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Latest revision as of 21:12, 9 February 2012

Litar Tengkyldrajuvanledelkrig

Litar Tengkyldrajuvanledelkrig
Litar Tengkyldrajuvanledelkrig
Species or Race Hekayti
Gender Female
Height 251.5cm (8'3")
Weight 149.7kg (~330lbs.)
Skin Color Camouflage Green
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Biological Age 34
Date of Birth 2619.05.12
Hekayt Prime
Died N/A
Spouse N/A
Residence New Resilience, Materi Syna
Profession N/A
Employer Orion Confederacy, Trade Defense Fleet
Character name Litar

Who She Is

Litar is a disciplined ex-military Hekayti, self-outcast from her homeworld and an 'old face' solidly entrenched in the TDF-cum-Orion Confederacy. Her alliances are widely known to be in favor of the underdog (i.e. the 'Outverser'), and she has attached herself to New Resilience - the public face of the OC and the seat of the Presidency. She serves under Razorback's command and is often utilized in training green troops styles of unarmed combat.

Quintessential Description

Towering at 8'3" tall, this Hekayti female is a sinewy bundle of muscle and hard edges. Two large, curling ebony horns sprout from the top of her head and curve back beneath her elfin ears, ending in sharp points tipped with decorative silver caps. A 'ring' of bony ridges are visible amidst the rough, dark stubble of her shaved head. Her eyes are wide-set and a dark cocoa brown, her petite nose is turned upward at the tip, and her jawline is sharp and wide, almost masculine in its proportions. Her skin is a matte olive green in hue dappled with the varying browns and greens that camouflage her species.

Her neck is slender, but her shoulders are wide and square giving her a blocky build settled atop the reversed knees of her people. Her exceptionally long legs end in black cloven hooves kept carefully clean. Her clothing consists of a sleeveless black shirt made of stretchy material that clings to her torso and emphasizes the rigid lines of her musculature and the enormous swell of her substantial bosom. A pair of skin-tight black shorts and a wide black toolbelt fitted with holsters and pouches complete the ensemble, while a visible black garter about her left thigh contains two knife sheathes.

What People Think Of Her

Razorback Cliffwalker: Litarrr is a capable and loyal ssoldierrr. Few would I trrrusst, and indeed, few do I trrrusst, with the trrraining of those who will sserrrve underrr my dirrrect command. I am a warrrrrriorrr, not a ssoldierrr. Litarrr is a rrrarrre individual who possesssses both qualities.

Vadim Tostanavich: She reminds me of my old man, but none of the bad parts. Tough, disciplined, and nyet-nonsense. She's more Ungstiri seen'ly than she knows. She's a good tovarisch to have at your back. Rather have her on my side than against it, da. Though...she could stand to smile more.


Early History

For Litar, life in her household was one strenuous exercise in frustration after another. Oh sure, her childhood was pleasant enough alongside her older brother Venor. Their family behaved much like the others, adhering to the rules of their people and otherwise struggling to be the exemplary, glittering family of true Hekayti pride. At points in time, even the children were called upon to make sacrifices too.

From the day she could walk, Litarkvin's head was stuffed to the brim with all things mechanical and mathematical. Unfortunately for her, it also leaked back out onto her pillow at night. Her parents, engineers of the Toveil caste lauded for inventing some type of hydraulic automatic something-or-another mechanism, sought to shape their children into little miniatures of their own genius. Venor succeeded in becoming the praiseworthy all-star of the two on his Worthing day, ascending into the revered (at least for them) ranks of the Toveil. His parents had even pulled some strings to get Venor onto their project team doing entry-level grunt work. Litarkvin managed to be happy for him that day despite the sinking feeling in her gut; she was not mentally prepared to be anything at all like her parents. She should have paid better attention when she was younger.

Two happy years passed in which she dared not to reflect upon her own Worthing. Many sleepless nights were spent tossing and turning in her bed wondering - could she at least try for a biological researcher? Electrical engineering? She had enjoyed tinkering with spare parts from her father's workshop. But try as she might, her mind would only wander to the days she snuck from her father's compound to spy upon the training field laden with young men learning the ways of the warrior. That was her true path, and she knew it, but how to make her parents see? It was impossible.

Years grew to months, months to weeks, weeks to days, and finally it was time for Litarkvin to become Litar Tenkgyldrajuvantoveil, the final cap in the crown of her family's honor. Her mother kissed her forehead and touseled her tawny hair, her father administered a gruff pat on the back, and her brother slipped something round and smooth into her palm.

"What is this, Venor?" "It's a rock from the north, Hav Glasne. They say it was made smooth by a glacier and carried for hundreds of miles. It was dumped into the water, and ended up in Langflod. I'm not sure how it got here." "Oh. What's it for?" "Luck."

Swallowing back her nervous fears, Litarkvin disappeared into the quiet room to be attended by Ende Hjernlyrajuvantoveil - a known friend of the family.

She failed.

The next months were spent in a haze of distressing loneliness while her parents tried to recover from their shock. Of course, the community response was not as vile as expected - one of the many lessons on racial predictability that Litarkvin took to heart. When her father realized that they were not the gossip of the town, he took Litarkvin aside one afternoon for a walk through the surrounding jungle. On this walk, he quietly explained to his daughter that she had better have another option in mind, because the family was not going to stand for a child of theirs to be thrust into the chaotic, immoral ranks of the Verdikke. Luckily for Jent, Litarkvin knew exactly what she wanted.

Ledelkrig and Skjulkamp

"The Ledelkrig, Litar, really? I should have known. You are a full three inches taller than your brother, and I know how many times you used to run away from my workshop. I am not blind, you know." "Then you understand, father? I can do it? Will you tell mother? She will be--mad." "I will deal with mother. You had better go wash before supper."

And so the day came in September of '36 when her family sent her anxiously to be tested for Ledelkrig, the warriors of her people. This time, her mother only frowned, her father gave her a nod, and her brother tried his best to at least not grimace. Pompous fools.

She passed.

Ten years later, Litar Tenkgyldrajuvanledelkrig was serving her umpteenth tour in the dank ranks of Hav Rajuvan's jungles. Her skills were advancing rapidly, and she was proving to her Einkap the value of her abilities. Her duties consisted mostly of leading small groups on scouting forays and training recruits in such things as tracking and utilizing their innate camoflauging abilities. Her zeal and devotion eventually earned her a promotion into the honored ranks of the Skjulkamp.

While there is little of great import to note during Litar's service as a Skjulkamp, it is mentionable that she was the recipient of two achievement awards: one for honorable sacrifice during an away mission (CLASSIFIED), and another for steadfast loyalty in the face of adversity during Operation (CLASSIFIED).

Trade Defense Fleet/Orion Confederacy

The next three years of Litar's life are unknown to any but herself. However, at the end of them she came to find herself upon Pyracan where she first met Razorback and heard word of the Trade Defense Fleet. Following a rash of antsy young fighters, she departed for Comorro Station to attend the first announced gatherings under the leadership of Cliffwalker. Despite the fact that the hodgpodge group seemed more in support of Outverser rights in a growing insular Hiverspace, Litar found herself drawn in by Cliffwalker's charisma and nobility. She signed onto the TDF as a mercenary, and because of her superior skills and military background became a trainer as well. Litar has remained to this day a loyal member of the TDF now turned the Orion Confederacy. She has not set foot on Hekayt Prime since she first left.



