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A Hostile Interaction

Summary: The DMC is attacked by the angry natives.

Cast: Katrin Wyri Vessa Akamatsu Alaria Tharsis Majors

Air Date: January 8, 2654

Setting: Tavros

Landing Clearing - Tavros - <Tavros>

A clearing appears in the otherwise heavy brush and jungle-like environment of Tavros. Spread about fifty feet in each direction, it is a flat area with a rich soil underfoot. Perhaps a testament of previous visitors to the planet, or a natural anomaly, the clearing is a perfectly spherical location and the soil untouched by plant life.

Right on the edges of this peculiar spot, the wildlife springs up thick and wild. Several foreign strains of plants grow unhindered, creating almost an unbroken barrier to try and force a way through. A small game trail does exist, leading further into the forests. Off in the distance, rising high above the already massive trees are a range of mountains, ascending so far up that the peaks disappear into the misty sky.

Contents: Exits:
{{{contents}}} {{{exits}}}

Majors exits the Devil May Care clad in his smartsuit and armed with his vast collection of killy things. Two nicotine patches are on his neck.

Vessa follows Majors out of the ship clad in her heavy smart suit, her killy things hidden except for her rifle over her shoulder.

All seems exceedingly quiet around the clearing. Sun is just starting to set along the horizon. Katrin steps out of the Devil May Care, two members of security walking behind her. Between them walks Amina. Or at least she used to walk with them, right until she hits the fading sunlight. She gives a shriek and jumps back into the safety of the ship.

Majors turns at the shierk and lifts a brow. "Oi... are you quite alright luv?" The Sivadian asks as he looks up towards the sun. "That.. is.. interesting."

Tharsis pops into view below his bridge module. "I heard a scream... what's wrong?" he says in a voice of concern.

Vessa looks over to Amina in concern then at the sun, "Hmm, I wonder if this is tied to the illness of theirs. Amina, did your people need to hide from the sun at the same time as the pain started?"

"We abandoned our homes in the pinnacle of the heavens for refuge beneath the earth when we were punished for our sins," comes Amina's voice from inside the Airlock of the DMC. "We do not like the light. We hunt and forage at night. It offers excellent vision at night."

Katrin frowns, arms crossed over her chest once more. "Perhaps you should have mentioned that a bit sooner, my dear," she says mildly. "The sun should be going down in about half an hour. Then you can join us outside."

"Hmm.. I swore I told Vessa about that." Majors muses before offering Amina a smile. The Sivadian clomps down the ramp and yawns slightly.

Tharsis looks very curious. "Definitely not natural.." he says, and his primary sensor array activates, taking a few scans of Amina as she stands in the DMC's doorway. "Photosensitivity, but what is the cause."

Vessa nods to Majors, "You told me they don't like the light yes. But not when that started and I thought you informed everyone, not just me." she sighs then shakes her head. "Wyri needs to hear about that, I wonder if that would help find a cure."

"Any guesses why this could be, Tharsis?" Katrin asks, looking across to the hologram. She frowns, looking in the direction of the jungles. "Now how bad is it to be in the sun?" she asks. "Mild discomfort, or screaming in agony because it feels like you're about to die?"

Amina is quiet before speaking. "We do not like the sunlight. It is... there are no words that can explain it. The pure agony that we feel, like something is dying inside of us."

"That is not a pleasant idea." Majors says with a small frown. But he moves towards the base of the ship and scans the jungle beyond.

"That's... odd... I'm getting some strange readings from her." Tharsis says. "But it explains their pain. Their cellular metabolism increases dramatically when exposed to sunlight, like the aging process kicks into high gear. I'm not certain why that is... it may take further study of their cells."

Vessa raises a surprised eyebrow, "Hmm, maybe it increases the speed of the necrosis in the brain that Wyri mentioned as well. It sounded like they didn't age though." she asks sounding confused. "Or maybe I just don't get all this sciencey stuff."

