Taking off wasn't the hard part as he punches it towards his opponent. The trick now however was manuevering to not only stay on the bike, but to deliver a blow which required good positioning on his part.

Alin pulls his armor on as well, looking at it with an appriciative expression. "It's much lighter than I expected." He murmurs to Akamatsu, then looks up and leans forward to watch the jousting, especially trying to figure out how the hoverbikes are being used. Sarenity remains in her place for now, one of the slender black cigarettes taken from her case and she quickly lights it, her hand trembling as it takes the cancer stick from her lips and smoke is quickly expelled from her lungs.

That old Pyracani eagerly awaits his turn, barks of excitement egging the first two contestants on in a soft of cheer for them.

It'd been a while since Eylie'd taken a ride on a hoverbike, but it's not exactly a skill you forget easily. He revs a few times for the benefit of the crowd, lance positioned beneath his armpit and held steady against his side. Vrooom! His take off seems smooth enough, though it is a bit awkward holding onto a big stick like this is and steering with one hand.

Everto whistles out a cheer as he grabs some armor for himself. It takes him a while to find something in his size, but he eventually manages it. "Go, uh... human dude! Yeah, didn't catch the name..." He dons his armor and watches at the same time.

Akamatsu merely sits back watching waiting for things to get exciting he turns to Alin and asks "So when are you from? I heard you say something about being a riftee. I'm from 14th century Japan myself." He offers a hand to shake Alin's still keeping one eye one the competition.

Rachael starts over the comm, "And they're going! It looks like this'll be an interesting match!" she doesn't seem to know much about sports announcing. Then she goes to hook something up to the comms, and music starts playing. Unfortunately for the mood, it's overly sugary pop. This lasts for about 15 seconds before she pushes some buttons and music that sounds fitting for a monster truck rally. The woman shrugs as if to say 'close enough.'

"Fastheld. One day I'm in Light's Reach, and the next.." Alin shrugs, grimacing at the memory.. Or is it the pop music? For a moment he does give the speakers an absolutely horrified stare, before glancing back at the action with rapt attention, trying to mentally tune the music out.

Talk about a mood killer, the pop music throws off Raicon's mojo as he tries to concentrate on the joust. As it finally switches over to more acceptable music, his motivation finally rises as the scene pumps his blood even faster as he guns it towards his opponent.

[Skill System] Raicon tests his Vehicles + Aircraft at a modifier of 0. The result is 12.

[Skill System] Eylohta tests his Vehicles + Land Vehicles at a modifier of 0. The result is 9.

In the grassy field, several Outversers and more than a few Pyracani have come out to see what the fuss is all about. It seems Rachael has secured four hoverbikes, and some Pyracani sized staves in the short amount of time she's had to work with. Off to the side there's been a couple mismatching cameras prepared to watch the action and a nearby screen to make the action easier to see should the vehicles get too far away. There's also a series of commlinks set up on high volume to transmit an announcer's commentary. Rachael is currently the announcer.

Eylohta has no problem with the pop music, in fact, he'd rather it'd continue rather than the stuff that replaces it. Alas, it's not time to dance right now, you silly Timmie, focus! A hearty laugh escapes the man as he continues to speed towards Raicon.

So far so good as Raicon punches the throttle even further as he nears his target. Everything was good but now was the true test, something he knew he wasn't good at, aiming a staff. "Crap..." He lowers his staff and aims for the general area of Eylohta's torso, but the staff shakes and he can't seem to get a stable aim at his opponent. It was all up to luck now...

Enter one Thomas Owen Conrad-Majors III. The Sivadian is puffing away at a cigarette as he moves towards the gathered people. A small smirk is given as he eyes the hoverbikes.

Eylohta /might/ just be having a bit of an easier go with this whole aiming the lance thing, though it's still not something he's entirely used to. His position seems a bit more steady as he gets nearer to Raicon, the blunt tip of his tournament weapon aimed at the other man's shoulder, though lower, towards the chest.

Akamatsu nods to Alin and smirks saying "Was that cringe for the music or the thought." He then hears the new music come on and finds it quite to his liking beginning to nod his head up and down while listening. He keeps a very close eye on the competitors especially Raicon to see if he can't figure out how to work the bikes before getting on one.

The old Pyracani lets out several barks of encouragement toward the two on the field of competition, his old yellow eyes shining with eagerness. He leans in toward Everto, "I can only hope that my turn will be as exciting," he says with what might pass for a smile on his muzzle.

