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The neurojack was invented in 2952 by Jean LeClerc, a Solar Consortium scientist studying human-computer interfacing. He determined that because the datajack relied on synaptic relays to parlay information to the computer, it would never realize the speeds necessary for true human-computer convergence. By attaching nanowires to each reaction center of the brain and adding multiple internal conversion mechanisms, however, he was able to cut this lag by almost 85 percent.

His invention was lauded in technological circles and demonized in human purity circles. However, in 2956, Jean was contracted by the Guardian Fleet to work on a secret government project, later revealed to involve redesigning fighter ships to interface with the neurojacks. Neurojack technology was later stolen by the Lunites in 2972 after a neurojack implantee was captured alive, and it reached the general market in 2978 after the blueprints were stolen from the Lunites.

Neurojacks require major brain surgery to install, unlike their predecessor the datajack, and in most cases, cost more than a small ship. The installation includes nanowires buried in two dozen places in the brain, a brain fluid regulation device, and four processors buried near the brain stem and cerebellum. These processors jack out to a set of two ports, usually set one on either side of the neck, and occasionally via the forehead or back of the head.