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Summary: Comorro's newly installed weaponry accidentally fires upon those in the docking hub.

Cast: Dean, Lucy, Raisa, Akamatsu, Grayback and Bloodmane.

Air Date: June 27, 2653 CE

Setting: Docking Hub – Comorro Station

Comorro Station isn’t exactly a station. It doesn’t remain in any one place for a significant span of time. It is, in all accuracy, a massive starship – incapable of atmospheric flight – that has been roaming the stars on a voyage that some say has lasted for more than 90-million years.

The vessel is a Yaralu, a sentient spacefaring vessel. Her true full name cannot be spoken in a single day, but is shortened for convenience to Comorro. Several epochs ago, after her final era of fertility ended, she converted the gray-green ribbed chamber of her womb into a docking hub for smaller Yaralu and non-organic vessels. She made it known to the denizens of Hiverspace that she would serve as a neutral outpost for traders and diplomats.

Use of energy and projectile weapons is prohibited aboard Comorro. Violators will be absorbed into the vessel’s nutrient replenishment matrix. She is capable of monitoring almost all chambers within the station for illegal weapons, but some areas – such as the Forgotten Quarter – are lost to her neural pathways and sensory organs.

Contents: Exits:

Dean paces through the docking bay, one Helot in front and one behind, but not so close as to draw much attention amongst the hussle and bussle of the day. He continuously looks about, keeping track on everything as best he can.

Lucy is seated on a crate near a Confederacy cargo vessel. She has a juice pouch and a sandwich, both being greatly enjoyed as the little Lotorian girl watches docking hub traffic absently.

Raisa steps off of a shuttle, stretching herself out lazily before taking a few more steps into the Docking Hub, looking around with a curious gaze. She shakes her head and just starts to wander, weaving around anyone slow enough to get into her path.

Akamatsu jogs behind Dean trying to catch up to him. Upon doing so he taps the Pyhrrian’s shoulder and whispers into his ear “What’s the matter. Did you see something back there?” The ronin’s tone is distressed and worried. His demeanor shows the same emotions but to a lesser degree.

A Llivori technician stands at a diagnostic console near one of Comorro’s bulkheads, a paw resting on the control pad as the Yaralu speaks to him: “Conduits to new armaments are fully charged. You may proceed with testing.” The technician grunts agreement, taps a sequence on the pad, and several slim recesses open in the ceiling and walls, allowing gray metal weapon barrels to pop free and swivel. These do not look like the clunky old tangler weaponry of old. Instead, the barrels are shot through with glowing blue-white energy modules. The Llivori checks his display and then visually confirms for himself, looking around the docking hub at the various guns. He concludes: “Deployment functionality looks nominal.”

Dean turns his head and whispers back to the Ronin, continuing on across the docking bay towards the Obsidian Dust. As the guns come from the ceiling, the Phyrrian only hurries his pace towards the ship. The Helot Phyrrians follow suit, their flashlight-like oculars moving back and forth as they scan the surroundings.

The little girl peers up as the guns deploy, her ears flattening some as she pouts. “You zhouldn’t play with thoze,” Lucy remarks up to Comorro matter-of-factly, “You could zhoot zomeone by acczident. Bazic gun zafety, you know.” Not that that keeps her from continuing her meal.

Raisa stops dead at the sudden appearance of weapons and she scowls, taking one step back. “Hell, looks like someone got a their pretty new upgrade in place,” she mutters. Taking note Akamatsu, she lifts a hand in general greeting.

Akamatsu moves forward keeping in pace with the robot and giving a very small wave to Raisa he continues to have a very worried demeanor and whispers back to Dean hurriedly.

“Retracting,” the Llivori technician announces, running a paw over the console. Unfortunately, his palm brushes the REMOTE FIRE OVERRIDE button on the way to the RETRACT trigger. Bolts of blue-white energy lance in all directions within the landing hub.”

Dean snaps to attention as the energy bolts start flying. He moves to take cover under the Obsidian Dust, sprinting towards the ship, Helots weaving between the shots as well. “Run!” He yells towards Akamatsu, signalling for him to follow.

