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Rowland Parnell has summoned what little police force he could muster, plus any unoccupied volunteers, mounted just outside the scrub on his rental steed. His decidedly disobedient rental steed who keeps fussing and trotting around circles. "God /dammit/ Timbuktu, stay! Heel! Argh!" Timbuktu just whinnies and bucks until Rowland manages to climb off. Or rather, fall off into the bushes.

"ROIGHT," he barks, scrambling upright to address those gathered. "There's been smoke comin' from the east for about a half hour now, and we can't quite pinpoint the source from the air, so keep your eyes open for flame. We don't want any blinkin' abandoned campfires with it all dry and th' like."

Tirax rolls his eyes at Rowland. He's steedless, able to keep up with his long stride. That and Timbuktu taking his time. "If you get us killed, I'll.. not be happy."

Vessa has just arrived as she hears this, "Who is getting us killed now?" Announcement: Brody shouts, "Right! Time to give out those points."

Alhambra moseys on up, fully kitted out in 'I am ready for trouble' gear, just in time to dispassionately watch Rowland fall into the shrubbery. ", hell," she drawls.

Rowland Parnell slaps Tirax on the back. "THAT'S THE SPIRIT, LAD." He beckons as he drags a very reluctant Timbuktu by the lead deeper into the shrubbery. "Come now, every one of you could do with a nice jungle jaunt. Mind the pointy plants, though!"

"'Mind the pointy plants'," Tirax says with a shake of his head. "Great jungle advice."

Alhambra also shakes her head, chortling. "White boy gonna get everybody killed. Come along, he says. Just bring your medkit, no worries. Cheerio. Crazy-ass teatipper. Hey, Missy Vessa. Don't you dare strain that wound site getting eaten by a killer plant or someshit." She raises her chin and whistles. "Dammit, Deputy, you are pissing that horse off. Don't you like horsies?"

Rowland Parnell grumbles a bit, "I love horsies! Er, horses. Very useful beasts!" He slaps Timbuktu's flank, and Timbuktu promptly bites into his helmet and flings it into the distance. "Except this one."

The group will notice the air growing a bit more thicker, and indeed, a strong smell of smoke wafts through the canopy. It becomes a bit more concerning when the monkey-like critters start to howl and climb in the opposite direction. "Hrrmm, best make haste," Rowland mumbles.

"That would be a good idea," Tirax says, speeding up his movements, pulling out his tangler. He nudges Rowland as he walks past. "Next date I get to pick the location," he says firmly.

Vessa looks surprised at Al's words as she too picks up the pace, "Killer plants? Is that something I need to worry about?" she grins at Tirax's words, "Should we give you two some privacy?"

Alhambra reaches back and unsnaps the restraining strap on her shotgun holster. "I don't know whut the hell's out here, Missy Vessa. Could be anything. Jungle's dangerous." She continues clomping along, probably unable to be quiet, and keeps her head dipped to redirect any incoming branches and other pointy plants over her hat as opposed to into her face. The latest episode of Gay Chicken doesn't seem to amuse her. "So what are we investigating? Fire?"

[Skill System] Tirax tests his Perception + Sight at a modifier of 0. The result is 4.

[Skill System] Vessa tests her Perception + Sight at a modifier of 0. The result is 12.

[Skill System] Alhambra tests her Perception + Sight at a modifier of 0. The result is 10.

Rowland Parnell is, as usual, clueless to any sort of implied meaning, and just stares blankly at Vessa. "Now's not the time, darling! Come, pump those legs!" He breaks into a jog, which is slowed a great deal by Timbuktu stamping his hooves into the dirt. "Hopefully a /contained/ fire, Al, otherwise we have a problem."

Vessa will spot the flame first. If they get any closer, they'll see that it is, in fact, an abandoned campfire that has blossomed into a growing blaze, eating away at a sizable clearing. "And... we have a problem," remarks Rowland. "That's... definitely a problem," Tirax says, sobering up and dashing forwards to eye the fire. "Anyone got any fire hoses with them?" he asks dryly. "Or shovels, to make a firebreak?"

"I sure as hell don't. Okay, someone tell me what I need to do. I have no idea how to do big ass jungle fires." she looks to Rowland, "I am hoping about now that we have equipment to take care of something like this since you called us all here."

"I have -a- folding trowel," Alhambra drawls, eying the fire, and then does something gasp, astonishing. She breaks out her much-abused PDA and tries to get their coordinates on the GPS function. And then tries again, and then tries again. "Find the muhfuckin' satellites, you piece of crap."

Rowland Parnell doesn't seem terribly concerned. "Ah yes, Tirax! Timbuktu's got some shovels latched onto him, though I think we might need to get water in a bucket, somewhere! I think we're close to the ocean here. You folk take care of that, I'm going to stomp this blaze out!" Like the headstrong idiot he is, he rushes right up to the heat and proceeds to try to /kick/ the shit out of the growing flames. Or at least smother them into the sand.

