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Oh party on the beach

Maina raises a brow towards Vessa, "What are you doing?"

Vessa Harden looks over after a final look around, "Trying to see what exercises I can do in this area." she looks over with a grin, "Not a bad area actually, I can even do some dips over there." she points.

Maina shakes her head, "Nooo. You could hurt the critters in the pool if you fell."

Vessa Harden blinks in surprise, "Fell? You can fall doing that?" she shrugs, "Alright then I will find another spot for that then, I don't want to put them in danger." she looks around some more with a slight frown. With a sigh she slumps her shoulders a bit, "No dips then." she perks up a bit, "But those rocks would make a great place for situps." she points elsewhere, "and that is good for shuttle runs," she points in one more spot, "And that is good for form exorcises. All of those areas are well away from the critters."

Maina sighs a little, "I'd rather this be a peaceful place I can hide in when I need to, Vessa. But it's your choice."

Vessa Harden sighs again, "Alright, I won't do that while you are here." she heads back over and flumps bonelessly down in the spot she started in. A thought seems to occur to her, "Out of curiosity, why hide?"

Maina shrugs, "Everyone is always about violence and training and sparring and blah. I'd just like a place I can go to where I know I won't find more of that."

Vessa Harden takes a breath then lets it out in a rush, "Alright, I will try to leave all of that stuff out of this area. Totally peaceful and stuff."

Maina nods a bit, "Thanks." She smiles some.

Vessa Harden nods as well and smiles a bit, "Hey, you have to have somewhere that is free of that. I guess I don't help with that much." she shrugs a bit, "I'm sorry if I add to the lack of peace, it can't be easy I guess."

Maina nods a little, "I don't get the same chemical responses from exercising as you. I don't have muscles. I just don't enjoy it."

Vessa Harden thinks about that for a while, "I don't know if I enjoy it per se. What I do enjoy is the result of the from the exercies and to be able to improve the skills I have, or at least not lose anything. That and it just became normal. Running I find fun though, the long ones." she makes a face, "Speed runs sucks though." she sticks her tongue out and shakes her head.

Maina nods a bit, again, "My 'training' is just different, I guess."

Vessa Harden cocks her head curiously, "What do you do for training? What do you train for? I mean you don't need to be physically strong do you cause you can," she wiggles a hand, "Just poof someone right?"

Maina nods a little, "Right... but do you think that ability came out of thin air?"

Vessa Harden hmms a moment and thinks, "Well now that you ask I suppose not." she smiles a bit embarressed, "I guess I hadn't thought about it but I suppose it make sense that it would take work. How do you train for that sort of thing?"

Maina shrugs, "Same as anyone else. Practice. Pushing my limits. Trying new methods."

Vessa Harden eyes Maina cautiously, "I assume that can be over done just like physical training right?"

Maina nods a little, "Probably. I've never stretched that far, yet."

Vessa Harden nods with a bit of a relieved smile, "Oh good. So how often do you do this training thing? Where do you do it?" seems to be bubbling with curiosity.

Maina shrugs, "Whenever I'm alone and have nothing else to do. So... a lot."

Vessa Harden nods and leans back, "I do like a good spar though. Not one where I am way over or under the opponents level but a solid one. It is almost like a dance in that. What is funny is the only hand to hand one I have had like that was with Aukido. Just never going to pick up a sword again, wooden or not."

Maina nods a little, "We could probably spar. It'd be.. weird, but we could."

Vessa Harden looks surprised, "Really? How would that work? I mean it would be completely different skillsets right?" she looks rather interested about this idea.

Maina nods, "Completely different, yes. Kind of frightening, really. I haven't used most of my skills on a person before."

Vessa Harden raises a surprised eyebrow, "I didn't think you liked sparring though, or is it just the violence that you don't like? What kind of things have you held back?"

Maina tilts her head, "Held back? What do you mean?"

Vessa Harden grins, "You said you haven't used most of your skills on a person before, what kind of skills have you not used?"

Maina shifts her weight some, "Um... I picked up a man to try and save him from drowning."

Vessa Harden looks impressed, "Wow, how big a guy? Is he okay? Why was he drowning?"

Maina shrugs, "He was okay. He threatened to shoot me for using my powers on him. Called me cursed or something. Then used his own powers to get back."

Vessa Harden blinks looking confused, "Huh? Wait back up, how did he get to the point that he was drowning? How did he have powers? Why did he call you cursed if he had his own powers?"

Maina shrugs, "I dunno. He jumped at the sea creature and landed in the water like an idiot."

Vessa Harden looks incredulous, "Ohhhkay, odd. Well if you want to give it a go then I am up for it. Did you want to try, I mean I understand if not cause I know you don't like fighting." she tries not to look too interested in case she says no.

