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Messages in the Snow

Summary: The DMC Team visit the abandoned village where the mysterious natives originated and learn something of their past.

Cast: Katrin Wyri Ruin Vessa Tharsis Alaria Akamatsu

Air Date: January 13, 2654

Setting: Tavros

Landing Clearing - Tavros - <Tavros>

A clearing appears in the otherwise heavy brush and jungle-like environment of Tavros. Spread about fifty feet in each direction, it is a flat area with a rich soil underfoot. Perhaps a testament of previous visitors to the planet, or a natural anomaly, the clearing is a perfectly spherical location and the soil untouched by plant life.

Right on the edges of this peculiar spot, the wildlife springs up thick and wild. Several foreign strains of plants grow unhindered, creating almost an unbroken barrier to try and force a way through. A small game trail does exist, leading further into the forests. Off in the distance, rising high above the already massive trees are a range of mountains, ascending so far up that the peaks disappear into the misty sky.

Contents: Exits:
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Tharsis grins. "It is, actually. My brain needs a rest now and then just like yours."

Vessa chuckles and cracks an eye in Tharsis' direction as she stands leaning against a crate, other eye still closed and keeping the other side of her face turned away for the moment. "Well, a good bit of exploration should help then." she says with a grin. "Don't want a tired brain after all."

"Indeedy... I'm always up for some exploration. Who knows what we might find out there." Tharsis says.

Vessa closes the eye again, "I wonder what we will find. I hope it is something cause we really need a clue."

"Anything to shed more light on the mystery behind this planet and its people." Tharsis says. "Every question we answer seems to bring up two more."

Katrin bounces down the ramp of the Devil May Care, humming to herself and checking the sword around her waist. "Do you have your team assembled, Vessa?" she asks, looking around with a lifted brow. Shuffling behind her is Amina who looks a bit uneasy.

Vessa grins, "That is usually the way of it." she finally opens her eyes as Katrin moves down the ramp but keeps her head turned so her temple is still pointed towards the forest, "Not all of them yet Boss. Hoping more will arrive soon."

Tharsis looks at his mobile emitter on which he taps a couple keys. "I'm all set to go. I've adjusted my emitter for maximum sensitivity, hopefully it'll pick up anything interesting out there while we make our way along."

"I know that you were interested in heading to the mountain ranges, Vessa," Katrin says. "Amina has been reluctant to speak on the matter. It frightens her. They are a significant distance off so I was hoping that perhaps Tharsis could fly us there and back much faster?"

Vessa forgets to not turn her head and does so, course a lovely bruise graces the temple there, "Oh, well it would be faster. Tharsis, would you mind?" looking back at the forest she sighs, "Though a hike would have been nice." Vessa is standing and leaning against a crate next to Tharsis, and Katrin, with Amina in tow, is by the ramp to the ship.

Akamatsu steps off the DMC not too long after Katrin, saying to Vessa as he happens to catch what she said about more people showing up "Well, wish granted then. Here I am." The ronin has a bit of a smirk on his face until he checks out that nice shiner he gave Vessa and he notes "How's your head, Vessa?"

"Not at all, I'd be happy to shuttle us up there." Tharsis says.

"Seeing the condition you and Majors came back in last night, I have no desire to go trekking through the jungle right now," Katrin replies with a chuckle. "We can hike the area another time." She gestures to Tharsis the ship. "Why don't we board and head on over."

"I swear and swear again," Alaria tuts, hurrying down her own ramp toting her medkit. She frowns at Vessa, looking her over. "Oh bother, I'll have to patch you up on Tharsis. Come along."

Vessa is about to respond to Katrin when Alaria bustles over, "Huh? Uh okay." to Aka she says, "Still attached thankfully." to Katrin sounds good. Though a thorough search of the planet wouldn't be a bad idea for the future, then you know how high to build the walls." to Tharsis she says, "Thanks, that is awesome." standing she moves ahead to follow up the ramp to Tharsis.

Tharsis heads up his ramp, and after a few moments his engines kick on and begin to warm up.

Akamatsu smirks a bit and follows Vessa up the ramp and notes to Alaria "You know swearing and swearing again has a bit more impact if you actually swear." He keeps smirking as he says it, apparently trying to be funny.

"Akamatsu, please stop beating Vessa up," Katrin says with a sigh. "I know she asks for it sometimes - I believe the woman is a glutton for pain - but I need her brain not swishing about between her ears." She follows Tharsis up the ship, Amina trailing along silently.