In the crowd sits Sarenity, possibly somewhere near Aka and the others that are also there to simply watch the jousting. She sticks that long slender cigarette between lips again and squints through the smoke that's produced to get a better look at the two racing toward each other on the field.

Amanda smiles "so which of these fellows is my champion" she wonders aloud

"A little of both.. Although music to the joust is a good idea." Alin muses to Akamatsu from where they sit on the grass, offering a raised hand of a wave for Majors when he spots the familliar Sivadian. "Just not that kind of music."

[Skill System] Raicon tests his Melee + Blunt at a modifier of 0. The result is 2.

[Skill System] Eylohta tests his Melee + Blunt at a modifier of 0. The result is 9.

"Agreed," Everto nods to the Pyracani with a bright grin of his own, "Can't wait to get on one of those bikes and have a go."

Everything was going well until the contact part as Raicon misses terribly and gets jousted off his hoverbike. The impact is so intense, he flies off and now can be seen laying on the floor, wheezing and coughing as his wind gets knocked out of him. As he nears he offers Alin a wave and gives Sarenity a small smile. "Ello luv." He comments before he glances about for a place to rest. "I had not imagined this happening. I do hope it doesn't become a new sport." The Sivadian adds.

It seems the only impact Eylie will be feeling this go 'round is the one from his lance hitting Raicon quite squarely. He zips past as the other man goes flying, vehicle ridden for a short distance longer before it spins around to face the other direction, coming to a stop. Dismounting, the Timonae takes a moment to perform a victory backflip before he starts wandering down the way to see if his opponent's alright.

"And someone's down!" Rachael announces. "Uh... the human! That means Eylohta is the winner!" and there's some cheering in the crowd. "Please bring your bikes back and we'll prepare the next round." a pause as she looks at her brackets, "Alin Mikin and... uh, I can't read this but I saw the other Japanese sword person write it! So that means it's Mr. Akamatsu!"

Akamatsu stands at the mention of his name and offers the hand again to Alin saying "Good luck." He removes his weapons from his belt along with his jug before making his way over to the hoverbikes.

Alin laughs in his rusty tenor, standing and dusting the grass from his hands. He bows formally to Akamatsu, adding, "It'll be an honor.. Assuming I can get that mechanical thing to work, mind you. I somehow suspect I won't be making it to the jousting part. My kingdom for a good solid horse right about now." He heads towards the bike.

Raicon finally sits upright as the world seems to be spinning right now. "Ughhh.." It takes him a minute to get up as the dizzy man slowly makes his way to meet the victor, "Good joust." He looks out of it as he finally makes his way to the spectator area and flops down on the ground trying to recover. "Aye, good joust." Eylie offers before he too returns his bike and makes his way over to the spectator's area.

Sarenity turns her attention toward Majors for a moment and then scoots over a smidge to make room for the other Sivadian, "I hope things have found you well?" she asks of him before her attention returns again to the jousting. She gives no indication of which competitor she was cheering for as she continues to smoke like a chimney stack.

"An honorable attempt!" the old Pyracani barks cheerfully as Raicon is thrown from his bike. "If I make it through my round...I want a try at the tall one," he adds in a slightly softer snarl.

"Good hit!" Ev encourages the Timonae brightly, clapping slowly, "Nice try, human dude." He steps over to join Raicon, staying on his hooves. "Not much for bashing in skulls, are you?" he asks lightly. He smirks over to the old Pyracani and nods, "/If/ you make it through your round. If I'm counting right, that's going to be against me."

Make that two chimney stacks. Majors sits down next to the woman and nods his head. "I have been well enough the past few months. I have seen neither hide nor hair of you luv. How are you?" The other Sivadian asks.

CORRECTION. /Three/ chiminey stacks as Eylie pulls out his cigarettes and makes way over to sit with Majors and Sarenity, "Thanks, mate!" He offers to Everto along the way.

"I'm a lover not a fighter." Raicon leans over spits up some blood as he lays there smiling. Trying to watch the next round, he scoots his body over to view it while laying down on his back. He needed this time to recover his senses as he just watches, hoping neither will share the same fate as him.

A van approaches, pulling off one of the main roads and hovering over the grass towards the entertainment. It's an old looking vehicle, one that looks like it could have once been wheel-bourne with painted over rust and a coat of dirt over that. It slides into place a short walk away and the side-door opens to let a certain Lunite out. "Yeah brroooo." he drawls, "This is it. Thirty? Alrighty." he looks back into the van, speaking to a couple of others before moving away towards the action.