The sun is still inching its way closer to the horizon until only a small sliver of a bright orange sphere remains. "Now, as cold as this may sound, can we use this to our advantage?" Katrin asks. "If I were a mad scientist looking to create life from a test tube, I would build in some fail safes to ensure that they couldn't overthrow me. These may be those coming around since they killed off their makers."

Amina peeks out of the airlock. "Ziad will know more since he is still welcomed into the collective."

"I suppose I can get us a proper flashlight shortly if you want to play insane scientist." The Sivadian offers with a soft chuckle. "Hmmm.. Has anyone though of visiting this former homes in the mountains or sky or whatever luv?" The Sivadian states. "Get the story from the corpse's mouth directly?"

Tharsis ponders, a hand to his chin. "That may very well be, that it is a failsafe. But it limits them to something they appear equipped to handle with superior night vision." he says. "But other fail safes may be at work here."

Vessa looks at the ship then Katrin, "Perhaps we should invite our other guest up for a brief question and answer session." she looks thoughtful, "I like the idea of checking out their previous home, that might provide some much needed explanation."

Alaria appears near Tharsis, catching Vessa's last comment. "Other guest? Pardon, been busy in the lab, what have I missed?"

"Depending on how long they have been here, however, they could adapt," Katrin points out. "I would see it all of the time in Fastheld. They would grow to better protect themselves." A brief moment of hesitation before she nods. "Yes, someone bring out Ziad. Time for a reunion." One of the DMC security members scampers inside to retrieve the other native.

Amina actually pokes her head out now that the sun is down. "This time of day is pretty," she muses. "The village is high at the peak," she says, pointing in the general direction of the far distant mountains. "We returned to the jungles after the Sin and hide in the caves."

"Well.. there we go. I have a general idea of where this old home was.. we can see about going over it sometime. Likely give us a differnt point of view if they lived there with their Fathers." Majors comments before offering Amina a smile. The Sivadian then frowns for a time and looks at Katrin. "We know each other fairly well.. If you want I can give him a few minutes of attention while he is in the hold." "I'm up for a field trip." Tharsis says. "The more clues we can find to unravel this mess the better off we'll be."

Vessa looks in the direction that was indicated, a small frown on her face, "Yes, we should go take a look but we need to keep the ship and surrounding area safe." Everyone is standing around chatting except Amina who is just peeking out of the airlock.

Alaria can do little more than listen and take notes, peering up at Amina curiously.

"No, one of the others will go and fetch him," Katrin says, frowning as she looks up to the ship. The sun has set and this draws some concern from the Fastheldian woman as she waits. "Vessa, please begin setting up a stronger perimeter. There are crates and other sundries in the cargo bay that could be used as rough fortifications."

Amina hops lightly down onto the dirt, kneeling and touching the ground before she rises and ambles to stand next to Majors. "Ziad will not help you willingly," she says. "But the collective mind will use his vessel to watch over you."

Ziad is retrieved and brought out to join the group, two guards watching over him. His eyes focus in on Amina and they brim with hatred. "We are coming for you," is all he says.

"A pitty, I am well know to make birds sing under my care." Majors directs over at Katrin. Katrin gets a blink and the Sivadian nods over at Alaria and Tharsis. "We can crawl into a bloke or a bird for the trip and leave the Devil here." He says before offering Ziad a frown. "Are you? You are a silly man for tipping us off." The Sivadian sighs and looks towards the jungle. "Anyone mind if I start a wee fire?"

Wyri departs the ship after Ziad, watching the two that handle him with interest. The shadows under his eyes indicate that he hasn't had much sleep since the last time he left the ship, but that's the only indication. The Aukami looks around. "What's up, gang?"

"I think perhaps some additional defenses are in order. I can rig my holo-emitter to project a beam that would very closely approximate sunlight. If anyone approaches, they'll be in for a surprise." Tharsis says. "I can then travel using my mobile emitter, and leave myself here, to use it as needed."

