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Rillitan Ryoleli

Rillitan Ryoleli
Rillitan, age 31.
Species or Race Timonae
Gender Male
Height 208cm (6'10")
Weight 115kg (254lbs)
Skin Color N/A
Hair Color Silver
Eye Color Cobalt Grey
Biological Age 35
Date of Birth 2976.01.18
Died N/A
Spouse Tiana
Residence Olympus Trade Vessel
Profession N/A
Employer Self-Employed
Character name Rillitan

Who He Is:

Rillitan Ryoleli is a veteran Bounty Hunter and co-captain of the trade ship Olympus. He is perhaps best known for trying (and quite often failing) to make an impression on the criminal underground of Tomin Kora. For anyone who might have been able to observe him, the Timonae had recently seemed to tone down prior to his displacement into Hiverspace.

Prone to violence, excessive pride and odd logic he makes his way around on board the Olympus with his martian wife Tiana Ryoleli, threatening Tupai and generally annoying anyone who gives him a hint of disrespect. If you meet Rillitan, be careful, he might seem foolish but he's still dangerous. Like a road made of cheese.

Quintessential Description

Just under seven feet tall, thin and athletic with a predatory confidence in his movement; Rillitan has the body of a gymnast or, more accurately, the body of a martial artist. Although he is bordering on stringy, his muscles are well toned and give no real clue to his true strength. Along his skin are shattered streaks of scars, especially down his one fleshed arm, which seem to have taken their fair share of lashings. His other arm, his right arm, is silvered metallic, as is his left leg; Cybernetics, and not cheap looking ones.

His jaw is sharp and he is clean shaven, the Timonae has a thick scar running across the side of his neck and another similar looking scar running diagonally through his right eyebrow and jumping the gap of his eye to conclude at the top of his cheek. Cobalt grey clouds wisp around much darker browns in his irises. A bright while gleam runs down his right eye also, most likely stemming from the same cut. Rillitan's naturally olive complexion contrasts slightly with his silver, almost white hair that has been cut short.


"Oh love, we don't need to hold hands, do we?" Rillitan says with a frown, his metallic digits scratching an itch on the arm Tiana's taken hostage. "In front of all the, well look at that! It's a mighty show they're putting on, right? Hey Love, I do wonder if they realize they're guarding a giant vagina." the silver hand points at the warships as they position themselves.

What People Think Of Him

(Please feel free to write a character opinion here, as if they had been asked)


Early History:

...from his biography at [[1]]...

Rillitan is a Timonae, one of the refugees from whatever universe everyone else is from.

Rillitan spent his early years on Antimone, orphaned as a child he was adopted by a couple who couldn't conceive a baby of their own. From this adoption, he gained his official birthday on the date 13th November and adopted the Ryoleli name as well. He lived with them for the greater part of his early years, learning at home meant he barely saw anyone other than his parents, who he had a fairly open relationship with. When he was about 9, his stepfather died in a cargo shipping accident. This dramatic event caused his stepmother to give up her life, she fell ill quickly after before passing away within a short three months of her husbands death.

Rillitan was apprenticed as a 'cabin boy'; he was a skillful and a daring youth, rising in popularity on the large cargo ship regardless of his attempts to pilfer the rest of the crews properties. He worked on the UKT Canterbury and her mixed crew until the company that ran the trade routes was bought out and he was made 'redundant'.

This left him fending for himself, which got him through life for a while. He learned to adopt to a new life, the life of a Mercenary. He was hired by a human who reffered to himself as simply 'Patch', possibly because he wore an eye patch (though most people swear he was called this even before he lost an eye). Patch took Rillitan on board his ship, the IND Eagle's Catch, which was crewed by a well established group of Bounty Hunters. Again, Rillitan played the part of a cabin boy, and he was given the worst jobs available at any given time. The more time he spent with the crew, the more thuggish he became, and he learned a lot about hunting and capturing people that would become handy later in life when he decided it was the profession he wanted to take up.

