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Crimson Belt

The fifth level of roleplaying expertise that a JTS player can achieve is the Crimson Belt. Pre-requisites for the Crimson Belt: Red Belt.

If your character meets these pre-requisites, you qualify to test for the Crimson Belt. The tests includes the following:

1) Share links to logs of six events that you've coordinated.

2) Share links to your character journal on the wiki.

3) Share links to 12 confirmable web locations where you've promoted the games of

4) Discuss how you approach longer-running plots. How do you promote the events? How do you maintain interest and keep players engaged?

5) What's gone well with your longer storylines?

6) What hasn't gone so well?

7) What lessons have you learned about the process?

Submit your responses to with the subject of Crimson Belt. Be sure to include your character's name!

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