Alaria pouts. "I'm not all that good at swearing..." She lifts a brow. "You enjoy pain, Vessa?" she asks, heading up Tharsis' ramp to make for the bridge.

Vessa sighs, "No, not really. I can just ignore it really well most times. And I was bored and wanted to try my new toys. Seemed Aka was bored too."

Once everyone's aboard, Tharsis closes his boarding ramp and lifts off, banking around to head towards the mountain top. "Welcome aboard Tharsis Airlines, we hope you have a pleasant flight." he says.

"A comedic talking ship," Katrin muses. "I have to wonder yet again about the technology in this universe..." she muses.

Akamatsu nods at Vessa's statement to Katrin before askign her "What exactly are those guns called, anyway? I didn't even really see what they were shooting other than that they hurt then they hit. Quarters were a bit to close to be that observant." To Alaria he adds "Just wait. It'll come to you. Probably while we're under attack by something at some point."

Alaria giggles as she pulls Vessa over to a cushioned seat. "Thar's so silly." Her smile quickly fades. "Right, bruises." She turns to Akamatsu, leering. Then turns back to try and patch up Vessa's booboos.

Vessa sucks in a breath at the quick motion and grunts trying o get a breath as she sits, "Gimme..a min Toaster n I'll show you."

Mountain Summit - Tavros - <Tavros>

The tunnels eventually open up to an entirely different climate. It is an eternal winter here, with snow occasionally falling, but the temperatures never rise much above freezing. A wide flat area has been carved into the mountain face and the ruins of an old village still remain.

The buildings are mostly made of stone, perhaps from the mountain itself. Many roofs have collapsed in from the sheer weight of build up of snow. It looks to have been a civilized culture. At the center of the small village is an old clock tower with the hands frozen on the time 6:54. There are no clues as to where the villagers went, or how long they have been gone.

Tharsis approaches the summit. "Whew... getting awfully cold out there. Let's see... that looks like a good spot." he says as he circles around and slows to hover over a wide flat area in the center of the village next to the clock tower. Descent thrusters firing he lowers down and extends his landing gear. Suddenly he lurches a bit and adjusts his course to stay lined up with the landing zone. "Wow.. that's some serious wind gusts... looks like there's a snow storm out there." With a soft thump, he makes contact.

Standing in the centre of the village, Wyri looks up at the old clock tower with hands that never move. Hearing the sounds of starship engines carried on the wind, he tears his dark blue eyes away from the clock tower, pulls his jacket tighter about his shoulders, and starts to limp towards Tharsis, his cane ticking like a time piece as he does.

It certainly is cold outside. The snow blows down, swirling around the ship and all over the small mountain plateau. All is silent. Abandoned. So far up, even the animals do not venture from their hiding spots. It is a place of mystery, with only small clues left behind to tell the story of what happened.

Inside the ship, Katrin bundles herself up with a heavy wool coat and gloves, frowning. Amina sits in the corner, likewise bundled but sunken down into a listless silence, staring at her hands.

Vessa draws one of the guns used and shows it to Aka while trying to put on hold weather gear, "Thats it." still trying to get a full breath.

Akamatsu is always ready for a snowstorm with that nice red coat of his. All the ronin adds to his ensemble at this point are some leather gloves. With that the ronin simply awaits the crew to be ready and examines the weapon a bit.

Tharsis re-tunes his mobile emitter for the wintery conditions. "I'm gonna crank up the internal heaters for when we get back. I figure everyone's going to be pretty cold."

Wyri folds his free hand behind his back as he approaches Tharsis. The wind tugs at his jacket and pulls at his hair, but it doesn't seem to bother the seven foot something Aukami all that much as he waits for the crew, occasionally glancing around to the ruins about them.

"Perhaps an understatement of the matter," Katrin replies as she starts towards the airlock. She pauses and turns toward the assembled group. "Spread out. Make sure that you don't go anywhere alone. Check the village for any evidence of what could have happened here and more importantly, why. We need to know more about the natives and their situation. If you have any problems, call on the comm." She takes a deep breath and goes plunging out into the cold.

Alaria tweaks her holo-emitter to appear garbed in furs. Picking up her medical bag, she moves to Katrin's side, and salutes dutifully, pairing up with a security fellow. He's /rather dashing/.

Akamatsu pairs himself with a security member and says to the group in general "I suppose we'll take the southwestern section. Permission to engage hostiles that aren't the natives if we come across them? Like carnivorous deer for example?"

Tharsis also pairs up with a security member. "Time to see what we can see." he says as he extends his boarding ramp.

