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Species or Race Mekke
Gender Male
Height 6'0"
Weight Unknown
Skin Color N/A
Hair Color None
Eye Color Black
Biological Age Unknown
Date of Birth Unknown
Died Alive
Spouse N/A
Residence Unknown
Profession Citizen
Employer Unknown
Character name Darak


Darak, born on the Mekke homeworld of Ist'thol'mek as are all of it's people, was born many years before the apparent fall of the Parallax and it's masters, the Nall. Born into a work-type class, the Nall put Darak to work in the minerals mines of Ist'thol'mek. For years, he laboured daily to feed the Nall war machine that would enslave not only his people, but many others. Like many others, Darak grew tired of the Nall oppression of his people, but had little ability to do anything alone. Over time, Darak would work off-world on various Nall controlled worlds performing physically laborious tasks. He met many other his fellow people who felt the same way, and eventually met with a group of Mekke back on his homeworld who were involved in planning an uprising, along with several other Nall member worlds. When the word came down Darak joined in the uprising on Ist'thol'mek.

After a great struggle, the Nall had been forced from the Mekke homeworld. Under the guidance of the Mekke's Acran and Abrix, Darak took a heavy role in the newly formed Mekke military force. During this time he gain a wealth of knowledge on technological devices, studying piloting and ground warfare. At the same time, he honed his psionic abilities as well. With the Nall gone, and the Parallax in shambles from the uprising, the Mekke seemed to be free to do as they please. Working closely with Acran, Darak became involved in the formation of an alliance between several worlds, including the Mekke and some of the former Parallax slave worlds. Plans had also been underway, at the time, for the construction of the Sanctuary to move many of the galaxies beings out of harms way from the coming darkness. Darak had seen the alliance that was forming as a bad idea, to focus on the evacuation of the Mekke and not worry about fighting the Kretonians. It was then when a misunderstanding lead to Abrix to think that Darak would make an attempt on Acran's life. Darak was arrested, put on trial and found guilty of treason. He was sentenced to life in the mines of Ist'thol'mek.

After his arrival, Darak worked the mines until the last moments before the Kretonian attack. He was allowed to leave the join the fighting, as it was expected that very few, if any, would survive. During the battle, his fighter was hit and an engine breach was imminent, however, something occurred - something he could never explain. His ship was enveloped in some sort of special anomaly and shifted through time and space. He awoke, apparently many years later aboard the station Comorro. He spent time there being interrogated as to where he was from, his purpose. He was eventually let go. Darak now spends its time search for someone to assist him in returning home, to help the Mekke and rebuild their Empire.

RP Logs

Will be added as they are posted to the Wiki.


Narai (Opodian) Corris (NSV1 Martian) Vernius Zahir (Fastheldian) Blackmane (NSV1 Demarian)