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Northeastern Beach - <Eiru, Pyracan>

Stretching for a little under ten miles as it wraps around the northeast edge of the island, this pink sand beach is not the perfectly-combed creation that make Mesomel's beaches famous. Everything from beach glass to shells to washed-up logs to strands of rotting seaweed litter the beach at times, though large swaths of beach near the city are being maintained by the residents. A few small fused sand buildings have been put together just back from the water, with some lived-in, and others just occupied from time to time. Small boats can be seen a little ways out in the warm, teal water for much of the day with Outversers either relaxing or fishing for their suppers. A fused sand path leads southeast to the Outverser settlement, and the beach continues to the west.

This stretch of beach is rather deserted with only the occasional person wandering by. Sitting alone by the surf is a human woman who appears to be building a sand castle.

Aukido walks along the beach, moving to stand in front of the water, flicking his ears gently as the water laps at his feet.

Tei glances over to Aukido with a shy smile before going back to her sand castle. It is an extravagant thing with turrets and windows, even a bridge over a moat. Fanciful ramparts and spirals accent it's reaches, this is not your average sand castle but a piece of art and engineering.

Aukido moves over to the sand castle and sits, looking at it as it is being built, flicking his ears.

Tei continues to concentrate on her work, taking a break now and then to look out at the ocean before returning to the sand edifice before her. Now and then a part will seem unsatisfactory and she will simply destroy that part before starting it again with seemingly endless patience. She looks up briefly as Aukido moves closer before simply returning her attention to the sand.

Aukido flicks his ears curiously, and begins to look over the construction, attempting to observe it's structure successfully.

[Skill System] Aukido tests his Engineering + Architecture at a modifier of 0. The result is 8.

[Skill System] Tei tests her Engineering + Architecture at a modifier of 0. The result is 11.

Tei continues working on the castle and trying to ignore Aukido as she looks, her eyes do flicker to him every now and then but she just ducks her head and keeps working.

Aukido nods thoughtfully, "It looks nice," he says, ears flicking a bit, as he works with some sand on his own a bit away.

Tei jumps at Aukido's words, "Um thank you." she says quietly and repairs the damage to the castle from the sudden motion. "I don't usually use um, sand though." <Public> Falkenberg says, "....interesting."

Aukido nods thoughtfully, and flicks his ears, thinking for a bit, "So, you are some sort of Engineer I assume?" he asks.

Tei ducks her head in what could probably be assumed to mean a nod, "An architect and house builder specifically. Um, at least that is what I was." she trails off.

Aukido flicks his ears and nods, "You're a rifted human then, I assume?" he asks of Tei, curling his muzzle into a smile.

Tei does that same ducked head nod again, "Um yes, at least that is what er Joca said, or I think she said. It was hard to understand her."

Aukido flicks his ears thoughtfully and nods, swishing his tail about thoughtfully, simply observing for now.

Tei gently rubs a hand along the wall of the castle before sitting back to look at the finished product with a nod before ignoring it in favor of the ocean.

Aukido swishes his tail about idly, and thinks for a moment, "Where do you come from?" he asks.

Tei looks over to Aukido again, "Um a little town in Montana." she looks like she wants to ask a question but instead looks back out to the sea

Aukido flicks his ears and nods, thinking for a moment, "So what are you going to do now?" the Lyiri asks curiously, "Oh, I'm Aukido by the way," he adds.

Tei blinks in surprise and nods a shy greeting, "Um I am not sure. I just arrived really and well, I don't know where to go yet. Oh and I am Tei."

Aukido nods softly, flicking his ears thoughtfully, "Well, you're welcome to work for me if you ever wants," the Lyiri says.

Tei looks over again a look of surprise on her face, "Um, you need a house built?" she asks sounding rather more excited.

Aukido flicks his ears a bit and thinks, "Perhaps sometime maybe, but I also happen to own a ship," the Lyiri says.

Tei shakes her head, "Um I don't know anything about ships, I build houses."

Aukido nods softly, smiling, "Well, I'll be on my way," he hands Tei a data chip, "If you acquire a PDA you can contact me," he says, "Take care, and ancestors know peace," before going along the beach.

Tei takes he chip and whips out her PDA before making one of her own, "Um here," she says handing her own chip to him, "I uh, got one not long after I arrived and played with it a bit. Nice to meet you." she finishes quietly

Aukido smiles softly, "And you as well," he says, tucking it into his labcoat before moving along again.