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Nall attack thwarted!

Posted By: Brody Article: OCT11-1 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Materi Syna Reported At: Sat Oct 01 08:15:36 2011

MATERI SYNA - Orion Confederacy forces repelled a surprise attack by Nall invaders who popped through numerous rifts on hang gliders last night, followed closely by a Coreseeker missile on a hoverplatform.The defenders made quick work of the Nall, who never managed to inflict any casualties before they were shot down or, in one case, ambushed in the air by a leaping felinoid.The missile was disabled by a psionic's use of electromagnetics.

Several missing after Pyracan attack

Posted By: Brody Article: OCT11-2 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Pyracan Reported At: Sat Oct 01 08:19:35 2011

EIRU, PYRACAN - More than a dozen people are reported missing at this hour after a large obelisk emitted a pulse of red light in the middle of downtown, following an attack by Nall infantry.The Nall shot numerous civilians before they were gunned down. Surviving Nall ran for safety before the obelisk, which rifted in shortly after they did, pulsed out the light. When the light subsided, the obelisk and many who had been fighting to defend the city of Eiru were gone.It is suspected that the artifact was an ancient Kamir weapon that disintegrated its victims.

Alpha Decries 'Cowardly Behavior'

Posted By: Wik Article: OCT11-3 Reported To: PNN Reported On: Pyracan Reported At: Sat Oct 01 11:27:23 2011

AUREUS, PYRACAN - Pyracan's Alpha responded to the alleged disintegration of approximately two dozen sapients in Eiru by Nall forces as 'cowardly behavior worthy of a Hiver', and a marker of 'honorless belly-crawlers'. Speaking to reporters early this morning, Alpha Sarr Corcrainn was visibly livid by reports that a group of Nall teleported in hovervehicles and a large obelisk near the Outverser refugee community of Eiru, disintegrating the city's defenders when the Nall began to lose ground. "We had heard from several sources that the Nall were an honorable foe, interested in the true test of battle prowess against another such race, and I looked forward to such a contest of wits and brawn. This cowardly attack, worthy of a Hiver, is the mark of the deepest dishonor. These honorless belly-crawlers act more like Thul or Kamir than like Pyracani, but we will not lower ourselves to that level. They shall be driven out of our dimension with honor, and they will die looking into our eyes. In the meantime, my heart goes out to those brave two dozen who lost their lives in defense of their homes, and my prayers go out to their loved ones." The Alpha refused questions, and witnesses reported that the Alpha kicked a hole into the press room wall immediately after the speech.

Confederacy President Challenges Zarists

Posted By: Colchek Article: OCT11-4 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Comorro Reported At: Sat Oct 01 15:09:23 2011

The President of the Orion Confederacy made a declaration to the Nall after a Coreseeker missile was teleported into New Resilience and sucessfully defused."It's been awhile since the Nall have been a threat, so I've forgotten that instead of showing their face in a fight, they'll send Coreseekers and Kamir obelisks to do their dirty work for them. If they want a fight, all they gotta do is ask." President Tostanavich states, looking just as armed as a civilian and irate, far removed from a suit and tie. He regards the camera, drawing out a pistol. "I'm calling you out, Vox. You and your bitch of a sister. If you've got the goddamn stones for it. Because if this is the best the so called 'mighty' Nall can muster, I ain't all that impressed. The Nall that I know from my universe actually knew how to fight. But I suppose, you're used to coming up -short- on stuff like this, da?" However, the President wasn't done. "As for the Zarists. There's few things I like about them, but at least they're doing their best to act like their Kamir descendents; they hire somebody else to their fighting for them. First Kamsho, now the Nall. Lemme ask you; have any of you ever done anything for yourselves ever that wasn't handed to you by the Kamir?"Finally, he points at the barrel of the pistol at the camera. "Come at us. We'll be waiting." The screen suddenly goes black.