The Timonae left the Eagle's Catch when he was given a rare opportunity to take one of their bounties for himself and himself alone. He made off with the bounty and laid low for a while, before finding out about another catch, only this one was not an escaping criminal but a priceless piece of jewelry.

He was given an unexpected visit by the IND Eagle's Catch, who caught him and took him back to Antimone. He spent 9 months in prison before attempting to escape again, this was when he was told he was free to go.

It was when Rillitan was released that Shadowheart has finished it's construction, he travelled there on the presumption that it would be his kind of place, dangerous and dismal. He liked it for a while, but his patience for staying in one place wore thin and he tried to leave. Complications led to him having to stay longer than he wanted to and his situation spiraled, nobody wanted to hire him, some dirty Merc so he couldn't get another job and so he couldn't improve his lifestyle. Sinking low, he took to the nearest 'island of escape' and joined a gang. He worked hard and learnt how to fight, shoot and survive better than anyone else.

In the bad area of Shadowheart he spent almost a year traveling through the gang wars as they grew and fell with their territories, he was usually keen to tell when a gang fight would be coming and just as good at getting out of the way when they came. Still, he was never able to scrounge up enough cash to buy himself a trip off the planet, to leave his past behind. Not until he wormed his way into the Sewer Rats, where he was intent on making enough money to escape. This was when, due to his height, Rillitan was tagged as 'Tower' and Rillitan met his soon to be best friend; Notch - they trained together. After only a year, they had created a completely new martial art for the gang based on what Rillitan knew about Timonese Martial Arts and what Notch knew on brute fighting. They called it Tion Ree, they named it after their 'fathers' who were old martial artists. It was finally now that Rillitan combined efforts with Notch to save up for the travel costs. They were going to get off.

Only a few hours before the planned flight which would take them both off of TK, they were practicing their martial arts. Notch was boasting eagerly, he had always been the stronger opponent during their spars and Notch had a way of making it well known. Rillitan lost his temper and kicked Notch in the face, knocking a tooth out. His friend got angry with him and Rillitan, still only semi-serious, started to get away by climbing up the Aerie ruins. Notch caught up with him, intent on beating a tooth out of Rillitan as payback, “An eye for an eye.” He kept repeating, bordering on acting insane. Rillitan sensed something was wrong with his friend, but when Notch attacked he countered it, but ended up sending both of them off the side. Notch managed to grab both Rillitan and the ledge, becoming a lifeline of sorts, he threw Rillitan to safety, but before the Timonae could come to his rescue Notch let go, falling to his apparent death. Rillitan was upset, but he could not go down and check as he noticed a rival gang prowling the grounds, he escaped from the ruins and made his way to the landing area quickly, escaping the planet.

Notch survived, but lost his hand and his foot where he landed on them, crushing them. The rival gang found him battered on the ground and, out of sympathy of sorts, took him home and helped him regain his health. Notch blamed Rillitan and felt that their roles should have been reversed.

History in New Journeys and The Farthest Star:

Rillitan escaped the dangerous planet and its gang wars when he was about 30, but it had broken his spirit. It was the support of his friend who helped him create a new dream, 'The Tion Ree Gym' which was renamed 'The Ryoleli Gym'.

Rillitan made his move to begin the foundations to The Ryoleli Gym, he started a self defense class teaching the use of his own named Tion Ree. There was a dwindling interest in the classes and Rillitan was sunk again, this time however he wasn't lost entirely. He joined The Phoenix Trading Company as a security officer aboard the TSS Lupercalia. He was not on board the Lupercalia when it was destroyed, unknowing of the incident while he took a weeks break to visit Antimone, once he found out about the incident he went back to Tomin Kora.

A few months later, and still unable to sort out the foundations to his gym, Rillitan elected to join the Athena Exploration Service, once again as a security officer. He joined the new crew of the Artemis as one of the original members, though the ship was not ready at first and he joined the Athena jumping in their chase of Volari. This job didn't last a great amount of time however. Rillitan was still under a 'recruit' status, which meant that he was not eligible to receive pay, this frustrated him and combined with his apparent conflicting relationships on board, he left the AES on bad terms.

