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   instead of wasting energy to say anything further, he simply just goes to
   instead of wasting energy to say anything further, he simply just goes to
   sit back down.</nowiki>
   sit back down.</nowiki>
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Revision as of 15:46, 14 October 2011

Caged Part Two

Summary: Tiana, Wormhole and Rillitan have a chit chat.

Cast: Tiana, Wormhole, Rillitan

Air Date: 07:04 PM - Tuesday 04 October - 2653 AD

Setting: Olympus Station - Section 1

Beneath the elevated greenhouse section is a darkened section that's currently be used as storage for various extraneous lab equipment and samples. Hard crates used to pack delicate equipment padded by foam are settled securely on the ground, while the lighter cases with various samples are atop them.

Contents: Exits:
Bounty Hunter Rillitan
Tupai Wrangler Tiana Ryoleli <RP>
Troublesome Wormhole <RP>
<O> Out

This room has a prisoner cage in it. The prisoner cage has a Wormhole in it. Rillitan is sat down, watching the prisoner cage. The room also has a Rillitan in it.

Soon the room also has a Tia in it, the girl bearing a mug of coffee and a switched on psi-blocker, most notably. She meanders in from the main section, winding her way towards Rillitan and the imprisoned Wormhole.

The crate does indeed contain Wormhole, which is sitting down as well, against the opposite end of the cell door. Armorless and weaponless, he feels a little more exposed to any more intrusions of guns.

Rillitan grunts in reaction to Tiana's entrance, but he doesn't greet her as he might normally. Nor does he look away from the cage.

"Has he said or done anything, love?" Tia inquires in lilting Timonese as she comes up to stand beside her husband, one hand reaching up to rest upon his shoulder, while the other holds her coffee still, "I can take over for a while, if you like."

Wormhole has been sitting here since he was put in, staring out of the cell. There wasn't much he could do inside a crate like this, except maybe pace. He remains deadly silent.

"No... and no, that's not necessary close one, I have not been here long." Rillitan glances sideways at the coffee and raises a brow, "Tea would be nice."

Tiana Ryoleli smiles lightly to Rillitan, giving a nod before she half-turns away and comms up for someone to bring down some tea. Turning back, she crouches down, half leaning against the Timonae's side, "Have you tried talking to him at all?" Jade eyes turn towards the cage, narrowing slightly.

Wormhole remains silent for moments longer, before he looks towards the slit. He could hear the talking voices outside, and he was considering something. Have you ever seen a planet's horizon from space...without the obstruction of a viewport?" The question is a random one at best.

"Not till now." Rillitan replies to Tiana after Wormhole breaks his silence and asks his question. The Timonae makes no practice in replying, however.

"Ain't 'ere fer pleasant chit-chat, n'are ye?" Tia replies, jaw clenching just slightly. She sets her coffee mug to the side, on the floor, hand coming up to rest against Rillitan's thigh, "What do you think he hopes to accomplish, asking a silly question like that?"

Wormhole shifts his weight forward, standing up. He walks over to the slit in the crate, and looks at Tiana and Rillitan. "Conversation," he says, answering Tiana's question whether or not it was directed at him.

Rillitan's brow furrows and he looks back to the crate, casting his frown over what of Wormhole he can see. "Let me make 'is clear. You ain't got a plan t'promote, /mate/. Whatever daft idea is runnin' through ye' mind, I'd drop it 'fore it gets you killed. We're bigger'n you. We're smarter'n you. There ain't nothin' y' can do 'bout that."

"Tryin' t'run's only goan make i' all t'worse fer ye, darlin'." Tia adds, looking up and away as the tea arrives - a pot, two mugs, cream, sugar and wee sammiches. She exchanges the tray of tea fixins for her mug of coffee, setting them down in front of herself to start fixing up a mug for herself and one for Rillitan.

Wormhole tilts his head, "I ain't tryin' t' run," he says, trying to mimic the accent they are using. He removes himself from the slit to go sit back down.

"Sandwiches." Rillitan comments with a warmer tone, "Now tha' is an idea. You tried 'e'se, rifter? Baked yeast an' fillin's. Good idea, wot. This'n's, wot now, s'at some kinda fish?" the Timonae reaches out and takes one, trying a corner. "Yup. Tha's good. Mmff. Do, uh *chew* Rift*chew*er's eat?"