Most obelisk victims alive if not entirely well

Posted By: Brody Article: OCT11-5 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Pyracan Reported At: Sun Oct 02 10:03:15 2011

EIRU, PYRACAN - Many of the people who disappeared in a flash of red light in the middle of downtown Eiru on Friday returned to Pyracan early this morning aboard a hijacked Nall troop transport.Details of their ordeal remain sketchy, but witnesses report that several of the returning victims were in critical condition and rushed to local hospitals. A few may even have died during the conflict to win their freedom.More on this story as it develops.

Mystic Eye identifies stabbing victim

Posted By: Brody Article: OCT11-6 Reported To: CBN Reported On: Earth Reported At: Mon Oct 03 17:12:13 2011

SAN ANGELES, EARTH - Balthazar, the "Eye" or leader of the Order of Mystics on Val Shohob, has confirmed that the victim of a recent stabbing in Morrow Park was his son, Odalath.The Mystic leader arrived on Earth this morning to report to the city morgue in San Angeles and identify the body. While in the city, his itinerary includes a visit to the San Angeles Police Department for an update on the murder investigation.No arrests have been made in the case. So far, police have identified no suspects or motive for the crime.

Therapist offers post-trauma service

Posted By: Brody Article: OCT11-7 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Comorro Reported At: Tue Oct 04 13:49:23 2011

COMORRO STATION - A Timonae psychotherapist, Xaahl, is expected to soon offer free counseling services aboard Comorro to victims and survivors of traumatic experiences."With so many tragedies striking in recent weeks, it is critical that those who have suffered grievous injuries or lost loved ones should work through the tumult of emotions that come in the aftermath," Xaahl said. "It is unhealthy to let those backed-up emotions go untreated. Sometimes, all it takes is talking about it and having someone to listen. I listen very well."The doctor should be available on Comorro this week.OOC Send @mail to Xaahl if you want to schedule an appointment.

Locals offended by 'terrestrial' slight

Posted By: Brody Article: OCT11-8 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Pyracan Reported At: Sun Oct 09 17:32:20 2011

PYRACAN - Don't come into our universe and say you're looking for "terrestrial planets."That's the attitude of several Eiru business owners who were approached this weekend by a human Outverser who tried pitching them a plan to underwrite his efforts to find new terrestrial planets. In Outverser parlance, those are worlds similar to Terra or "Earth," the original human homeworld that legend holds was bombed viciously and repeatedly until uninhabitable. (And they like to say that Kamsho's crazy!)"We don't care to hear our world compared to that kind of mad cesspool," said Darr Euphrainn, proprietor of the Fetchyn Investment Bank. "Want to search for a Pyracanesque world? Maybe we can talk."

Cibule News Denies Responsibility for Terrestrial Slight

Posted By: Wik Article: OCT11-9 Reported To: SAN Reported On: Fortrain Reported At: Sun Oct 09 20:45:46 2011

Fortrain City, Svajone Coalition - The Cibule, a media outlet based on Fortrain known for their parody news articles, denied that they wrote the article about Pyracani being offended for the use of the word 'terrestrial.'"After receiving many complaints and being accused of writing about Pyracani being offended at the use of the word 'Terrestrial', we assure everyone that this is not one of our parody articles, and that we have nothing to do with it. However, we were amused by the article and wish to invite the initial writer to join our staff." A release from The Cibule said.

Missing riftwalker sought

Posted By: Brody Article: OCT11-10 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Comorro Reported At: Wed Oct 12 00:32:54 2011

COMORRO STATION - The Red Eclipse mercenary outfit aboard Comorro Station has reported one of its people, the noted irksome Riftwalker known as Wormhole, missing in action.Dirionis Callot, leader of the organization, seeks information about Wormhole's whereabouts and well being. The Red Eclipse organization can be found aboard Comorro in the tradeport.Search teams are expected to be dispatched at once.