As soon as he had quit, he made it clear of his interest in the bounty on Mika Tachyon, along with two other 'partners'. A man called Neith and another Timonae, Zara Mel Bini. Although he gave the Jackals a minor scare his plans were never put into action, he neither had the drive or the right timing. It was revealed to him later that he had been double crossed by Zara and even later so, that Neith had disappeared.

Rillitan only learned of both these facts whilst locked up on Ungstir for 'smuggling in a shotgun'. In truth, he was caught trying to capture a bounty but managed to talk his way out of an assault charge, only to be left with a hefty fine... or else a long rest in a jail cell. Whilst he was locked up Zara had continued to visit him, for reasons he himself did not understand. By the time he had forgiven Zara for her 'treachery', he believed himself to be falling for her. His emotions had to be put on hold, though, as she was 'hunted and killed' by her own mother a few weeks later.

The fine was then paid off, without any intervention from the criminal himself. It had been paid by a sister he had not seen in a long time; Airenei Ryoleli had seen his name in the news and travelled to Ungstir to bail him out. In an act of salvation, it seems, he was taken to Demaria and given an apartment, before learning of another problem he was to deal with.

A bounty had been issued on his head, 40,000 credits for his live capture. It seemed that Airenei was not the only one who saw him in the news and wanted to come for him. The post was presented by his old friend Notch. During a heavy conflict period on Tomin Kora, the Warren had executed a surgical strike and captured the gang leader of the 'Sewer Rats', Rillitan and Notch's old gang. Notch lived through the attack, leaving him with a small wealth amassed by the, now captive leader. He used this to pay for cybernetics, replacing his arm and leg with bulky metal counterparts, then he had placed the bounty on Rillitan's head. It was time for reconciliation.

It was at this time that Rillitan got to meet another set of old friends, again appeared the IND Eagle's Catch, as the crew had gotten wind of the bounty and quickly set out to capture him. What ensued was an all out battle between the now combat-able Timonae and the unexpected crew. He came out on top, having prepared for whatever hunters might be coming for him previously. Given a choice between mercy and revenge, Rillitan was left conflicted and ended up letting Patch, his old captain, escape. He has not seen him since.

Rillitan resurfaced a couple of months after he was traded in for a bounty, only this time he was a different person. Aside from the cosmetic changes, the addition of a cybernetic arm and leg, being betrayed changed Rillitan mentally as well. He made a few short gestures towards those he knew to have handed him in to Notch, threatening money out of certain people. It became evident, however, that Rillitan had no real desire to enact vengeance immediately. He became a ghost for a long time, building up his life again and purchasing a new ship, a dasher class called the IND Old Daisy. It encompassed everything he was attempting, to remain unnoticed. He fixed a cage into the engine room and took up Bounty Hunting privately, living on his ship with Tiana, who he re-contacted shortly after returning.

They lived and worked on board the IND Old Daisy for a long while, taking jobs as and when they found them and generally just getting along in the galaxy. They were on a job at the time of the Phyrrian crisis, which had brought them to Ungstir at a bad time, when it was attacked. Rillitan and Tiana both managed to escape the destruction on fleeing vessels, but the IND Old Daisy itself was destroyed along with the rock. They both escaped to La Terre, and joined with Akari in her refugee camps.

Rillitan survived and has since been known to dabble in high society.

14th April 3008: Rillitan and Tiana got married in a prison ceremony after handing in two murderers who had escaped during the Phyrrian war. They celebrated with a 3 week honeymoon on La Terre, where they also caught a fraudster who had gone into hiding.


Rillitan first appeared in Hiverspace 6 months ago.


These are the logs with Rillitan in...

Welcome to the Olympus
They Come Here; They Steal Our Jobs
Emergent Aftermath: Part III
Do Engines Make That Noise Naturally
Nall Your Station Are Belong To Us
It's A Trap!
Comorro Liberation Effort: Part 1
Comorro Liberation Effort: Part 2