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Guild militia.jpg
A typical troop of the Guild Militia on sentry duty within the city of Trademeet.

The Guild Militia is the military and policing force which is employed by the Merchant & Trades Guilds. Its main task is keeping law and good order within the Market District.

Their numbers, at eight to nine thousand troops, are nearly double that of most House Guard due to the large volume of trade and high density of people within the Market District, as well as the preference of the Merchant & Trades Guilds to keep a strong defense in their territory.

They are considered well trained, well disciplined militia who are capable in both their capacity as peace officers as well as soldiers. A job in the Guild Militia guarantees one status as a 'Merchant' class after at least five years of service. Many choose to stay on beyond this, due to the good job conditions, prestige within the Market District associated with the Guild Militia and excellent pay.

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