Confederacy suspected in Nall vessel destruction

Posted By: Brody Article: OCT11-11 Reported To: VOA Reported On: Aukam Reported At: Wed Oct 12 22:27:10 2011

MULTVAROS, AUKAM - A spokesman for the Zarist Supremacy reports that a Nall destroyer, the S'trakla, was attacked en route between Aukam and the Plosa Nebula.The Nall ship and crew were lost in the incident, which the spokesman, Aulek Morai, suggested may have been orchestrated by the Orion Confederacy."Our allies in the Clawed Fist Fleet had been content to remain aloof from the Confederacy in recent days," Morai said. "This incident has them re-thinking their moderated stance. The Cepelem is urging a calmer response, but I cannot guarantee that this will not result in severe reprisals for the Confederacy and Materi Syna."

Human wanted in Eiru manhunt

Posted By: Wik Article: OCT11-12 Reported To: PNN Reported On: Pyracan Reported At: Wed Oct 12 23:05:38 2011

EIRU, PYRACAN - The human Tetran is the subject of a island-wide manhunt after he disappeared from the Eiru medical pavilion earlier this evening. The man was being held for questioning and ran from the hospital. He is considered unstable and extremely dangerous. Officials warn not to approach him unarmed if he is discovered.He is described as being rather short, of slight build with black hair and blue eyes. When last seen, he was wearing black pants and a long-sleeved black shirt.

Orion Confederacy Defense Ministry responds

Posted By: Brody Article: OCT11-13 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Materi Syna Reported At: Thu Oct 13 08:17:25 2011

MATERI SYNA - Orion Confederacy officials denied involvement in the recent attack on the Clawed Fist Fleet but seemed strangely reticent to do so. "Quite honesstly," Razorback Cliffwalker, the Minister of Defense said at a press conference, "I do wissh we could claim rrressponssibility forrr thiss action. Perrrhapss the Zarrrisst Ssuprrremascy has forrrgotten that we arrre at warrr. A warrr they sstarrrted. A warrr we intend to finissh. The Ssuprrremascy got away with teleporrrting a weapon of massss desstrrruction to ourrrr ssoil. We have yet to rrresspond to that. If the Zarrrisstss want thiss warrr to continue, we will brrring it to theirrr doorrrsstep nexst. If they do not, we arrre morrre than willing to acscept theirrr ssurrrrrrenderrr. Thank you."

Coreseekers deliver propaganda attack

Posted By: Brody Article: OCT11-14 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Materi Syna Reported At: Thu Oct 13 22:06:58 2011

NEW RESILIENCE, MATERI SYNA - A day after a Zarist Supremacy ship was destroyed in an attack blamed on the Orion Confederacy, two Coreseeker missiles plunged toward that government's homeworld of Materi Syna tonight.However, when the weapons detonated, they didn't shatter the planet. Instead, they littered the city of New Resilience with hundreds of thousands of leaflets bearing an image of Vox Hurk of Hatch Vril, leader of the Nall, with a proclamation about his role as the world's savior, urging citizens of Materi Syna to "throw off the chains of oppression."

Zarist Supremacy ending?

Posted By: Brody Article: OCT11-15 Reported To: VOA Reported On: Aukam Reported At: Thu Oct 13 23:20:46 2011

MULTVAROS, AUKAM - The Cepelem, ruling council in the city of Multvaros on Aukam, voted unanimously to break off relations with the Nall."It is rapidly becoming apparent that we cannot rely on the Clawed Fist Fleet to act in accordance with the wishes of our government," said Vuel Aratu, a leading member of the Cepelem. "Their actions, although clearly not as disastrous as they could have been, went beyond what had been agreed to by the Cepelem. If the Nall will ignore our directives, then they are no more use to us than the Medlidikke."This would seem to toll the near-death of the dream of a galaxy ruled by Zarist sympathizers, with only the Aukami and Thul remaining in the "Supremacy.""Obviously, it is a time for us to reflect on how best to move forward in the interests of peace," Aratu said.