Vessa salutes Katrin and calls over a few more security to help before heading into the ship to start retrieving crates.

Alaria greets Wyri with a small salute. "I suppose we're heading off somewhere. And, ah, yes, if needed, I'll be the transport. How often do you /crawl/ into /birds/, Thomas?" She eyes him.

"Please don't ask, Alaria," Katrin mutters, pinching the bridge of her nose. "You really do not wish to know the answer." She shakes her head. "And no, I don't trust our ability to put the fire back out. There is so much here worth studying that I worry about destroying something of importance." Wyri gets a brief smile but her attention looks back toward the jungles.

Amina shrinks back at Ziad's threat, hiding herself behind Majors. "I do not want to go back to them," she whispers. "I know what it means to be one voice now."

Ziad just smiles in satisfaction. "It matters not, foolish man. We destroyed our creators. We will destroy you, if necessary. Relinquish our voice. Return her to us."

"That is a real shame. Oh well." The Sivadian sighs deeply. Alaria gets a glance over and Majors lifts a brow. "It is best if you do not know those sort of things." He murmurs.

"I for one am completely up for starting a fire, destroying the local wildlife and the saints alone know how many natives." Wyri pipes up. His glowing blue eyes flash as he returns Alaria's salute and Katrin's smile, before he looks back to Majors. "Do we have a reason for wanting to set things on fire? Or is it just too damn pretty?" Mock sincerity isn't one of his finer points, but he manages to convey how little he thinks of setting fires in his tone.

"True, we aren't entirely sure of the flammability of the materials around here." Tharsis says. "One spark could burn off half a million acres."

Vessa carries out a crate with the other security members helping, setting down the crate she directs where the rest should go before heading back into the ship.

Alaria shudders. Then blinks. "What? Let's... not set anything on fire if we can help it."

There is a hiss and shift from the jungles all around, faint rustling of leaves, the occasional snapping of a twig. Katrin tenses and retreats to behind a crate. "Leave the fires alone for now and find a spot." She gestures for a more circular shape in the way the crates are set up, including the ships in the defensive lines. "They could come at us from any direction, so please prepare yourselves."

Amina sticks close to Majors side but shakes her head. "We do not burn things in the jungles. I do not know what could happen. But it would destroy the wildlife and our vegetation. We need that to survive."

Ziad stands passive, watching the location of where people are going and what they are doing with great interest.

Majors sniffs slightly and motions towards Ziad. "Put that bloke back in his box. All he is doing now is spying on us." The Sivadian says as he eyes the jungle. "No fire then."

Tharsis looks back to himself and a hatch underneath his hull opens to reveal a large cannon that drops down to click into place. "Defenses active..." he announces, fading his avatar out as his voice comes from the ship itself now. "Activating full spectrum sensor scan."

Wyri shakes his head, limping with the aid of his cane to where Katrin has taken cover. "I know now's not that time, but fire? Really?" He shakes his head again. "What's going on, Katrin?"

Vessa comes back out of the ship with the final load of crates and sets them up then looks back around as she hears the commotion in the forest, "Lets get him back into the ship." she indicates Ziad, "And you and you." she points to her helpers, "Take up those locations and keep an eye out, do /not/ go trigger happy. We do /not/ want to harm or kill anyone unless absolutely nessissary."

Alaria fidgets uneasily as sounds come from the forest. She looks around, tensing up, remoting bringing her turrets online as Tharsis does. But her avatar doesn't fade just yet; she's got people to put bandaids on if it comes to that.

"We have a group of hostiles moving in our direction, apparently to reclaim their two people," Katrin says, gesturing to Ziad and Amina. "We'll see if we can negotiate with them, but it is looking pretty grim right now."

Amina ducks down behind crate and sits there, looking around anxiously.

Ziad passively goes back onto the ship, smiling to himself.