"I was informed you would be here, and here you are..." Wyri's voice carries easily above the wind when he finally catches sight of Katrin. He runs an olive tinged hand through his hair, dislodging dust that's been blown into it.

Katrin crosses the empty space between herself and Wyri, nodding. "Amina won't speak about this place," she replies. "We would appreciate if you could offer insight as we find things." She gestures to the group. "Get moving and constant communication. If there's a problem, I want to hear about it as it's happening." A pause. "Yes, if you run into anything hostile, defend yourself. However if it's sentient, avoid killing." She rubs her hands up and down her arms, looking miserable and cold."

"Killing..." Alaria chews her lips, then shrugs. That's what the hawt security guy is for. She beckons him as she moves off towards the village, after giving Wyri a sad look.

Akamatsu begins to head towards the southwest with a glance and nod to Wyri as he does so. Bob, his security partner, follows suit and judging by the look on his face is wondering how he managed to get paired with the slashhappy former samurai before him.

Tharsis takes a brief glance around the village once he disembarks, and looks for a building that may have been used at the town's city hall or at least some sort of administration. Selecting a likely candidate, he heads off in that direction, his sensors keeping watch around him as he does.

Ruin gives his assigned security partner a sort of resigned shrug, makes use of his inhaler, and takes out his PDA. Looking around, he heads for a path to follow, taking notes and photos as he goes.

Vessa starts heading off in the direction of the village she seems to forget she has a security officer partnered with her for the most part she just moves from building to building.

"I will assist where I can." Wyri replies with a bow. "It's nice to see again." He adds, a thin smile resting on his scarred lips. The Aukami tucks his free hand into the pocket of his jacket. Even people as sexy as him feel the cold. "I also wanted to let you know... a cure has been synthesised. It's ready for distribution."

Most of the buildings are abandoned, with evidence of a quick flight, even after so many years. Off in the distance is a large house that appears to have suffered a great deal of damage, both from the elements and from other means. The door is broken in and windows smashed.

Katrin stands with Wyri and nods. "What are your plans in terms of distribution?" she asks quietly. "Have you tested it yet to see how quickly it works? What exactly was the illness?"

Akamatsu continues on his path continuing to examine empty building after empty building and reporting in a generic "Clear." on the commlink whenever he finishes a building with nothing. Each time he does so his tone grows increasingly bored.

"Don't dawdle now, this way," Alaria chimes to the ever-watchful security fellow she's trailing along. "Oh goodness, Akamatsu, don't sound too excited," she replies over the frequency, moving towards the broken house in the distance.

Tharsis brushes some snow and dirt off of one of the computers that appears to be operable. Pulling a cable from his mobile emitter, he links it to the system and initates a startup, using some of his own juice to power the system. "Let's see if these people were meticulous in record keeping." he says, glancing about the room. "As fast as they seem to have left, they may not have had enough time to wipe this system. At least I hope.." Once the system gets going, he attempts to access it.

Ruin approaches that off-to-the-side destroyed house, looking it over curiously. Style and manner of construction, construction materials, cause/s of destruction. Hidden areas, if any.

Vessa looks in curiosity at the large house and begins to head in that direction, no longer really remembering she has a security guy who scrambles after her.

"I haven't thought as far ahead as distribution, but this disease, is no disease at all," Wyri explains. "I don't know how much you know of these people, but it seems they were created. Their creators built a fail-safe into their very brain, stopped it from manufacturing a chemical needed for survival, so that if the creators were ever killed, or ever left, their creations would die out. If they wish to survive, they will need to have continuous access to my drug. As of yet, it's not been tested on a human... but my calculations are correct. I'm sure of it." Wyri sighs and rubs his forehead. "It's a puzzle box if ever I've seen one.

The house proves to be as abandoned as the others but even as people venture inside, it's easy to see the wake of destruction. There is broken pieces of art, smashed wood, even odd traces of what appear to be blood still staining the floor. This building was not brought down by time, but by anger. Further back, there is an open door that has a set of stairs leading downward.

As Tharsis begins his search through the computer system, he is halted by data encryptions and security that far exceeds the everyday user.

Katrin sighs, "Clever," she murmurs. "I suppose if I were an evil genius looking to play creator, I would want a similar fail safe programed in. Perhaps we will find more answers as to their purpose here, in this village. It is certainly more advanced than you would expect of such a primitive people."

Alaria wrinkles her nose, despite not being able to detect scent. She looks over the blood, carefully stepping over the smashed wood and making her sessy assistant pick up beams in the way. "Ah! There's a door here, Vessa. Think we ought to wait for Akamatsu?"