Confederacy Issues Littering Violation

Posted By: Wik Article: OCT11-16 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Materi Syna Reported At: Fri Oct 14 00:57:31 2011

NEW RESILIENCE, MATERI SYNA - In the wake of another Corseeker missle being teleported in orbit of Materi Syna and above it's captital of New Resilience, President Vadim Tostanavich made a statement before the press. Seen holding one of the many pamphlets that littered the city, the president look somewhat amused. "While it gave us scare, for a moment, which was probably the intention, you have any idea the bill for sanitation this is going to cause?"The President went to state that a ticket had been issued to both the Zarist Cepelem and to the Vox himself, issuing citations for multiple counts of vandalism and littering. The pricetag for these tickets are said to range in the thrity thousand Hekayti-Credit range, to pay for the clean up and removal of said pamphlets."Next time if they want to win hearts and minds," Tostanavich added, "they probably shouldn't send their 'gifts' in the shape of a Coreseeker."

Riftwalker kidnapped?

Posted By: Brody Article: OCT11-17 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Comorro Reported At: Fri Oct 14 10:06:58 2011

COMORRO STATION - An anonymous entry was given today depicting the whereabouts of the missing Riftwalker known as 'Wormhole.'Advisory warning: The following video is very graphic and shows an Olympus crew kidnapping a being as well as violence.As the video starts, it show's a group of mostly humanoid individuals, known to some as the Olympus crew, including Tiana and Rillitan Ryoleli, a large robotic being, a Hekayti, and what seems to be the riftwalker known as Wormhole. The ship that they're on apparently just entered OtherSpace, and some are unsure of where the destination is, including the riftwalker.The young woman reaches down to fiddle with a device at her belt, a small green light replacing the almost imperceptible red one, and smiles up towards a Timonae, "Prepare to proceed t' phase two." She murmurs over comms before turning to look to at a broad-shouldered man, grinning. One Hekayti asks the Riftwalker's name, in which he replies, "Wormhole."Soon after, a man speaks up, "Thank you for confirming your identity, Mister Wormhole. If you don't mind, I would appreciate it if you laid down on your stomach and put your hands behind your head. If you try something, this situation becomes much more entertaining for me - so I advise that you comply. We would like to . . . have word." A pistol appears in either hand of the man, as he watches with amusement.Wormhole gets on his stomach and begins to argue the reasoning for his capture, but the group isn't having it. "You have no reason to restrain me," Wormhole says genuinely, though with every moment he grows increasingly more agitated. "So this was the real reason of the trip." aye?" A robotic voice is heard trying to mediate the situation peacefully."We don't need no reason, Rifter." A Timonae replies to Wormhole with a dark look, spinning the cylinder of that revolver ever more as he crouches down besides the Riftwalker so he can lower his tone from 'normal' to 'menace'. The Timonae cocks his head, turning it parallel with Wormhole and pulling a mock sad face. "We don't need t' answer t' nobody, this is our vessel, see. Thought we might 'ave lost our chance t' snag y' when y' disappeared on us, but y' been makin' awful lots o' noise about Hiverspace. Easy man t' track, especially when y' walks back t' our hands all fair like. Now see, you done upset some folks back on the Galleria. You decided it were sommit in your comprehension t' get involved. That were a mistake." He pauses, glancing towards the camera and frowns. "What'd be t' point in doin' this /withou'/ violence?"There's more mentioning of the Galleria, and then a 'Mika.'A few moments later, and the Timonae speaks, "Mika was a woman, an' I ain't racist. I'm just /not nice/." And with that, he fires the revolver down into the Riftwalker's shoulder. Then Wormhole is dragged away.As the video cuts, they show a message, submitted by the same anonymous person who provided the video: 'Wormhole is believed to still be captive aboard the Olympus. Caution is advised to anyone who may run across the crew, and those who do business with such a group may wish to rethink their connections.' The search for Wormhole continues.