Majors pulls out a rifle and readies himself. Negotiation or no, The Sivadian is looking to be prepared.

"I reading approximately 20 beings, approaching from all directions." Tharsis says grimly. "Classic flanking maneuver... they've been planning this."

"Considering our already... impaired..." Wyri's glowing eyes shift to Majors for a moment, "relationship with the natives, might I suggest that we back off? We stand little to gain from bloodshed." As Tharsis pipes up, the Aukami tenses. "We've meddled the affairs of that which we do not understand. Death, is our reward." Even so, he stands straight, ready to meet whatever comes.

Vessa listens to the information then nods, "Not surprising, they have done this before and it is a solid tactic. Lets try and avoid antagonizing though I suggest we prepare for a surprise attack. We do not want them to get close to the barrier. I would recommend a goodly distance between us and them when we speak and keep cover. Wyri, please take cover also could you set up a barrier around the crates to make sure they talk rather then attack first?"

Alaria's turrets swivel anxiously as her avatar flickers. She can only clutch her medical bag and step back a few feet, eyes on the forest.

"We are not here to fight," Katrin replies stiffly. "We have gathered valuable information that the natives might find useful, but they are rightfully angry by the perceived abduction of one of their own." She looks in Amina's direction with a grim expression. "Avoid killing at all costs but do not hesitate to protect yourself or anyone else here. There is still a large mystery of what is going on here that we need to solve."

Amina shrinks down, working on making herself all the smaller in the ground. Even with the psi-blocker, she whimpers, clutching at her head. "They're coming," she whispers. "They're knocking on the edges. They want to draw me back in. I don't want to go back. Please don't make me go back."

"Return our voices to us," A voice shouts from the jungle. "We demand their return and for you to provide the cure before you leave this place."

"Well mate.. I think not." Majors says mostly to himself as he tries to line his gun up to the source of the song. One corner of his mouth twitches upward for a brief moment.

Tharsis continues to monitor the incoming beings, pinpointing their positions. "But she does not desire it... that choice should be hers." he states, mostly to those around him.

"The cure is forthcoming. And, as the starship has observed, the girl does not wish to return. We cannot force her." Wyri adds his own two cents to the conversation, voice like shifting earth booming across the clearing. His glowing eyes seem to glow a little brighter as he attempts to weave a psionic shield around him and those closest to him. "Science, takes time." The Aukami adds simply. The group of DMCers appear to be gathered in the clearing, taking cover behind various objects, as voices speak to them from beyond the tree line. Tensions are high.

Akamatsu begins to exit the ship with a bit of a yawn before he hits the wall of tension and glances around to see those taking cover. The ronin quickly follows suit and asks to nobody in particular "Problems?"

Vessa raises her hood and begins using the HUD capabilities, "We would be happy to return the one voice who wishes to rejoin you, but the other does not wish to come. Allow her her freedom. As for the cure, we are working on it, we want nothing more than to cure you and stay safe, free, and alive ourselves."

"It appears that we find ourselves in a rather unpleasant situation," Katrin murmurs to Akamatsu before taking a breath and rising to her feet. She touches Wyri lightly on the arm before moving into clear view for those in the jungles. "I am Katrin," she says loudly. "This is my organization and these people are mine. With your permission, we will retrieve your voice known as Ziad. We have gathered much helpful information to isolating the cause of your illness but thus far, there is no cure. We ask for your patience in this. I know you are anxious to not lose more of your voices but without us... there is only waiting to see if another scientific organization will land and not just attempt to wipe you from this land." She makes a gesture and two men go to retrieve the native man.

Amina stays where she is, clutching the psi-blocker, though it seems it is not completely powerful enough to keep out all of the voices now that they are so close, reaching out and actively seeking her. "Make it go away... make it go away..."

Majors glances up as Tharsis' info pops into his HUD. A slight smile creeps across his face as the Sivadian moves into postition. As Katrin speaks the Sivadian nods along and readies himself.