Alin regards the bike as one might look at a rabid grizzly bear. Gingerly, the greying Mikin seats himself astride the bike and goes about trying to figure out how to start it. It's an odd contrast with the lance, which he holds as easily as if it were another arm. Being almost completely techno-illiterate, though, doesn't stand him in very good stead.

Everto nods, "Yeah, not everyone's a born killer." He settles next to Raicon to watch the next match. "Say, uh, sorry for eavesdropping and all that, but you mentioned earlier that you're from Earth? 2011?"

Akamatsu gets to his bike and is quick to climb up so he may learn the controls quickly. Once that's over with he simply stares at his opponent waiting for the match to begin.

[Skill System] Alin tests his Agility + Reaction at a modifier of 0. The result is -2.

[Skill System] Akamatsu tests his Agility + Reaction at a modifier of 0. The result is 2.

"I have been busy," Sarenity replies to Majors question. "I've been feeling stifled lately though. I've decided to travel and this was as good a destination as any for a start." She looks over to Eylie as he joins them, "Evening," she offers politely before her attention returns to the jousters and the crazy lady.

That old Pyracani cheers for the next contestants, his exclamations of excitement more a series of barks than anything else.

Alin turns red in the face trying to get the blasted bike turned on.. Now, he was sure it was this button.. No? Maybe this switch. Not that either. He wants his bloody horse back.

Akamatsu hits the gas and goes but it takes him a bit to get to speed but he manages and looks a bit worried when Alin doesn't budge.

In the grassy field, several Outversers and more than a few Pyracani have come out to see what the fuss is all about. It seems Rachael has secured four hoverbikes, and some Pyracani sized staves in the short amount of time she's had to work with. Off to the side there's been a couple mismatching cameras prepared to watch the action and a nearby screen to make the action easier to see should the vehicles get too far away. There's also a series of commlinks set up on high volume to transmit an announcer's commentary. Rachael is currently the announcer. Akamatsu and Alin are trying to joust on hoverbikes, but not getting very far currently.

"You must swing by the Cafe Orion sometime luv. Comorro is free once again and.. I could use the business. Besides it would give us a chance to catch up." Majors says to Sarenity before he eyes the jousters. "Who thought up this little... I hope they are drunk before trying this."

"And they're... not off." Rachael says, seeming a bit worried. "Uh, guys, you're allowed to start. Both of you." she announces, once again showing that sports announcing is not her best line of work.

This one? No. Ah-ha! Through whatever province of fortune or fate, Alin manages to finally get the bike turned on. Brightening, he reaches for the throttle and.. Accidentally guns straight it to full throttle. There's a horrid screeching noise and the bike roars forward, only completely without the rider. Alin Mikin, unprepared for the sudden thrust and not leaning forward as he would on a horse picking up speed, is quite simply chucked off the back without any lance needing to hit him at all. He flies ass over teakettle, and lands flat on his face in the dirt with a fantastic 'WHUMPH' sound. His lance, lost in the ensuing disaster, lands on the back of his head to add insult to injury.

"'Allo there sweets." Eylie offers over to Sarenity as he sits down beside Majors, one arm slinging around the other man's shoulders, "And to you too, Tom."

And Everto just burst out laughing at the spectacle. "Where's America's Funniest Home Videos when you need it?" the large red Hekayti cackles gleefully.

Raicon sighs as Alin falls off his bike, It was good to know that neither of them would face serious damage. Slow to get up, Raicon was now able to sit upright as he looks on, still a bit dazed. "Walk it off, it aint easy to srive those things, especially since you're used to horses." A clap is given to both men as he awaits their return so he can perhaps get a free drink of sake from Akamatsu.

"And down!" Rachael announces. "This would be a good time to announce that Rachael's Jousting Lessons is now in business!" she beams, "Gain skill and expertise under my fine tutelage!"

Akamatsu laughs at Alin's predicament until he thinks he himself is about to fall off but manages to remain sitting. He slows down eventually coming to a stop not too far from Alin and gets off lance still in hand. He pokes the mans back to make sure he is still conscious saying while trying to stifle a laugh "That was an impressive fall sir. You ok?" He reaches out a hand to help him to his feet.

The Pyracani seems dissappointed at the turn of events, his ears going back and he snarls loudly at the lack of actual jousting in this turn of the event.