Olympus responds to Kidnapping reveal

Posted By: Wik Article: OCT11-18 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Pyracan Reported At: Sun Oct 16 22:28:46 2011

OPEN SPACE, ANCIENT EXPANSE - Representatives from Olympus station responded earlier today to the video showing their security forces detaining the missing Riftwalker known as Wormhole."The idea that this was a kidnapping is patently ridiculous." A black woman is seen on screen, with the Olympus logo hovering in front of her and a scrolling text identifying her as 'Kiku Hatupa'. "Our security is granted the right to search and detain those whom are believed to be a threat to the safety of Olympus station and this is exactly what happened. The Riftwalker known as 'Wormhole' was identified as a potential Zarist sympathiser due to his previous media exposure and the fact that he had previously been involved in a brutal attack one of our administrators while they were attempting to fend off Nall forces from the Galaxy Galleria. References to that very incident are made in the video itself.""Are you suggesting this wasn't a kidnapping, then?" a voice asks from off screen.KiKu frowns for a second or two before she continues to explain, "The moment the one known as Wormhole arrived on our station we were forced to go into lockdown and transport the ship to a different location, on the fear that we would be attacked by Zarist naval forces were they sent our co-ordinates. We /arrested/ him and held him for a number of days before securing a safe method for his release. This was only done after he was instrumental in the publicized attack on a Zarist Destroyer on Wednesday.""The destroyer attack was an Olympus operation?" the voice asks."Yes. Only now that any danger of quick reprisals has passed can we safely take responsibility for that. Olympus has a longstanding conflict with the Zarists forces, mainly based on the large mercenary bounties they've been placing on our heads." KiKu responds, holding back a smile."Okay, if we go back to the video - we can see what is obviously unneccesary violent actions taken upon the Riftwalker. It would seem you shot him even after he was in your custody, how can you justify that?" the voice asks, and in the background there is a low mutter."That is quite obviously tampered video." KiKu responds flatly, "We have consulted a number of visual experts who can attest to the false nature of the latter scenes. Holoshopped, they said. Should this be taken further, we are prepared to release data recorded by the Mycerian sentient Altor without such malificent edits. For the time being, however, we will protect our information security and, more importantly his personal drive's privacy."

Riftwalker responds

Posted By: Brody Article: OCT11-19 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Comorro Reported At: Mon Oct 17 09:33:55 2011

COMORRO STATION - "In response to Olympus' statement on the kidnapping of the Riftwalker, Wormhole has decided to release his own statement," states an anchorman. He stands in what looks like a rain forest with a low hanging fog covers the unseen floor. "First off, I'd like to say sorry to anyone and everyone I have caused trouble was irresponsible and wreckless behavior...and secondly, the statements made by Olympus are ABSURD," he states, an exasperated sigh escapes his mouth."They shot me in the shoulder, threatened me, and treated me like a ragged out piece of crap." He makes a few movements, goes his shirt. A gesture is made, and the camera pans out to show a spot in his dust shell that appears weaker than other parts. He throws the shirt back on."One thing I can say though, is I appreciate them for at least getting us back safely."

Outverser female wanted for murder

Posted By: Wik Article: OCT11-20 Reported To: PNN Reported On: Pyracan Reported At: Wed Oct 19 20:26:28 2011

EIRU, PYRACAN - A warrant has been issued for the arrest of the human Anshera of Eiru for the murder of a Pyracan military contractor.The blood and ashes of 25-year-old Tetran Vyracur of Eiru was found within the food tent of the Eiru bazaar late last night. Witnesses allege that around 10pm on October the 18th, Anshera, age and surname unknown, of Eiru grew claws and ripped out the throat of the victim before removing his head and setting his body on fire. She then disappeared.Anshera is an approximately five foot tall, eighty pound female human, with white-painted skin, long white hair, green eyes, and sharp, pointed teeth. Witnesses say she was wearing a gold-trimmed black kimono when last seen.Anyone with information on the whereabouts of Anshera is urged to contact Eiru police.

New series highlights most overlooked heroes?