Maina shrugs a little, "We can. Just not here."

Vessa Harden nods with a grin, "I already said I wouldn't do anything here, it is all peaceful and stuff remember."

Maina nods, "So if you've got a place in mind, we can try."

Vessa Harden thinks a moment, "We could give it a go on the beach where we met earlier. Would that work?"

Maina nods again, "Alright." She stands up, leading the way out.

Northeastern Beach - <Eiru, Pyracan> ~~...Sharai 19:00, 30 November 2011 (UTC)...Sharai 19:00, 30 November 2011 (UTC)...Sharai 19:00, 30 November 2011 (UTC)...Sharai 19:00, 30 November 2011 (UTC)...Sharai 19:00, 30 November 2011 (UTC)...Sharai 19:00, 30 November 2011 (UTC)...Sharai 19:00, 30 November 2011 (UTC)...Sharai 19:00, 30 November 2011 (UTC)...Sharai 19:00, 30 November 2011 (UTC)...Sharai 19:00, 30 November 2011 (UTC)...Sharai 19:00, 30 November 2011 (UTC). Stretching for a little under ten miles as it wraps around the northeast edge of the island, this pink sand beach is not the perfectly-combed creation that make Mesomel's beaches famous. Everything from beach glass to shells to washed-up logs to strands of rotting seaweed litter the beach at times, though large swaths of beach near the city are being maintained by the residents. A few small fused sand buildings have been put together just back from the water, with some lived-in, and others just occupied from time to time. Small boats can be seen a little ways out in the warm, teal water for much of the day with Outversers either relaxing or fishing for their suppers. A fused sand path leads southeast to the Outverser settlement, and the beach continues to the west.

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~~...Sharai 19:00, 30 November 2011 (UTC)...Sharai 19:00, 30 November 2011 (UTC)...Sharai 19:00, 30 November 2011 (UTC)...Sharai 19:00, 30 November 2011 (UTC)...Sharai 19:00, 30 November 2011 (UTC)...Sharai 19:00, 30 November 2011 (UTC)...Sharai 19:00, 30 November 2011 (UTC)...Sharai 19:00, 30 November 2011 (UTC)...Sharai 19:00, 30 November 2011 (UTC)...Sharai 19:00, 30 November 2011 (UTC)...Sharai 19:00, 30 November 2011 (UTC).

       10:09 PM - Tuesday 29 November - 2653 AD

Contents: Exits: Maina <TO> Town

                                        <OC> Ocean                            
                                        <W> West                              

Vessa Harden pads after Maina with a happy grin, her bottle and cooler in hand. Setting them down she makes a circle in the sand."

Maina is standing across from Vessa as the other woman draws a circle in the sand. She gives a little sigh.

Vessa Harden looks up from the circle she has drawn, "Second thoughts?"

Thud. Thud. Thud goes Wyri's cane as he walks along the waterline. Thud goes the cane when it taps a shell, or a rock, for the most part it and his feet sink into the sand as he moves. His eyes glow a soft shade of blue.

Ambling from the opposite direction is Katrin, her bare feet splashing through the surf with each crashing wave that wanders up the sand. In one hand she carries her shoes. In the other is a worn out book, creased and well-loved by the looks of it.

Maina shrugs a bit towards Vessa, "I just feel like I'm finally being corrupted by you is all," she grins, though, as if it's a joke.

Vessa Harden smiles with a chuckle and stands up with a shrug, "What can I say, it must be my magnetic personality." she turns more serious, "Honestly though, if you don't want to spar, I am okay with that. I just hope to show the fun side and that there needn't just be violence." as she says this she hears the thud thud thud down the beach and looks over, her back is still to Katrin though.

Wyri sees Vessa before Katrin, offering her and the riftwalker a wave of his olive tinged hand, his skin looking dark in the low light. Katrin draws a smile to the Aukami's scarred lips, thin as it is, and he continues on his way towards the human.

Katrin's nose is happily buried in the book and she does not seem to be paying the least bit of attention to whoever else might be on the beach. A hand reaches out absently to push back a loose lock of her brown hair, tucking it behind her ear.

Maina shrugs, "We can try it this once. I'm okay with that. Just don't tell me I'm cheating."

Vessa Harden looks stunned, "There is cheating is spars?" she shakes her head, "Well then lets get started," so saying she steps into the circle with a grin, waving at Wyri as she does. She doesn't know that Katrin is there yet."

Wyri stands still for a moment, waiting for Katrin to walk closer towards him. A cheeky sort of grin splits his lips, and he yells, "Boo!" When she's suitably close.