Though there seems to be a division in the collective, with one side wavering and the other holding strong, it does not make a difference in this case. The second party, they seem somewhat angered by Katrin's words and they open fire with a series of spears and arrows.

Vessa ducks behind the crate and looks around to make sure no one gets hit. "Well, that went beautifully. They don't seem to like us very much." she notes dryly.

Akamatsu had peeked his head over the crate when Katrin began to address them but quickly puts it back down to avoid what's coming. The ronin makes a noise not unlike a growl and unsheathes the katana and reaches into his coat for the war fan. He waits for the order before doing anything actually harmful, however.

As soon as arrows and spears start flying, Wyri solidifies his psionic barrier, grimacing as the primitive projectiles bounce off of his shield. "It seems we've outstayed our welcome." He states the obvious, another spear bouncing off of the invisible shield. He folds the one hand not holding his cane behind his back and awaits orders as well.

"Woah, wait, wait, wait!" Katrin shouts as she goes diving back down behind the crate. "We have not raised our hands to you in violence. We aren't here to start a war. Please, just send a representative forward to speak with us. We'll make this as fair as possible. We want to have a peaceful resolution to this. No one else has to die."

Majors fingers his trigger for a moment as he watches the spears and whatnot land around him. "This.. this pitiful." The Sivadian sighs as he idly checks his HUD.

Once again, there seems to be a hesitation in half of the group but the other half only seems more and more intent on killing, throwing another wave of spears and arrows at the group. They all just bounce uselessly off of the crates. "Return us our voices," is the unified consensus.

Alaria drops the physical bag as her avatar goes transparent. The spears manage to miss her hull as well. Going solid again, she joins Vessa behind her crate and looks for any injured, but it seems they're in the clear for now.

The projectiles hit Tharsis' hull but do little more than make clanks against the metal. "Ok.. that's it... everyone cover your eyes!" With that, he modulates his holo-emitters to produce light all around him as intense as daylight, pushing the intensity to 6500K, his hope the bright light will cut through the darkness and the jungle to drive the natives off.

Vessa moves to shield Amina from the light so that she is not harmed by it. "Bloody hell, warn us next time before you do that man."

Akamatsu stays down behind the crate so as to not be affected by the light for the time being. He doesn't look incredibly happy about the way the situation is going but for now he simply asks Katrin "Orders?"

Wyri stands despite Tharsis' light, an angel bathed in holy fire, olive tinged hand clenched with his smouldering wrath! Well not really. After his eyes have adjusted to the new light, he checks to see how the others are doing, casting his glowing blue eyes about the clearing.

One last try. "I know that some of you don't want this," Katrin shouts. "We'll turn off the light and talk if you give up your arms and send a representative to speak with us. There has to be a better option outside of bloodshed." She covers her eyes against the light, trying to focus on her words instead.

Majors remains silent for now, only lazily dodging arrows and whatnot. "This is not very sporting. Clubbing baby seals." He says mostly to himself. The Sivadian has little else to add at the moment.

The words finally seem to be breaking through to the group and nothing else is thrown at the group. A long silence before a single voice says. "We will discuss options but we require our voices returned to us. Or we will not deal with you. Two of yours and two of ours."

Amina whispers in a soft voice. "I will go back."

Alaria needn't shield her eyes when Tharsis lights the clearing up. She peers over the crate, then looks to Katrin, biting her lip. If this doesn't help with the negotiation... well, at least they have Majors. Who is dodging like a mofo out there. But it seems Katrin has gotten through to them. "Phew..."

"No. No you will not." Majors says flatly over at Amina. The Sivadian creeps along trying to get closer to the natives before him.

Tharsis keeps the light going until he gets told otherwise. "She shouldn't have to go back if she doesn't want to, damn it!" he snarls.

Vessa speaks to Katrin from where she continues to shield Amina, "I would like to be one of the two if we go that way Boss. As for you going back Amina, that is your choice and only you should be the one to make it."