"That's clearly not going to work," sighs Tirax, moving to grab two shovels, dashing forwards to give one to Rowland. "Use this to smother them!" he suggests, digging up sand to try and tip it onto the fire in the hope that it will help.

Vessa sighs and rolls her eyes, "Dear gods, alright then I guess I will join the shovel parade." grabbing a shovel of her own she runs up to begin putting sand on the flames as well. "If this doesn't begin working then I am running off to get water."

"Fuck me, Margaret, I didn't bring any buckets," Alhambra rumbles, unsheathing her folding trowel and snapping it open, bending to start digging a trench in the sand. "Go round it, and then if somebody can -get- some water we can shore up that firebreak. Rowland you got a radio, I'm getting shit for signal but I may be able to get our coordinates to get us some help, yeah?"

[Skill System] Alhambra tests her Agility + Reaction at a modifier of 0. The result is 11.

[Skill System] Vessa tests her Agility + Reaction at a modifier of 0. The result is 12.

[Skill System] Tirax tests his Agility + Reaction at a modifier of 0. The result is 4.

Rowland Parnell catches the shovel and starts helping with the firebreak instead, seeing as his boots were beginning to melt. "Yes, Al, keep on that!" He barks into his commlink and does a bit of verbal volleyball before returning to his haphazard shoveling. "They're going to get that puddle jumper over here with some water, they just need to... find us." Timbuktu just starts to graze on a bush.

A sudden gust has the towering wall of fire bending in their direction. Alhambra, Vessa and even Timbuktu manage to avoid getting licked, but the flame comes dangerously close to singing the Timonae. "Watch it, lad!" Rowland shouts.

"Gah!" yelps Tirax as his hair starts to singe at the ends. "Damnit not the hair!" he growls, jumping back and away from the fire, tripping over a hole he's just dug and landing flat on his ass.

Vessa moves over and helps Tirax back up before moving to grab the bucket, "I am off to get the water, be right back." she runs off in the direction of the ocean.

Alhambra also heads over to help Tirax up, and checks her PDA to see if it's gotten the coordinates yet. She even waves it a bit at the sky. "Come on, man, I'm sorry I called you a piece of shit, just tell me where we're at so we can tell the jumper where we're at." It looks like Tirax, Al, and Rowland are fighting a small brush fire, and there is an unconcerned horse nearby. Vessa is going for water.

[Skill System] Alhambra tests her Computer skill at a modifier of +1. The result is -1.

[Skill System] Rowland Parnell rolls a 1 for STUPID PDA at a modifier of 0. The result is 0.

Vessa fills the bucket with salt water and begins running back, once to the trench she empties the bucket into it and runs back.

[Skill System] Vessa tests her Agility + Dodging at a modifier of 0. The result is 6.

[Skill System] Alhambra tests her Agility + Dodging at a modifier of 0. The result is 15.

[Skill System] Tirax tests his Agility + Dodging at a modifier of 0. The result is 10.

[Skill System] Alhambra tests her Bodyguard trait. The level is 1.

Alhambra's PDA just goes DERP. And it bluescreens for a moment. Then seems to digitally beg for forgiveness as it reboots.

They manage to keep the fire from sprawling any further in their direction, for now, but, welp, they're not going to stop this fire by themselves. Rowland just throws Vessa a thumbs-up. "Anyone have telepathy? Bloody hell. Mind yourselves, trees are falling!" As he says this, a large, smoldering palm cracks and falls. Leaves and bark are slung off, and burning pieces of foliage rain down over Vessa. That is, until Al takes the hit!

[Combat System] Alhambra inflicts 3 Fire Damage on herself.

[Combat System] Alhambra's composite-reinforced leather blocks 3 damage.

"Oh no," Tirax says, managing to get back to his feet, diving towards the other two. Too late, of course, though he's trying to pull off bits of tree if he can. Without burning himself.

Maina fades in, apparently teleporting to the scene now that smoke is apparently rising enough to be noticed from wherever she was prior. Her eyes go wide when she sees the small group present, "What in the... what's going on? Vessa!" She notes Al taking the hit for the other woman. She spends a moment or two looking around, trying to assess the situation, before beginning her concentration to try and keep the fire from spreading while she waits for someone to say what the hell is happening.

"I got ya!" Alhambra hollers, diving to cover Vessa and cussing out her PDA as her leather-clad back is peppered with burning foliage. "Jesus Criminy Rice Crispies Christ, you figure the jumper could see the goddamn smoke by now... You okay, woman?" The beleaguered PDA is jammed unceremoniously back into its holster.

[Skill System] Maina tests her Pyrokinesis trait. The level is 1.

[Skill System] Maina tests her Psionics + Psychokinesis at a modifier of 0. The result is 13.

Vessa oofs as she gets taken down by Al, when she gets her breath back she squeaks out, "I'm fine, what about you?"