Posted By: Brody Article: OCT11-21 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Hekayt Reported At: Sat Oct 22 15:36:36 2011

HEKAYT PRIME - Sanitation workers in space? Or unsung heroes?A new series, 'The Risks Unseen' is due to launch soon, highlighting the danger of jobs that often go under the radar of most space faring people. That job? Keeping the space clear of debris, hulls and other materials that may pose a danger to day to day transportation around Hiverspace."It's a hard job," claimed one anonymous member of the IND Ap' yan. A Lotorian vessel that has been performing the same task for 6 generations. "But it's rewarding. People forget how many things a ship incident or a vessel destroyed in war can create. If people like us aren't around, a screw that should burn up on re-entry could punch through a window when they lower their shields to land. People think we hunt salvage, but we don't. We break up wrecks so that shipping lines are safe."There are countless other dangerous for these workers. Such as radiation exposure. The serie is scheduled for its first airing this week.

Svajone announces Inverser human settlement

Posted By: Brody Article: OCT11-22 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Svajone Reported At: Sun Oct 23 11:01:27 2011

SVAJONE - Svajone - In an audio only address earlier today, the Svajone Coalition's leader announced the existence of an inverser human planet."We initiated contact with these humans shortly under two years ago as we explored regions near the Svajone." Mikage said. The Svajone is currently positioned beyond the traditional definition of 'known space' by most Hiverspace species. "We refer to these humans as the Nodina."The Svajone Coalition leader detailed the nature of contact with the Nodina, including supplying technology, infrastructure, and information on alien culture and government. "We have chosen to formally admit the Nodina into the Svajone Coalition."When asked for comment, Svajone Coalition spokeswoman Natalie Lant explained that several Nodina had immigrated to other Svajone settlements and their homeworld would be restricted for the near future. Lant did not provide detailed biological data other than to state that the Nodina were within the norm for known human ethnicities. "Coalition biologists and anthropologists are continuing to compile data on them."

Scientists baffled by borealis

Posted By: Brody Article: OCT11-23 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Materi Syna Reported At: Sun Oct 23 14:30:33 2011

NEW RESILIENCE, MATERI SYNA - Casuing some minor oddities, Confederacy scienticsts have been studying Materi Syna's strange version of its aurora borealis. Entering the winter phase of its cycle around its star Cristata, the phenomema hasn't been visible until just recently within the last few days."It's larger than other recorded worlds that share this similar effect." Confederate scientist Dr. Mikhail Rosenrot said in an interview on the matter today. "It covers more than just the poles. Every night we see it stretch over the northern and southern hemispheres, but only during the nighttime hours. It has never passed over the termination shock. Not only in its abnormal size, we've been recording some strange readings. Some of the fauna and flora are indeed effected by it." The most notable, Rosenrot states, are a certain type of stones common in the area of New Resilience that begin to glow with a green luminescence, quite like fireflies of old Earth. The doctor did go on to state that so far, it doesn't seem to exhibit any harmful effect, but noted that citizens should be observant."For now, it is something we will watch as the winter goes on. With any luck it'll only last as long as the winter before going back to its state of inactivity." What Rosenrot didn't point out, was that winter on Materi Syna lasts from mid-October to mid-May.

Dead contractor not so dead

Posted By: Brody Article: OCT11-24 Reported To: CNB Reported On: COMORRO Reported At: Mon Oct 24 16:06:43 2011

COMORRO STATION - Earlier today, a video statement was issued by Tetran Vyracur, a contractor with the Pyracan military who at the age of 25 was recently murdered on Eiru by a woman named Anshera. The statement recounts what transpired that night in the altercation, with his thoughts on the matter as well as actions taken.A slightly nervous tone encroaches in the first half of the statement, in which Tetran says, "After my head was seperated from my body, it was delivered to Alastair Hall's lab in good enough condition to be properly cloned so that I could be revived."He added: "By my own actions and disregard of the warnings given to me and by being persistent in challenging Anshera, the results were a direct consequence of what I had chosen to instigate. As a result I wish for no action, legally or otherwise, to be taken against the woman. The matter has been resolved."Within his closing statement, he urges, "I wish for all those who consider me friend to also take no action against Anshera, and to rest assured that I am fine and hope to speak with you soon."