Akamatsu nods a bit at the agreement for a diplomatic end to this meeting, but keeps his weapons out and stays behind the crate all the same. To Katrin he asks "You want some bodyguards with you? For some reason I'm thinking only two of you going is begging for an ambush."

The Aukami lowers his shield. "She has made her choice." Wyri replies, to those in the clearing rather then those in the trees. "We must tread carefully. I will be one of the two. There can be no mistakes this time. And, if required, I can protect the other." He sounds adamant. "Someone will fetch my research notes and equipment."

Katrin growls softly, waving to Tharsis, "Turn off those lights before you blind us all," she says. She looks between those assembled, and then to Amina. "This is your decision," she says quietly. "This is your /life/. Whatever you decide, the DMC will support you in that." She gestures. "Bring out Ziad. He's going back." After hesitation, she nods. "Wyri will accompany me. He will be best suited to protect me should we run into any trouble and will not look particularly menacing since he does not carry weaponry." She unbuckles the sword sheathed at her side and lays it in the grass but moves some of her throwing blades from obvious positions to ones more hidden. Best not go anywhere completely unarmed...

Amina straightens her shoulders and nods. "I will go back. You cannot fight my battles for me," she says slowly. "Perhaps I can do some good on the other side." She focuses on Majors. "Thank you for everything you have done for me, Thomas Owen Conrad-Majors III." She takes a deep breath. "When you are ready, Katrin."

The hoard of natives moves back and two appear along the edge of the trees. They do not appear to be on particularly good terms. One is male, one is female, and both are naked save for belts about their waists and daggers dangling at their sides.

"It was.. a fun little journey luv." Majors says after a long pause. He gives Amina a small bow. "Till we see each other again luv." He adds before he starts to move backwards slowly. A thin frown is pressed across his lips.

Alaria's brows furrow as Katrin and Wyri offer up themselves in place of the two natives. Her frown deepens as Amina heads off as well. "Well," she murmurs to no one in particular, "Now what."

Tharsis shuts down his holo-emitters. "Now... we wait... I guess." he says. "I hope this is a good idea."

Vessa frowns at Wyri and Katrin in concern but otherwise doesn't say anything, she moves back away from Amina and gives her a respectful nod, "I hope your time with us was at least somewhat pleasant, it was a pleasure to meet you and I wish you the best." she then looks to the two new arrivals, "Greetings, please make yourself comfortable, I do ask that hands are kept from weapons on /both/ sides." finally looking to Kat and Wyri she says, "Take care of yourselves and keep in contact please." she points to her commlink, "If you need us we will be there right quick."

Akamatsu frowns at the lack of protection for his new employer in this little meeting but stays silent after she makes her decision. his weapons stay in his hands which dangle at his sides as he stands to his full height and watches.

Wyri doesn't look particularly pleased by the news that Katrin will be accompanying him either, but he nods. "I will protect her with my life." He says, turning to Vessa. "I hope you have good luck too." With that, he offers Katrin his arm, a smile tugging at his scarred lips for the irony of it all, and moments shared in days past. And so he limps towards the two waiting natives.

"Arm yourselves and be prepared," Katrin says to both Vessa and Majors. "They come at us and I want you to give us the back up fire needed so we can return here." She smiles grimly, taking Wyri's arm. "Ziad. Amina. If you please." She gestures them forward and the foursome head toward the waiting natives.

"Take the muffler from our voice," the female says, eying Katrin and Wyri with distain. The other is a little more polite, bowing. "We would like to avoid bloodshed if at all possible," he says simply. He gestures for the captive natives to join their side and stand out of the way.

"Quite the unfair trade." Majors states mostly to himself. The Sivadain does his thing and makes himself ready for any sort of danger that may come....Well not any sort of danger, his is quite unprepared for a timely wedgie of pantsing, but if one tried to shoot him? He could handle that right well.

