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Mek Daerkkan

[[Image:{{{image_name}}}|none|240px|Mek Daerkkan]]
Species or Race Pyracani (Race)
Gender Male
Height 195cm (6'5")
Weight 86kg (190lbs)
Skin Color N/A
Hair Color Matte Black
Eye Color Blue
Biological Age 30
Date of Birth 17.05.1622
Died Still
Spouse Single
Residence MCV Alopex
Profession Special Forces
Employer Pyracan Military
Character name Mek


- Standing at about 6’ 5”, this Pyracani is slightly taller than average, but makes up for it by only being around 190 lbs. Don’t mistake him for weak however, his mass may make him seem as such, but it is all dense muscle forged into a relatively impressive form. His fur is a deep matte black, lightening to a dark charcoal color in odd almost tribal tattoo patterns. His eyes are a deep blue color, fading to a lighter ocean blue at the edges. Detracting from his otherwise relatively attractive form, are an impressive collection of scars. Denoted by slightly lighter shades of fur, he has amassed many of them; anywhere from small holes, to longer slashes, and everywhere in between. However the most ambiguous feature to this Pyracani is that his left arm, lower right leg, and left eye area have been replaced by machines due to a field injury. The mechanized limbs are made of metal, and his eye is an ominous red color.

- As for clothing and armor, he strays away from the normal Pyracani fashion, and travels light. Instead of the standard kilt, he wears a black pair of cargo pants and combat boots. For a shirt, he wears a modified, tight fitting tee shirt; its left arm is a long sleeve, and the right is sleeveless. He also wears a black tactical glove on his left paw, and keeps a slightly longer set of bangs to cover up his mechanical eye. His only jewelry is his dog tags, with a small tribal pendant attached to the chain. Attached to his belt is a combat dagger; mounted parallel to the floor, and to his back right side; and to his right outside thigh is his personal handgun; and a drop leg pouch on his left leg for extra storage.


- "I was once just a normal pup, trying to find his way into the world. I don’t remember my mother, she died in child birth along with two would be brothers, and a would be sister. I never knew my father well, I was told he was a Bio-Analytical Chemist, but after my mother died he went into a depression and joined the military. They say he died in an accident at the lab with a deadly virus, but that’s as much as I’m allowed to know. Since I was already living on a military base, I was adopted by a local pack and kept on base. As per Pyracani tradition, I was initiated into the church, but I’m not the most religious person. I had fun, made 2 or 3 friends, but I tended to stay in the back of crowds, and I wasn’t very competitive. Life was alright for me, but then when I was ten or so, I was invited to join into an extremely secretive program to make highly trained military Special Forces at the Laobhe Academy.

- When we started, it was mayhem, there were fifty or so of us being put into this program. We were all paired with a handler and put through rigorous training for around ten years. And let me tell you, those ten years changed us, they made us stronger, faster, and better than most current operators in the field; but it changed our personalities as well. My best friend while I was there, Vekk, started out as the real comedian and ladies guy, but as time went by, he became increasingly cold. He still cracked jokes, but he was never as funny or as consistent as he was in the beginning. As we progressed, we were all assigned specialties according to our strengths and weaknesses; mine was stealth, infiltration, espionage, and such. However with such great rewards, came great cost. Out of the initial fifty-two Pyracani inducted into the program, by the time we were in our seventh year of training…. there were only twenty of us remaining. Most couldn’t keep up with us, some were to severely injured to continue, and even some died during accidents on training operations.

- After our sixth year in the program we all chose college major to study, I chose computer security systems. I studied the ways of computer hacking, infiltration, information gathering, and related information for four years. Finally after all that time, effort, loss, and practice; left with only nine from the original fifty-two; we were deployed into the Hivan War.

- We were put in a squad of Pyracani marines downrange, and our first mission was to assist in the Zaluan Liberation. We worked together with many other forces including the Hekayti and the Falari to free the sentient slaves of Zaluan. We may have only been about 21, but still we were the best damn team out there. From that point on we went on regular high risk, sensitive, and extremely classified missions; and we never failed a mission, ever. I was promoted to team leader in the following years, and put in control of Echo Team. A team of four, including me; but more often than not, I was sent on solo missions. Whether it was assassination to Intel-gathering, I was usually sent alone, and without backup; so everything I did was extremely hazardous.

- One of the few missions I went on with my team was to the Battle of Glornish Station. Echo team was designated the generator and reactor rooms to clear. After we cleared most of the area, we received a distress call from another normal marine squad working in our area, so naturally we went to help them out of a tough spot. However, it was actually an ambush, set up by one person from the other squad who had gone traitor. We were caught off guard because of the nature of the call, and two of my team went down immediately; but Vekk, who was my second, and I kept fighting. We killed at least 20, maybe more, but no matter how many we managed to kill, more of the mercenaries just kept showing up. At last, Vekk was mortally wounded; a round came in his lower center mass, puncturing a lung. I was being suppressed by four others and I couldn’t help him. I had to watch that fucking traitor come out and execute him right in front of me… just as I was about to be overwhelmed, another platoon came into the area as reinforcements. He ran; and I ran after him; we wove through other firefights and battles, but I just kept focused on him. I was right on his heels when he turned left into a very tight corridor of the station… and threw a grenade over his shoulder at me. There was no way for me to get away, and it almost literally blew me apart. It took my left arm up to the shoulder, the lower half of my right leg, and my left eye and the tissue around it. That should have been the end, but Delta team; the other team from our group; heard my distress calls and found me. Their five man team lost two trying to rescue me and get me back to the base for treatment. I had lost all of my team, and two of another team, trying to get me out of there; and for that I can never forgive myself.

- I would have been happy to just live the rest of my life in solitude, but because of my skillset, and training, it was decided that they were to replace my damaged parts with cybernetic ones, and add a few extra things to increase my abilities. After about three years of rigorous therapy, I was finally combat ready. My first mission back, to find that traitorous bastard; and I was more than happy for a shot at revenge. He was one of our own; he went through the same program as us, so needless to say he was good. But not good enough; it wasn’t long before I tracked him down. I had worked through many underground and mercenary connections I had become very connected with the underground. I didn’t like it, but I did what I had to. When I found him, It must have seemed like a nightmare to him; being attacked by a cybernetic ghost from his past. I killed him; I tore him apart piece by piece, and then burned his body. After I turned in his dog tags, I was given a while to rest. I thought about leaving, maybe trying to find a mate, settling down, having kids; but then I thought, who would ever be able to love me with my history and my current appearance? So I came back, and was assigned here. As far as I am aware I am one of three survivors from that original fifty-two members; two males, one female; we keep in touch, but it’s difficult.”