Grieving relatives plan Comorro pilgrimage

Posted By: Brody Article: OCT11-25 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Kamsho Reported At: Mon Oct 24 16:12:52 2011

VOR, KAMSHO - Hundreds of Llivori orphans, widows, and widowers are packing remains of their loved ones into refrigerated containers for a pilgrimage to Comorro Station.This, in the wake of word that a scientist identified as Alastair Hall possesses the capability to raise the dead if genetic material from the victim can be supplied."I want my Ogges back," a weeping Llivori named Itiala Moten told a CNB reporter as she cradled a seeping yellow sack under one arm at the queue for an offworld shuttle.Other survivors of the Zarist Supremacy's victims on Kamsho are toting bags, satchels, crates, even biohazard-marked barrels that are destined for the miracle lab on Comorro Station."If he brings back my Ogges," Itiala Moten said, "maybe then I believe in Opodi."

Corcrainn declares 'good isn't dumb'

Posted By: Wik Article: OCT11-26 Reported To: PNN Reported On: Pyracan Reported At: Mon Oct 24 20:51:42 2011

AUREUS, PYRACAN - Alpha Sarr Corcrainn called into question the veracity and/or sincerity of a video recently posted aboard Comorro Station, stating that the former contractor portrayed was likely 'geased or coerced, if it was him.' The Alpha addressed reporters this evening just outside the Cathedral of Martyr Yuta Airt in Aureus in response to a recent news piece in which a fully-intact human that appeared to be Tetran Vyracur on Comorro claimed to be a clone with memories, and asked for others to forgive his murderer and call off any retribution against her. "I love Outversers. In them, I see some of the greatest parts of the noble warrior spirit," Corcrainn said before a large crowd, quiet and much more subdued than his usual vivacity at the podium. "But over the past six months, I have also seen in some of them the coy trickery of the Hiver, and the fibbing simplicity of a small child.""I am no scientist or psychologist or psionicist. Frankly, I do not care the means by which this man was compromised. But if you think I am going to forgive and forget a murder against those I am sworn to protect because you parade around a floppy-headed Fyirrik-puppet spouting inanity, then I cannot help you. Good is not dumb. We will find this murderer, and she will meet justice. That is all." Corcrainn waved off further questions, and returned to the cathedral, where he has remained for the last several hours.

SCRI legal anaylst explains resurrection legal issues

Posted By: Brody Article: OCT11-27 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Svajone Reported At: Tue Oct 25 09:53:25 2011

FORTRAIN CITY, SVAJONE COALITION - Luc Ignoc, a legal analyst working with the Svajone Coalition Research Institute, was a guest on Beyond the Records last night and mentioned some of the potential legal complications caused by resurrection via cloning."Laws concerning the rights of clones are relatively easy. Either they are entitled to natural rights or they are not, as decided by a government." Ignoc said. "Laws concerning clones being based off of a formerly living being are difficult, due to determining how to handle a distribution of assets, or their legal liability for their last life. Very few states have had to think about how to handle these questions from a legal context, let alone a philisophical one."Ignoc stated his experience was with 21st century Western Terran law.

Geneticist publishes details of "resurrection" tech

Posted By: Brody Article: OCT11-28 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Comorro Reported At: Thu Oct 27 14:23:32 2011

COMORRO STATION - Geneticist Alastair Hall, whose work has become a subject of debate this week following the report that he had revived a murder victim via cloning, has re-published a scientific paper describing the process. The paper, which is several thousand pages long, had previously been released via his research institution on Comorro. An abstract of the paper has been distributed to interstellar news outlets."You are not a body." Hall, an MD/PhD originally from the planet Sivad in the 41st century, argues. "You are a mind.""People come to me." Hall explains. "With a lock of hair, or a tooth, or even just a single cell. And they ask 'can you bring my chosen back?' And I have to tell them - no, I can't. Oh, I can grow a new body, genetically identical to the deceasesd. But that won't /be/ that person. It will be their genetic double. Their twin. But with none of their memories or personality.""Your 'self' - you can call it a 'soul' or whatever - is a composite of the memory, experience, and knowledge stored within your brain. /This/ is what my science preserves."Dr. Hall provides his exclusive clientele with 'clone insurance', claiming that his facility is capable of digitally uploading an individual's memories, then implanting those memories in a cloned body at a later date. "It's really rather simple." Hall says of the procedure. "It's an application of several long-established technologies - mind machine interface, cloning, memory imprinting."Asked to comment on Tetran Vyracur, who was allegedly murdered and then resurrected, Hall states. "This fellow (Vyracur) was lucky. His brain was preserved within minutes of his death, keeping the personality intact. Per the patient's wishes his head was re-attached to a cloned body - if I'd had a backup I could have revived him even after the complete destruction of his brain."