Vessa salutes Katrin and nods to Majors before moving over to the two new people, "Hello, welcome and please make yourselves comfortable." she gestures politely to a crate for a seat.

Vessa salutes Katrin and nods to Majors before moving over to the edge of the perimeter and remains ready should things go wrong. Akamatsu moves a bit forward. Close enough that he can make out which way the meeting seems to be going, yet far enough to not be very threatening holding only melee weapons.

"The psionic disrupting device is there of her own will. It is not our choice, whether or not she removes it. You have my apologies. She is with your people now." Wryi replies, trying to put a soft edge on his usually rough voice as he returns the bow. He seems a little relieved when Amina moves further away from him. It'd be hard to shield anyone if he's forced to stand close to her. Aside from this first part, he says nothing for the moment, leaving the negotiations for the negotiator.

"We desire nothing more than to reach a peaceful arrangement between your people and ours," Katrin says quietly. "While we live in two very different cultures, we will always be able to find common ground. Our people want to build a home here on this wonderful planet. We want to live peacefully with you, be able to offer assistance to cure what has been ailing you." She extends a hand to the female who snubs her gestures and the male who does accept the hand to shake.

As this goes on, there is a sudden, blinding hatred that flares up from the direction of the jungle, aimed in the direction of the crew and specifically Katrin and Wyri. At the same time, Ziad jerks the male leader out of the way, pulling his dagger from the sheath in the same moment and lashes out. Directly at Amina who is caught unprepared and takes the blade deep into her stomach. The female leader takes the distraction to aim a telepathic assault to both people from the DMC team.

Vessa jumps over the crates then attempts to punch the one who stabbed Amina. "Bastard." she says with anger.

Ziad manages to evade Vessa's punch, yanking the knife out of Amina who crumples on the ground, whimpering in pain and swipes it at the attacking woman instead.

Akamatsu reacts just after Vessa and charges for the same man though with the slightly more lethal katana and tessen. The Katana aiming to stab him through the stomach as he did to Amina and the war fan aiming to slice his jugular.

Majors is far too away to try to help the stabbing in any case. A feral growl escapes the man as he pulls the trigger back from his hunting rifle. The man in armor seem less and less like a Sivadian with each passing moment and more like a proper Phyrrian as he works the bolt to issue another .700 nitro express round into Lady Thatcher.

Ziad yelps as he is able to dodge at least part of the attack but gets a deep gash across his chest, making it harder to move. He scrambles back, trying to reach the safety of the treeline.

The male leader is fired upon and he looks about with a bewildered look, also scrambling back. But this draws out an angry response from the natives with angry shouts and more emerging, armed and ready to fight. A group of five head for Vessa, Akamatsu, Wyri and an unconscious Katrin, bloodlust in their eyes.

Wyri feels an almost crippling wave of pain as another mind forces its way into his head. He clutches his forehead, eyes flashing white with pain before he sees the lady Katrin falling. It seems in the space of a second, chaos has erupted in the small clearing. People getting knifed. Wounded. Even shot at. "Enough!" The Aukami roars, he steps protectively close to Katrin, his only move to try and immobilise Ziad psionically. He'll just have to take another telepathic blow if it comes to that. "Cease fighting! There is still the chance of a cure! We can still save lives!"

Ziad is a slippery devil, slowed down by the attack but able to continue moving, as if running through a vat of molasses.

Alaria sighs lightly, continuing to look worried but at the ready, and not too pleased with bossy lady being used in bartering. Her gaze shifts to Wyri, just as Ziad buries his blade into Amina's middle. She doesn't quite notice the psychic attack, leaping out from the crate to run for the injured Amina. Despite all of the chaos going on, she tries to focus on stopping the bleeding, applying pressure with one hand and digging around in her bag with the other.

Katrin takes the hardest hit on the psionic attack. She's off on a mental vacation at the moment. No one is home. She's completely unresponsive to the activities going on around her.

