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Akamatsu versus Clankritich, FIGHT!

Summary: The ronin squares off against the giant spider.

Cast: Akamatsu, Clankritich

Air Date: Thursday, 2nd June, 2653

Setting: The Olympus Docking Bay

Words of Hekayan painted onto the domed walls of this large room designate this area as the Landing Bay. This area is large enough to contain several small ships or a few medium to large sized ships. The domed roof opens up in the middle, allowing ships to exit and enter the ship at a vertical angle to the artificial gravity field, when the massive bay doors are open, two atmospheric shields are raised to contain the vital gasses and pressure in this area. In the case of an emergency, the entire landing bay can be kept in stasis without atmosphere, and anyone inside it at a time like this should hope to be in a space suit. There are large vents littered around the outer wall of the landing bay that serve to both circulate the ships life systems and keep the air of the landing bay clean, preventing the build up of dangerous ship emissions.

Many manual passages run down towards DECK 2 that can be accessed at designated points on the ground floor, but the central service elevator is the main method of transport for large parties of visitors, cargo and anything in need of decontamination. There is a metal framework constructed around this elevator in which large panes of glass open out to allow a 360 view. Hanging from the construct are warning signs marked CAUTION in Hekayan along with necessary decontamination, security equipment and a hand written sign posted on the glass of the door which reads: All who enter here are subject to search.

The Zurlti can be found laying near the Security Zone, a chain leading from it's collar to where it's attached to a ring set into the floor.

Contents: Exits:
4 B'hiri Veterans, 2 B'hiri Officers and a B'hiri Commando
Bask, the Zurlti.
The IND Laughing Fox, the Apollo and the Bloody Victual.
<SL> Service Lift

The B'hiri crew of the Bloody Victual are in the process of loading up supplies for their next voyage. The enormous Clankritich and a much smaller B'hiri that appears some manner of aide-de-camp are positioned where they can oversee the work.

Akamatsu wanders into the Docking Bay and is passing by the crew and nods in greeting to Clank with a simple "Hello."

Clankritich doesn't turn to face the human as he approaches, and doesn't need to. He watches Akamatsu through the smaller eyes placed around the back and sides of his head. "HELLO." Booms a loud voice, punctuated by a burst of static from a vocalizer strained to its maximum volume.

Akamatsu jumps back a moment the volume of the voice startling him for a moment. before turnign back to Clank and saying in a joking tone "I think you need to turn the volume down a bit. Preferably before somebody goes deaf."

"WHAT?" Asks Clank in the same booming voice.

Akamatsu was already covering his ears this time but still gets a bit startled by the boom and repeats himself loudly this time but still in the same joking tone "I said you might want to turn the volume down. Hopefully before somebody goes deaf. It seems you already might have."

Clankritich raises a metal arm and brings it crashing back down, slowly heaving his bulk around to face Akamatsu with his mane eyes. "THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH MY VOLUME." The vocalizer thunders.

Akamatsu keeps his ears firmly secured this time around and smirks a bit while he says "If that's the case then my ears are about five-hundred times more sensitive than normal."

The car-sized spider regards Akamatsu for a moment longer, then ponderously turns back around towards his ship.

Akamatsu cautiously uncovers his ears before asking "What is it you're loading anyway?" his attention shifts to the ship as well now.

Clankritich shifts his body slightly, limbs rubbing against each other with a metallic creak. "SUPPLIES." He states, not giving the human any more of an answer than that.

Akamatsu winces a bit at the voice but is prepared for it at this point and presses on "Is your voice normally that loud?"

"YES." Thunders the B'hiri, otherwise ignoring Akamatsu.

Akamatsu winces again at the loud voice and points out to the large spider "I don't seem to remember your voice being that loud last time we met. You know right after the mission to free Comorro from the Nall."

Clankritich wheels about and faces Akamatsu again, bringing his cybernetic limbs down with *CRASH* that quite possibly leaves a dent in the docking hub floor. The B'hiri lowers his cephalothorax close to Akamatu's face, fangs rubbing together and dripping venom.

Akamatsu merely raises an eyebrow at the spider and replies "Down boy. No need to be getting threatening here." A drink of sake is taken.

Clankritich raises his fangs as if he's about to take a bite out of Akamatsu.

Akamatsu the sake has a cap put in it and is put on the ground as Aka's hands go to the hilts of his blades before asking "Do you really want to try something?"

Clankritich does. The spider lunges forward with hydraulic hiss from his cybernetic legs.