"I think it is perhaps the idea of the crazy woman down there doing the announcing," Sarenity replies to Majors. "It seems like something she would do..." she doesn't comment yet on the idea of visiting Comorro or the cafe.

Alin pushes himself up after a long moment, spitting out dirt and grass. Luckily, he doesn't seem so much humilliated by his showing as amused, if his loud, gravelly tenor guffaws are anything to go by. He rolls over onto his back, laughing with almost sheer delight. He declares Akamatsu, accepting the hand up as he tries to get his stiff limbs to obey him, "I need to learn how to use those things! Not even out of the start of the lists, by the Light!"

"And now it's time for Everto and the sole native to represent Pyracan in our contest! Best of luck!" Rachael declares.

"Ello mate!" Majors replies to Ely and pats the Timmie's arm. "You have a go yet? Tempted to try myself after a small swig from my flask." He comments before nodding over at Sarenity. "Know her well? She came by the Cafe the other day to stare at some pictures. Very strange."

Norran wanders out toward the field from the country road, having heard some sort of racket or whatnot is going on out here. As he witnesses the...'spectacle', his brows raise and his jaw drops. "What in the...high holy shades is going on here?" he lets out to no-one in particular, things eventually connecting in his mind. "This is...a disgrace! A joust on those things? You might as well float two logs down a river and try to beat eachother to death!" He reaches a hand to rub at his brow, shaking his head slowly. "And worst of all I couldn't even enter. If I tried using one of those things I wager I'd take out half of the audience."

Everto rises to his hooves and practically sprintes towards the nearest hoverbike! That is one very excited Hekayti, much like a child getting a new toy.

"I won the first round!" Eylie informs Majors merrily, the Timonae quite proud of himself, "It's an awful lot of fun, it is. You think you'll try if it happens again?"

That old Pyracani takes to his own bike, the makeshift lance taken in his paw, "This will be good," he says as his mouth pulls back in a snarl and he focuses in on his target, that big red Hek. With his other paw he revs the hoverbike a few times in preparation.

Clapping for both contestants, Raicon cheers on the other Terran, "Score one Earth!" Whether he was from earth or not didn't matter since Earth=humanity for Raicon. His loud cheering spikes some pain in his chest as he makes a dirty look in general trying to cope with said pain.

Sarenity gives Majors a look before returning her attention to the current joust. "Did she say anything at all while she was there?" she asks.

Akamatsu heaves Alin to his feet and wanders back to his spot on the grass to grab his things and make sure nobody makes off with his blades. Once there he greets Raicon with "Feeling better yet?"

Reaching the spectator's area just in time to catch the last of Norran's diatribe, a muddied and mussed Mikin offers him a sheepish smile. "It's surprisingly fun, Lomasa. You still might could enter, I doubt you could do much worse than me at it." See? Improvement. He isn't trying to call Norran a duke anymore. "There's actually some horses on Fortrain, maybe someone could organize a proper joust, show them how it's really done."

[Skill System] Everto tests his Agility + Reaction at a modifier of 0. The result is 10.

[Skill System] The Pyracani rolls a 5 at a modifier of 0. The result is 3.

"She just said something about finding out what planet I was from. I gathered she is from your Sivad rather than mine." The Sivadian replies inbetween drags from his cigarette. Ely gets a small chuckle. "Only if I was quite drunk before hand. Looks like I would die of shame if I were sober and trying this."

"Mmmt." Rukais manages, looking across to Norran as their paths converge and giving a smirk, "Nah," He pulls out a small clear plastic bag with a red mossy material in it and fingers some out, "That's a sport on /Hekayti/, you're on Pyracan mate. Hope you don't mind a bit of smoke, dreadful stuff this - hey, you know if I don't smoke it it could fall into the hands of some poor kid." He pats his back and front pockets, searching for a specifically shaped lump. A pipe in withdrawn. "Totally classy, pipes. Should get a smoking jacket. And a trilby. Hats are cool."

Everto seems to find the controls of the hoverbike quickly enough, tucking the lance under his arm with ease, if not grace. The Hekayti thumps his chest with his left hand before leaning forward and gunning the throttle to start hurtling towards the Pyracani with a gutteral roar of challenge.

That old Pyracani snarls loudly and howls before leaning down over the handlebars as gunning the throttle. Seems he's not as familiar with these devices as he acted. He fishtails dramatically before straightening out and finally getting on his way, lance held firmly along his forarm.