Akamatsu happens to catch that statement said over the commlink and replies "I'll be there in a second." With that the bored tone in his voice ceases and he runs off at a quick pace with his security friend to see what the commotion at the house is.

Tharsis widens his eyes and whistles a bit. "Whatever's in here, someone didn't want it read by just anybody." he says. "Well.. I'm not just anybody." he says, furrowing his brow and begining a titanic battle of bits.

Ruin bends down, carefully - almost gently - putting shreds of painting together, to photograph and compare against his PDA. "...The home of a master, I suspect," he says quietly. "These things have less meaning to someone who's not familiar with Vessa calls over to Alaria, "Why bother to wait? I don't expect random attacks here. I don't think you need worry overmuch." she keeps searching, being careful not to do further damage to the place and heads into one room or another.

"It's my hope that today sheds some light on the many questions I have. With you approval, I will show the natives how to mass produce the drug they require, and how to administer it to themselves." Wyri extracts his hand from his pocket, looking over his veins for a moment. If he has access to the DMC's commlink chatter, his commlink isn't switched on. "Ah... my mission is complete."

Katrin looks up at Wyri and nods. "Yes, they will need it if they are to survive," she agrees. "Speak with Amina. She will do what she can to assist you, I am sure even though she chooses to remain with us." She smiles briefly. "If your mission is complete, does that mean that you are going to return to us?"

The door is open and inviting, waiting for someone to go down the stairs. Below is a far more advanced lab than what would otherwise be seen in the village. Here there is the most evidence of violence, blood liberally splashed across the floor. Shattered vials could even hold trace elements of the synthesized cure that Wyri just procured. A holographic projector sits on a table, connected to what appears to be a video journal. But it's also data encrypted.

"A-all right Vessa, if you say so..." Alaria follows the women down the stairwell, beckoning for Ruin before pausing at the horrific sight. "Mind yourself," she murmurs to Vessa, moving to look over the projector. She flips the switch and sighs. "Seems we'll need someone to crack this."

Ruin descends the stairs, looks over the lab, lips pursed. He heads over to the projector as Alaria switches it on, and sets fingers to keyboard. Typing quickly. Machines, he's definitely at home with.

Akamatsu comes a sprinting inside the house, just in time to see them descend the stairs and makes to follow them, hopefuly with security guy in tow. As he catches up he notes to Alaria "Thanks for waiting."

"Now this is interesting... complete biographical files on subjects in some sort of project... including DNA profiles." Tharsis says. "Let's see what else is in this treasure trove." He begins to fight once again against the system's encryption, but while he does, he also starts a comparison of Amina's DNA from his earlier scan to the DNA profiles in the file.

Vessa shoots a grin Alaria's direction. "It's fine, he wasn't that far off and there is nothing here." she looks confused at the warning, "Mind myself doing what?" she meanders over to the projector as Ruin works his mechanical mojo, "Nice." she murmurs.

"It's a long road... I haven't been part of the... collective, for long, yet I find it harder and harder to remember a time when my mind was exclusively my own. I fear even should I manage to separate myself, a part of them will be with me forever, if only for the imprint they've left." Wyri scratches his chin in thought. "Perhaps I should talk to Amina. She has started down the journey I must walk."

There is an electronic backfire, as it were, when Tharsis tries to hack into the next set of files. It goes sizzling back with a pop toward the positronic brain.

As Ruin successful hacks through the first set of firewalls, the holgraphic projector turns on and a portly man appears wearing a white lab coat. "Day six hundred and eight. The Collective is showing signs of greater unity. Doctor Venner is worried that their ambivalence is growing towards us but I assure him that with the way they were made, it is entirely impossible for them to rise up against us. He is determined to return to Comorro and retrieve further help in keeping them in check." He pauses, fussing with his glasses. "We are standing on the edge of a major breakthrough in terms of understanding how the brain functions in a community situation." The entry ends. Would you like to continue to a later date?

Katrin stands in silence for a moment. She tilts her head as she listens to the chatter on her comm but then looks up at Wyri. "Come back to me, love. I know you have it in you to return. We will do whatever it takes to help you through this."

"W-well there's glass everywhere, you see. I don't want you getting hurt. Also, is anyone frost-bitten!" Alaria is cut off by the video diary. When it ends, she looks to the three others in the room, and gestures to Ruin, "Let's see another, then?" Akamatsu shakes his head a bit after seeing the first log and says simply "The idiots." To Alaria he adds "As for frostbite, I'm cold but I'll live."