Akamatsu is indeed caught by the attack but as for the bite it merely glances him. He however does not enjoy this turn of events at all and makes a stab for the spider's left side of the breast with the now drawn wakizashi while saying "What's your problem?"

Clankritich is struck, but doesn't flinch from the blow. His metal claws, while too slow to block the sword, grasp ahold of the blade and give it a wrenching tug, the spider's strength threatening to tear the weapon from its wielder's grip.

Akamatsu has the blade yanked out of his grib but the larger one replaces it and takes a slash at the spiders stomach he now appears to have abandoned all pretense of asking what's wrong now seeming more concentrated on getting the car sized spider off.

Again, the sword bites into Clankritich's fat spider-body, this time eliciting a hiss of static from the vocalizer that's apparently an untranslatable expression of pain. Clankritich grabs at the Wakizashi with another claw, giving it a yank and spraying yellow haemolymph from the woundas he snatches it away from Akamatsu. Then the spider heaves both swords in opposite directions across the docking bay.

Akamatsu rolls out from under the car sized spider and takes his mantis style stance deciding the swords are a bit too far away to try and get right now. He prepares to defend himself. But not until trying to deliver a swift kick to the sliced open stomach of the spider.

The strike lands, but not hard enough to cause another serious injury. Clankritich lashes out with four of his legs, grasping and attempting to pin the human to the ground like a bug.

Akamatsu is pinned again and this time it hurts a bit but give up? Not this ronin. He throws a temple strike for the bug not sure if bugs even really have temples but aiming for the same area he would on a person wildly trying to get out of the pin.

The punch lands somewhere near one of the big spider's eyes, causing him to flinch slightly but not let go. The B'hiri attempts to get a firmer grasp on Akamatsu so as to prevent the human from getting any more punches or kicks in.

Akamatsu isn't about to let that happen batting away wildly to keep the arms from getting hold of him and aims another temple strike obviously thinking confusing the spider will help.

Clankritich catches the punch in midair, grasping the wrist and twisting the arm around in another attempt to pin the human. The giant spider spins a cord of webbing to tangle Akamatsu up with and prevent him from moving.

Akamatsu stops that plan making the web only tangle around his left arm making a stylish armband and punching at the spiders temple again with the right.

Just a little love tap. Clankritich continues spinning the strong, gluey webbing to wrap Akamatsu up in a neat little bundle.

Akamatsu has his arms entangled? A problem? Yes. Defeat? Not quite. The ronin stil has two very capable feet and knows how to use them it would seem as a kick goes right for that still open katana wound.

Clankritich just barely manages to catch the foot before it impacts, and whips a loop of webbing around the legs in order to immobilize those as well.

Akamatsu bats whatever orafice the goop is coming from the other direction with the left foot and takes another shot at the slice wound with the right. He is one persistent ronin.

The foot is snared in sticky webbing, and the kick fails to connect, allowing Clankritich time to spin another coil of web around the legs.

Akamatsu is entangled almost completely and is getting desperate. He goes for the last thing he knows to do in a situation like this. A headbut to the Spiders skull.

Clankritich doesn't have a skull! So that plain is a wash. The headbutt brushes against his bristly cephalothorax, though. The spider moves out of head-butting range, and tosses on a few more layers of web.

Akamatsu does a two legged hop to his feet taking the extra web but not before half head butting half falling head first onto Clank's original stab wound.

That's enough to hurt, however, it isn't enough to put the big spider down. As akamatsu falls, Clankritich catches him with another cable of web, right in the face, wrapping the ronin up tight enough that he can no longer move. The cybernetic B'hiri steps back and slumps half to the ground, eying Akamatsu. The B'hiri is silent for a long minute. Then he raises one big, heavy, dangerous looking metal claw, positions it over Akamatsu's face, and all too suddenly... pats him gently on the head. "dearie me, that was quite the fight you put up." She says in a soft voice.

Akamatsu mostly just mumbles incoherently through the webs but if one could see his expression right now it would probably be one of utter shock.

"now now." The B'hiri tuts. "no more of that from you." The B'hiri focuses her main eyes on Akamatsu, and there's a sudden tension in the air. The vocalizer singsongs, "nap-tiime."

Akamatsu resists the sleep psionics but is resonably tired for it and stops struggling almost completely.

"there we go." Clankritich croons sweetly, grabbing the webbed-up Akamatsu by the ankle and pulling him along towards the service lift. "why don't we take a nice trip to the medbay and get these little scratches looked at." The B'hiri is indeed leaving drips and drops of yellowish ichor behind her as she exits the docking bay.

Akamatsu lets himself be dragged to tired to put up much of a fight other than the occasional grumble.