Rowland Parnell looks quite relieved when Alhambra manages to shield Vessa. "We might have to high-tail it out of here soon!" he yells, fruitlessly shoveling sand. Maina keeps the fire contained, thankfully. Alhambra's PDA finally brings up the coordinates, and chimes at her noisily. The urgency, however, is gone, so long as the Riftwalker can keep the flame from spreading.

"How far out is the puddlejumper?" Tirax asks urgently, reaching up to rub sweat out of his eyes, in the process smearing soot across his face.

Maina looks around at the others, "-What is going on-?" She tries to keep her focus, trying to direct the flames back towards wherever the source seems to be as the fuel on the edges gets spent, hoping that it'll slowly start winding down.

"Of course I'm all right," Alhambra drawls, helping Vessa up and brushing the other woman off before picking up her shovel to continue the firebreak. For a few moments, her PDA's bleeping is ignored. Then, "Whut the hell is your problem now you... *record screech* Oh." Pursing her lips, she unholsters the miserable device, and calls out the coordinates to Rowland before getting back to work. "Missssy Maina," she hoots. "Corral that fire, wooo!" There is a small brushfire going on, which the nonpsychic people are fighting with shovels and water and the psychic person is keeping under control by sheer force of will.

[Skill System] Maina tests her Psionics + Psychokinesis at a modifier of -2. The result is 13.

Vessa takes a few deep lungfuls of air now that she can and smiles over to Maina, "Just some idiot left a campfire going and let it spread out of control love, we are trying to keep it from spreading and hopefully kill it." she starts heading off to get more water to fill the trench.

Rowland Parnell quickly relays the coordinates into his commlink. Maina is able to shrink the fire a bit, and Vessa certainly helps! "Keep your pants on, Tirax lad, they're coming!" Rowland assures. By now, Timbuktu as essentially said 'eff this' and galloped back towards the mainland.

It's not too long before the puddle jumper arrives, soaring overhead with a large barrel attached to a cable. The bottom latch flies open and salt water crashes down upon the scene. As in... it drenches everyone. -WHOOOOSHHH-

[Skill System] Vessa tests her Agility + Dodging at a modifier of 0. The result is 6.

[Skill System] Alhambra tests her Agility + Dodging at a modifier of 0. The result is 15.

Tirax seems to be rather pleased to get the free shower, laughing as he's covered in water. Rowland gets a grin. "For once I'll keep them on," he agrees cheerfully, dripping everywhere. "Everyone okay?"

Maina wrinkles her nose as she's doused, and she looks downright emo with her sad, soaked hair hanging straight down. She doesn't let up on trying to keep the fire contained, though, not until it's gone.

Alhambra cocks her head, briefly, as the sound of the puddle jumper cuts in. Her shoulders and back bunch up, her legs flex, and she -leaps- backwards, landing in sort of a three point stance as the water pours down in front of her. She removes her hat, and wipes a drop of moisture from the very tip of the brim. "Everybody all right?"

Vessa plucks her wet clothing from her with a grimace then nods, "I am fine." she takes her full bucket and begins pouring the contents on any still burning area she can find.

One of the good things about having Fastheldian citizens on Eiru is that they can ride something that doesn't need a road. Lyddmull has forgone his horse for a much faster Rikkirr. He is followed by a group of deputies, all of which are packing an axe, a water container, and some rope. Lyddmull jumps out of the saddle as he approaches, his gaze surveying the damage. He nods with satisfaction as he sees the puddle jumper quelling the majority of the blaze. The deputies and their leader immediately begin to empty water onto the remaining flames.

"Where's my bloody horse!?" Rowland shouts, drenched to the bone. Tirax gets a /look/. "Bahh, I'm all right," he eventually answers, sloshing over to pick up the shovels. "Lyddmull, sir!" he greets sheepishly. With the cavalry's help, Vessa and Maina extinguish the last of the flames, and the puddle jumper circles back towards the town.

"Well, that was different," a rather wet Tirax remarks. "Better get started on the cleanup,' he considers, moving around to pick up the debris.

Maina gives a little shiver at the water, phasing briefly and adjusting her manifestation back to 'dry'. "Hate being wet. Everyone okay?"

Alhambra clomps on over to Lyddmull, perfectly dry except for a few spatters of water. "Howdy, Sheriff! Look, folks done grew a brain and brought -help- for some shit instead of just diving in head first. I think we done made history here."

Vessa heads over to Maina once the fire is under control and waves to Lydd as she does with a, "Sheriff, g'day." as she does. Once at Maina she smiles, "I would hug you but your dry now, how are you love? You doing okay?"

Lyddmull nods to the assembled individuals, a smile breaking as the fire is completely quenched. "Light's greetings," he says, "Yes, and I appreciate what you all have done. Had you taken no action whatever, we would not have been able to get anyone up here before the fire became unmanageable."

"WELL THEN, you've all got this under control!" Rowland grins, 'dusting' his hands despite being soaked. "I'm going to find my stupid horse, pardon me!" And he trudges off into the drenched jungle, whistling for his mount.