Sarenity peers down at the small announcer woman, "No, I suspect she's not from my Sivad exactly either. If you mean from my time...that's probably a more accurate statement."

Eylohta gives Majors a bit of a side-snuggle and a laugh, "We can handle gettin ye drunk beforehand." He promises, free hand reaching into his coat to fetch his flask, offering it over.

"Hm? No. I tried using one of those once, it was...messy," asides Norran to Alin, watching the proceedings. "Perhaps we shall, but I suppose this is amusing enough, in a sort of 'watching wildlings bang rocks together' kind of way."

Alin guffaws again. "I shouldn't have tried, but I couldn't help it." He responds, then turns away from Norran to head over to Raicon. "Forgot to ask earlier, you alright from that fall?"

"And down!" Rachael announces of the Pyracani. "Okay! It's now time for Eylohta and Mr. Akamatsu!" the small woman says.

[Skill System] Everto tests his Vehicles + Land Vehicles at a modifier of 0. The result is 2.

[Skill System] The Pyracani rolls a 5 at a modifier of 0. The result is 1.

"I'll live, but it hurts like hell, maybe you are lucky for falling off so quickly, if you were having problems there, you might as well have died should you take it all the way to the jousting part." Raicon coughs a bit before huffing in pain.

"From her own little world luv?" Majors asks of the other Sivadian. Ely gets a smirk. "I will bring the gin next time in that case. And it would seem you are up my good man."

It would appear that the Hek isn't used to hover vehicles himself. he figured out the controls quickly enough, but the large red man continually veers in odd directions along the way. About the only part of the jousting he's goot at is keeping the lance tucked under his arm as he struggles to keep balance. Cursing all the while.

For all his bravado before it's all the old Pyracani can do to stay balanced on his hovercycle. Seems he's either out of practice or never done this before. He too manages to keep his lance tucked under his arm, but with little success at steering.

Sarenity shakes her head, "Alternate universe perhaps?" she offers in reply to Majors.

"Yeah yeah, cool story bro. I get it." Rukais boggles sideways at Norran before he pops the pipe into the side of his mouth and grins, "So suweet." he speaks, from the other side of his mouth. He pulls a small silver box from another pocket and from that a lighter.

*cht* *cht**cht*

"I b'n in all the corner shops in all of two galaxies, dead and free, and I still can't get my gorram lighter to work. That's just sad." The Lunite pulls pipe from his mouth and glances around the crowd, "Anyone got a light?"

[Skill System] The Pyracani rolls a 5 at a modifier of 0. The result is 7.

[Skill System] Everto tests his Melee + Blunt at a modifier of 0. The result is 5.

For all his veering and swerving, Everto does manage to land a strike on the Pyracani when they clash. It's nothing special, and the strike he takes is much more skilled, but somehow the Big Red man manages to keep it together where it counts. He comes out on the other side, still seated on his cycle. He has, however, dropped his lance, and is clutching here he was hit, the urge to gasp for air and the urge to cackle like a madman conflicting somewhat painfully.

Akamatsu sits next to Raicon to watch the chaos unfold for the match and offers the man sitting some of his sake saying "Here this might help the pain a bit. Just don't take too much."

Perhaps it's a poor grip on the bike or poor balance on the part of the old Pyracani. Perhaps the combination of his lance finding purchase and being struck at nearly the same time is just too much for the older one, at either rate the old wolf finds himself unseated from his bike. He tumbles a few times across the ground and comes to a stop face down. At first it's just his shoulders trembling and then it spreads along his body as a sharp loud bark of laughter escapes him and one paw moves to press against the spot where Everto's lance made contact.

"And down!" Rachael announces of the Pyracani. "Good show, both of you! Okay! It's now time for Eylohta and Mr. Akamatsu to get ready!" the small woman says.

Alin calls to Akamatsu, "Good luck! Hope you enjoy it more than the one with me!"

With a gasp, Everto finally remembers how to breathe and releases that lungful of air with a loud, triumphant roar. He dismounts the bike and heads over to the Pyracani, offering his arm for a handshake or any similar gesture. "Holy shit, you're a good aim," he remarks brightly, "I /lucked out/. Good show, man."

Akamatsu stands and looks Alin saying "Thanks." He then looks down to Raicon before saying "Make sure nobody take my stuff and you can have some more of that sake." He begins making his way for the hoverbike again.