Tharsis quickly routes commands back to his brain and enacts his defense protocols, which successfully keep the backlash from reaching him. "Whew.. that was close. But I'm not giving up yet..." Undaunted, he makes another attempt to crack the file, meanwhile continuing the DNA comparison.

Ruin ...does not appear to be pleased with what the projection has to say. But his tone is flat and calm as he says, "I'll give it a shot, getting more out of it, if you want."

Vessa looks at the glass then over to Alaria, "Not too worried about the glass at the moment cause I am funny armored. Been in far worse cold then this with far fewer layers, no worries." she listens to the journal, "The more we can get to the better Ruin, if you can." she says quietly and gives a little wave of greeting Aka's way, only sparing a small sympathetic smile for the poor security people who are standing looking awkward.

"I'm glad to hear that... I'll try..." Is all Wyri can muster, sadness in his eyes as he looks to Katrin. The Aukami turns away and starts limping off, back the way he came.

The system opens up to more files. This grouping being a general overview of the project. They were interested in the dynamics of group think and how it effects social relations. It is also paired with the possibility for a more able hunting force and tactics for military action.

The next video log shows a much more haggard face but still the same man. "Doctor Venner is dead. We should have listened to him but how were we to know that the experimentals would turn violent. They were never supposed to have the ability to grow and individualize themselves. They demanded their freedom but how do you explain to a thing grown out of a tube that they can't even comprehend what true freedom is? They've cut off our escape from this mountain. We can't mamke it back to the ships. They'll be coming for us soon... the only thing we can do is leave behind the recordings so people will know the amazing work we have accomplished. And be rest assured in the fact that the bloodlust in them will die as they do. Without their serum, they will die off. Slowly at first, but sure enough, they will all be dead."

Katrin watches Wyri limp off with her own sadness but shakes it off and starts walking toward the big house with her own security guard trailing after her. Talk about awkward.

After that highly ominous recording, Alaria steps away, frowning deeply. "I... I think we should... leave, yes? Yes, let's ah, let's get going. Come along Hubert!" she calls her security dude, but he simply sighs and catches her shoulder before she can get upstairs.

Akamatsu frowns a bit and shakes his head even more at the second recording, noting to himself "You'd think if they were bright enough to make sure the experiment died if they did that they'd be smart enough to set up base next to, oh I don't know, their own damned ship to get away." He continues shaking his head for a moment and repeats himself "Idiots."

Tharsis shakes his head as he reads the contents of the file. "Talk about Doctor Frankenstein... you'd think it was bad enough the Kamir tried it with the Hivers, these lunatics tried it with flesh and blood folks who from the sound of it had free wills of their own before this... project." he says frowning. "People playing God... gee, how often has /that/ worked out." Downloading the files to his memory banks, he begins to detach himself from the system. "Gotta head back inside, folks... my mobile emitter's starting to run a bit low."

Ruin shakes his head. "The only excuse for this level of stupidity is being the first to create Specialists," he says, with anger all the worse for being spoken softly. "And even then, they were blind. Humans make poor slaves. Through thousands of years of history we have been willing to fight our most bloody wars for the right to choose our own fate. We should advise Katrin to spread the cure and the process of creating it as soon as possible. These are people that will deeply resent forced indebtedness. If we don't prove we're different, their treatment of us will be the same as to their makers."

Vessa looks over to Alaria and shakes her head, "No need to fear right now." to Ruin she says, "I think Boss can hear you over the comm, as for the cure. From a defensive stand point, we should certainly give it to them speedily but only once we have Wyri back. I am not putting our man in danger, a very real one I might add, without need. Once he is back then I think they certainly should have it and the means to make it themselves." to Aka, "Because they were not thinking like soldiers, they were thinking like scientists. Most scientists don't need an escape route."

Katrin's voice crackles over the comm. "Yes, I can hear you. Save what you can so we can view it at a later point and head back to the ship. I think we're done here for the night. We can plan another trip up here at a later point to see what else is here."

That's all Alaria needs. "Okay, you heard the boss!" she chirps, rushing back upstairs and dragging her poor partner with her.

Akamatsu sighs a bit and turns to head up the stairs after Alaria saying to her "Somebody's eager to get out of here." To his security buddy he says "C'mon, Bob. You know you look like a guy who knows what he's doing. We should have a spar sometime."

Ruin isn't rushed. He takes the time to copy as much as he can of the opened files to his PDA to take to the ship for study, before shutting the lab down to follow after them.

Vessa heads off after Ruin a small grin of amusement at Alaria's reaction and tries to keep up with the others after waving her security guy ahead, "Go on, I am right behind you." she mutters.