Tiana Ryoleli merely shrugs towards Wormhole and the crate imprisoning him, Rillitan's tea offered up to him, "Grubwater suckerfish, darlin'." She offers, reaching with her free hand for one of dem sammiches."

There is burst of laughter from the crate...something that he has not done in while. "You got a sense of humor...Riftwalkers don't eat, drink, or sleep," he only gazes out the slit with amusement from his seated position. "Gonna have to try something else if you want to upset me."

"'could shoot you 'gain." Rillitan offers, patting his revolver as he consumes the rest of the sandwich. "No matter, 'ey. More f'r us t' enjoy. /Say/... Wot kind o' existence is it where y' can't take in t' wonders o' nature's bounty. Tell ya' wot, 'is... Grubwater thingy-wot... Pretty tasty. Y' missing out, Rifter."

"Suckerfish." Tia offers once more to Rillitan before chomping down on her own sammich, mouthful washed down with a slosh of tea, "'Course. Makin' some'un squirm's all about tryin' various things. Ain't no two people t'same. Similar, sure. Same, never. Good t'know ye ain't got no need t'sleep 'en, innit?"

Wormhole shrugs "I can taste, sure...just ain't got no interest right now, though." He shakes his head and continues to stare. He didn't say anything on the shooting comment, but instead shrugged. "If you say so..." This is to both Tiana and Rillitan.

"I do, I do." Rillitan licks his metallic fingers slowly before he gives Tiana a sideways nudge. "Don't think this 'un likes bein' shot so much. Who'da thought that, eh? T'ghost don't like bullets. S'at odd, love?"

"Nah. Don' reckon any'un likes gettin' shot. Mus' be even weirder, bein' in 'is disturbed state ah limbo, eh? Physical but not - feelin' pain, but somm't more like 'is phantasmal itch ye jus' can't git n'matter 'ow ye try." She smiles up, once more offering Rillitan his tea, "'Ere's lots ah wonderful things 'e's missin' out on jus' bein' a shell."

Wormhole shakes his head yet again, "A shell that can turn this crate into swiss cheese," he states in response to Tiana calling him an empty shell. He gets up again, and heads for the slit, staring out of it.

"No." Rillitan comments flatly, with an air of someone less than amused by the response but a wry glance is passed along to his wife even so. "You have no touch in 'is place. You ain't worth that. Yer' a linger of sommat squalid, made worse all t' more by y' lack o' person whole. Y'are missin' out, on /so/ much. An' imagine 'ow much more y'd miss out on by tryin' sommit stupid an' givin' us t' reason t' put you down proper. We ain't made plans, yet, but 'ell. I'd be more'n happy to figure out ways t' kill y'. Pretty good at killin', ol' Ryoleli."

The chair that Rillitan was sitting on earlier? So stolen. Tia smiles fondly to Rillitan, giving a nod, "'At ye are, m'love. 'At ye are." She cants her head towards Wormhole, "Ye see, darlin'? Attemptin' t'act like yer big stuff? Contrary t'yer own belief, ain't no one in this place 'oo gives a damn 'bout yer lil' self image. Fact o' t'matter 'is, we've got yer weapons, yer armour an' /you/. Nah 'at last bit's t'most important, y'see. Yer weapons, yer armour? Might keep 'em fer myself if'n ah fancy, or ah might jus' sell 'em off. Or maybe, i'll feel a lil' vindictive an' destroy yer armour an' shoot ye wit' yer own guns. Reckon part ah 'at decision depends on you. C'n ye guess wot yer attitude's makin' us lean t'wards?"

There is a long bout of silence from the Riftwalker. At the mention of selling/keeping/destroying his armor. If he had teeth he'd be gritting them right now, "Don't be touching my armor," he practically growls. "I be sure that the bounty on your head goes up another 250,000 credits." He looks to Rillitan, "If I am not worth it to you, then release me...and we can forget this ever happened," he glares at Tiana, having said that. There is a longer pause. "Keep my armor then. No worth it to me."

Rillitan just laughs, callously, at the Riftwalker's response.

Tiana Ryoleli joins in the callous laughter, "Oh. Lin 'at's rich. Wut an awful naive lil' shell ye are. Too bloody funny." Seems she's gonna let that stew a bit.

Wormhole didn't particularly looked to thrilled about this whole thing, so, instead of wasting energy to say anything further, he simply just goes to sit back down.

======END SCENE======