The small Sivadian takes her silver lighter from a pocket and offers it up toward Rukais, "Perhaps this will help?" she asks.

Eylohta drops the flask in Majors' lap, his current cigarette quickly finished off as he stands, stub tossed aside, "M'up again." Once more he makes his way over to his bike, prepping for action.

[Skill System] Akamatsu tests his Agility + Reaction at a modifier of 0. The result is 7.

[Skill System] Eylohta tests his Agility + Reaction at a modifier of 0. The result is 6.

The old wolf takes the offered hand as he works at getting up off the ground. "Radiance! You're a worthy opponent," he says as he finally gets his feet under him. "Honor my defeat and win this competition," he adds with a hearty growl of a laugh.

"Alright, be careful ya hear?" Raicon helps himself to some Sake while Akamatsu tries his luck in the second round. If all goes well his next opponent will fall off the bike as well.

Majors takes the flask and takes a swig from it and chuckles softly. "Alt Universe? No suprise with that I suppose luv. I met both a knight and a samurai." He shrugs.

Akamatsu stradles the bike and now moderately familiar with it's controls goes right for the gas and praying he doesn't go too fast for his own go. It's the standard proceedure, same as the last round as Eylie positions the lance as best he can while seated on his bike. He has no issue getting the bike started, and with a rev or two, he too is off to the races, so to speak.

Akamatsu eases himself to start then starts to get up to speed still not quite sure how fast these things can go and keeps his lance in a strange position compared to the others in his hand as opposed to his armpit but said hand is being supported by being against the seat. The other hand is holding onto the bike for dear life.

"Ah." Rukais pulls into a lopsided smile besides his pipe and crooks his head slightly as he takes the lighter from Sarenity. "Airenei L'lannei" He says to her lightly and lights his pipe, taking in short draws to test it. A plume of strangely sweet smelling smoke is blown out and upwards. "Pipes are cool, right?" Rukais grins again, looking from Sarenity to Majors, "You're not with that guy, are you?" The lighter is held forward but slightly back.

Experience seems to be one of Eylie's assets in this mutilation of a traditional jousting tourney. Not that he's been in any tournaments before this, but he certainly knows how to ride a hoverbike! His speed picks up at a steady pace, keeping him under control.

[Skill System] Eylohta tests his Vehicles + Land Vehicles at a modifier of 0. The result is 4.

[Skill System] Akamatsu tests his Vehicles + Land Vehicles at a modifier of 0. The result is 5.

Sarenity shrugs, "There are many strange things here in Hiverspace as of late," she replies to Majors. Her attention returns to Rukais, "If that was Thank you then you are welcome," she replies. "Pipes are fine as far as I can tell and I am not with Thomas, no," she replies, her tone neutral on all these matters.

"I doubt its complicated. So no, we are not together. We just had our moments in the past." Majors replies to Rukias as he rises to his feet. "I do think I need to go and see to some matters."

Akamatsu guns straight for Eylie lance still in hand. He looks rather consentrated on not crashing though.

Eylohta too guns for Akamatsu. What is the result?! Find out next pose!

Akamatsu reveals the reason he had the lance in his hand instead of his armpit as he turns just enough to be on the right side of Eylohta and turns the lance outward in an attempt to closeline him instead of jabbing.

"Of sorts." Rukais nods, looking between Sarenity and Majors, "Oh, please, you know you shouldn't let matters get unseen. I saw a program. Very worrying." He takes another draw, blowing it sideways. "Hey, if you come back bring a hat. Like. Something with a rim." He looks back down to Sarenity, "Do you mind if I act as though we're here together? Only, it'd be easier to hit on you then."

"Eylohta is down!" Rachael announces. Then she pauses, "Is he aloud to do that?" she asks over the comm, before considering, "I said use the staff, so, uh, it's okay! Mr. Akamatsu needs to stay on his bike though because now it's time for him to face Everto in the final match!"

Clotheslining! Eylie isn't expecting that! With a whump the Timonae is thrown to the ground, bike screeching off into the distance. He doesn't stay down for long though, "Cheeky bastard!" He calls jovially to Aka before dashing off to fetch his errant bike and return it for Everto's use.

Everto, having fallen silent, gets back up as it's his turn again. "Oh lovely, let's see if I fall off this time," he remarks with a chuckle. The Hekayti mounts another hovercycle and retucks the lance under his arm, revving and ready to go.