Goddess Harbor draining!

Posted By: Brody Article: OCT11-29 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Kamsho Reported At: Thu Oct 27 19:48:37 2011

OPE'MOT, KAMSHO - ** Hoverbot cameras rotate above the city harbor with the Great Temple and other buildings on the skyline shown in contrast to a great whirlpool swirling in the bay, with a rippling blue light at its heart.**COMMENTATOR: At this hour, a tremendous whirlpool has formed in Goddess Harbor off the coast of Ope'mot on Kamsho. Several fishing boats and recreational craft are reported missing at this moment. Others are trapped in the maelstrom and may fall through. The cause is unknown at this time. More as information becomes available."

Whirlpool stopped!

Posted By: Brody Article: OCT11-30 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Kamsho Reported At: Thu Oct 27 21:17:35 2011

OPE'MOT, KAMSHO - The great whirlpool that seemed to be draining Goddess Harbor near the city of Ope'mot has ceased as mysteriously as it began.The blue light at the maelstrom's heart disappeared just moments before the circulation ceased. Dozens of water craft and their occupants remain missing and presumed destroyed.

Comorro got doused with missing harbor?

Posted By: Brody Article: OCT11-31 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Comorro Reported At: Fri Oct 28 11:28:17 2011

COMORRO STATION - It seems like all the water - and at least one ship - that went missing from Goddess Harbor on Kamsho dropped through a glowing blue rift into the docking hub aboard Comorro Station last night.At least 25 refugees who had traveled to Comorro with bits and pieces of their deceased loved ones to give to scientist Alastair Hall for cloning wound up dead themselves, trampled in the panic or impaled by shrapnel from a destroyed Opodian fishing vessel. Dozens more were injured, but are expected to survive.Flooding might have continued unabated had Comorro not been inspired by advice from a Phyrrian named DS-3633, who apparently led the Yaralu to the decision to move herself away from the coordinates of the rift opening, thus breaking the rift.Tons of water that did flood the ship washed down into the Underbelly, where at least 13 people are thought to be missing, possibly drowned.

New Outverser station salvaged

Posted By: Brody Article: OCT11-32 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Hekayt Reported At: Sun Oct 30 10:01:17 2011

HEKAYT PRIME - Dusk Industries, a formerly small mining company that has been making news in the last few months, has acquired an outverser station to conduct business.Willow Tomlinson, actress on the popular Hiverspace Guardians holovid show and head of the Dusk Industries, said to the press earlier: "This is a major stepping stone for operations within hiverspace. While Svajone might have been a true sign that outversers could be worth their pay. The recovery of Enaj proves that bother inverser and outverser can come together collectively and produce results. While it might be company motto to post profits during war and peace, this actually shows we can strive ahead during a war."While details of the salvage operation are restricted, it has been rumoured that a survivor has been recovered, and is being looked after by the company.

Bloodsucker on Pyracan?

Posted By: Brody Article: OCT11-33 Reported To: CNB Reported On: Pyracan Reported At: Sun Oct 30 12:24:52 2011

EIRU, PYRACAN - A dead human was been found early this morning in the township of Eiru, mutilated and drained of blood. The victim has been identified as an Outverser named Trent Hewitt and was found on the grounds of the sanitation facility where he worked. Local sources confirm that there were marks on his neck where the blood was drained, it was speculated that they matched with either Humanoid or Kamiroid teeth. No more information has been given at this time and the authorities are urging potential witnesses to come forward.