The female leader gives Wyri a hard look, focusing a renewed attack on him when he goes after Ziad. At the same time, the group of new warriors turns on a dime together and split to attack the group with two running in Majors direction, weapons raised.

Majors turns up his back up psiblocker and readies his rifle. At this point in time, the Sivadian is firing off at the nearest pips on his HUD that do not come up as friendly.

Vessa runs over to the woman who was attacking Katrin draws her pistols shooting at the woman making sure to stand in front of the downed Katrin.

The Native Female leader shrieks as she is shot at, a slug going through her shoulder. It's enough to scare her off and she goes sprinting for the jungle.

Akamatsu grudgingly lets the fleeing natives get away from him and focuses instead on trying to stab the native coming at him through the stomach with his Katana. He closes the fan squeezing to reveal the hidden knife and stabs at the side of it's neck as well.

The native swings out of the way, trying to jab Akamatsu in the gut with the spear. I can't see that here.

Majors doesn't quite seem to be completely rational at this point in time. After witnessing what he does, the Sivadian focues on causing the greatest harm he can with the least amount of force he can muster. One can say he is a brutal beast, but one can never claim he is inefficient with the application of violence.

Another mental attack washes over Wyri, who manages to deal with it a little better this time, at least being prepared. His eyes shift to check that Katrin hasn't got a spear through her, before they shift back to the oncoming natives. "Alaria, take Katrin and Amina to safety, please! Vessa, we have to give the others time to pull back." He's probably stating the obvious. Even so, he meets the charging natives head on, aiming a telekinetic blast in their direction.

Alaria bandages poor Amina up as best she can, and nods to Wyri as he barks the order. "Yessir!" And up she hoists Amina, carefully. Then she stoops to take Katrin's arm and pulls her against her shoulder with strength that doesn't look quite right of someone her size. HOPEFULLY she will be given some cover as she makes her way back to her physical body, the women in tow.

Katrin is dead weight. Good thing she's not overly heavy to begin with.

Wyri's blast hits the attacking natives hard and they are blown back, knocked unconscious or dead. Hard to tell without stopping to study them. Ziad and the female leader make it back to the jungle line and to safety but the male leader stops just short of following them. "I thought you wanted peace..." he says, almost regretfully, before disappearing, leaving the DMC crew with a messy clean up.

Vessa curses loudly and with feeling, "Alright, everyone get the wounded and get back to the ship, if any of these natives are still alive we are taking them with us to help keep them alive. Aka and Majors cover our crew then help me check these Natives, Alaria get Kat and Amina into the med unit please and Wyri, if you can help us check these natives to see if any are alive. Now lets move!" anger suffuses Vessa's every motion as she follows her own orders.

Akamatsu manages to block the spear shot and is in the middle of swinging a retalitory shot at the native who tried to turn him into a ronin on a stick when the lot of them either get blown away or turn tail and run. The ronin doesn't look terribly happy about letting them get away but moves to help recover any wounded natives now that the danger has passed. Notably he keeps his fan closed, but in hand while sheathing the katana.

Majors lowers his weapon and checks its charge. "Strange... and not in the least over."

"We can't take prisoners," Wyri tells Vessa, gripping his cane. "I'm going now, as soon as you can, get Katrin some medical attention. She was attacked telepathically, it will take a telepath to heal it." The tall, silver haired Aukami nods to himself and starts limping in the direction that the male native leader fled. "Wait! Please!" He calls. Wyri pauses to look back at Vessa. "Do not follow." His dark blue glowing eyes are like thunder clouds. It's very obviously a threat. But they lighten with his next words. "And when she wakes, tell her..." He pauses. "No... she'll know..." And then he's off, limping in the direction of the native male.

"I don't know of any other telepath on this crew but you, sir! Just a forewarning!" Alaria spares a glance at the rest. "Unless any of you are any good with psionics." With this, she heads back up the Devil's ramp, heading for the medbay.