Alin stands and applauds heartily for Akamatsu, still coated in mud and dirt from his earlier mishap.

Raicon cheers on Akamatsu, "Lets go Ak!" The sake was kicking in and lifting his spirits as the joust intensified. As he clotheslined Eytohta, Raicon shakes his head and laughs, "Now why didn't I think of that, ah well good job.." He takes another swig of the sake as he awaits for the final rounds.

Sarenity smiles over at Rukais, "I have something to attend to just at the moment," she replies, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. "But you keep that lighter for now and perhaps you can return it to me later," she comments. She reaches into a pocket and produces a key which she attempts to slip into his hand, "You will find me there," she adds softly, her violet eyes meeting his.

Norran gives a shrug, turning around and making his way back toward the country road.

Majors dusts his rear off for a moment and shakes his head. "I must certianlly bring my own cushion next time." The Sivadian comments as starts out.

Akamatsu turns the bike around to face Everto on his bike and smiles at the appluase from Raicon and Alin yelling back to them "This isn't over yet." He then turns back to Everto and yells to him "Good luck."

"Beat him, you big red bastard!" Eylie calls happily to Everto, hands cupped around his mouth to make his cry all the louder.

Rukais accepts the key with the lighter and manages a wily smile back to Sarenity, "Later, then." he replies past his pipe.

Sarenity smiles and stands, "Until then," she replies, one hand brushing lightly along Ruk's cheek and then she too heads away from the joust.

[Skill System] Akamatsu tests his Agility + Reaction at a modifier of 0. The result is 8.

[Skill System] Everto tests his Agility + Reaction at a modifier of 0. The result is 3.

"You too!" Everto replies to the ronin brightly, "We're both going to need it to stay on these damn things!" He bows in his seat to Eylie, grinning horn to horn and hefting the lance in a salute. He gets so carried away with that that he's late in realizing that it's time to start!

Akamatsu this time being quite used to the controls guns it even faster and assumes the same position he had last time lance in hand and tightly gripping steering in the other.

Rukais looks around grinning, "It was the pipe." he gloats sideways to a local. Eyes fall forward on the jousting.

"And they're off!" Rachael announces. "Who will it be, they're neck and neck, uh..." the small woman pauses, seeming to be out of stock sportscaster phrases for now.

"Oh, shi-" Everto starts off, better late than never, and guns the throttle hard in hopes of making up the difference.

Akamatsu keeps going careful not to go too fast Aka charges red overcoat flying behind him. Thank goodness he isn't one of those ronin who only ever have one arm in their sleeves or that coat would be gone.

[Skill System] Everto tests his Vehicles + Land Vehicles at a modifier of 0. The result is 5.

[Skill System] Everto tests his Melee + Blunt at a modifier of 0. The result is 10.

[Skill System] Akamatsu tests his Vehicles + Land Vehicles at a modifier of 0. The result is 0.

[Skill System] Akamatsu tests his Melee + Blunt at a modifier of 0. The result is 10.

Akamatsu fumbles on his driving skills after having the hoverbike take a left dive but manages to right it just in time for the closeline trick. Sadly Everto had already seen this coming and was hitting Aka at the exact same time resulting in both falling off and hitting the ground at times so close the high-speed cameras couldn't even catch the difference.

"Down!" Rachael announces again. Then realizes, "Who won?" pause, she starts looking at the recorded footage. "Hm." then the small woman beams brightly again, "Good show, both of you! For now we'll call it a tie, but you two will have to try this again soon and rematch, okay!" she says. "And thanks to everybody for coming out, and Nu Arberge for helping out!"

Alin shakes his head in amazement at the finish.. Tired of the noise and crowds, he waves and departs, looking relaxed and happy, albiet covered with dirt and mud.

"Well that was fun." A smiles rises from Raicon as he grabs his torso, not sure what to think except it were the humans who would make it to the final round. "Way to represent you two.." Slowly standing, he can barely raise his arms to get his armor off.

"A DRAW?!" Rukais cries, "Where's the drama!? Where's the action!? Where's the betting booth?!"

Akamatsu oofs when he hits the ground but is stirring pretty quickly. After a moment he begins to slowly get up and limp a bit towards Raicon apparently groggy enough to completely forget about Everto. He says to Raicon upon arrival "That hurt a bit. Let me have a drink of that sake." He slips out of his armor.

"I'll get better cameras next time, okay?" Rachael says as she walks towards Rukais. "I did this on short notice!"