Lucy squeals and dives down into the middle of the cluster of crates she’d been using as a seat. “JUZT LIKE THAT!” she tells the Yaralu as she curls into a ball and waits for the shooting to stop. “ZTOPPIT!”

“Oh, come on!” Raisa growls loudly as she ducks and weaves in between blasts. “I JUST WANTED A NORMAL DAY OFF!” she shouts at Comorro. “Why am I always getting shot at when on you, anymore?!”

Akamatsu weaves through the blasts quickly and skillfully for a moment losing his worried demeanor to focus on that task and run to Dean. Once there he mutters “Nothing is going quite right today it would seem.”

“Opodi’s steaming hot used diaper,” the Llivori growls, slamming his palm on the RETRACT trigger while simultaneously hitting the CIRCULATE button. So, although the guns do begin to pull back toward the recesses, they do so while firing off another series of blasts.

“Not at all!!” Dean replies as he sprints, jumping to the right once and ducking to avoid the more shots that are rained on them. The Helots reach the cover, as well as Dean, ducking under the Obsidian Dust.

The little girl notices that the turret right abover her is turning down towards her hiding place just in time, and dashes out through a narrow gap between crates before she can get blasted. Her sandwich and juice pouch are not so lucky. Lucy tries to dive under the Obsidian Dust as well, since it’s nearby. She’s also crying.

A long string of profanities come flying past Raisa’s lips as she continues to avoid the shots raining down. “This is the last time I come to Comorro of my own free will!” she mutters.

One of the stray blasts strikes Bloodmane in the chest. However, rather than burning through his fur and into flesh, it crackles and sparks briefly as the energy dissipates. For the most part, the blast seems harmless, although it does leave the impact point feeling rather numb.

Grayback appears from the tradeport and is immediately set upon by random laser blasts. “By the Sandmother, what is going on!?” he shouts as he quickly ducks and rolls behind a crate.

Akamatsu almost growls as he does a combat roll manuever to avoid the next volley of shots and ends up under the Obsidian Dust as well next to Lucy. When he sees the girl crying he gives her a hug (assuming she lets him) half to comfort her and half to protect her from any more incoming blasts that their cover doesn’t happen to mitigate.

Bloodmane blinks in suprise, yelping out as he takes a blast in the center of his chest armor. “what the…” he coughs out, jumping behind a stack of aluminum pallets.

Finally, the weapons cease firing and slide back into their recess points. The Llivori growls again, looking around at all the people hiding under ship hulls and behind crates. “Sorry about that, folks,” he says, then looks up at the Yaralu observation node above him. “Good thing the pulse cannons were in target practice mode.”

Dean stays under the ship for a moment longer, looking towards Aka and the little girl. The Helots have their hands readied to grab the pulse rifles on their back, but don’t grab them quite yet. “You alright?” Dean asks the Ronin and the child.

Lucy just curls up in the ronin’s arms and continues crying. “I’M ZO ZICK OF GETTING ZHOT AT,” she bawls, “And, and, and blown up, and, and zapped, and hit and thrown around, and, and, and… I wanna go hooome!”

Grayback rises up a bit from his crate cover, looking at the cannons as they retract. “Yes… I think that would be classified as a good thing.” he snarls as he dusts off his suit, his tail twitching rapidly as his ears slowly perk back up to their original positions.

“Watch what you’re doing,” Raisa bellows, glaring across the Bay. “Coulda gotten someone hurt and damn it, this is really getting old.” The Lunite huffs and as she dusts off her pants, starts back toward the shuttles.

Bloodmane stands up, rubbing his chest. “That was… unprofessional.” he mutters out, peering about as if looking for somebody.

Akamatsu keeps hugging the girl and saying in a soothing voice “Shhhhh. Shhhh. Shhh. It’s ok it’s ok. You’ll be fine. I’m with you now. I’m not letting anything else hurt you.” He then picks the girl up and holds her while still hugging and glares at the Llivori tilting his head at the girl in a ‘see what you did?” kind of way.